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07-27-07, 01:00 AM
The Cartographers
A House of Sora Production

[Dramatis personae]
Aiden (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=69393&postcount=1)
Alaina (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=71276&postcount=1)
Kara (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6181)
Sun Zu Shang (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=69977&postcount=1)

"I can see what you see not.
Vision milky, then eyes rot.
When you turn they will be gone,
Whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be,
Shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind,
Cast down into the Halls of the Blind."
-Diablo I

Autumn, 2001 DW
Donnalaich, Dheathain[hr]

Aiden stood at the window, gazing silently down at the street below. The hustle and bustle of the Crystal Square did little to hold his attention as he leaned absently against the wall and watched through the streaked glass. After the last few weeks, he couldn't really blame himself for his lack of focus. He watched, only vaguely interested, as a horse and carriage made its way down the road, the crowd parting only reluctantly before it, and swallowing its path as it moved away. It all seemed so completely pointless.

Sighing, Aiden turned from the window and walked a few steps, before turning and walking back. It was all he could do to keep from putting his first through the glass window, or the wooden wall. It wasn't that he was angry, or even upset. He just simply couldn't hold still. He wanted to do something. He needed to do something, anything! He felt himself involuntarily slipping away into an insanity induced by his own ignoble inaction.

He burned to start his work, to do Irdaet's will. At the thought, Aiden's mind turned back, once more recycling the last weeks. He had gone over them in his own mind more times than he could now count, trying to make sense of them. His wife Alaina, and daughter Fate had been captured by his age old nemesis Ishadin. In an attempt to save them Aiden had led his son Chance and his friend Lillian after them. When the final, imminent showdown had occurred, Aiden himself had been slain, and his son captured. Though his destiny had been deterred by Irdaet, an Immortal and firstborn of the Fell, Aiden's son was still missing.

"Why are we still here? What is it he told me to wait for?" Aiden growled to himself, referring to Irdaet. The last thing the Immortal had told him, before sending him back to the world of life, was to wait in Donnalaich. He had been in the Fae Capitol for days now, and nothing had changed. Nothing had happened. Impatience and fear for his son was clawing inside the man. He could think of nothing else. When he closed his eyes, he could hear the young boy screaming somewhere, screaming in the dark.

Turning, Aiden's fist smashed against the wall with as much force as he could bring to bear. Instantly, his knuckles were shredded, skin ripping open against the grainy surface, blood spilling out in a scarlet splash to cover the wall. When he pulled back to swing again, he found his arm held fast. Turning rapidly, he found himself face to face with Sun. The woman's rich bistre eyes were filled with concern, and her chestnut hair hung over one eye. Her jade armor glinted dully in the Autumn light spilling through the window. Beside her, Alaina watched him as well. They both held his arm, Alaina held on to his elbow with both her hands, and Sun's iron grip, forged by long use of the bow, held his wrist with all the strength of a sprung bear trap.

"Stop it Aiden!" Sun hissed. "Breaking every bone in your hand will not find you your son!"

Opening his mouth to shout something scathing in his anger, Aiden was cut short by a loud rapping on the door. Moving with a fluid grace that hadn't been possible before his rebirth into a full-blooded Fell body, Aiden snatched up his Damascus Torch Spear and hefted it straight at the door. Nodding to Alaina, he watched her position herself behind the door and pull it open. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sun's bow strung, an arrow knocked and ready to fly. But when the door had fully opened, Aiden sighed and lowered the spear.

"Caleb! What did you find out?" Aiden asked eagerly.

Caleb shook his hairless, tattooed head. "Nothing at all. The only people that knew who I spoke of refused to talk to me. This Ishadin of yours is long gone from here."

Aiden turned back to the window, and watched as a random Draconian made his way into one of the many Crystal Shops. The waterfall of the Cearnaigh Criostal raged, kicking up mist and reflecting the light of the dying Autumn sun. The sight brought back memories of the trek Aiden, Lillian, and Chance had made just weeks prior. The Fell ground his teeth quietly. Behind him, Caleb shifted uneasily, fingering the twin pistols on his hips. Looking back, Aiden realized why the man was nervous. Sun still pointed her bow at him, a Shatterhead arrow ready to fly.

"Why so jumpy, guys?" Caleb asked, his eyebrow lifted.

"I have died once this month, no need to repeat the experience." Turning to the window once more Aiden added under his breath, "No telling if Irdaet would give me a third chance." Aiden motioned to Sun however, and the bow lowered in response.

They had recruited Caleb FreeBorn's help as soon as they had arrived in Donnalaich. The word that traveled from Human lips to Human ears said that if information needed to be bought or sold, Caleb was the one to take your requests to. It had proven true. Already, Caleb had refined their search, and exposed not one, but two of Ishadin's additional hiding places, though both proved to be woefully abandoned.

"We can still follow the Fallien lead." Caleb suggested. Opening his mouth to continue, he fell silent as another knock sounded on the door. This time, a spear, a bow, two guns, and a throwing knife were leveled at the door. They hadn't been expecting anyone else. Looking down to make sure the door was unlocked, Caleb stepped back toward Aiden so that everyone would have a clear line of fire. In a falsely cheerful voice he shouted, "Come in!"

The door inched open.

07-27-07, 02:18 AM
Kara swore violently under her breath. Messenger duty. Her first assignment had been messenger duty. After being accepted into the House of Sora, she had been given a silver pendant, the chain was about 25 long, too long for her, the pendant had been engraved with a solar eclipse, the insignia of the House. She had then been given an urgent assignment.

She had joined the House of Sora, in the hope that she could do some good in the world. A small part of her also hoped that she would find clues to her mysterious past, and the reason she had lost her memory, during her adventures.

She was to deliver a letter to a man, one Aiden DarkStorm, who she had been told she would find in Donnalaich. She had traveled many miles, through sun and rain and now she was finally here. Now all she had to do was find him.

Her silver pendant was banging against her breasts, so she tucked it between them out of sight. She checked that the letter was still tucked into her skirt, to make sure the seal wasn't broken. She sighed as she looked at the wax seal which still bore the solar eclipse. She had hoped in vain that she would be given a more important job, like killing someone, or protecting someone who would be under constant threat of attack, but no, she was a messenger.

Kara eventually reached the Crystal Square, thoroughly soaked due to a freak shower that had happened moments before, and glad that she had tucked the letter into her skirt instead of back into her now drenched cloak. She spotted an Inn across the Square. She hoped that this Aiden guy was there, she had no patience for looking around the whole city for him. She pushed her dark red hair out of her eyes and headed for the Inn.

As she entered she looked around at the scene in the bar, people huddled in groups. How was she meant to know who this Aiden was? Ask everyone in the place until she met the right guy? Impatience niggled at her as she looked in vain, until she decided to throw caution to the wind. She walked up to the bar and got the attention of the barman.

"What can I do for ya, lassie." The barman asked.

"I'm looking for a guy-," Kara started to say.

"Most lasses ya'r age are. As ya can see, plenty of guys 'ere."

She smiled curtly, but with no warmth. "His name is Aiden, Aiden DarkStorm. I was hoping he might be here."

The barman pointed to a set of stairs. "Fourth floor, da door at da end of da hall. Ya'r the second ta ask tha' today."

Kara nodded her thanks and headed towards the stairs. As she headed up she pulled out the letter and held it in her hand, as she reached the fourth floor she made sure she was presentable, and really wished her hair wasn't dripping water onto the floor. She sighed and headed for the last door, she heard voices on the other side and paused to compose herself. She then raised her hand and knocked.

Everything went deathly silent on the other side of the door, and a cheerful voice shouted: "Come in!"

Kara slowly inched the door open and stepped inside to find herself face to face with a spear, a bow, two guns and a throwing knife all aimed at her. Her first thought was that she had been set up and a flicker of red danced across her green eyes. They all seemed to be waiting for something, so she took a chance on not grabbing her sword. "I have a message for Aiden DarkStorm from Seti "Astrophel" Dylan of The House of Sora," she said and held up the letter while holding her breath.

07-27-07, 03:30 AM
Alaina stared intently at the newcomer, with not even the tiniest mote of warmth or trusting in her icy blue eyes. She'd been through too much recently to be very welcoming. So instead, she stood rigid in front of the door, one of her six knives held in her right hand, raised and ready to fly into this woman's chest if she made the wrong move. The only move she did make, luckily, was to produce a letter apparently addressed to Aiden. Alaina twitched slightly, eyes darting to the thin envelope.

As she was the closest to the woman, Alaina reached out with her free hand, snatching the parcel from her. The creak of a bowstring being tightened behind her gave her reassurance that she was okay to inspect the envelope. Flipping it over, she saw an eclipse embedded into blue wax, suggesting that the woman was being truthful. “But,” Alaina thought to herself. “How easy would it be to duplicate such a simple seal?” Alaina held the letter behind her back, and with one heavy boot creaking the wooden floor, Aiden stepped forward and retrieved it. Paper ripped, crumpled and rustled behind her as he opened the envelope. Alaina once again fixed her cold gaze upon the female. Her mind told her that their guest didn't look threatening, but her paranoia had increased ten fold due to recent events. She wouldn't take chances.

“Looks real enough,” came the deep drawl of her husband behind her. Alaina couldn't help notice, however, that no weapon lowered. She glanced backwards, before backing up to stand beside her husband, knife still raised. Aiden lowered the letter to match her gaze, and held out the other hand to show her the sparkling silver pendant it held. Alaina's eyes skimmed the paper quickly, not taking in the details, but capturing the whole.

“Escorting?” she asked. “Like we don't have other things to worry about right now?” Alaina's eyes drifted up to her husband's face. He gave her an apologetic look and shrugged his shoulders.

“It's for the house,” he said simply. Noting from his wife's raised eyebrows that the explanation wasn't thorough enough, he continued. “I was told to stay here. I'm guessing this is what I was supposed to do. Irdaet wouldn't make me wait around if Chance was in immediate danger,” he said. Letting the arm holding the letter fall to his side, Aiden stared into the other hand, at the pendant. “I hope,” he added quietly. Alaina sighed heavily. Though every particle in her body wanted to run around looking for her boy, she'd trust her husband to the end of his days. Again.

Alaina lowered her knife, finally, sliding it back into place on her thigh. Crossing her arms beneath her chest, she looked up at her husband. “So what do we do?” she asked.

07-27-07, 04:05 AM
Still holding both the letter and the pendant, Aiden waved dismissively at his companions. The bow lowered, as did the barrels of Caleb's guns. The Fell couldn't help but notice, however, that the room was filled with a tension thick enough to be cut with a spoon. He sighed. What has Ishadin made of us, that we hold guns to strangers, and threaten those we do not know? Trying to ignore his foreboding, Aiden walked to his bed and sat down on the edge. Dropping the pendant into the pocket of his yellow trenchcoat, he opened the letter and read it more fully.

Aiden "Antares" DarkStorm,

The House of Sora has recently been contacted by an Elven cartographer named Arrinith Atlastorm and her team of explorers. Arrinith wishes to explore a newly found Ancient ruin in Fiorair, but thanks to the war with Alerar, the High Bard Council has no military force to spare for such a pursuit. Arrinith wishes the House of Sora to provide an escort. She will be waiting at the Smoked Glass Inn, near the Cearnaigh Criostal in Donnalaich. Find her, and obtain any further details you require.
atriarch of the House of Sora
Seti “Astrophel” Dylan[hr]Aiden sighed and looked up at Alaina. He could see the same thoughts that plagued his mind mirrored in her beautiful icy blues. My son is missing, and possibly being tortured or murdered, and they want me to babysit a bunch of map-drawing explorer-wannabes who don't even know how to use a sword?

Resisting the urge to crumple the letter, Aiden rose smoothly to his feet and walked back to the window. Outside, the sun was still in the long process of setting. Shadows stretched across the Crystal Square, falling over and through brilliantly crafted crystal sculptures. His eyes fell across a familiar statue. It was a woman, with her chest puffed out, her hands fisted at her sides, and her head tossed back in defiance. Chance had once called that very work of art 'pretty.' Turning away from the sight before it could bring to life any more memories, Aiden looked at the woman who still stood partially in the door way, and waved her into the room. Pointing at his companions one by one, he introduced them in a gruff, unconcerned voice.

"Caleb FreeBorn. Sun Zu Shang. My wife Alaina Varia." Aiden swept a random dreadlock out of his eyes. "And I am Aiden DarkStorm, as you now know. Come in. Make yourself comfortable. It's too late to set out tonight- we'll go in the morning."

07-28-07, 02:12 PM
Kara looked into the hall behind her, but didn't spot anything, so she went inside and closed the door. She then pushed past Aiden, opened the window and spotted what she was looking for. She the whistled softly and moments later a small creature flew through the window and landed on her shoulder.

She closed the window, moved away from Aiden and sat in a comfy chair. "My name is Kara, this is Alex. He gets a little scared when I'm outnumbered four to one," she said stroking the tiny dragon on her shoulder.

Alex stopped shuddering and looked at the others. He looked them over individually and looked at Aiden last. After looking at him for a moment, Alex became very still and didn't look away, he then spoke in the language that only she seemed to be able to understand.

"I'm worried about that one. He has been past the Gates of No-Return, yet he still lives," said Alex, not removing his eyes from Aiden.

"It is not our business, Alex. Now stop staring, it's rude." Kara replied in the same language. She was still a little angy and her eyes, instead of being their normal green, had a slight red hue around the edge.

08-01-07, 10:39 AM
Alaina rubbed the spot between her eyebrows gently. She could feel a headache coming on, and she thought this woman would be the source. Alaina wasn't even quite convinced they could trust her, and she'd welcomed herself to their room rather quickly. Brushing her hair back from her face, Alaina tried not to stare at the tiny dragon sitting on Kara's shoulder. When it had first flown in, she'd had a strong urge to accidentally throw a knife through it. Why would you bring such a creature into a place already filled with people suspicious of you? The thing could be considered a weapon for all Alaina was concerned. They didn't have time for these games. They had more important things to do than deal with rude people and initiation missions. Her son was missing and here she was dealing with all this. Alaina sighed, and looked at the girl. The dragon kept staring at her husband, and it was making her uncomfortable.

“I'm sorry, but can we help you? Hasn't your job been fulfilled?” Alaina couldn't help but think that this Kara was overstaying her welcome.

08-06-07, 08:21 PM
Kara's eyes flashed an intense red, why was it that lately women were sparking an intense anger in her? First that Lillian girl in the Citadel and now this Varia woman. She had never met either of them before, yet with a simple question or phrase, she was ready to hit out. It was a side of her that she didn't like, didn't understand and didn't know why it was there yet is was a side that she couldn't control.

Kara laughed. "Your husband asks me in, and then you ask me what I'm still doing here? I wish you people would make up your minds if you want me to stay and possibly help you on your little mission so that it's done quicker and you can get back to whatever the hell has got all of you so wired. Or I could go. I never wanted to be a messenger, I wanted to be doing some fighting. It's what I do best."

She stood up, Alex flew from her shoulder and hovered around, all the time keeping his eyes on Aiden. Kara looked at Varia with an icy stare that showed the red hues in her eyes and then headed for the door. "Once you've made up your mind if you need my help, I'll be in the bar."

08-27-07, 02:07 PM
Alaina squinted her eyes shut, wishing she could ignore the world. How long had her husband been back? A week? That was hardly time to readjust, and now she had to deal with all these new people. Sun made her particularly uncomfortable. The woman stood by Aiden's side like she was his closest confidant, and it made Alaina nervous. She had no idea what he'd been up to since he'd been gone. They hadn't even had time to properly discuss it. He just showed up once more with this woman following him like a shadow, and now there was another woman in the room making her feel antsy. Opening her eyes again, she attempted to hide the scowl that was swimming beneath the surface of her features. Her blue eyes seemed to darken and grow watery. Alaina had never felt so rude.

"I apologize for my rudeness, but one minute you're simply a messenger, and the next you're in our confidence? Forgive me if I'm a little put off by the situation." Alaina sighed, trying in vain to rid herself of the tension that gripped her insides. She brushed delicate fingers over her face to hide the tear that had fallen, then went to sit on the chair that was in the far corner of the room. She felt wondrously like the outsider here. She was the misfit. She was the poor fighter, the clumsy one. Alaina could see the respect her husband held for Sun's abilities, and every time he grinned at the woman she felt her stomach turn over.

Alaina thought back to the night Aiden had died. Yes, he had died. She and Lillian had buried him. She remembered crying as her daughter had placed flowers on his grave. She'd been captured by a long-standing enemy of Aiden's, and just when he'd come to save one half of their family, the other half was taken away. A great haze floated over Alaina's mood as she thought of her kidnapped son. She had accidentally traded her and her daughter's freedom, only to give up her husband and son. One was now back, the other was still gone. She thought Aiden might blame her for Chance's trail growing so cold. If he ever said it out loud, she thought she might die hearing it.