View Full Version : Western Bank (Location F)

Max Dirks
07-29-07, 10:20 PM
The western bank consists of mountains to the north, and grassland to the south. In order to pass from the bridge to the swamp, or vise versa by land, one must travel through this location.

The tournament will begin when 6 threads have been posted in this subforum. Good Luck!

08-06-07, 05:02 PM
It wasn’t long before the famed skirmishers from Sulgoren’s Axe reached the northern bridge. It was a smaller then anyone could have imagined, barely wide enough to cross two abreast. The two lieutenants from Thoracis’ command unit whom accompanied the skirmishers called the unit to a stop, quickly stepping aside to converse among themselves. The others waited with practiced patience for their orders. The officers made their decision quickly, they would begin setting up their defenses on the northern side of the bridge and await further commands from Thoracis himself. It was clear they had the stronger position. The north of the bridge was connected to a larger island-like landmass whereas the southern end would funnel any advancing troops from the east before they even reached the bridge. As of yet there were no enemy troops to be seen yet everyone was sure it wouldn’t be long now. Arrows were already nocked as the skirmishers moved to positions in the wood, flanking each side of the bridge, the lieutenants removing their trumpets from their packs. In perfect conjunction they let out the notes that would inform the rest of the army that they had found their bounty.


Not far to the south the rest of Thoracis’ army quickened their pace. From the north and quickly moving south the trumpet blasts from the various command troops spread throughout the units informed them all that the skirmishers had found the bridge and that defensive positions were being taken. As far as anyone could guess they were no more then two miles from the bridge, which was just enough time to get there quickly and get into position in a nimble fashion. Immediately officers began barking out orders. Until further orders came from Thoracis’ command they would move on the bridge in their typical defensive formation. The Veterans of Khu’Fein would anchor the army at the bridge itself with the archers of Valinatal taking up position behind them. On the immediate flanks of the anchor the ice mages would split into two ritual groups and provide support as necessary. With the bridge providing such a small aperture the cavalry would be all but useless less a large enemy contingent were to actually make it across or if they were given the order to attack, so they would stay in reserve at the rear of the force.

Like clockwork the troops began maneuvering towards the bridge, supremely confident, and deservedly so, they knew they were finally taking their first steps towards victory.

All units but the cavalry are moving to the Wayward Bridge. The cavalry are staying on the western bank just before the little island like thing at the north of the bridge.

08-15-07, 12:06 PM
For a brief moment the Yarborough Cavalry heard the din of battle in the distance. Yet as soon as it came it was gone, leaving them to look questioningly at one another, unknowing of what was happening at the bridge.

Uneasy moments passed as no word came from the bridge. Colonel Glass had been called to the front, a development that many of them found odd and some even a portent of bad news. Minutes turned to hours as they waited, anxious to join the comrades at this point, yet still too disciplined to ignore their orders.

At long last Colonel Glass returned from the front. He met briefly with his officers, all of whom seemed perplexed by his news before breaking into agreeing nods and chatter.

Word spread quickly as the meeting adjourned. The battle had begun and ended after one volley, the enemy calling off their advance and doing nothing. It was surprising news, though not entirely unexpected. Surely the prowess of Thoracis' forces had overwhelmed them, even after a single volley of arrows.

Now they were to goad the cowardly forces into battle, though their plan would take time. Time was on their side though. The more time the enemy took to engage the stronger Thoracis' army would get. Had they just commenced the battle the first time the cavalry would have been waiting in reserve. Now they were riding for the bridge.

If the enemy was concerned about their chances before they'd be best served calling a full retreat now. The men from Yarlborough were ready to fight.

The cavalry are moving to the Wayward Bridge

08-18-07, 12:22 AM
5 Qaltha Servitors have entered the Western Bank from the Eastern Mountains.
1 Manuka Slaver have entered Western Bank from the Eastern Mountains.

08-18-07, 12:25 AM
Making use of my assets to keep things from dragging out.
Continued From Here (http://http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6775)

Rusted feet touched down upon the soft grainy sand, as the Manuka knocked them savagely from his appendages and moved to the cooling waters that lapped furiously upon the sandbar. Basking in the moonlight, the slaver known as Brathpidis stared longingly towards the opposite side where footprints could be barely made out stretching towards the bridge that extended to their side. The bridge. Towering black masses stood upon the predator’s side, their curious structure not akin to mountains or any rocks the insect knew of. Roaring fires with dots clearly indicating people sat beside roaring fires under the protection of the moving mountains, their intentions almost puzzling.

As the Qaltha began to move towards their master obediently they felt a sudden flux of rage within it’s thoughts, almost blinding them from the conscious world. The quickly accounted bloodlust was erected with little reason, and as the servitors began to recover from the psionic headache, there was a startling crash as the slaver skittered at lightning speed towards the camp, its intentions creeping into Vyek’s mind as he struggled to tune out his master’s whipped up frenzy.



Vyek covered his bulbous eyes as the slaver tore into the sand and took off, its intentions dawning on him. Turning to his comrades, the Qaltha looked at them with a twinge of fear as they knew the insect could spell their doom when it made its presence known. Turning on a copper, the servitor glowered,” We cannot let him get to that camp, it could be the death of us all if they find us!”, he spat.

The rationale of the leader slowly creeped upon the cringing spies, their fears and emotions beginning to clutter up their telepathic network. It was simple to put together really, and it didn’t take a whole lot of imagination to combine the riddle of a creature drunken with hunger encountering a band of armed humans. It wasn’t the slaver’s death the Qaltha were worried about, and even if it were in any other case they’d let the creature get poked full of holes from the human’s thunder-sticks, but it was expressly clear by the Hive-Queen that if even one Manuka fell, the entire caste of Qaltha brought to the Gisela were to be culled for their recklessness.

Quiet, QUIET!, Vyek roared within his mind, the psychic static coming to a grinding halt. Staring back towards the sandbar to the bridge where very few stood suspiciously on the opposite side of the moving vehicles. Pulling at his jaws in thought, the creature felt a sudden dread well-up in his mind as a realization came upon one of his comrades like lightning.

“ No! I will not bring the wrath of the Manuka upon our kind with such an act,” one cried as it discarded the thought instantly.

Gazing about his fellow slaves, Vyek shook his head,” No, my friends. We cannot let the slaver reach the camp, but we cannot protect him either... We must..,” the slave felt himself trail off as he heard someone’s thoughts echo within his own mind.

We have to kill him.

Steadily as they felt their fate sealed because of the hunger of another, the Qaltha, having forgotten their objective had taken up a much greater cause. Blending sharply with their environment, the insect slaves didn’t bear to look at each other as they scurried towards the foreboding bridge where the lives of many hung delicately in the balance.

5 Qaltha Servitors moving to the Wayward Bridge.
1 Manuka Slaver moving to the Wayward Bridge.