View Full Version : Middle Forest (Location B)

Max Dirks
07-29-07, 09:54 PM
All safe paths on the map intersect at this point. There is a river inside the forest, and a single bridge across.

The tournament will begin when 6 threads have been posted in this subforum. Good Luck!

08-04-07, 05:56 AM
Renjiro’s mood began to improve as the Mystic Faction’s march into the forest continued. His sickness had begun to fade the moment they had gotten out of the sun and into the shade offered by the forest. He had been feeling uneasy about being entrusted with such a task when he had first arrived in the valley. He was beginning to feel a great surge of excitement and pride at the opportunity to lead this army of his brethren into battle. He began to forget that his people were wiped out entirely and that these men and women were created from his own mind.

“Sirs,” a soldier with a spear in hand and shield in the other came running from the front of the march calling out to Jiro and the generals. He was garbed in chain mail that danced around madly as he ran. A helm bounced around on his head seemingly coming closer to popping off with every stride that the man took. A black cloak flapped around wildly behind him with a blue symbol rippling across its center. “Sirs!”

“Easy, soldier,” Hikaru called out to his troop, “Catch your breath tell us what this fuss is about.” Hikaru seemed calm in the situation. He could already predict what the man had to say, but years of fighting had eased his nerves. He no longer panicked every time the lookouts reported movement. He no longer jumped at every sound. He had prepared his mind for death many times before. After years of anticipating it, he had lost his fear of it. Old warriors like him thought of death as some long lost friend.

“Yes, sir,” coughed as he came to a halt in front of his general. His helmet had come to a lopsided stop on his head. He bent over and he gasped for air. He breathed heavily for a few seconds then stood up prepared to deliver the important message that had been entrusted to him, “We have just passed the crossroads, sir, and we have detected enemy movement coming toward us from straight ahead.”

Hikaru was the only one who did not change. Uneasiness spread across Jiro’s face as his fists clenched together tightly at his side. Mitsuho’s happy face became stern. Hoshimi stood up a little straighter trying to appear more in control of the situation. “Alright,” Hikaru said calmly, “tell the infantry to spread out and take cover. I will be up the shortly to take control.”

“Sir!” the soldier said smacking his helm down as he turned and took off again.

“Well, sir Jiro, what are your orders then?” Hikaru asked his leader already knowing what he would say. There was only one option to take. The sooner it was said the better.

“We make a stand. We are Hyra elves. Even if we could retreat the way we came we could not,” Jiro’s voice shook as he spoke, “maybe the other army won’t attack us when they see us. Maybe we can be at peace together, but if not, we will not bow to them. We must drive them back.

“Hikaru’s infantry will take the lead. Hikaru, I am sure you know what to do. Let your medical corps position themselves right behind the infantry. Make sure their guard stays close. Keep your archers a few yards behind to cover your men. Send your cavalry to cover our right flank.

“Hoshimi, I hate to split up your forces, but it is necessary. Send your militia with Hikaru’s cavalry to protect our right flank. Send your more experienced warriors to cover the left flank. Split up your magicians. Send one to each of the flanks. Send your medics to the right flank with their guard.Tell your archers to merge with Hikaru’s. And last, take two of your bird companies to communicate with our two flanks and send the other one with me.

“Mitsuho, I want your main force to stay with the archers and await my orders. Send your medics to our left flank.

“Let get it done. Move out!” None of the generals questioned Jiro’s authority. They each left him without a word to go and see to their troops. Jiro paced back and forth pondering the oncoming army. What would he do if they decided to fight? Would he lead his army to their deaths or lead them to a glorious victory?

((OOC: Entire army enters Middle Forest - Location B - except Tabit Squadron.))

08-05-07, 11:06 PM
Su'acotangi, Falannkku 19, 1803 CP
12 Days Ago.

William was still shaky on his feet as the two burly guards "helped" him into the Herzog's office, a pair of stern hands holding firly under each armpit. His rear hooves dangled, trying desperately to get under him, but he was still too weak to walk and consequently found himself dragged over the rich, wine-red rug with gold embroidery that spanned the bulk of the drow's inner sanctum. Herzog Kresk himself was seated behind his expansive desk, his hands folded in front of him like a businessman in the final legs of closing a deal.

"Very good, just sit him up in that chair." the dark elf ordered, and the Aleraran-garbed guards dropped the engineer like a sack of potatoes in a mohagony chair with a plush velvet seat. In better days, William would have lavished in sitting on such fine furishings; as it was he was just happy he wasn't kneeling on a stone floor. White eyes peeked out from behind spiderweb silk strands of hair with a gaze that pierced right to William's gut.

"Well, the last time I brought you here after questioning, I entertained you with some of my drink and some anecdotal stories... but I think under the circumstances that we can skip all of that and get down to business."

Though the torment of Lashgiver's torture had long since abated, William still felt his breath heavy, like his upper torso was crushing down on his diaphragm. With a weary and labored voice, he spoke, a twinge of fight still in his tone.

"So what kind of false hope are you going to offer me before you send me to the gallows?"

The drow chuckled under his breath, pausing with a bemused look on his face. Leaning forward in his chair, he began running his fingers like spider's legs over the desktop and the document papers that lined it.

"Don't be such a pessimist, William. As I said, it's far too risky to execute you- thought the thought had crossed our mind. No, I'm going to offer you what is a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A chance to save yourself and benefit the glory of Alerar."

Glory? Hmph. I've known nothing but bullying and savagery from this lot, and I don't expect any malarky this chap tries to pass off will make me think any different.

The drow official found his hands run across a piece of parchment that seemed to interest him, and he drew it up between his hands with a tight grip.

"I have in my hands a royal edict from the glorious King of Alerar himself. This agreement equates to a full pardon for the crimes you would be faced against: interfering with Aleraran government business, failure to disclose truth of origin, decieving an Aleraran official... and certainly not least, espionage in a time of war. You would be absolved of all wrongdoings under this agreement, and be allowed life as a free being."

William's muzzle downturned in what can most humanly be equated with a scowl of disbelief.

"What's the full agreement, then? I know the old punter isn't going to just let me off without a hitch."

"As per this agreement, you will disavow all ties to Raiaera, and will pledge devotion and allegiance to the nation of Alerar, for which you will recieve citizenship. In addition, you will carry out a specific charge for the benefit of the nation, at which point you will be pardoned of your crimes and rewarded accordingly."

Pushing past the jargon, William felt a sickness rise in his stomach.

These batty chavs want me to defect...

Realizing the first part of what was asked of him, his curiousity arose at the second.

"And just what the bugger is this charge I would be carrying out for the king and Alerar?"

The same devil-smile from before found its way uncoiling across the dark elf's lips, his cheeks stretching back to his pointed ears.


William tilted his head with confusion, his eyes locked on the sinister grin on the Herzog's face.

"And what is Gisela, exactly?"

"Well, that's the thing, we don't know exactly." The drow said, rising from his seat and beginning to pace, the devilish grin fading as a look of concern and perplexion began to swell. "There had been rumors circulating among the darker portions of society, rumors of a great battle being planned out by the Ai’Brone monks. Under hushed breaths, reports came in that they were eliciting the work of mercenary groups and outsider forces to prepare for a large scale skirmish. Now, this in and of itself was interesting to us: afterall, with the war approaching in force, we could have used such an opportunity to show the world- and in particular, your home nation- the true might of the Aleraran military."

"But...?" the goat butted in, growing increasingly brazen and apathetic at this point. He already expected this was just a final ruse before his ultimate fate, and his patience with rhetoric was waning.

"But, we found out that this is not the case. See, the Gisela is not just a skirmish, a chance to stage full-scale fighting. No, Gisela itself is an actual tangible thing. And that's why I say we don't know what it is."

The drow paused by his liquor cabinet, beginning to prepare a drink for himself, pouring amber liquor from an exquisite crystal container. Though his side was to William, the capran stared at him with a look of confusion.

"I don't follow you."

"I suspected you wouldn't." The drow said with a cocky tone, returning the crystal container to the cabinet and pausing to take a sip of the drink. "Ahh. The Gisela is something. It could be a fief of land, it could be an outpost or structure of some sort, it could be a magical artifact or a valuable material. The fact is, we don't know what it is. But we do know its name... and we know that the Ai’Brone want it badly. This isn't just a battle, this is an effort by the monks to use these armies to help them find the Gisela, whatever it may be. That is why so many mercenary groups have taken up this invitation from the monks: they are offering very steep rewards for the person who eventually leads them to the Gisela."

William tries to nod with understanding, but in his fatugue, his head drops and he unsuccessfully struggles to raise it. Looking down at the golden embroidered thread, he speaks up anyway.

"And you want a foothold on it."

The Herzog stopped, tipping back the glass and letting a large gulp of the liquor slide down his throat warmly. Pulling the drink from his lips, his grin returned.

"You do catch on quickly. Yes, those above me have decided that if a force of the Aleraran military can secure the Gisela, then we can use it as a bargaining chip with the Ai’Brone. Or... take it for ourselves."

Egotistical bastards.

William had heard this same power-hungry story written a hundred different ways by a hundred different fools who had chased power and failed. With a chortle, he finally drew up enough strength to raise his head.

"You still haven't told me what this has to do with me..."

And the devil went back agross the Herzog's face again.

"I'm soooooooo glad you asked..."

Droitangi, Falannkku 31, 1803 CP
Present Day - 11:53am

The Wall Company stand patiently at the southern lip of the bridge, severak men at the front fidgetting restlessly. Behind them, wave after wave of stone and clay and steel "golems" form a path-blocking sea of moving rubble. And behind them all, a well-dressed goat and a stern-faced drow soldier look back, watching carefully as two airships pass overhead, casting an ever-stretching shadow out from the mid-day sun.

"Good, Evanthor and the others have taken up position..." Corporal Krykbirr says to himself, pulling the reigns on his obsidian-collored horse as it turns, stomping light brush underfoot along the forest path. He rides towards the bubbling river, looking out at the genuinely unique locale.

The bridge. The river. The crossroads. On the south side of the bridge, running beneath the standing soldiers of the brigade is a path leading back to the Clearing, it connects right at the foot of the bridge where the soldiers are with the road to the mountain top. Roughly thirty yards across the bridge rests the north bank, where a substantially wide road branches off in three directions: one running steeply northeast to the Forgotten Valley, another coils north between jagged trees towards the Badlands, and finally a wide swath is cut between the trees to form the path off towards the High Hills. The corporal surveys the location carefully, but with a firm look of approval. Though it has the most points of entry, it is a sound tactical location. Guiding his stallion towards the front, one of the Wall Company's soldiers can no longer contain himself, and breaks silence.

"Corporal Krykbirr, sir!"

The elf whips his head around, guiding his horse like an extension of himself, the two moving fluidly and regally towards the grunt.

"Yes, ensign? You have something you feel you need to share?"

"Sir, a few minutes ago, when we first arrived, I saw some men up ahead, sir."

The corporal looks north across the bridge, but sees nothing but the three paths and the trees.

"Did you, ensign?"

"Sir, yes sir. Just a few men, dressed in peculiar garb."

Another nearby soldier, still in formation and facing forward, speaks blindly towards the officer.

"Sir, I saw it too, sir. Whoever they are fled as soon as we approached."

William has arrived and is listening as well, and he looks up to Shalacius Krykbirr, who has a thoughtfull look etched across his face.

"Hmmm... perhaps an advance party, or scouting deployment? But that's nearly impossible... we approached this locale by the quickest route. How could one of the mercenary groups have gotten here before us..." he trails off, looking deeply concerned.


Overhead, the dwarven captain is in an uproar. Looking to the port side of the airship he's on, Evanthor is beside himself as he stares at the mass of elves ahead on the northeast path. From the higher vantage, he can see them, and his eyes trace the road warily south to their own men below. With anxiety in his voice, he stomps across the airship deck, looking about wildly.

"We must join the rest of our men..." looking along the river, a frantic hand shoots out to the right. "Prepare to take this airship down. The river bank has cleared trees enough that we should be able to set down there, about two-hundred yards downstream. Phalanx Division, Swarm Company... ready yourselves to disembark as soon as we land!"

Marching across the deck, he waves his hands high, signalling to the other airship. Through squinted eyes, he sees one of their crewmen nod in acknowledgement as his own ship begins to steer away. One of the Shock Trooper soldiers looks at the captain curiously.

"Sir, the other airship isn't moving?"

"No, lad, they aren't. First Striker Division's airship is going to hold where they're at while we rejoin the others... and let them know what's just ahead of them."

Below them, curious faces look up with caution at the airship suddenly changing course...

All forces have arrived from The Clearing (Location E). The ground troops and the airship with First Striker Division are holding position. The second airship with the remaining troops is landing (as per the narrative) and will not be on the ground and deployed until my next post.

08-08-07, 01:15 PM
Jiro paced back and forth along the path watching his generals direct the troops into their positions as they continued filing in from the rear of the line. Each of the generals hid their emotions well. If any of them felt unsettled about the imminent battle they did not let their troops know it. The troop’s spirits were lifted by their leaders’ calm states. Even the younger troops seemed to lighten up as they looked up at the generals. Hope seemed to radiate throughout the army as the general calmed their nerves.

All of this seemed to ease Jiro’s own mind. He did not know what was up ahead waiting for them. He did not know if they were out numbered or outclassed, but it didn’t seem to matter. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen and pondering the outcome was not going to help anyone. It was better to distance oneself from ideas of death, pain, and torture. It could only lead to hesitation and careless mistakes on the battlefield.

Jiro stopped pacing and took a few deep breaths as he watched over his followers. He had a good army. They would serve him well in combat. He looked to the heavens which his people worshiped hoping to find peace among the scattered clouds and bright sun lighting the world for them to see, but it was then that he saw it, a large ship flying in the air. It was just visible through the gap in the trees that the road created.

“Get off the road!” Jiro began to yell, “Get off the beaten path! Into the trees, get into the trees, you elves! Take cover, all of you! The enemy has eyes in the skies! Get into the trees! Do not let them see you!” Jiro was flailing his arms at his men as he ordered them off the road.

At first, no one seemed to understand what was happening, but slowly they all came to realize and began to dart off the road and into the woods where they could not be seen from above. The generals tried to calm the panicked troops once more, “Stay calm! Stick with your groups,” they shouted to the men, several of which had turned and fled the street in the opposite direction of the rest of their unit. The generals calmly followed the men off the road hoping that they could still sort out this madness. Jiro was the last to leave the deserted strip of dirt. He lingered for a second to make sure to make sure the entire army was in the forest then quickly hid himself as well.


“Gather round, you craven dogs!” Hikaru called to his men. He had fled to the eastern side of the road with the minority of his men. “I’ve never seen such a spineless bunch of women in my entire life. How do you expect to fight if you the enemy if you are separated from your company? You think your going to take on the entire enemy army all by yourself. You have to stick together!”

Hikaru took a few heavy breaths as he looked around at his men. Only one company of the Atrai and Errai had ended up on the eastern side with the Hikaru and his guard. They all looked ashamed and sickened with themselves. They held their heads low avoiding their general’s gaze. Hikaru watched his men’s every little movement for what seemed like an eternity to them. No one spoke; they just stood there wishing that he would turn away from them.

“You,” he shouted at a soldier who was wearing a cloak that did not match any of the men around him, “you’re on the wrong side. Get your bum back to your unit! All of you, if you’re on the wrong side of the road then MOVE! And if you see anyone over there that should be here tell them to get their carcasses over here before I come and get them!”


“Hey!” Mitsuho called across the road, “if you’re in my army, get your butts on over here.” Mitsuho was on the western side of the road with all of his men, except for a few of the greener men. Mitsuho was not angry with his men like Hikaru; instead, he was quite amused with his men and was laughing along side of some of his older men in his army.

Slowly, a few heads popped out of the trees on the other side. There were about a dozen men standing just at the tree line looking up and down the street, nervously. None of them seemed to want to make the first step.

“Hey, what’s the hold up?” Mitsuho called across teasingly, “you afraid that the ship might see you? I’m pretty sure they won’t care how ugly you are. Now, get on over here.”

The western side of the road roared with laughter as the dozen our so knights from the other side ran across the road trying to keep as low to the ground as possible. They practically dived into the trees as they reached the edge of the road. “I’ve never seen such a bunch of sissies in all my life,” chuckled as he lifted one scarred soldiers onto his.


Jiro ran through the forest looking for his generals, his soldiers starred at him with dazed looks on their faces as he ran by. He hadn’t meant to cause such a panic when he had started screaming. He just didn’t want the enemy to see what they were doing. It wasn’t like they were about to start sending down fire from skies or anything.

“Hoshimi,” he cried out as he slowed to a stop in front of her, “how are we doing?”

“Oh good, you’re here,” she replied in her wispy voice, “my troops are just as you wanted them, except my archers are on the other side of the road with my vets and the Beid. Mitsuho is up ahead. I think his whole army is on this side. Hikaru is on the other side with just a fraction of his forces. The others are with Mitsuho except for his calvary. I took the liberty of sending them to scout up ahead; I hope you don’t mind. You did tell them to accompany me on the flank, after all. They should be back soon.”

“That is fine. I’ll need one of the Merope companies now. Send them over to Hikaru and ask him to start moving his men forward but to stay in the trees. When they are finished with that message tell them to report back to me, and…” Jiro was cut off as the calvary returned. They had already dismounted and were guiding their horses through the mass of soldier that had gathered around Hoshimi and Jiro.

“Sir,” one called out speaking to Jiro instead of Hoshimi, “the enemy has stopped up ahead. The do not seem to want to cross the river. I think that they are waiting for us to cross the river. They must mean to ambush us if we try.”

“Right, well then that will make this choice really easy. Hoshimi, you take point. Your men are better at stealth. Position them at the edge of the trees near the river. If they try to cross then we will ambush them. Tell Hikaru to take your troops on the other side and do the same. Tell him to keep his men a little bit behind your men where they cannot be seen from the opposite bank. Tell Mitsuho to keep his men out of site, as well, and that he should take control of Hikaru’s men that are over here.

“You,” Jiro shifted his attention to the cavalry unit now, “will stay with me. I don’t want your horses making any noise near the front and springing our trap before it’s set. We will stay at the rear. Once the battle begins, you can ride up the road and smash through the center of their forces.”

“Sir,” everyone chanted in unison as they set out to do as they were told. It seemed as though they were at a stalemate now. Neither force could move across the river without being attack. Jiro wondered how long this would last.

((No troop movement. Everyone is staying in the Middle Forest, Location B. Sorry, it took me a while to finish it. I had some bad writers block to break.))

08-08-07, 05:09 PM
Troops in the landing airship have deployed and are rejoining the troops on the ground. The airship itself, and Evanthor Lashgiver are returning to a flying position again with the first airship.

Su'acotangi, Falannkku 19, 1803 CP
12 Days Ago.

"Secondly, " the drak elf continued after he paused to sip his drink again, "is that your unique situation means you can be made into a posterboy for the War Propaganda Department. I mean, if you fail, well then we can simply blame the entire operation on you, and you will be made an example of to show any other potential spies what fate awaits them if they try their deception against Alerar."

Always a contengency plan. William scowled as he kept the defiant look on his face and answered back with a sardonic tone.

"Right-o. And what happens to your little plan if I succeed?"

"Well, not only would we have the Gisela..." the dark elf said, leaning back in his chair with an air of confidence, "but you become the living advertisement for the benefits of enemy combatants defecting to Alerar. Not to mention, it will say even more for our military prowess if we succeed even under the direction of a civilian- an enemy no less."

In short, these blokes have everything to gain at my expense, and I have everything on the line.

William scoffed, turning his head.

"Sorry, mate. Doesn't much sound like my cup o' tea."

The dark elf looked offended and sat up in his chair, bracing the polished wood arms roughly. He took a brief moment to calm himself, before the Faustian grin of deception crossed his face again. He stood and paced around the desk, walking to the front and leaning back against the rich oak wood.

"Well, I mean, even though it's risky, we still could decide to go ahead and execute you, just take the gamble on people finding out. But I think this choice would be more agreeable for both of us."

He walked forward, pacing around William's chair, bringing a dark-skinned hand onto the goat's shoulder. Leaning low and being mindful of the horns, he brought his face near William's ear and spoke softly.

"Think about it, William. Why hold out for a home you're never going to see again? The Raiearans haven't tried to rescue you since you got here. They've abandoned you. Why do you cling to those who have ignored your existance, when you can have a real home... a real life. I good job, a stable place to live."

Right, and all I have to do is turn my back on everything or everyone I've ever cared about.

The drow continued to whisper, almost as if reading the goat's thoughts. "Don't fool yourself with idealism. If you die here, now, you aren't a martyr. You're just another body, a livestock slaughter statistic at best. Are you really so stubborn that you'll let yourself die for nothing rather than live for something?"

And though he hated to admit it, deep down William knew that the Herzog was right.

Droitangi, Falannkku 31, 1803 CP
Present Day - 12:18pm

The bulk of troops coming along the shoreline through the trees draw caution and suspicious looks from the soldiers at the bridge. The men already in place are in the process of eating rations, still standing and in formation as one of the men manning the supply wagons distributes the meals to those who haven't gotten them yet. Corporal Krykbirr rides high as he moves to the road's edge, meeting with the troops, one of the ranking soldiers in the Shock Troop Company greeting him first.

"Corporal Krykbirr." he says, saluting "Swarm Company and Phalanx Company reporting for duty, sir."

Looking past the dwarf, the mounted officer surveys the near three-hundred men making their way through the woods to join the ground forces.

"At ease, soldier." he says, the dwarf getting a more relaxed posture "Captain Lashgiver isn't with you?"

"Negative, sir. He requested we convene with your force and act under your command. He's accompanying the transport airship back into a stationary position, and plans to command the First Strike Division remotely from the skies.

The corporal nods, looking over the men.

"Very good. We're having the midday meal, troops. You'll have to take them standing and stay in formation- as we've detected enemy movement ahead and need to maintain readiness- but feel free to have the supply workers provide your men with food and water.

"Sir, yes, sir."

The dwarf nods, and the corporal steers his horse away towards the bridge, the men behind him moving into position on the main road behind the standing troops. Reaching the edge of the bridge, the drow officer looks northward to the other side, one of the men in the Wall Company speaking to him from a few feet away in between bites of his ration.

"Sir... *munch munch* we've noticed a lot of movement in the woods on the other side in the last few minutes."

"Enemy troops, eh?"

"It would appear so. But while we've seen a lot of activity, we can't actually make out the enemy or their numbers. However many are out there, they're using cover. It could be the whole deployment, it could be just a few scouts, we're not sure."

The dark elf strokes his chin and raises an eyebrow, noting a bit of rustling here or there himself.

"Looks like we'll have to make our stand. After the meal, I want Wall Company and Swarm Company to take up rank in rows on this side of the bridge, I want anyone who tries coming across to meet a wall of shields first and foremost. We're going to have to hold them as best as we can, but if their numbers overwhelm us, we need the other units in the back ready to cover a retreat to the mountains."

Maybe a dozen feet away, William stands at the river bank, his eyes gazing out as well. But his stare is affixed on the bridge itself rather than the woods on the other side.

"We can cut off their approach..." he says in a mumble, drawing the attention of the corporal.

"Mr. Steinbock, what was that?" The drow says, moving his horse towards the goat. William looks up at him, then back to the bridge.

"Well, I mean, this is a Classic Dirksonian bridge design. Very strong wood, very sturdy, but if we want, we could rig it so that the enemy can't cross."

His interest piqued, the corporal looks over at the bridge, then back to the goat.

"How do you mean?"

"Well, this type of bridge is extra sturdy for being all wood. But most of it comes from these support pylons just underneath each end..." the goat says, motioning with one hoof towards the end of the bridge. "With them intact, you could move the entire army on the bridge without worry. But without the support bars, the bridge would be supported only by the main buttress on the end. At most, it'd hold a few thousand pounds of weight."

Curious, the drow quips back. "How do you know all this?"

"I'm an engineer, it's kind of my job, mate."

Thinking carefully as he looks at the bridge, the dark elf speaks up again.

"How would that stop them?"

"Well, with the manpower we have, if they try to move small units at a time, we'd overwhelm them with numbers and hold them on the bridge. But if the supports are gone, they could get only about two... two-and-a-half dozen men on the bridge before-"

"Before the end collapses and dumps them into the river."

Looking pleasantly surprised that the elf follows him, the capran nods.

"Indeed. The river is deep and fast enough that any unit in armor would be pretty much doomed, and anyone after would be cut off from our side."

"But we'd be cut off from the north as well. What if the Gisela is in the northern regions of the map?"

The goat shrugged, moving away from the river bank.

"If it's there, they'd have already found it. But they seem to be pressing this way. So I highly doubt it. And besides, if it is we can always fall back to the mountains and take an alternate route to the northern regions. I'm just saying that for the moment, if you need an immediate solution, this could very well work."

The drow seems to be considering it, but is unsure.

"Their troop movements have picked up in the nearby woods though. If we try to rig the bridge, even if it's just scouts over there, they'd see it."

William looks stumped at this response, but surveys the men. Looking at the Stormtrooper Company, William points and almost says "a-ha!".

"Not if we're careful. Send that company down with the empty waterskins after the meal. Have them refill them at the edge of the river. It'd pose enough of a ruse that perhaps a handful could sneak under the bridge at the bank and use their hand axes to cut apart the support beams."

William seems pleased with this answer, but the Corporal is still tenative, looking at the men.

"But there's still a chance the few who sneak under the bridge would be seen."

"Then we'd have to have something a bit distracting to draw the enemy attention long enough for them to get the job done."

The two lock eyes and stare silently for a minute, each scanning the other's iris' for some sort of answert to the problem at hand. His face dropping into a displeased scowl, the drow officer whistles to the men.

"I need two men from Assault company to escort me across the bridge. You will have to leave your lances here. We're going to go greet our enemy with a forward envoy. The rest of you men, you're under Mr. Steinbock's command until I return." he says bitterly, steering his horse to the bridge as the Wall Company parts to let him through. He stops and awaits two of the mounted cavalry to leave their lances behind and join him at his side before looking back.

"You had better hope this plan works, capran..."

Corporal Shalacius Krybirr and 2 men from the Assault Company are moving across the bridge and towards the route where Renjiro's troops were last seen with the intention of acting as a diplomatic envoy. The Stormtrooper Company will be carrying out the plan as outlined in the narrative to try to surreptitiously destroy the bridge supports on the south side of the bridge. The airships are remaining in a holding pattern above the main forces.

08-11-07, 02:23 PM
The forest was still and quiet, except for a few stray bird flying around in circles. They appeared to be simple black birds, containing no extraordinary abilities, but these tricky little creatures were smarter than other birds. “Fly low. Stay close. Follow me,” one whispered back to the others, as they crossed a dusty road heading west. The birds let a few loud “caw”s fly from their beaks piercing the silence.

The flock landed on a tree branch just a few feet into the woods. They twisted their heads back and forth searching for something in the empty forest. The bird at the end of the line asked, “Where are they?”

“Keep quiet,” the bird at the opposite end hissed back, “follow me.”

The birds took off again weaving through the trees. They headed north keeping the road in their sight. After a little while they spotted what looked like a herd of four legged creatures ahead of them. They might have been deer except that they had no antlers. As they grew closer they were recognizable as horses; then their riders came into view. All of them were lying on the ground propped up against the trees. One of them stood as the birds approached.

It was Jiro who stood to great the feathered friends. “Is everything ready,” he asked. He wore a look of eagerness on his face.

The flock landed on a tree and addressed their leader. “Everyone is in position,” one of the birds said, “I fear we may have been careless when getting into position, however. Hoshimi’s army was not a stealthy as they normally are. The enemy might have seen or heard them moving.”

Jiro cursed under his breath. He had given Hoshimi the lead under the assumption that her troops would be unnoticed. Now the enemy was sure not to cross the bridge. They had to know that they would be ambushed. He wondered how Hoshimi’s troops could have allowed themselves to be noticed. “Thank you,” he replied waving his hand granting them leave.

“Sir,” the bird spoke up again before Jiro sat back down, “there is something else. One of the enemy leaders is crossing the bridge with two unarmed guards seeking your council.”

Jiro’s face lit up. He had not even thought to send an emissary to the enemy. Perhaps conflict could be averted before it began. “Alright,” he said to the lead bird, “go back. I will be there soon to great our guests. Tell the generals to be ready. This whole thing is probably just a diplomacy issue, but tell the generals to stay alert just in case the enemy tries anything under the safety of a white flag. Make sure they stay hidden.”

“Sir, I don’t believe they a carrying a white flag or any other flag for that matter.”

“No, it is just an expression. I meant to say they are seeking a peace meeting.”

“Oh, right. Well, good luck sir.” With that the birds took to the air again flying heading back to the river front.

“All right men,” Jiro said to the calvary, “I want y’all to accompany me. Saddle up and lets head out.”

It took the men a few minutes to mobilize and another few to reach the bridge where there guests awaited them. It took them a little longer since they had to stay at a walking pace so that Jiro who was on foot could keep up with the pace. “Ahoy, there,” Jiro called out in greeting.

08-13-07, 12:34 AM
Chathtangi, Falannkku 26, 1803 CP
Five Days Ago.

Willam's vision had the white-out glare that makes everything look overexposed and highly contrasted that you only get when your eyes haven't had the chance to adjust to sudden light. Stepping off the dark inside of the train, he can still smell steam in the air, and the train let out a loud hiss as all the machinery inside finally came to a stop. William squinted against the light to see the grassy field in front of him, the green carpet already yellowing; thought if it was from the summer heat killing off the grass or his own hazy vision still adjusting he couldn't say. Standing on the grass was wave after wave of drow soldiers. All of them had their feet perfectly shoulder-width apart and their hands clasped firmly behind their back. The dark grey of their uniforms nearly matched their black skin, and made them look almost like a sea of shadows. He felt nervous as hundreds of white and pale blue dots stared at him from the middle of their faces, something foreboding enough that it made him shiver slightly.

So this is what hell looks like after you sell your soul.

A hand clasped on his shoulder as the Herzog exitted the train behind him. Through the squint, William saw two figures approaching them from out of the army, and the man behind him grinned as his hand squeezed tighter on the goat's shoulder.

"Well, well... looks like you get to meet everybody..."

A tall, stately drow with a few medals on his dress coat came to a stop in front of him; beside the drow was the mischievously smiling red-bearded dwarf who made William go through hell and back less than a week before.

"I believe you're already acquainted with Captain Lashgiver..." the Herzog's voice said, with almost sadistic amusement. "and this is the other man who will command the forces with you. Corporal Shalacius Krykbirr."

The corporal's face looked like solid stone, looking disapprovingly at the capran engineer.

"This is the filthy spy you're sticking us with, Herzog?"

The drow official clicked his tongure softly with a tut-tut-tut sound.

"Now, now, Corporal. He's agreed to our terms and dissolved all his previous... misgivings."

The corporal snorts defiantly, staring down the goat.

"I stand corrected, then. this is the filthy turncoat you're sticking us with."

William looked angrily at him and the two locked eyes with gazes that would turn rocks into diamonds.

"The one and only, mate..." he says, his tongue painting sarcasm thickly on his words.

The corporal's face darkened as the blood rushed into his cheeks and made his dark skin look scorched. His nose stopped a mere inch from William's snout, looking fiercely at him.

"Let's make one thing clear. The only reason I'm not stomping you into blood paste right now is because the troops don't know the truth about you and it might hurt morale to see me waste good livestock meat in front of them. I don't like you. I don't want to command alongside you. But..." He leaned back, still looking fiercely, but standing up straight with a regal posture. "I am a disciplined man. And if those are my orders, I will see them through until the end."

My word... this chap's so uptight when he passes gas, falcons must think it's a mating call.

William's eyes drifted back and forth between the two men in front of him: two men undoubtably enemies who he was going to have to be allies with. His smarmy thoughts and stern look faded quickly in that moment and the same feeling came over him that he had felt when he had signed the Herzog's agreement.

The sickness was back.

Droitangi, Falannkku 31, 1803 CP
Present Day - 12:34pm

Three horses and their esteemed riders gently make their way down the westernmost of the three paths seperated from their troops. Even now they've lost sight of their men, and their eyes scan cautiously at the trees around them. Like rich green clouds, the leafy branches stretch overhead and even overhang the road, blocking the heat of the midday sun from them as they make the slow trek through the forest path. The air is still and calm, and though any winds would be channeled by the trees to the path, there isn't even a hint of breeze. The entire thing feels foreboding, like walking into the open mouth of a giant beast.

"I just hope we don't get ambushed out here." says one of the two escorts, leaning over with a hushed voice to the other. The drow officer in from of them speaks loudly and harshly, not even turning to look back at them.

"Private, did I ask you a question?"

The cavalryman snaps to sit up straight on his horse, his eyes locking forward.

"Sir, no sir."

"Did I tell you you could speak?"

"Sir, no sir."

"Then why are you?"

"Sir... the private was thinking out loud while keeping an eye out on his escort duty, as per orders, sir. I apologize, sir. It won't happen again."

Nodding at this answer with satisfaction, the corporal still doesn't look back.

"It will be overlooked, soldier. Now, since you decided to share your concern without being prompted, allow me to make an unprompted alleviation of your concern. We are acting on behalf of the Aleraran military. Only bandits and marauders would be foolish enough to do an unprovoked attack on our envoy; and bandits or marauders would be dispatched with extreme prejudice by our other men. Any legitimate military force would never be so brash as to risk something tantamount to committing an act of war against Aleraran troops for no reason."

Finally looking back over his shoulder, the corporal adds, "So at best case, they wouldn't touch us, and at worse, they would try and end up dead."

Corporal Krykbirr doesn't tell his men that he himself had the same concern. Leaders are meant to rally their men, not demoralize them. Still, he has grown even more wary because he- like the two cavalrymen behind him- has been watching the woods intently over the past few minutes. And the entire time, it has been as still as the breezeless air around them. What they had seen back at the bridge was a force hurredly moving into position; now they were no doubt in place, ready, and not giving any clues about themselves. Shalacius scowled at the thought.

They're organized, and disciplined. he thought, which means this isn't some ragtag group. If we have to engage them, we'll have to treat it like we would a warring nation's forces.

A cleanup operation against a bunch of brigands would be so much easier, and for this the corporal felt displeased. Worst of all, they still hadn't actually seen the troops, so they had no idea of their numbers, armaments, or exact positions. Contrast to his own troops sitting out in the broad open daylight at the bridge, the opposition has the advantage.

“Ahoy, there,” the three hear as they all draw their attention to Jiro and his cavalry approaching. They're outnumbered ten-to-one by the opposition's envoy, but Corporal Krykbirr doesn't even flinch or change expression at all. He calmly raises a hand and the three men come to a stop.

"Greetings..." the drow says, looking cautiously at the Hyra Elves. "I am Corporal Shalacius Krykbirr, 12th Brigade officer with the Aleraran army."

Now it's time for the bluff. The corporal doesn't fear conflict, but if they can find an easier way to locate the Gisela without putting his men at risk, it's worth trying.

"We have a troop deployment stationed just south of here, as your men are no doubt aware of..." he continues "...which we have brought out to conduct a supervised training exercise. However, before we could begin, the company supervising the exercises alerted us to a sizable force in this direction. So, naturally, it piques our interest and we are obligated to find out just what you and your men are doing here so close to us and what your intentions are..."

Though the two escorts are nervous, they sit firmly behind their commanding officer, looking over the cavalry unit. They don't even bring their hands an inch closer to the swords at their side; if conflict sparks out here, the three drow know that they are doomed. As he awaits a response from the opposition leader, in the back of his mind, the corporal hopes that his men back at camp were successful in their plan.

No troops movements, but the troops at camp have finished sabatoging the bridge.

08-18-07, 02:10 PM
Jiro was a little nervous about the other elf. He had not meant many other elves other than those in his own clan, so he was not sure what others were like. This elf seemed darker in nature than any elf Jiro had ever met. He had heard of dark elves known as drows, but he had never met one before. But as the elf spoke, Jiro could not help but feel that the elf was evil. Something made him feel like the elf was hiding something from him; perhaps it was his bold lie.

“…which we have brought out to conduct a supervised training exercise…” It was not even that clever of a lie. They were both here for the tournament, and to even act like he had just ended up in the tournament grounds to train his army was an insult to Jiro’s intelligence.

“Sizeable,” Jiro chuckled back with a grin, “I don’t know anything about a sizeable force. I have a few scouts deployed through out the forest but nothing ‘sizeable,’ as you put it. We’re just curios about what your army is doing here, but if y’all are here just to train, I think we have nothing to worry about. We will not bother you; you have my word.”

Jiro wondered if the elf could see through his own lie. Jiro was hoping that the elf did not know exactly how many troops were in the area. Jiro knew he had to have seen most of his men, thanks to the flying ship, when they were marching down the road, but since the other elf was in a lying mood, Jiro felt obligated to play along.

((I am sorry to get this up so late. I have been having some log in issues.))

08-18-07, 10:12 PM
Droitangi, Falannkku 31, 1803 CP
Earlier Today - 7:12am

The troops came to a stop as they entered the Clearing, finally reaching the region that was rumored to have the Gisela. The entry path had been chosen carefully to allow the quickest passage into the heart of the region; if the Aleraran force was assembling in the area, then the rogue factions would be too, and speed would be imperative. Two massive airships- void of anyone but the piloting crew- began their slow descent to touch down on the vast plains of the area. The grass was short and dying, spots of mud outnumbering patches of yellowing vegitation. The men fell into rank, all staring straight ahead at the three leaders before them. The sturdy dwarf grinned slyly as he jabbed an elbow into the ribs of the goat standing next to him.

"Maybe you should give a speech, rally the men up."

William looked at him with irritation. He was not in the mood for jokes, and still didn't care for Captain Lashgiver. Shaking his head, he just looked out over the sea of troops.

"I think I'll pass on that one."

The dark elf that sat atop a horse beside them looked down, his face unyielding.

"I think you won't. The men could use a morale boost now that we're getting into the thick of things. Saying a few words might actually warm them up to you a bit. I don't care for the idea much myself, but for the sake of their performance, it would be fore the best."

William looked up at him with a peeved look and sighed, taking in a deep breath.

Glad to see I have a choice in the matter.

Stepping forward, he pulled away from the others and came up right in front of the troops; a wave of dark grey uniforms stood no more than eight feet in front of him. He cleared his throat, further gaining their attention as he felt all eyes fall on him: not only from the troops in front of him, but from the commanders behind him. If ever there was a time he felt like he was standing in front of a firing squad, this had been it.

"Men... soldiers... Alerarans. As you look at me, you no doubt think the first thing most do when they see me. You take note of my odd appearance, and you may scoff or chuckle under your breath. And I take no concern with that reaction; I have grown quite used to it. Because I recognize that I am undoubtably... an outcast." William said and puffed his chest to feign confidence.

He took a moment to collect his own thoughts and let that sink in. He began feeling the sick feeling return, and fought it off inside.

So many enemies... but alas, I am just as much my enemy as these lads are.

He lowered his head, looking out of the tops of his eyes and pointing at the front of the troops.

"And so are you. So are all of you. See, I am not just an outcast because of my appearance. I am an outcast for the same reasons you are." He felt his throat close as he choked out the next words. "I am an Aleraran. For years, the people of our nation have been shunned by the rest of Althanas. The other elves banished you from their lands- no...-from your homes for being different. But as Alerarans, we came together, we formed our own society, our own nation. And though they treated us as unwanted children, cast aside without a thought, we thrived. Alerar has built itself up far beyond anything they have, and for that, we continue to be persecuted."

William's throat began feeling scratchy, and he coughed slightly, trying to clear it. But he knew that only half the feeling was from his talking. "Now, we have become the envy of the other nations. And still, they would deny us a place with them. They still look down on you. They still treat us all with indignity, rather than the esteem we deserve. Today, we have come here because there are other armies gathering. Armies who seek the same thing we seek. But I do not see this as a challenge. No, this is an opportunity. And this opportunity has presented itself to allow us to show just what we are capable of..."

William paced along in front of the wall of bodies in front of him as the sick feeling of self-loathing hung like a bitter flavor on the back of his tongue. It coated his throat and still did nothing for the dryness that had rose during his speech. He squinted in the morning sun to look out at the teeming masses of dark skinned faces; each looked as blank as the clay and rock faces of the automatons behind them. His lips parted and his dark tongue raked across them quickly before he continued.

"...and we will use this opportunity to the fullest. Each of you has this one singular goal to hold onto in the battlefield. And that is not some outdated ideal of courage, some facade of the necessity of victory. I say, your people, your country demands something far greater of you gents on this day. On this day, you lot will show the rest of the world the true spirit of Alerar."

He stepped forward on the front row of the men and puffed up his chest to take in a deep breath as he saw white eyes look up at him intently.

"No longer will we be seen as the discarded children of Althanas, abandoned and consigned to live in shame. We are not a rejected society, living as savages in the fringes of our society. Today, we will rise up high and show any who dare step before us.... we are mighty..."

He raised one hoof in the air like a fist and drew upward glances from the men, finally showing emotion. They eagerly hung on his words as he choked them out from amid the bitter taste and dry throat.

"...we are ALERAR. And we are claiming, the birthright that has been stolen from us by the rest of the world!"

Droitangi, Falannkku 31, 1803 CP
Present Day - 12:50pm

Corporal Krybirr listens to Jiro's words with caution, but tries not to let it show on his face. His chiseled jawline stands firmly jutting, as the response rolls onto his ears. He knows that the leader of these men is downplaying his troops; there was a much greater number than he lets on seen from the airship crew. But he takes the last of his words as sincere.

"Well, if you look to pose no threat to us, then rest assured that we will pose no threat to you. It seems both of our forces will be able to do what we came here for without needless conflict." he says, snidely turning his horse around.

The exchange is brief, but it tells him all he needs to know.

"In that case, I believe my curiousity is sated, and I bid you and your men good day." he says over his shoulder with a nod. He jerks his head, motioning for his men to follow. He had been unsure of the opposing force, but one thing stands out to him: they aren't going to attempt an ambush. If they were planning it, they'd have surely sprung it by now while him and his escorts were in the midst of their forces. With blind confidence, the horses begin slowly ambling down the path away from Jiro and his welcoming party.

Meanwhile, three horses tear through the forest like bottled lightning. Thin limbs hang low on the path from the badlands, smaller in girth than a pinky finger, whipping the riders across their faces as they race down the path. Dust kicks up behind them as the loud beating of their galloping horses provides a percussive war song that matches the racing tune of their heartbeats. Running like they were being chased by the devil, the men whip at the backs of their horses with the reigns. They ignore the limbs beating at them, and lower their heads, squinting as they rip along the road.

Ahead, the forward line at the bridge sees them, a Wall Company troop leaning back to shout to William.

"Mr. Steinbock! Aleraran scouts approach from the north!"

William's head snaps up, looking across the bridge. Deep along the darkened middle path leading to the Badlands, he sees three figures coming into sight.

It's not Shalacius and his men... they took the northwest path...

As they drew closer, his eyes grew wide with a sudden fear and panic.

No! If they go across the bridge at the same time, the weight could cause a collapse! They'll ruin it!

Pushing hard between men, he is fanning his arms like swimming, flailing through the sea of troops. IT's a struggle to get through, and it becomes even more pressing as he sees them approaching the spot where the roads meet.

"STOP!" He shouts, pushing out past the front line. The riders don't even begin to slow, being too far away to hear. Dropping to all four hooves, William sprints ahead, galloping himself over the bridge. He knows that this may give away their plan, but it is far better than their own men botching it and trapping the Corporal on the other side with the enemy. He manages to get across the bridge, getting closer... closer...closer.

He's almost upon the scouts when desperation sets in. Opening his mouth, he lets out a massive cry.


Invisible waves of magic come forth with his deafening bleat, washing over the riders. The horses stagger and barely retain their footing from suddenly being magically weighed down. Further, the loud outburst startles them, and one tries futilely to rear up. They all come to a halt not 10 feet from the bridge, the goat panting from both running and adrenaline as he looks up at the men.

"Stop! Don't go ahead yet!" he says, his voice already hoarse from the Bleat.

"But sir..." one rider says, panting himself. "We bring urgent news."

William sighs with frustration as he chokes out more words.

"Then share that news with me."

"Sir... there's an enemy force... north of us, beyond this path. They number hundred at least, maybe more. We were attacked... half the unit stayed back to cover our escape." the scout says between hurried breaths.

William's forehead bunches up as he nods, taking it in.

Great, more people to invite to the party. Corporal Krybirr had better get back here. We're going to need to hole up on the other side of the bridge for sure, now.

Nodding, William coughs a bit, then with a raspy voice speaks.

"Good work. Now, listen carefully. I want you men to go across the bridge one at a time. I don't want you to get on the bridge if another one of you is on it, understood? Go, rejoin the men on the other side." he says. Turning past him, he looks into the dark mouth of the path to the north, the way they had indicated that the hostile force was. He then crooks his head, looking northwest to the path that the 'diplolatic envoy' had gone down. The tension in his body is so tight at the moment, he can already dismiss any thoughts of his heart rate slowing any time soon.

Three units from the Eyes and Ears Company have arrived from The Badlands