View Full Version : as if it wasn't hard the first time....

The Bard
03-26-06, 12:55 AM
Name: Amoroth Celbring
Race: Elf
Age: 483(that's still young)
Weight: 118 lbs
Height: 5’7”
Hair: Shoulder length Blonde
Eyes: dark green

Appearance/armor: He wear's a light brown longsleve shirt and pant's with a long dark brown cloak down to his ankel's and brown boot's.Also usllay keep's his hair neat and has that elven complextion that run's thourgh the family. He never goes any where without his lute that could be found on his back,His ancestore's sword found on his side'''and where he can be found is unknow.

Personality: Amoroth loves traviling and adventureing which is what inspires him to right new stories,song's, and poem's. Amoroth rarley get's angry and is a funny guy when it comes to joke's and such. He is alway's happy to except a quest or tell your story if you perfer becaues it is how he makes a living.

Weapon's: Amoroth never goes any where without his ancestores two-handed longsword passed down thourgh the ages. It is overall 45 inches in lengeth and has a black and siver hilt with vine like ingraveing's on the guard, and it's blade is a stainless steel with the same vine like design 5 inches up the blade. He has enough skill with a blade to keep his balance and fight well but is rather clumsy at times.

Lute spell's: With his mighty lute Amoroth can play song's that have magic ablites as he level's up he learn's more song's

Song of healing:Heal's minor wound's such as a small cut from a weapon or a very light pirecing wound from an arrow(1 time a match)

dancing Flames: A magic Fire ball is fired from the lute doing littel damage enough to burn plant's,wood,and skin(1 time a match)

History:When Amoroth was younger he alway's loved music or anything that sounded like it such as running water or bird's chirpping. He would stay there for hour's sining and playing tunes of his own. He never had a bad life or had a destiny that cauesed him to set out on this journey. He just did it for the thrill of adventure and love of company. But being 463 there could be more to him well there is, at one point in time he served in the military defending land by slaying orc's or other people. Exactly what his father Lazarus wanted him to be a killing machine. But he searched for a more suttle life by running away from war forgetting about the fact the military would hunt him down if so. But none have ever caught him yet for Amoroth is the master his word's are stronger word's but his feet are faster. But despite all that Amoroth is a pardogy in his home city and eveyone think's naturalness is the easiest thing in the world to acquire, if you will forget yourself-forget about the impression you are trying to make. But he deeply want's to prove that at the heart of personality is the need to feel a sense of being lovable without having to qualify for that acceptance. Also to teach his father that being a good fighter dosent make you a good son. Now at first this seem's like a panzy trying to get love from his father. But honestly he want's to show the world that the deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated. So he traveled from Salvar looking for help and in return help back. His main goal in life is to change what the world think's of people who have no approval for one another.

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 01:02 AM
Don't post incomplete profiles! Wait until it's done before you post it.

The Bard
03-26-06, 01:11 AM
Don't post incomplete profiles! Wait until it's done before you post it.

what's missing

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 01:31 AM
You originally posted it with only a few fields filled out.

Anywho, right now you need to provide more information on the Lute abilities. Exactly how effective is the healing spell? Exactly how effective is the fire one? "Moderate" is different depending on the character it's casted on, so you need to be specific with what it can burn.

Also, both of those spells need to be limited to only one usage per match if he's a good swordsman.

How skilled is he with a sword? Keep in mind that you can't be very skilled as a level 0 character. Include that information in your profile somewhere.

Finally, it occurs to me than a 483-year-old character should have more history than that. Please extend it, and go into detail about his past and how he became who he is today.

The Bard
03-26-06, 02:13 AM
few that ws tough*huff*(look's at user's....) I think I lost a pound from typing all that *huff* (look's at user's and smilies....uhhh yeah)

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 02:18 AM
Two things.

First, write the extent that Song of Healing is effective. It can't be very powerful, but you need to include how effective the Song is, like what kind of wounds it can heal.

Second, one cannot 'travel' to Althanas, because Althanas is a world, not a continent. Where on Althanas is he from, and where did he go to from there? Check out the continent forums if you need more information.

The Bard
03-26-06, 02:24 AM
It has been done

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 02:26 AM

On THIS DAY, The Bard shall be... Approved!