View Full Version : Sazuka Mirameshi From RealmShifter

08-07-07, 10:39 PM
Name:Sazuka Mirameshi
Hair Color: Dark Blue
Eye Color:Purple
Weight:160 pounds

Personality:In short ,a loner, he only tolerates a few certain people but he is friendly once you get to know him.

Appearance:He is medium-sized,well-toned,but he always has a serious look on his face.His eyes are purple and he has short,spiky,dark blue hair

History:As a motherless child with an uncaring father on the street, Sazuka had to teach himself how to fend for himself and pick-pocket to survive. By age 10 he was skilled at swordplay and entered himself into tornaments for money and had earned himself as the "Best child swordsman in town" and kept the title and fought hard until he was 14 and joined the Imperial Army for three yaer until he learned what the army was being used for,to enslave the people of his country, instead of for peace and honor.He is now an Adventurer seach on how to destroy the Imperial Army.A short while after arriving in Fallien, Sazuka spotted a crowd and wandered into it only to see that they were throwing stones at a young girl. He decided to stop this by striking all of the stones with a Fire Wave attack.The crowd stood there in awe of the pyromancing they had just encountered and scrammed. Sazuka ask the girl's name and why the townpeople had attacked and she replied
Skills:He is above average in the art of swordplay and acrobatics and is 1.5x stronger than a 17 year-old. He is known to practice fire magic worthy of the Devil.

Equipment:He wields a Emerald sword enchanted with light to slay demons and his shield can deflect 7 fire and ice spells each day.

Familiar:A eccentric young half-demon girl that has loads of info to give to Sazuka.

08-07-07, 10:50 PM
All right...first, you don't need to submit character profiles for judging. We get to them promptly when we see them in there.

Second, he can be "above average" in swordplay, he can be 1.5x as strong as a normal human, and I'm gonna need to see how strong a pyromancer he is.

The sword can be as strong as steel, and I'm going to ask for a limit on how strong the shield's enchantment against fire and ice is and/or how many times it can be used a day.

I also need a profile for his NPC (tack it onto the end of your profile). Clicky (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=39746&postcount=2)

That is an example of a well-done NPC, of course, you don't have to make one so detailed as that. Also, she may not be used in combat without OOC consent of the opponent.

I know it's a lot to pile on at once, but follow these guidelines, and you'll be RPing with the rest of us in no time.