View Full Version : Central Jungle (Location E)

Max Dirks
07-29-07, 10:49 PM
This large jungle region is by far the largest on the map. The jungle is thickest to the northern parts of the map and thins out considerably to the south. This region is sure to be a vital key to victory as it borders on four other regions of the map.

The tournament will begin when 6 threads have been posted in this subforum. Good Luck!

Amaril Torrun
08-03-07, 10:01 PM
((50 rogues and 50 archers come to the jungle, area E, coming from area A))

Now matter how hard Byron tried, he simply could not travel trough the jungle as quietly as his rogue partner, Aram. Twigs burst under his feet and bushes rustled against his legs, arms and torso. He had spent the first thirty minutes of wandering aimlessly through the tropical forest complaining about the numerous nicks and scratches that continued to number undoubtedly into the hundreds by the time Aram told him to shut up. Two hours after first entering the jungle, they had yet to decide on a place to prepare and stand watch at.

Byron burst forth even more worthless complaining. “Why didn’t they give us some more detailed instructions? ‘Go to the jungle and keep a watch out for other armies.’ What do they expect us to do, wander around until the fight is over? No one else is gonna want control over this place.”

“We’re getting a cut from the winnings once this thing is over. That’s why we’re here, and that’s why we aren’t gonna go back and complain about the lack of instructions. Look at it this way, we could either explore or relax, and we would still be doing our jobs. Why don’t we just sit over by that little pool of water over there,” Aram pointed to a small body of water not too far away, “and wait until we get some news. There are ninety-eight other people out here, so we’re bound to have someone meet up with us eventually.”

“Yeah, and get us in trouble for sitting around,” mumbled Byron, but he looked at the refreshing spring greedily. “Alright, why the hell not? We can just jump up and act like we’re doing something if anyone else comes through here anyways.”

The two lazy men were hardly within reach of pool before a form erupted from it, showering them with warm water. Byron screamed as the ambusher charged forward, clamped its powerful jaws around one of the archer’s legs, and quickly started to drag him back to the water. Aram, still stunned by the sudden attack, only caught the final glimpse of an alligator dragging his companion underwater to drown him. He hesitated to act, even as Byron grabbed a root to stay above the surface for an extra second, trying to suck in the final gasps of air. Soon, the water was still, only a few ripples bubbling from where the man’s head had just been.

“God damnit!” Aram gripped his dagger, knowing that it would be useless against such a tough hide. For sheer determination to not wander the jungle alone, he dove in after Byron. The sight was terrifying. The archer’s body was now halfway in the creature’s mouth, but it was obvious that it was waiting for the prey to die from drowning. The unlucky victim was making the whole process move a lot quicker by trashing, pounding on impenetrable jaws, and seemingly screaming at the rogue to help.

Aram fought back the knot in his chest that told him he was too close to danger, and swam for the large reptile. Up close, he could see blood merging with water near Byron’s calves and thighs. Losing his head, he started pulling at the stubborn maw as well, but it wouldn’t budge. Agitated, the alligator swung its head, but Aram didn’t let go. His companion stopped flailing around, and his eyes slowly slid closed. You can’t die here With one final effort, he jabbed his dagger into both of the predator’s eyes, and its jaw loosened. Acting quickly, he ripped Byron from the beast, tearing the man’s flesh against the teeth still lodged inside him. Hurriedly, he reached the surface and pushed the man onto the surface. Just as he was pulling himself up, the gator returned, following the blood trail left by Byron’s legs. It didn’t snap its jaws shut on the now surfaced man however, but grabbed the one still in the water, unaware of the returning beast.

With a scream that turned into a gurgle, he was dragged underwater. The angry animal made no attempt at an easy kill the second time, and swung the man hard against the rocky floor at the bottom of the pool, knocking his dagger loose. Every pound knocked more sacred breath out of his body, until he could stay conscious no more. No more than ten feet away, Byron remained sprawled at the edge of the water, water still in his lungs and rapidly bleeding to death.

All across the jungle, the Hector’s men were fighting numerous creatures, from large predators to poisonous insects. Of the one hundred sent to the region, miraculously only ten were killed by nature before the end of the day. The remaining soldiers were lucky enough to avoid death at least until night, finding hiding spots that would protect them from enemies, both animalistic and human.

((6 archers and 4 rogues die.))

((posted because it is well past two days since my last and still no one has posted their introduction.))