View Full Version : Honest hearts are undercover...

08-08-07, 12:15 PM
((Level 2 updates in RED))

Basic Info:

Full name: Malagen Kha’Thars
Age: 20
Hair: Black, reaching just below his shoulder blades
Eyes: Azure
Height: 6 feet 3 inches
Weight: 220 lbs
Race: Human


Malagen’s entire body is usually covered with a black canvas coat with an oversized hood that covers his head and most of his face. Rare surviving bystanders that saw him fight witness that underneath the heavy hood lays a face of a demon, but the truth is slightly different. His face is calm, almost emotionless except a slight grin that appears near the end of his lips on occasions, his brows locked in a constant slight frown. His azure eyes make his looks keen, piercing, and they have a tendency to turn to almost plain white in combat. His hair, though almost unnaturally long, seems to pose no obstacle to him when it comes to combat. Underneath the heavy cape, he has a set of pitch black clothes, his denim pants safely tucked into his heavy leather boots, while his short sleeved shirt goes just beneath the thick leather bracers that stand on his hands.


If his face might only look emotionless, his every action is in fact deprived of any emotion whatsoever. His voice is cold and measured, sounding uninterested yet provoking in the same time. He holds no grudge against any of the people, yet doesn’t like them either... Each that leaves him alone is left unharmed, and each that speaks to him before spoken to dies. His look is always calm, even if he stands in the midst of the battle with multiple enemies breathing down his neck. All of this was the result of his childhood, and with every step he makes on his own he starts to feel. Few that actually had the “privilege” to speak to him say he speaks little and only what is absolutely needed to get the task done.

It took a lot of time for Malagen to realize that his volatile, ruthless demeanor was bringing him nothing but more worries and troubles, especially with the local law enforcers. So while he retained his emotionless behavior, his is less prone to killing people for some minor annoyances, like speaking to him before spoken to and giving him inquisitive looks. Also, ever since he met Skyler Mansfield, his mind that is usually deprived of redundant thoughts and emotions occasionally shows glimpses of humanity.

The perfect placidity that had been his most important trait for such a long time has taken somewhat of a tumble with the introduction of Ira Shinkara in Malagen’s life. The feisty woman from Fallien has a knack of throwing Malagen off balance from time to time, making him act less like a heartless murderer and more like an actual human being. Malagen is still far from completely thawing, but his relationship with Ira allowed the woman to take a gander at more then his hard shell. She of all people managed to make Malagen confess that there was more then just deadly calm inside of him. She of all people made him feel what it meant to love.

Weapons and Accessories:

Damascus Saber – given the fact that his left arm became pretty much useless in combat purposes after the torment of Salvar dungeons, Malagen bought only one blade. This saber of excellent quality has a katana blade, but a saber-like armguard that shields the hilt with a sharpened damascus edge. The scabbards of this blade are made out of blackened steel and can be used as an additional weapon in combat. ((pic (http://i7.ebayimg.com/06/i/08/06/c3/13_1.JPG)))

Steel Combat Knife – Malagen keeps this weapon tucked in the right sleeve of his heavy canvas coat, in case the close encounters become too close for his saber. ((pic (http://soldiersurplus.com/images/3281_big.jpg)))

Black Attire – nothing particularly fancy about it. A short-sleeved denim shirt and matching pants with a heavy canvas coat with a large hood.

Stuff – this is mostly just stuff he keeps in his pockets, a sharpening stone, oil for the maintenance of his weapons, a pack of matches, some cloth thorn in long strips to be used for bandages...


Uncanny Focus – Due to being completely deprived of emotions and the rigorous training he had to endure during his entire life, Malagen’s awareness and focus grown to amazing heights, making his every move, every word, even every thought weighed and measured in a blink of an eye to make him as most efficient as he can be. It allows him to see things that other don’t notice, in and out of combat, making his reflexes in combat thrice as fast as that of a normal human.

Anatomy Knowledge – this skill is two fold for Malagen. In the first place it allows him to know which place to strike in battle, making each of his strikes a potential deathblow. It also makes him easier to heal wounds and stop hemorrhages. At this time he can only heal minor wounds and stop the bleeding on medium sized wounds.

One Strike Kill – A special ability that he developed under his teacher back in Ferioh. With his extensive knowledge in anatomy, he used it to make his strikes able to strike a man down in one blow. Note that this ability is not ultimate, meaning it can be still be blocked and parried. It only means that if a person leaves an opening, Malagen is more likely to notice it and take advantage of it. Basically, none of his attacks go to waste.

Two Strike Kill – this is more of an addition to the skill above. Instead of just going for the kill with a single strike, Malagen sometimes varies his attack patterns, using the first strike to knock a weapon of his opponent away, making himself an opening for the second, potentially deadly, strike.

Single Weapon Expertise – with his dual wielding lost, Malagen focused on using a single weapon. Focusing on just one arm, forced to use whatever weapon he can find, Malagen managed to become proficient with pretty much any small and medium sized bladed weapon. However, he still focuses mostly on his saber, so when he wields that weapon, he can wield it like an expert.

Intimidation - By establishing eye contact with his target, Malagen can make his foe think that he is inferior to the barbarian. This can have various effects, from making his enemies flee, making them uneasy and lose their focus, making them irritated and provoked by the indifferent annoyed chill in his eyes or it can have no effect at all if his opponent’s willpower is above average.

Hardiness – Despite the multiple wounds he took in the futile battle with the Fallen and the major blood loss, Malagen still managed to carry himself and Ira to a healer and get out of the bed before his wounds were properly healed, thus discovering that he is more resistant when it comes to injuries. He can take considerably more hits and lose more blood then an average soldier without losing ability to fight back. ((Acquired here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4172)))

Adaptation – Malagen’s body adapts to various extremes at extremely fast rates. This enables his body to gain various resistances depending on the environment and the nature of the outside influence. For an example, if Malagen spends a short period of time diseased and survives the disease, he gains immunity against it. Likewise, if he spends a short period of time in warm environment, his body will adapt to the heat. These resistances, however, have to be acquired in the usual fashion (either through a quest or at level up). Right now Malagen’s body adapted to two things:

1./ Poison – Malagen’s body can now sustain various poisons. The stronger ones will still affect him in the manner that they would weaken him, but they cannot kill or knock him unconscious.

2./ Cold – Brought up in the north, it is only natural that Malagen’s body adapted to the wintry chill. He can sustain sub zero temperatures with little difficulty. ((Acquired here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4952)))


Malagen is a tall muscular man, and growing in a rather unfriendly environment, he had to adapt and he had to do it fast, making him working on his strength ever since he can remember, making his about 4 times stronger then a normal human. But his teachers knew power is nothing without control, so they took care his agility doesn’t suffer during his training, so he is now twice as fast as a normal human. However, while he worked on his physical attributes, there was very little time for anything else, making him rather unknowledgeable in anything that is not related with combat. Needless to say, he’s not the most charismatic man you will meet.


In the land of Ferioh, the home of the Dram barbarians, that lay far to the North there was a legend once amongst the folk and knowledgeable men alike. It was said that in the land of the Wolf a child will be born in a sign of the Raven, and that he will bring an end to the feud between children of Chodan and Hadios, a great warrior that will be both feared and respected throughout the lands, incarnation of the Wolf and Raven gods themselves. The myth was spoken by Geran Fer’Gehet, the first known Dram king ever since they settled in the icy north, on a continent they named Ferioh, by their word for revenge. The revenge they sought was because people of Savion exiled them from their lands, making their god Chodan the only deity in the land that once had two.

Furious at the insolence of the Savion folk, the Dram forged their revenge for years, paying little heed to the ancient prophecy of Geran, and every time they tried to invade Savion, their result was utter failure. The defense of Savion, or rather the entire Seven Isles area that was now called Audelas, and Savion was only one island in the archipelago, could not be beaten. But amongst the shamans, the wise women of Dram, the legend was still very much alive, and in secret they waited for that day to come, watching every omen carefully, searching for any clue as to when and where this warrior will be born.

But when the sign came, it was both joyous and bitter for the Dram, because the warrior was to be born in the land of Savion. Knowing that would be their end, the Dram made another invasion, only this time they forged a pact with the greatest force in known lands, the dragons. With combined powers of Dram great numbers and the fire of the wyrms, Audelas was shattered and Savion was ready to fall. Reaching Savion weeks before this child should be born, their warriors swarmed the land while the dragons spewed death from above.

In the end, only Savion remained, and the child, or rather the woman pregnant with it, was nowhere to be found. The walls of Savion trembled and were ready to fall as the word came, a late reinforcements that were to invade from the south ran across a deserted outpost and found the pregnant woman within. Cutting the baby from her stomach, they finally got what they came for. But their meddling with the fate this child ought to have came with a terrible price.

The woman was known as Kristiniel, and her husband was Letho Ravenheart, or rather prince Ruben Letho, who rejected the throne to marry a simple peasant girl. With his wife gone, a terrible wrath was awakened in young Letho, but not only in Letho, but in Chodan who channeled it’s power into him, resulting in what was later known as a Cry of Chodan. Letho fell the strongest dragon on that day, making the wyrms escape the land in front of his righteous wrath, but his father fell in that battle and it was enough to distract Letho and allow the sheer numbers of Dram to overwhelm him. The Dram took the victory that day, but the repercussions came soon afterwards.

But the child that was cut out of Kristiniel’s womb lived, and it was named Malagen, after the strongest Dram warrior that ever walked the lands, and Kha’Thars, meaning the one who will bring the balance. Thinking the balance is them ruling the Audleas, the Dram raised this child to be the most ruthless warrior that would tip the balance to them, and allow them to stay in the lands of Audelas forever. But fate has a way to shift the tides to their rightful path no matter what, and after four years of their rule over Savion and the isles of Audelas, a former squire by the name of Bann gathered all the people with him and overthrew the Dram government, banishing them out of Savion once again. The same happened to other isles and once again the Dram were out of Savion.

The generals mourned and spat, swearing revenge, but the shamans left with a grin on their face, because they knew they had in their hands something that is worth much more then ten legions of their finest warriors, they had Malagen, and they would raise his to be death to every enemy of the Dram.

Malagen grew in the cold lands of Ferioh, surrounded by Dram children that were naturally stronger then him, and mean to him because he was not one of them. That made him train ever since he was 5 years old, the careful eyes of the shamans looking from every corner, yet not interfering with the natural course of things. At the age of 11 he was already stronger then any kid his age, and had remarkable skill with the blade, besting some of the older fighters already.

His childhood wasn’t easy though, not in any way. For every weakness he shown he would get ten lashes, and that was a strict commandment from the shamans. Soon Malagen figured out that by shielding himself from all emotions he could avoid this punishment and by the age of 15 his heart grew cold as he started to feel numb to any emotion. And that was the shamans idea in the first place. Making a cold heartless killer, submitted to their will alone. They could already see him on the throne while they pulled his strings.

By the age of 19 Malagen was nothing but a machine. He lived to kill, to obey what was said to him with no though about it whatsoever. His final test was to fight his teacher, Teor, the man that was the closest he had to a father during his life, to the death. Malagen ended his life in a single swipe of his saber, the look on his face unchanged, as if he just killed a beast of some sort.

But by the age of 20 everything changed and they couldn’t control him anymore. It was a girl by the name of Dharnia that in one night destroyed all the shamans built in 20 years. She was sent to Malagen as a sex slave, something he used to relieve himself of the tension that would rise in every man over time, and the shamans always made sure he had a couple of women weekly to keep his satisfied. But after one such night, Dharnia asked Malagen a strange question, resulting in him turning to her thinking how did she dare to speak in his presence.

“Where do you come from, Malagen? Who are your par...” and her words here ended by his saber passing through her throat, bathing his naked body in her crimson blood. But as they carried her body out of his room he saw the strangest thing, the women that he slew just as easily as all the others had a strangest smile on her face. And her question intrigued him, and after a while he came to the master shamans, seeking for counsel. The shamans were surprised with this question and tried to make an explanation. But he felt the stir in their voices, he felt the hesitation... He ended their lives in a matter or seconds, the guards fearing even to lift their blades to face him. He found Dharnia’s body and sat next to it throughout the entire day and night until he came to a conclusion; he would seek every shaman and kill them all until he finds some answers. Taking a small silver ring from Dharnia’s cold lifeless hand, he placed it on a small leather string and placed it around his neck, starting his search.

Due to his rather violent idiosyncrasy, Malagen spent most of his time going from ordeal to the next, gaining nothing but an increase on his bounty. However, it was only a matter of time before the barbarian met his match. In the wintry land of Salvar, Malagen was hired to guard a batch of slaves. In a strange turn of events, one of the slaves reminded the merciless murderer of Dharnia whose life he himself ended, and it was enough to make the Dram change sides. Fighting for the freedom of the nameless girl, Malagen almost single-handedly disposed of the slavers, getting wounded in the process by a rifle shot from one of the slavers that nearly tore his left arm off. It was enough to incapacitate the barbarian, but not enough to finish him off. The local law enforcement threw him into the dungeon where he awaited the day of execution.

It was in the dungeons that he met Skyler Mansfield, an unremarkable thiefling, and together they broke from the prison. However, breaking out from the prison was one thing, and escaping from Salvar, with trackers always sniffing at their trail, was another. Only the do-or-die effort that took them over the snow-covered mountains got them out of the frozen kingdom and bought them a ticket to freedom. During their escape the impossible happened, and the pair that was at each other’s throats since their meeting back in the dungeon somehow fell for each other just enough for a single night of unrestrained lovemaking. It was during that night that Malagen first time truly felt something, an emotion that cracked the shell around his heart ever so slightly. It was probably the main reason why he eventually decided not to kill Skyler.

There has been but one matter of importance in Malagen’s life as of late, but it’s rather major and her name is Ira Shinkara. Ever since Malagen met the girl in the Citadel and proceeded to battle her in the imaginary arena, he could scarcely get the woman out of his head. And it perturbed the barbarian. Not since Dharnia did he feel an emotion that he couldn’t stifle, murder, bury within the darkness of his soul, but then Ira strolled into his life and turned it all around. He hated her for that. He wanted to kill her for that. But when the battle in the Citadel was over and he sought to kill her for real, Malagen found out that he couldn’t put Ira to blade. There was something inside the woman, something so considerate that instead of flinching away from a vile man such as him, it made Ira delve deeper and ask questions that nobody dared or bothered to ask.

So, instead of slaying her, the murderous Dram wound up saving her life from the very wounds he inflicted. And when he thought it was the last he would see of the strange Fallien woman, Ira tracked him down and offered a final olive branch. He took the man that tried to kill her to a dinner. They didn’t grow close of the sudden; there were too many walls between them to tear them down in such a short time. But little by little, Ira succeeded in what all else failed. She managed to break the dark spell that held Malagen in a vicious cycle of careless killings. They even shared a bed that night, and when the morning came, it became rather clear to both of them that they wouldn’t be parting any time soon.

Instead of just lazing around, they opted to train together. Amidst the high peaks of Jagged Mountains, Malagen tutored Ira in his way of fighting, only to find out that their strengths lay in different aspects of their personalities. While Malagen’s prowess depended on placidity and calculation, Ira excelled while feeding on her emotions, her actions fueled by them. She fed on that so much, in fact, that she managed to bring forth a corruption from within her soul that had nearly been the death of Malagen. But by some divine intervention or Ira’s inner control, Ira managed to take control over the demon that overtook her. It was how their training ended and how their journey as an odd couple began.

08-08-07, 12:26 PM
Looks all right to me. Maybe a bit on the strong side for a level 2, but I trust you.
