View Full Version : Power Struggle

08-10-07, 11:14 PM
Continuation of and conclusion to Power Surge (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4022). Karuka's Level Zero Profile still applies. Closed.

Count Uyen Barchon paced his study anxiously. He'd sent money for the party to pay the soldiers, but his page had reported back that only three soldiers had returned, all of them with fairly severe injuries. Of Captain Revelin Strozzi, nothing. Either the island had claimed him, or his orders had been found out and he'd been killed. But how? The gangly stick figure hadn't seemed able to kill such a doughty man, and the red-headed girl surely possessed nothing in the least bit useful.

And yet, they were the ones to survive, when he had ordered Strozzi to ensure their silence. They were the ones unscathed. He could only hope that the girl he'd summoned before him that evening had the artifact.

Going over to one of the massive shelves that lined the walls of his study, Barchon grabbed a fairly innocuous book from the rows neatly set before him and opened it, drawing a much smaller, much older book from within the dusty covers. His long, thin fingers turned the yellowed vellum pages with infinite care.

Within this book were ancient secrets -- legends that told of the wonders the Ancient Scara Braens had possessed before the Aneni Dynasty, the Dynasty to which he was the last heir, the Dynasty that the Valeena had overthrown. There was one legend in particular that had been nagging at his mind of late -- in fact, it had been nagging at his mind ever since he'd heard a madman utter a simple, but all too meaningful sentence not even a week before.

"The liviol trees are growing."

There was only one artifact of such power that it alone could cause a noticeable spike in liviol growth, and Barchon stopped as he reached the right page. The Heart of the Land. Every nation reportedly had one, somewhere, lost to myth and legend. Only in their own time would they return to life.

The Heart of Scara Brae had returned to life in his time. Bellari Valeena was ignorant, he was informed. He would claim the prize, and then HE would take over Scara Brae. The gears were already in motion, as a letter on his desk reminded him.


Karuka stepped carefully through the shopping center at the western end of Scara Brae city. She'd left Osato and A'rei behind, since neither of them knew what she carried, and since A'rei just wanted to start a new life and Osato wanted to go back to drinking.

The steady pulse emanating from her battered leather bag was either inaudible to the masses or they simply chose to ignore the sound. She held the strap tightly between her fingers, and kept the bag close to her, feeling its weight on her shoulder and against her leg.

The market was bustling with the sounds of housewives and maidens talking about their business of running their houses and bargaining for wares from flour to eggs, cheese, and other groceries. Deeper in were mostly men, looking for a good sword or trinket for themselves or their women. Sometimes women were looking wistfully over various pieces of jewelery, but that wasn't what Karuka Tida was looking for.

She had to see Queen Valeena. The glowing yellow crystal she carried with her was to be delivered to the Queen and the Queen alone. Anyone else that touched it would go mad -- a fate Karuka was saved from only by virtue of the liviol blossom she wore in her deep red hair. Though it had been plucked several days before, the bloom had lasted remarkably well.

Originally purest white, in her hands the flower's four large petals had flushed a bright crimson, each bisected by a wide night-blue strip that turned to obsidian black at the very tip. The center of the flower was such a bright golden it almost seemed alight, although there were darker tinges to the bright yellow -- in some places, the color was almost brassy.

Finally, Karuka found what she was looking for, a shop that specialized in beautiful clothing. The fact that she'd longed for something beautiful to wear ever since her mother had married the brutal and racist Calhoun aside, she HAD to get the Heart to Queen Valeena, and she had enough princess in her blood to know that she wasn't getting in if she didn't look presentable.

Tattered rags were DEFINITELY not presentable.

Fortunately, Karuka had some money on her, a little over a hundred from a week before added to whatever she'd gained from the Count's courier earlier that day. She hadn't counted, hopefully she had enough money to get decent clothing.

She entered the shop, ignoring the owner's scornful glare, and looked around. There were dresses of many beautiful fabrics and colors -- red ones in a heavy, shiny cloth, green ones in crepe and black ones in gauze, but those didn't hold her attention. The one that DID draw her attention was blue like the waters off the coast of her native Ireland when the sunlight struck them in the summer, and had little sparkling green beads scattered over the top, while the skirt was plain. As she reached out to touch the soft, sheer material, she noticed that the top and bottom were in separate parts, and that the skirt would flow from just above her hips to her ankles, and the top would cover her rib cage.

There was a set of jewelery that went with it -- a pair of bracelets and an anklet with blue and green beads, and Karuka picked up the set and looked at the shopkeeper.

"How much, fer these?"

Hani looked up from her accounting books and sighed. It wasn't every day that a girl dressed in rags would come in and ask prices on fine clothing. Either this one had saved up a lot of money to spend frivolously, or she'd stolen money and was looking for a way to disguise herself.

It didn't really matter, Hani reasoned, eying the golden-skinned girl as she brushed a raven lock out of her eyes. If the City Guard came looking for a thief, she could witness against the girl. If the girl was legit, she'd have good money in exchange for a good silk dress.

"The silk set? Three hundred gold. If you need it tailored, I'll do that as well, for an extra ten."

Karuka didn't know if that was fair, or if she was being ripped off...but she had the money, she was pretty sure, so she decided to take the offer. The money was the means to the dress, the dress was a means to her entrance into the castle, which was a means to her end of giving the Heart of Scara Brae to the Queen.

Not half an hour later, Karuka walked back out of the shop, the silken garment seamed up to fit her snugly and folded into her bag.

She was on her way to clean up quickly before she changed into her new outfit to actually wear it.

08-14-07, 08:14 PM
Nearly eight months had past since I had awoken just yards from the Red Forest. My travels had consisted of walking to shadow 'hopping' to boat to and another boat. Now I stood in the entrance way of a weapon shop in Scara Brae. The shop was dim, poorly lit. If this had been a shop back on Earth there would have been no way I would have entered. On Althanas, what I would and wouldn’t do is a very different matter. Poorly lit establishments like this were common place. Keep an eye on the only other person within the shop, the owner I presumed, I browsed through weapons.

The purchase of the shirt Kor had ‘suggested’ I buy had taken up most of the gold I had. Absently, my hands played with the small pouch. The gold coins within it jingled musically. A long whip caught my eye. Gingerly I pulled it off of the shelf it lay on, the wrapped hilt felt rough in my hand. Experimenting, I twitched the whip, sending the en of it skittering across the floor but not quite cracking it.

Familiar, yet long forgotten memories of a summer years ago surfaced. The recollection of a summer spent out doors running around in the group of children I now thought of as the brat pack. Long hours outside had bronzed my now pale skin. I was surprised to find a veil of misty tears obscuring my vision. Discreetly wiping my eyes, I coiled the whip up. Refusing to meet the gaze of the large man standing by the counter I set the whip down.

“How much?” I asked. The shorter I kept the conversation, the better in my opinion. I glared at the appraising look the man gave me.

“I’m married, so that thought can just go back where it came from.” I kept the tone of my voice ugly and vicious. Messing around and being girly could get a girl into trouble and I had had enough of men from Kor to the damn sailors on the boats. The man looked at me for a moment, his expression darkened for a moment before he shrugged.

“It will be forty gold.” Counting out the gold, I grabbed my whip and left before the man had the time to pick up or counter the gold. Outside I paused, looking at the people that hurried along on their errands. Every so often I spotted a person walking slower than the rest of the crowd. Either they were out for a pleasure walk or they were a wolf among sheep. I angled my path to give me a wide berth around them.

A flash of brilliant red hair caught my attention. The golden skin of the figure, a woman, stood out from the rest of the crowd. Half a dozen steps later it hit me, I knew of only one character that was on Althanas with that particular coloring. Turning around, I hurried after the woman, tracking the red hair that gleamed in the sunlight.

“Karuka!” I called once I was sure I was close enough for her to hear me.

08-22-07, 09:13 PM
The rumor was, that there was a purveyor of fine brandy here in Scara Brae, who had created a perfectly divine honey apricot variety. It was expensive, it was rare, but after one glass shared in The Phoenix Rising back in Irrakam, Natalya had decided it would be worth it to make the trip. If she could possibly negotiate some sort of deal with the vendor, her luxury hotel that she managed would escalate in reputation that much more.

More and more often of late the former slave found herself leaving the hotel in the able hands of its staff, wandering off to take care of old business, or to find this or that piece of furniture or type of wine or variety of silk to furnish the resort-like decor of The Phoenix. It had been over two years since she'd first established the place on behalf of its owner, and the hotel had only barely survived the siege on Irrakam, but after much work to rebuild and replace what had been damaged or destroyed, the hotel was back to its former glory. This brought in traders, merchants, and other foreigners from all over Althanas who sought to offer their services (at a modest price of course) to the people of Fallien in order to rebuild their devastated capital. All in all the reconstruction was coming along nicely.

Natalya stumbled into a donkey-cart, apologizing profusely as she helped to right it for its owner and step off to the side of the cobbled street. She was never that clumsy. Frowning, she glanced about her for the source of the distraction. It had been more than just the plans she was making for the hotel. Something had seemed almost to shove at her, or shift the earth beneath her. Brightly colored stalls and tents lined the market district of the city, ribbons and flags flapping merrily in the light breeze that wafted through the streets sending delectable smells of roasting meats and fresh fruits to tease the senses of those who would pay attention. Whatever it was, it had gone.

She walked on, pausing here and there to talk to the lively vendors, asking for directions to find a certain J. Wellesely who might be able to help her locate the brandy-maker. Most hadn't heard of him. Some had but weren't sure where to find him and could only direct her onward to others who had been known to associate with him. Mr. Wellesely mostly acted as a distributor for various goods to the vast reaches of Althanas. He owned a massive fleet of ships as well as several overland caravans. Unfortunately he wasn't always the easiest man to find.

As she stood conversing with a small-boned mouse of a woman with straight dark hair and large dark eyes, Natalya felt the same strange sensation once again, as if the world itself jolted around her. It was a similar experience as when a new child was born into her tribe, its telepathic awareness raw and open and yet completely uncontrolled. The florist gripped Natalya's arm and righted the former slave as she fell hard against a cart full of multi-colored roses, scattering crushed petals over the cobbles at her feet.

"You alright miss?" the little woman asked with concern, barely glancing at her ruined wares, "Should I call a doctor?"

"No, no," Natalya insisted, brushing the woman away and shaking her head - more to clear the feeling of that other awareness from her mind than to go with her words, "I'm fine. Pardon me, I need to go. Thank you for your help. How much are the flowers?"

"No worries, just go find yourself a cool drink and a place to sit," the florist said kindly waving Natalya away. The slavegirl smiled gratefully and wandered off toward the pulsing awareness at the edge of her consciousness.

Across the square stood a tall willowy redhead. But the awareness, although it emanated directly from her, wasn't her. Natalya frowned and stalked closer to her, pausing and watching as another woman approached the girl who held the source of Natalya's discomfiture.

For now, Natalya was content to watch from a distance. But her mind could approach. Very tentatively, she reached out a piece of her mind, like a finger toward a flame. She gasped as whatever it was reached back. It was scared.

08-25-07, 10:38 PM
The sound of her name being called was one of the most odd sensations that the red-head could describe. She'd only rarely heard her name spoken without a commanding edge to it, and when it came, the voice that had spoken was either her mother's or her "grandmother's," but both of those women were dead, they had been since before she'd come to Althanas. Most of the time, it had been a man calling her name with a command. Even in the Liviol Sanctum, she'd heard that same commanding edge come from the mercenary Osato, although it had been for her protection and not to rebuke or harm her.

This voice belonged to a woman, but it was an unfamiliar voice. How any stranger, particularly on Althanas, knew her name was so odd that she assumed that there was another Karuka on Althanas. Besides, the woman had called "Care-ROO-ka," when the proper pronunciation was "Care-roo-ka." She, herself, tended to bastardize it, and pronounced it "Kar'uh'ka." She only paused for a moment before continuing along, but the voice called out for her again, and a blonde woman with tanned skin was walking straight for her, eyes fixed on the normally outgoing red-head.

Karuka wasn't as outgoing today, however. She had in her possession something of great value, something that belonged to someone else, and she was bound that she'd get it to the rightful owner. Even though she knew that anyone that shouldn't touch the stone would be driven mad by its powers should they touch it, she would feel safer about it once she had handed it to Queen Valeena.

She waited for the blonde to approach her, and offered a cautious "hallo" in greeting. She searched the woman's face carefully, trying to find even the vaguest hint of familiarity. There was none, she was a stranger.

"Ay..." the red-head offered cautiously. "I'm ay Karuka...but I dinna think y' ha' th' right one. I dinna think we've met..."

Right about then, Karuka felt a chill down her spine as something brushed against her. It wasn't a physical sensation, but it most definitely was someone or something prying at her. She didn't know how she knew that, though. It made her even more ill at ease than she had been before, and she glanced quickly around, before looking back at the blonde, opening her mouth to speak.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another woman flinch, and her head snapped around to look. The pale woman was looking right at her, and in an uncharacteristic moment, the red-head sent a venomous glare at her, in order to keep her away. Anything to keep the Heart safe, even if it meant forever losing a potential ally.

She finally turned her attention back to the blonde, gripping her bag's shoulder strap tightly. She could almost feel the walls of nearby buildings pressing in on her, and she needed to escape all these people so she could make herself presentable and complete the mission she'd been given. She didn't know how important it was, but if an ancient king was willing to spend a millennium watching over the island for a line that would be a good heir to his kingdom, she knew it must have been important.

"I...I dinna ha' much time right now. So while I'd love t' help y' look fer th' Karuka y' know, I' afraid I canna." Karuka's limber legs twitched anxiously, she was like a holed fox looking for its way out of a sticky situation.

"Yes...I'm Karuka...but I don't think you have the right one. I don't think we've met."

"I...I don't have much time right now. So while I'd love to help you look for the Karuka you know, I'm afraid I can't."

09-06-07, 07:13 AM
Both other members have pulled out of this thread, so I'm moving it to the Unresolveds and just starting it over as a solo.