View Full Version : Something for the other half

07-30-07, 07:20 PM
Sorry it's long. I got carried away with the scene. I enjoy writing Nadia too much.

Nadia had been driving him crazy ever since the battle with Thorn Aldsmith a week ago. She finally had a taste of battle, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. However, she didn't want to have to use the same dagger that Elijah used--no, she wanted something all to herself, a tool of ass-kickery to call her own. For seven days, she whined, she cried, she screamed, she even went so far as to give the poor adventurer the worst nightmares she possibly could until she got her way.

It was high noon in the vast city of Radasanth, tens of thousands of people milling about along the roads. Elijah snaked his way between the healthy mix of races as he neared the shop district, while his imaginary friend ran circles around him, executing some fancy footwork while she violently swung her arms around as if she were holding a sword, targeting just about everyone who walked past Elijah and through her.

She paused for a brief second before returning to her energetic flailing, a smile of pure joy plastered on her face. "Oh! This is so exciting!" Her wild crimson hair trailed her every movement as she let out exaggerated battle cries like "hyah!" and "woo-cha!"

"Yeah, well... Don't count on this ever happening again. It's bad enough that you did to me whatever it was you did in the Citadel; I don't need you going off and murdering people in my name and body." Elijah, as much as he hated crowds, felt comfortable talking to Nadia in them. Everyone would think that he was talking to someone else other than a figment of his imagination.

Nadia elegantly spun around, stopping at Elijah's side and putting her arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry, chief. I ain't gonna' do nothin' bad unless you want me to..." A good thirty seconds passed before she finished her sentence. "...If you buy me a good enough sword."

He kept his eyes forward as he continued talking. "Why a sword, of all things? We already know how to use daggers well enough, why don't you pick out one to your liking and leave it at that?"

"No sir," she said with a small hint of murderous rage in her voice. "What I want is a finely crafted instrument of slashing blood-soaked death, not a fucking letter opener."

Elijah was quickly becoming irritated. "I don't know how to use a sword, Nadia."

Nadia's voice became sharper, figuring that if her normal cheerful bubbling wasn't helping to get her way, her darker side would do the trick. "Who said I'm letting you use it? You touch my future death toy and I will torment you so fucking bad that you'll beg me to grant you the sweet release of death." To drive her point home, she moved Elijah's arm against his will, guiding his right hand to the hilt of his dagger and forcing his fingers to grip it.

Small beads of sweat--and not from the Coronain summer heat--were forming on his forehead, underneath his raven-black bangs. "Fine."

Nadia released Elijah's arm, which dropped back down to his side. "Gimme a katana." The upbeat smile returned to her face.

"Whatever," Elijah remarked as he wrapped his hand around the doorknob to a weapon shop.

As he turned the knob and gently opened the door, his imaginary friend screamed with a kind of joy usually reserved for young children and embraced him in a tight hug.

07-30-07, 10:28 PM
The heat in the smithy was roiling, and from the back came a series of thunderous clangs as hammer hit steel under the blacksmith's powerful stroke.

Finally, with a loud hssssss he plunged it into the water and set it down, seeing a customer at the doorway.

"Come in, come in," he said, wiping away the soot and grime from his hands with a dirty rag.

"How can I help ya, lad?"

07-30-07, 11:18 PM
Before Elijah could get both of his feet through the door, he heard the blacksmith greet him. His voice was deep, yet friendly. Elijah responded with a quick smile and a question. "Hi, I was wondering if you could hook me up with a basic, run of the mill steel katana? Nothing particularly flashy, but preferably with a red leather grip. Something a beginner swordsman could use to get by."

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Nadia pout at the fact that she wouldn't be exactly getting toy that she desired the most.

He looked at the blacksmith again, continuing with his order. "Also, would it be possible for you to get me a oak sheathe to keep it in, but have a strap of leather attached to it so I can sling it over my shoulder or something?"

07-30-07, 11:31 PM
"Oh, like this one?"

He rummaged through the collection of swords behind the counter, pulling out a 27-inch blade with a leather grip and a sheath to go with it.

"This'll be...hundred thirty, I'd say. It'll take a minute or three to add on the strap, though. Test it out first, see if you like it."

07-30-07, 11:46 PM
"A hundred thirty? Sounds good to me." Elijah took the blade from the extended hands of the blacksmith, and then quietly mumbled to his imaginary friend, "Go ahead, give it a whirl. Just don't break anything." He shut his eyes, allowing Nadia to take over.

Elijah's eyes slowly opened, and he began inspecting Nadia's toy further. It felt heavier than he would've figured, but it was something he would grow accustomed to with time. A satisfied smile crossed his lips as he took the sword out, and gripped it as he thought it should've been held. Standing in place, he took a few quick slashes to either side of him, careful to heed his other self's warning about hitting anything. Happy with the results, he slid the blade back into the oak sheathe and handed it back to the blacksmith. "Yes, this will do quite nicely for now."

Elijah's vision quickly blurred as Nadia released control of his body. Taking a quick glance around, it seemed as if his friend hadn't smashed anything. He quickly opened his wallet and counted out the total amount he owed the blacksmith.

07-31-07, 12:06 AM
The blacksmith shook his head, certain that the boy had never held a sword before.

"Remember...swords are weapons, not toys. They were made for killing, but an irresponsible owner will find himself dead."

He took out a few tools cutting holes in the sheath and stringing the leather sling through, before handing it over to the boy.

"Good luck."

07-31-07, 12:25 AM
Elijah thanked the blacksmith as he took the sword from his hands. As he left the shop, he couldn't help but scold Nadia some more. "I told you so. He thinks that you're incapable of wielding this sucker. We need to find someone who'll train us for a while. I don't know about you, but I like living. I don't need you screwing that up for me."

The imaginary friend tossed her red bangs with a free hand and scoffed at the notion. "What-ever. You swing, you kill. How complicated can it possibly be?"

07-31-07, 12:29 AM
ooc: Transaction complete.

Elijah_Morendale loses 130 GP, gains a steel katana with oaken sheath and sling, as well as 100 EXP for good IC interactions.