View Full Version : ~___~ .... noob haters.....

08-10-07, 10:49 PM
Well I have joined this forum so I could polish my writing skills u__u The problem is.... No one seems interested to quest with me?
Are people arrownd here usually these closed to new people... or am I just boring >____>'

Amaril Torrun
08-10-07, 11:01 PM
I'd say neither. I was about to go to bed when I saw this thread and thought I'd save you from leaving such a good site. If you want to polish your writing skills and want to quest with other people, this is a perfect place. Almost every new member that comes up with a quest idea to start off their Althanas career have others join rather quickly. Give your recruitment thread another day or two to see who replies.

I'll be busy all day tommorrow, but the next day I wouldn't mind reading your profile again and cooking up some sort of quest idea with you.

08-10-07, 11:01 PM
It is not a fair allegation that we are unwelcoming of new people. Most people are either busy or on vacation. It is late summer, and things will not settle down in real life for most of us until the middle of September.

Not everyone gets their quests picked up right away, but eventually, if you ask people, they will join. You were only approved this morning, so perhaps you should make an introduction thread here (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?f=2) to get to know people, and maybe you will find someone interested and free to help you with your quest.

In addition, I will read over some of your posts, if you like, and offer grammatical pointers to help you.

08-10-07, 11:23 PM
First off, hi there!

Second of all, don't be disappointed because your recruitment thread didn't catch the public attention the first or second day. I've seen veterans make recruitment threads that take days before someone expresses their interest in them! Blame it on bad luck, because there are people that literally jump on newcomers for threads, so you just need to wait al little longer, I'm sure!

And as for those who are here and haven't said anything in your thread, it's not because they discrimate against new writers, but rather because they've already got a heavy load of quests, and don't think they can add one more on their load without burning out.

So stick around, Poseidon! Eventually, things are going to roll for you!

08-10-07, 11:26 PM
I would like that a lot Amaril Torrun, thanks

Karuka Tida: That would be good, I would apreciate It but you dont have to do it since that kind of thing can be rather tideous thing to do.
and yeah I was just joking arrownd I was looking for a name that would claim people's attention.

Ataraxis: Ok... I guess I just got desperate due to the wait... and yeah i'll stay, its different that members that join and never return.

08-10-07, 11:42 PM
I'd join, if I had the time. I'm always up for a quest, problem is...I hardly ever have the time for them. @_@ That, and the most recent Tourny has gotten my mind in a wrap...

Moonlit Raven
08-11-07, 06:34 AM
Have patience young grasshopper. :cool:

Any who, I skimmed over your char. It looks pretty interesting. I'll give you a holler after Gisela is done, and we'll plot. Boy does that tourney keep a person hopping. x.x

I have 3, excuse me 4, chars which could possibly play with yours. I'm sure we can come up a interesting thread. ^_^

08-11-07, 08:32 AM
In general, oldbies in Althanas are kind of wary of newcomers, so it's normal that you feel like that. It's just that we all want good scores and seamless stories and we're not sure whether you'll stay or be as good as we like.

You seem like a good writer though, Pos and I'm sure that once you prove that you're here to stay and establish yourself with a good thread or two, you'll have no problem finding people wanting to join.

Good luck, boyo.

08-11-07, 08:53 AM
well difficulty in getting ingrained in the community is a problem with almost every RP site. Althanas is actually one of the betters as it doesn't rely on cliques, part of the reason that PGs are failing.

For getting started, try an open thread in the Peaceful Promenade. It tends to have a relaxed feel and people will likely join for a fun easy thread and not give a damn about score. Citadel battles can be a good way to start, I don't care for them but again people join for a light thread and it's the best bet. Scara Brae's a good place to start if you want to meet fellow newbies or see some of the oldbies more minor characters since it's a little taboo (but not banned) for higher levels to post there. And Corone is a great starting place too if you want a quest.

08-11-07, 11:27 PM
The speed of responses depends on what else is going on, it just happens that you joined during a big tournament and a lot of writers are concentrated on that, don't be discouraged though, it always takes a few days.

08-12-07, 12:52 AM
Yea, you'll have plenty more things to wait on than just a recruitment thread.

Like....judgings. XD

The Architect
08-12-07, 03:59 PM
well difficulty in getting ingrained in the community is a problem with almost every RP site. Althanas is actually one of the betters as it doesn't rely on cliques, part of the reason that PGs are failing.

...We are? Anyways ~Poseidon~ I find it difficult to put out a recruitment thread and just hope for someone to jump in. Read up, find other writers that you like, contact them, and make a trade. Promise to participate in one of their threads if they promist to participate in yours. If you don't have any responses in your recruitment thread yet pm people you like and link them right to it. That should at least get it some attention.

08-12-07, 11:10 PM
Well I have joined this forum so I could polish my writing skills u__u The problem is.... No one seems interested to quest with me?
Are people arrownd here usually these closed to new people... or am I just boring >____>'

You're being narrow-minded; why can't it be both?

08-12-07, 11:13 PM
You're being narrow-minded; why can't it be both? Because one of your testicles has yet to descend.

Seriously, don't listen to him. He forgot his grumpy old man medication. You know, viagra. It's a lonely road on a flat tire, driving solo, if you know what I mean.

08-12-07, 11:15 PM
Because one of your testicles has yet to descend.

Seriously, don't listen to him. He forgot his grumpy old man medication. You know, viagra. It's a lonely road on a flat tire, driving solo, if you know what I mean.

You act bitter, but we both know you're not really angry at me. You're angry at God for giving you both boy parts and girl parts. But I forgive you; I forgive you without you even asking. I'm generous like that.

08-12-07, 11:21 PM
Why does that sound (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLTCmScJkKI) familiar.

Well, not really. He can pull off a speedo without losing the war with gravity.

08-12-07, 11:27 PM
Why does that sound (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLTCmScJkKI) familiar.

Well, not really. He can pull off a speedo without losing the war with gravity.

I really don't have time to search for hidden meanings in clips of 300. Look, can we just agree that I'm better than you at pretty much everything and move along? It's really painful for me to embarrass you like this, lady-boy.

08-12-07, 11:31 PM
This isn't Korea. Stop having your weird, homoerotic flashbacks.

Sorry, sometimes we have to remind Godhand where he is.

Oh, but welcome to Althanas.

08-13-07, 08:32 PM
guys guys... ^_^' since when did my threatd turned into a "Booya Pioch!" threat?
Even though i ike good fights *cough* >_>'

08-13-07, 08:33 PM
This is Wraith and Godhand. I'd pretty much call it normal system ops, Poseidon.

08-13-07, 08:35 PM
Oh ok, Well You can Continute :P

*eats popcorn* this is like the Roman Coluseum!