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08-11-07, 11:40 AM
Into the Ruins

"Some believe the treasures and knowledge the ruins hide
are well worth the risk to their lives."

The bruised sky poured rain down on the Fae of Donnalaich. Distant bird calls could be heard through the pattering of raindrops on the stone underfoot, and thunder boomed from the sky randomly. Lightning spread out through the clouds like a spider's web, and speared down into the ground in furious jabs, turning the darkness of night as bright as day.

In that moment of increased light, Chance looked to the sky, examining the lines and contours of the thunderheads. They stretched away as far as he could see in any direction, eventually passing behind the treeline that surrounded Donnalaich. The teenager was no weather expert, but he doubted the storm would clear up any time soon. Though it did slow his rate of travel, he didn't complain about it. After living the last seven eight years in a prison cell, with nothing to occupy his time but maltreatment and torture, the feeling of rain on his face was nothing short of divine. The rain had soaked his short sandy blonde hair down, and caused his green shirt to stick to his body like a second skin. With his chin turned up, his face exposed to the rain that fell from on high, the boy closed his eyes and enjoyed what he hadn't felt in eight years.

Several minutes passed before he could bring himself to look away from the slate sky. The feel of the raindrops running down his neck and shoulders was beyond blissful to him. It had been so long since he had felt any sensation that was not designed to hurt, or torment. A flash of barely understood rage boiled through him, accompanied by flashes of memories; the legacy of his torture was complete confusion, unending anger, and a pervasive, persistent feeling of worthlessness. Though he tried to bury the memories, they refused to stay down. He could still smell the dank musk of his cell...

The boy shook his head and continued on. He'd been in Donnalaich for days, learning the inns and outs of the city. The layout wasn't as chaotic as he had first believed; it had simply taken time for teenager to learn the paths of the city. Still, there were areas where he was not allowed to cross. Fae warriors stood guard at streets made of crumbling stone, turning him aside as he approached with warnings of wild beasts beyond, in untamed and unexplored portions of the city.

Donnalaich had been built originally by a race known only as the Ancients, and some time between then and recent times, they had simply disappeared. No one seemed to know exactly what had happened to the Ancients, only that some great event had removed them all from the face of the world. Some suspected plague, others war. The fact was, despite the disappearance of their creators, hundreds of dilapidated ruins remained behind, as a testament or headstone to the empty graves of the Ancients.

In the intervening time, the Fae had started the long process of rebuilding the great city of Donnalaich to its former glory. They had gone to great trouble to replace every brick, every stone, and every rafter exactly as it had been before. Only one building had been created by the Fae alone; their sole addition to the city beyond the beautiful Crystal statues and sculptures that lined the streets. The Marach Mor, or the Great Hall of Enchanting, was a massive structure. It reminded Chance of a Palace, shining brilliantly even in this rainy night.

It was a beautiful sight. Though Chance couldn't make out the shape of the building in the clouded night, he knew that several spires jutted skyward from the Marach Mor. With each burst of lightning, the crystal gargoyles and stained glass windows of the Great Hall reflected and refracted in a thousand glorious hues and shades.

Making his way through the flooded streets toward that grandiose building, Chance observed all that was around him with a dispassionate gaze. Ever since he had been freed from Ishadin's torture, the boy couldn't help but feel distant and separated from everything around him. The people seemed so alien, so... different. They laughed and told jokes, sang and danced... happiness ruled their lives, and their skin was unblemished by the physical scars that marked him apart.

When he reached the doors of the great Marach Mor, a short black-haired Fae pulled open the door before him. He had to raise his voice to be heard above the din of the rain. "Hurry in, young master! Get out of the rain and cold before you get ill."

Chance only nodded before passing through the open portal. Whether it was at the behest of a magical source, or simply the absence of the pounding rain, the teenage boy's body was instantly warmed. Inside, he couldn't help but gawk at the architecture of the Marach Mor. The hallway he found himself in was enormous, and above, the ceiling tapered to a high point. The stained glass windows were illuminated by the bursts of lightning, causing colorful scenes of history, fables, and fantasies to come to life in spectacular hues.

Stretched randomly throughout the hallway, beautiful, glowing crystals floated above the ground, shedding light like a torch but in many different, seemingly random colors. He was enraptured by the sight, and it occurred to him that he was gaping like a farmboy. Shaking his head, he made his way down the hall, his wet boots squeaking on the floor with each step. Statues of crystal lined the hall, adding a somber beauty to the building. Nearby, a Fae sat at a desk, reading over a stack of papers. When Chance approached, he looked up at the boy.

"Hello. Can I help you?" The Fae asked.

Chance nodded. "I am looking for work."

The Fae cast a glance over the thin teenager, obviously questioning his ability to do what he had just asked for. Before he could say anything, Chance frowned and spoke.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Though his voice was no different than it had been a second before, the Fae looked him over a second time, this time without the obvious skepticism. His eyes traced over the latticework of scars on the boy's arms, and stopped on the Prevalida bracers on the boy's forearms. Though they had been crushed on to his arms while they were still white hot, and had thus burnt themselves on to his skin, the only hint of that was the faint red lines around the edges of the armor on both of his arms. The Fae obviously recognized what was set in the back of each of the bracers. The Ice Crystals had been crafted in one of the Synthesis Shops in the Crystal Square, by a Fae named Lasair Anubail. Like the Fire Crystals more commonly crafted there, the Ice Crystals had been made to increase his proficiency in Ice Magics. Biting his lower lip lightly, the man nodded and looked down to the stack before him.

He ruffled through the papers until he came to a a specific one. He pulled it out, read it over, and looked up at Chance. "The only thing my Lord Cailean Egan has requested a Freelance worker for is dangerous." The man handed the paper to the teenage boy.

Taking the paper, Chance looked at the Fae. "Cailean Egan?"

The Fae nodded. "My Lord Cailean Egan is a chomhairle of the The Comataidh nan Roinnean." When Chance only stared at him blankly, the man spoke again, simplifying his statement. "He is a member of the Fae Council."

"Important, then?" Chance asked.

"Yes." The Fae responded simply. "If you choose to take that job, we will provide a single Fae Warrior and Healer to accompany you. Any other party members you will have to recruit on your own."

Chance skimmed the paper, then nodded. "I'll do it. And I don't suppose you can provide me a weapon of some sort?" The boy was suddenly painfully aware of the collar Ishadin had forged, enchanted, and placed on him.

Made of a material that Chance could only guess was Prevalida, since it was the same blue hue as his bracers, the Collar was enchanted with a detrimental effect. So long as he wore it, the boy couldn't access his magic at will, nor could he remove the Collar on his own. The only positive thing about it was that Ishadin seemed to have bungled the Enchantment, as it only seemed to work three quarters of the time.

It was the only reason Chance had been allowed to keep his powerful bracers. Ishadin was not in the habit of giving people things that could be used against him. To torture the boy, he had clamped the reforged, white hot bracers down on Chance's arms. To render the bracers useless, he had created the Collar, and put it on him.

The Fae nodded. "Of course. So long as you are helping us, we can help you. This way." Standing from the desk, the man turned to walk away.

Before they had gone more than a few steps, the door opened behind them. Through the crack, out from the rain, and into the comfort and warmth of the building, a small boy emerged.

Closed. Invited: You know who you are!

Kially Gaith
08-11-07, 06:06 PM
And that child was none other than Kially. Having quietly enjoyed the rain in the outside world, his worldly travels had brought him in a completely different tangent of direction than he had originally planned, having felt a drawing towards the comb mountains east of Radasanthia having passed the mountains with a large amount of effort, the boy had come upon a small fishing village, where of he had kindly caught adrift of a boat to another continent to trade their Radasanthan fish for glass and other rarities, this was how the boy came to be in Donnalaich.

Having come directly from the port in the soaking weather, the lad had gone to explore, as curious and as naïve as ever, raptured up into what the many structures of the place had to offer, his ventures had finally brought him outside what he could not explain in his own vocabulary. Although he was not impressed, the building still held that calling he had felt when he had first concorded off his own direction towards home.

Having reached the building, he attempted to gaze inside, until the door was suddenly tugged upon by a burly and well dressed man “Get in, child! Get in!”. Caught up in the moment, the boy did as required, despite really knowing why. It was true he was drenched, but on his journeys, this had become something of common effect, the rain no longer bothering his eyes, the cold but another effect to cope with that was highly lessened by numbed senses.

“So you must be here with the other boy, right?” Spoke the large male again, ushering the child in the same direction as the other boy, having noticed a similarity in both boys wore bracers, granted, the boy whom had entered before wore ones which had much more providence. The masculine fellow could not help but notice a ribbon tied into a bow in the childs hair, he shook his head with a hidden smile of amusement, not even thinking to question its’ ability or purpose. Children these days…

Quickly warming inside, he said not a single word, allowing the male to direct him in the direction he so wished, the boy did not feel threatened and was openly naïve enough to follow blindly. Another boy? Hmm…Could it be? …No. Of course not.

“I suppose you’ll be wanting a weapon too?” The child tilted his head, still not a single response, too taken up in the confusion of the moment and the dominion of the older adult figures that seemed to readily offer him shelter.

...What in Althanas, had he got himself dragged into this time?

Winter's Lady
08-11-07, 08:42 PM
Isa stood on the street watching the few people hurry to reach their destination and escape the rain. The drops of rain that slid across her skin felt almost warm before they slowly froze. Within minutes her flawless, nude body was covered in tiny shinning ice crystals. Isa looked from the few people she had seen to her crystal covered body and noted that they hid their form. With a small flexing of will and thought, she wore an ice replica of the clothing the last man she had seen had worn.

Isa found the encasing clothing cumbersome and far too heavy. Frowning she looked down at the hazy ice. The ‘clothing’ crumbled, falling to chunks of ice around her bare feet. A moment later a short skirt consisting of scales made of ice formed around her waist and grew until it covered her hips and upper thighs. Moving experimentally she nodded to herself, pleased in a vague way that the skirt would work. The scales of the skirt began to expand up to cover her bare torso and arms. She left her shoulders bare to allow for more movement. With in moments the skin there was sprinkled once more with ice crystals.

The curious scene of a boy being drug into a building caught her attention. Curious of anything different she slowly drifted over to the building. Standing up on tiptoe she looked into the window. A large man walked over to the boy she had seen him pull into the building. With out knocking she pulled open the door and stepped inside. The warmth of the fire in the room was slightly uncomfortable for her.

She heard a gasp as she studied the two younger males in the room. Before she fully realized what was happening the large man had grabbed her by the arm and pulled her a few paces forward.

“Your skin is as cold as ice and you look half dead. If you’re to travel in this party you need to warm up, young miss. I also need to outfit you with a weapon while you warm up.” Isa looked up at the man, frowning.

“I am nor dead not half dead. Also, I require no weapon made of metal.” She held out a hand, in it a small dagger formed made of ice. She offered it to the man. Curiosity compelled her to hold it out until the man took the weapon. She watched as the dagger melted in the man’s hand within seconds, the expression on her perfect face cold and distant.

08-11-07, 09:42 PM
Chance's eyes turned distant as the figures entered behind him, and the Fae male automatically associated them with him. His cold glance swept over both of them and for a moment it seemed as if he would turn them away, or walk off without a word. The gears in his mind turned, and a link was forged with the ice-cloaked portion of his young heart.

Better they die before me. The thought was the first to cross his mind, although a rather curious feeling also permeated him on the sight of the young boy. It reminded him of his long gone twin sister Fate. For a moment, he felt an attachment begin to grow. And in the next moment, he had choked the emotion off. His eyes were cold again, and his posture straight and clean.

Turning, Chance gestured wordlessly to the Fae; lead away.

The corridors of the Morach Mor were as majestic as its exterior. Hundreds of crystals floated randomly, shedding light of various colors over the rich carpets and beautifully sculpted crystalline statues. Fae moved purposefully through the hallways, and voices could be heard behind closed doors. Again, the sky outside was ruptured by a massive bolt of lightning. A tall, arched window lit; the scene within the stained glass contained what appeared to be a man and a woman standing side by side, holding hands. Chance's eyes fell away from the scene, his lip curling slightly in obvious irritation. He just wanted this job to be over so he could take his gold and buy something to eat. The thought caused his stomach to growl in protest, though he doubted anyone was close enough to hear it.

Ahead, the Fae opened a pair of wooden doors and led them through. The room beyond was massive, and the floating crystals bathed thousands of metallic objects with multi-hued light. It was one of the largest rooms Chance had ever seen, and it seemed to be completely full with rack after rack of weapons and armor. Chance smiled to himself as he made his way further into the chamber, his eyes wandering over the shelves.

Before Chance had really begun to examine anything, the Fae caught his arm. Though the man's touch wasn't threatening in any manner, the boy tensed and glanced at him. The Fae let go, but waved toward a distant part of the room. "There is somethings over here that might work well for you."

Leaving the younger boy and the extremely pale woman behind, Chance followed the man deeper into the armory. He stopped toward the back of the room, beside a wall mounted rack that contained many swords. Looking through them, he picked out two, and turned to examine Chance. Measuring against him, he shook his head, and put them back. Picking up another one, he motioned for Chance's arm. Though he was slightly wary, the boy lifted his arm, and accepted the weapon. It felt well balanced in his hand. He hefted it carefully testing the length and weight. It appeared to be made of Prevalida, as it had the same hue as Hoarfrost and Hailstorm, his bracers. The Fae lifted an eyebrow and Chance nodded, satisfied.

Turning, Chance made his way back to the door, only partially curious what his newfound companions had chosen to equip themselves with.

Kially Gaith
08-11-07, 11:15 PM
The boys eyes hardly met any of the more luxurious amounts of glass and crystal, his attention span focused on where he was being led, it was the armoury that he found to be rather interesting. Sure, he was not one to wield weaponry, but all this looked rather fantastic. You could fight a whole war with what were in this room alone. Probably the intended purpose.

The fae whom had led him into the room looked down at the child in utmost dismay. Throwing his life away at such an early age…It’s just not right… It was the mans thoughts alone that guided the boy with a hand on his shoulder more towards the armour, he looked down at the boy, skinny with no muscle, he was unlikely to be able to bear the weight of plate or even chain mail. What is the council thinking? Taking on anyone and anything like this…

The child gazed over all the items, many of which were oddly appropriate for his size. The larger fae towering over him decided that the standard soldier armoury were inappropriate, and, with a jingle of keys, led the boy to a thick solid oak door, mounted to the wall with solid enchanted hinges, with a barred peep hole square. The mage item storage room, where the more valuable none-soldier items were located.

“You need something light…But protective.” Spoke the fae, selecting up two upper-arm bracers, both made of lightweight Delyn, lined inside with siphen cloth for comfort and further enchanting potential.
“These my little friend, are magus arm bracers, they are enchanted to allow the user enhanced direct focus no matter the weather, no matter how much pain the wearer is in, nor even the wearers emotion or feelings, and with time!..." The bulky male paused for emphasis. "...Tune in to the users direct source of magic to allow the strength of the users elements to make them even more powerful!" That was the abilities done, now the partial history. "They were used by someone about your size and height, a talented pyro magess that fell to a well placed arrow. The poor girl never saw it coming…It seems apt you have them for when you learn some really powerful magic, right? Shirt off?” An odd and direct response, required so that the male may apply the items to his upper arms to be hidden. The fae had no idea of the boys already strong magus prowess, but had made a fortunate choice based on how he saw the boys 'short' future, after all, when his body was found, they could easily recollect the items handed over and return them to their places in the armoury.

The boy saw no direct harm in removing his shirt, after all it was soaked, and the warmth of the upstairs managed to permeate to the lower depths with but only weak effect, not helped at all by the one who looked like the elements outside had took more than their fair share upon.

With the shirt out of the way, the male opened the bracers using a button based clasp, and revealed the shiny and smooth rose pink siphen cloth inside. “Hold your left arm out please?”

Kially responded, holding up his left arm, it took a few moments of remembrance of left and right but it eventually came to him. A twitch of his right arm showed his brief moment of confusion before his arm raised high up.

Without a second moments of fuss, the armoury guard slid the upper-arm bracer onto his arm and clamped it shut. “Fits like a glove.” This process was repeated with the second, on his right arm.

Sure, the siphen cloth was hardly his colour, more suited to their previous owner, an apparent fire magess with a great deal of talent, small too, apparently. But they fit rather snugly, and that was what truly mattered. “Than-koo…” The boy spoke, for the first time in the building, his sweet tone carrying into and around the room with little difficulty.

“You’re more than welcome little one…” The guard stated, before clumsily bringing the child a large war sword. “Try pick this up, yes?” May as well gauge the boys strength, right?

The lad tried to pick the large and heavy blade up, it took him a large amount of effort but it eventually left the floor. The guard silently slapped his own forehead in anger at the council, though remained kind hearted, believing the boys last hours alive may as well come with kindness. “No good huh?” That immediately ruled out bows, maces, heavy swords, battle axes, battle hammers and nearly all weapons he could think of. Gazing over the child, the disadvantage of height was also apparent. So. Something long…Something light…Perfect, he had the exact item in mind. A halberd with a wooden shaft of eklan liviol, and a prevalida spear-axe head with a hook a the back open side. The metal enchanted with a spell to make the item feather light, and the wood enchanted with a spell to prevent blades sliding down the shaft as to remove the unfortunate wielders hands, a fine weapon of sorts, allowing the child the latent advantages he really needed.

Scooping it up from a weapons wrack, he grinned, handing the heavy looking item to the child, the boy lifting it without a single problem, so light as such that he could easily carry the item in one hand, the only weight coming from the wood, which wasn’t stupidly heavy, and the shaft, at a meter and a half, boded well to cover the boys height problems.

“There. All ready.” The male chanted to the young boy, all ready for what, the child could not question, he was still in rather large awe that he would be given such items.

Winter's Lady
08-12-07, 12:36 AM
Silent, Isa drifted behind the two boys and the man that led them. She studied the two boys. From the bigger of the two she felt a slight pull and wondered at it. The other smaller boy seemed ordinary in Isa’s limited experience of humans and other such races. She turned her attention in on herself as they passed through the hall of crystal and glass.

The form had become familiar to her, the sensation of walking on two legs, the movement of arms and legs almost normal. If she could have felt strong emotions Isa would have hated her body and hated the god that bound her into this shell. As it were she felt only a slight distaste for her body and the bodies of the creatures around her.

The room of metal weapons and armor interested her, while the others were outfitted she wandered. Lightly she touched the shining steel of a broad sword. Beneath her finger tip frost blossomed and slowly expanded. Watching it she could recall a time where such metal would have frozen and shattered at her touch. The memories of what she truly had once been were fading. Isa gripped them, locking them away in a crystal box with her mind.

“It would be unwise to touch me, your flesh is too frail.” She said in a soft voice reminiscent of the soft tinkling crackling of ice shifting to the hand that was reaching for her shoulder. Isa turn and looked up at the Fae male and frowned again.

“Your companions are properly outfitted for this quest. Is it still your choice to remain weapon less?” The man looked down at Isa. Isa look back at the tall man, his green eyes meeting her ice blue and gray eyes. What ever he saw in her eyes made him turn away with a shudder. He rubbed his arms to warm himself as he stepped away from her. His eyes followed Isa as she wandered closer to the two boys.

Never human that girl was. I wonder just what she is. He rubbed his arms absently again as another shiver shook his limbs. Perfect, it’s a pity she’s so cold. She’s beautiful. Almost like a snowflake brought to life. Isa stopped a few feet away from both boys.

“I believe that the mortal custom is to exchange titles of ones self the first time interaction is initiated. I am Isa.”

08-12-07, 01:00 AM
Chance had been examining his new weapons as he made his way back to the small group. The Scimitars were strong and sleek, and shaped to kill with a glancing blow. The sheaths felt strange at his waist, and he knew that it would take some time to get used to their weight. They reminded him of something that Ishadin would have loved. When he looked up, his eyes settled on the Fae who was now talking to the younger boy, and leading him to a door.

When the boy lifted his shirt to allow the Fae to outfit him, Chance's eyes moved over the younger boy's back, and jealousy stabbed deep into him. The boy's skin was beautiful and smooth, unblemished in the soft light that washed over him from the floating crystals. It was a forceful reminder of the horror beneath his own clothing, the intertwining latticework of scars that crossed over his own flesh, so marking him apart from those around him. More over, it was a sign of what he had lost, and would never recover; his childhood. In that moment, a flood of rage washed through him, and he wanted nothing more than to drive his newly acquired Prevalida Scimitars into the boy's back.

"What kind of animal have I become?" He thought to himself. His fists unclenched, his rage had burned out. He felt empty now, a hollow husk. He wasn't sure what could have possibly made him desire to harm such a cute, innocent little boy. But whatever it was, he knew he hated it; he loathed it almost as much as he loathed the fact that whatever it was, it was a part of him.

Turning to the pale woman, the boy forced a smile, though he knew it came across as weak and distant. "I'm Chance."

Though why you would care is beyond me. A day will pass, maybe two, and you will completely forget that I ever existed.

Kially Gaith
08-12-07, 01:13 AM
Unbeknownst to him, the gaze of Chance hit him and went straight through, unnoticed to the younger lad, still admiring the odd weapon in his hands. It were fortunate for Chance, that his reappearance and dissipation of anger all happened before Kiallys' eyes averted to meet Chance.

With a pale hand, he lifted his arm, unhindered by the light bracers, and offered a bright smile, waving idlely, attempting to find friendship. The larger fae that had equipped the boy wandered off to make small talk with the second whom had armed Chance.

At the appearance and introduction of the strange and literally cold woman, he tilted his head on edge, a common trait, it seemed, for when he was curious, much like an excited puppy. The words went unnoticed until his naïve curiosity was snapped by the elder boys smooth response. It was now his job to present himself in the best way he knew possible. Jumping up in some sort of hyperactive victory pose, he punched the air with a giddy air about him. “I’m Kially!”

Whispers of the boys age and reason for being in a group to go out for combat were exchanged amongst the two guards as one subject, the second being that of the odd woman who had seemingly joined the two boys soon after their arrival.

The whispers fell upon deaf ears, Kially couldn’t hear them, probably better that way.

”I don’t give him ten seconds against those creatures…A waste of life if you ask me…Unless the other two are strong. That woman…She’s an odd one…Look to her skin…Yuh’d think she were dead or made from ice itself…”

“Yeah…Just look at him! He’s so small! You could flick him and he’d break! …The woman? She gives me the creeps, sure, she looks beautiful…But there’s something completely unnatural about her…”

“Mmm…” Both nodded their own agreements of such quiet discussion, keeping their distance from the group to prevent any trouble and to allow for privacy.

Kially offered a secondary wave to the woman named Isa, as he admired her face, her skin excelling past even his pale hue in comparison.

Winter's Lady
08-12-07, 02:04 AM
The whispers of the taller men in the room filtered to Isa’s ears. Uncaring of what they thought she dismissed it. Her two ‘companions’ were of more interest. Especially the one with the temperament so close to her own. Isa wondered that what the causes were to render a mortal born creature to be so ice locked within his own body. The other boy, Kially, she recalled, was very young and very active. Energy, unused and vibrant exuded from his small body.

One such as him would be hard to trap with the cold. Isa thought before she remembered that she was no longer just a child of the Hoarfrost. She took half a step back for the others. The warmth from their bodies clearly felt on her frigid skin.

“I believe this, group as come together for a purpose? We should get going, time is of the essence. While we stand here playing with items of metal this world slowly turns beneath our feet.”

08-12-07, 12:45 PM
"Bleh..." Chance thought sourly to himself.

Turning, he walked back to the double doors that had led them into the armory, and passed through them without hesitation. As he walked he pulled his shirt sleeves down as far as he could to obscure the scars that interlaced and covered his arms like climbing vines. He didn't bother trying to hide those that rose an inch above the neckline of his back; he knew his shirt collar wasn't high enough, nor his hair long enough. Instead of trying futilely to hide what he had become, he straightened his back and feigned pride, though he felt nothing but shame.

He felt a growing unease creeping insidiously through his stomach. It had been near a decade since he had freely interacted with anyone, and to do so now left him anxious and agitated. Frowning at what he perceived to be weak emotions, the boy forced them to the back of his mind and carried on, passing from under one glowing crystal to the next.

When he reached the door, he stopped for a minute to unroll the paper given to him earlier by the Fae. The instructions on it were clear, to sweep out a specific ruined building, so that the Fae could begin the rebuilding process. Chance shook his head and laughed quietly. Somehow it seemed fitting that to gather the gold he needed to eat and live, he'd have to kill. He kept reading, looking for where the building was located. When he had found the location -toward the bottom, written in a heavy hand and underlined-, he rolled the paper back up and placed it in his pocket.

Nearby, a Jadeite crystal floated at head level. It was roughly the size of an arrowhead, but shed a beautiful, vibrant light of emerald hue. It was pyramidal in shape, and turned over slowly. Without a second thought Chance reached up and grabbed it, and dropped it into his pocket. He knew that to the Fae, master workers of crystal, such a simple enchantment was child's play to make. Besides, they would need the light. He only hoped his companions had the presence of mind to claim one of their own before setting out. The last thing he would need in the coming hours was his companions crowding him because they had failed to secure their own light source.

Pulling the door open carefully, he shielded his face against the rain and wind. The water was freezing against his bared skin, and left his teeth chattering. A powerful shiver inside his chest caused his shoulders to shudder. Lightning forked from the sky, and a loud peal of thunder left his ears ringing. He stepped through the door, and waited on the steps for his companions.

As the younger boy, Kially, came out of the door, Chance leaned down and caught his hand. It felt weird to be holding someone's hand in such a way; it was something he hadn't done since his childhood, but he didn't want the boy to get lost in the storm. He figured that Isa would be able to keep up, since she seemed the eldest.

Shouting over the storm, Chance pointed straight ahead. "That way! We're going to the D Gate!"

Kially Gaith
08-13-07, 08:47 AM
Following the incentive of Chance, the boy hopped up and down beneath a round orb of quartz crystal, about the size of novelty gift snow globe, glowing brightly with candescent white light, it didn’t occur to him that he may be stealing as a final jump swiped the item into his hand, unlike Chance however, he kept it openly in his hand, admiring it as he quietly followed in pace.

Following, he continued in idle pace, carrying a crystal in one hand, the light pole arm in his other. Out into the storm he moved, he lifted his face to the rain, taking odd pleasure in its’ force and coolness. Sure, he was cold, but he was more than used to being cold. As to free up a hand, he slid the crystal into his deep right side pocket, opening his hand to pick up anything he may find on the way.

“Eeek!” He suddenly called out, Chances attempt to grab his hand had gone as Chance had planned, but the boy, cautious and partially paranoid immediately tensed up. It took at least 4 seconds for Kially to even realise it was Chance whom had gripped such. He’d made his way here fine enough…Maybe Chance just wanted security?

Following behind Chance, without choice, he’s quietly dragged along by his wrist, feeling very babyish in the process, though not complaining, it didn’t feel all that bad after all, but having his independence taken away so simply was somewhat scary, to think that to attack Chance for his actions would cause a fight, and to argue over them may break the weak friendship they had…He decided on the hidden option number 3.

Put up and shut up.

08-13-07, 10:42 AM
The rain was worse now then it had been when he entered the Marach Mor, though that didn't really surprise him. The sky had turned from bruised, blue clouds to a sinister dark purple. The spears of lightning that stabbed into the ground were startlingly bright, and the crashes of thunder that followed them were loud enough to vibrate in his chest. It was one of the worst storms Chance had ever seen in his short life, and it easily instilled fear in him, though he fought to keep it hidden. The force of the wind alone made him wince as it billowed around him, whipping his shirt wildly about. When the wind flared again, and his shirt lifted to expose his waist and stomach, the boy nearly panicked. His hand fell with haste, to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it down. The scars were hidden again now, though the wind would surely pick up again.

He heard a small squeak at his side, and felt the young boy's hand tense in his grip. Chance's reaction was immediate, and without thought; he let go, and took a swift step to his right to put distance between them. His intention hadn't been to cause fear, anger, or indignation, and now that he had apparently done so, he felt the fool. Why had he assumed the boy would be safer near him? Since when was Chance a superhero, or capable of defending himself, let alone another?

Feeling exceedingly stupid, the boy searched for something to hold in hand, to occupy and hold his concentration so he wouldn't have to face his companions. He had given an attempt at forging relations, and now he felt stupid and rejected. Oh well. It's not like it was the first time I've felt that way. The boy thought to himself. He pulled the glowing jade crystal from his pocket and held it in his left hand; partially to keep the boy from taking his hand back -though he doubted the boy would even try-, and to keep his right hand open and unused. Should he need to fight, or take some other action that required finesse, he would surely need his right hand.

"That way." Chance shouted over the storm, his voice rough and emotionless. He had made the attempt to bond, and it had failed. Now, he just wanted to finish this stupid mission, get his gold, and find somewhere he could eat out of the rain, and go to sleep.

Kially Gaith
08-13-07, 02:24 PM
It wasn’t that Kially disliked such interaction, it was more that he had not experienced such interaction from people in the world such as his hand being held, before. He wasn’t even scared, it were a moment of utter surprise, one that took him off guard completely, when the interaction was broke, he calmed as much as the storm would allow a tense body.

He gave no gaze to Chance, obviously the boy had problems of his own that needn’t be brought up, and he’d not know how to word the beginning of such a conversation at his age anyways.

Casually, perhaps too casually, he'd walk behind, the wind seemingly avoiding him, leaving only the rain drops to drench his clothing once again. An all too familiar feeling. Following Chance, he moved quietly, his little feet pacing rapidly as to keep up with Chance as they distanced themselves from the Marach Mor and more towards Gate D.

Chances words were taken note of, though hardly heeded, as the boy just continued to follow Chance, obviously the elder lad knew just where they were heading.

Carrying the pole arm across his left shoulder with his left arm, he kept up his pace, his right hand in his pocket playing with the quartz orb, rolling it about in his fingers, enjoying the soft and faint warmth it gave off from the energy within.

Winter's Lady
08-15-07, 01:38 AM
The crystal drifting through the air was a spectacle enough that Isa found herself stopping to look and watch. A slight smile flitted across her face, momentarily giving her true beauty instead of mere cold perfection. A clear crystal floated lower the faceted edges broke the clear light coming from within it into prismatic rainbows.

Holding her hand out, Isa studied the rainbow of light on her palm. The sight of it made her remember yet another fading memory. The rainbow bridge that spanned all worlds rose up in her memory. For a long moment her mind focused solely on it, stilling everything else to grasp at the memory. The burning of her lungs drew her back to reality and the body she was bound in. Gasping, she took the breath of air her body required.

Reaching up she grasped the gem that floated down, almost as if it wanted her to take it. Studying it, Isa guessed it to be a diamond. It fit into the palm of her small hand like it was made to be there. As she watched the diamond frosted over from her touch, the light that spilling from it gained a blue misty tone to it. Isa enveloped the diamond in an cage of ice then held it up to the hollow between her collar bones. Ice spread along her skin until a collar of ice surrounded her slender neck. The front dipped down a little to hold the diamond in place.

Following behind, Isa noted when the two linked hands and when Chance broke the link after a small noise came from Kially. The wind and rain was little more than a nuisance for Isa. She brushed the crystals that formed on her off only when they impeded movement.

Distantly she wondered just where Chance was leading them and what was expected of them.

08-15-07, 02:37 PM
Though he held the jade crystal high overhead, its emerald light barely pushed the darkness back. The ever constant curtain of falling rain certainly didn't help visibility and Chance continually feared that with his next step he'd either collide with someone, or twist an ankle in a fall. Again, he felt a small wave of resentment at his companions. If someone fell it would surely be him, and the warning he provided in his injury would keep them safe. He was both angry and comforted by the thought; a part of him wanted them, and everyone else, to suffer as he did, to be in pain as he was. The other half of him hated the thought, and shunned it. The youth carried on in brooding silence, though an instinctual desire to turn and check on the younger boy's safety still pervaded his emotions. He didn't fear for Isa as he did for Kially. The younger boy was about the age Chance had been when the long nightmare of his imprisonment and torture had begun. In the boy, Chance could see his past reflected back to him.

Chance shook his head harshly, banishing the thought. Whatever happened to the boy was his own problem. Kially hadn't been there to save Chance from the hell he had endured. Why should he care what happened to the boy? Or Isa for that matter.

He put the thoughts from mind. He had neither the energy or the inclination to follow them. He was here to do a job, to get paid, and move on. He wanted food, and he wanted a bed out from under the rain. He was tired of sleeping on the ground, waking to knots of pain in his back and neck.

Though he could hardly tell where he was going, his memories of Donnalaich served him well enough to help him find his way. Ahead, the road began to thin, and a wooden barricade blocked the way. When Chance reached it, he stopped and looked toward the three figures huddling beneath a nearby stone awning, out of the rain. He approached slowly, his hands in plain sight. He was sure there were stupider things to do than approach three guards in the dark of night during a storm... he just couldn't think of them.

When they took notice of him, the lead guard waved him over.

"What are you looking for, boy?" The man's face could barely be seen. What little light escaped the darkening caused by the storm did little to penetrate the hood. All Chance could see was a monstrous beard, and a nose that spoke of many barfights.

Chance pulled the rolled up parchment from his pocket, and handed it to the guard. The man read it over and looked up. "So they sent you, huh? Let me guess, you are one of those mage types? No offense meant, but I don't see you killing these creatures in melee battle."

"Something like that." Chance replied ambiguously. He didn't care to reveal his talents, especially to people he didn't know, and didn't trust.

"Good enough." He pointed up the street beyond the barricade, at a stone building that looked like a small cathedral. It was old, the stone crumbling to dust in some places. The stained glass had long since shattered, leaving windows open and gaping like the empty sockets of a skull. Just looking at it, Chance felt foreboding creeping over him. "That's the building there. The Nan Roin want it cleared so they can began restoration efforts. From what I hear, they want to turn it into a Healing School. Though that's just a rumor."

Chance shrugged. He didn't really care what it would become, or what it had been. All he really wanted was to be inside, and out of the storm. "Any idea what is waiting in there? That paper is kinda vague."

The guard laughed. "Yeah, Chomhairle Egan isn't exactly known for his presence of mind. He had probably meant to give an in depth briefing. The man had a shorter attention span than a spoon."

Chance didn't care one way or another, but forced a short laugh for the guards sake.

"Well, all we know for certain is that there are a few over-sized spiders in there. Or at least that is what the cartographers screamed when they came running out. I wouldn't be too concerned. It's probably a quick job. In, squish a few bugs, and back out. I would have done it myself, but they gave me strict orders to not move from this spot. Apparently they don't like the thought of some little Fae child gettin' eaten. Personally, if they are stupid enough to wander past an obvious barrier, into the ruined part of the city, and into a delapidated building like that, then they should be eaten. Stupid people tend to make stupid kids, and we have plenty of both already, so it would be better if they did get eaten." The man said. Chance wasn't sure how he had breathed during that long tirade. He wondered vaguely how the Guardsman thought his own attention span any better than Chomhairle Egan's.

"We were supposed to have some help. A Fae warrior and healer, according to Egan's little helper." Chance replied. A particularly loud peal of thunder made him raise his voice toward the end of the sentence.

The two that had been standing behind the Guardsman stepped forward, and pulled their hoods back to reveal their faces. Both were Fae, and obviously related. Their eyes were the same shade of beryl and their hair was black as pitch, though the man wore his short, and the woman's long. On their foreheads, above their eyes, they both had a stone attached to their skin. The emerald stones were barely the size of an infant's fingernail, and were shaped like an upside down tear. Chance resisted he urge to ask them what the stones meant.

"We are them." The male said. "I am Romma, and my sister's name is Ammor."

Chance nodded respectfully at the greeting. "Chance. Isa, Kially" He introduced himself simply, and pointed at the others as he said their names. The Fae twins frowned at Kially, obviously disapproving at the boy's young age and the danger he was about to go into. Chance ducked under the barricade. "Let's get to it then."

Kially Gaith
08-19-07, 05:59 PM
Age were not a true boundary for the child but perhaps his own gift. Unfortunately…Spiders really don’t care for size or age...And neither did the Fae, obviously.

Kially glanced quietly, the rain really not causing him all the discomfort it should, although it was definitely slowing him down. The boy was well toned to nature and its’ elements, unfortunately, however, their effects were apparent, the rain heavily drenching his clothes to reduce his speed.
The wind however continued to avoid him, his clothes would not ripple with its’ rage and however the child found comfort in the air that swept naught but rain into his tiny figure. Eyes half closed to empower his vision, he continues through the rain, following the glow of Chances crystal.

Listening to the conversation, he offers a small and weak wave at the announcement of his name. Icy blue hues examined the fae couple and quietly admired them, seems they were coming to ‘play’ too!

“Spiders? Big spiders?!” Kially questioned in partial shock, what had he got himself into?! Of course…Big spiders didn’t scare little Kially…At least he was trying to convince himself of such, failing miserably.

At the call of Chance, Kially made good to follow, now pale with not only the cold but hesitation of the upcoming situation, polearm securely on his back, he continued on his way, more nervous and tentative than before.

(Rain Effect: Current character ability 'higher speed' temporarily annulled)

Winter's Lady
08-20-07, 06:49 AM
Paying no mind to where she was walking Isa followed the others. The blueish light from the diamond in her necklace illuminated her path. Again, she vaguely wondered where Chance was leading them. She found she didn't particularly care for being out of the loop. After all if she was to be used for a purpose she wanted to know her role. Humans are such erratic creatures. It is no wonder I claimed dozens of them each year when the Hoarfrost sent me out to ring the world in frost.

The words and greetings exchanged between Chance, Kially, the guard and the two Fae seemed of little importance. Isa nodded in greeting when she heard her name. Instead, she studied the wooden barricade blocking their way and what little she could see beyond it. Absently she brushed at the frozen drops of rain as they built up on her skin.

Beyond the barrier the ground was slick in places from rain and sticky with mud in others. Isa considered forming foot covers for herself when she found the mud from the streets mildly unpleasant on between her toes. Buildings were few and far apart. The only light for the party, the light giving crystal. Ahead, a large building loomed up from the dim blackness of the rain and the night.

Staring at the foreboding building Isa wondered why these Fae wanted to recover it from another species of life. With their clever hands and minds they could simply build another build. Hurrying her step, Isa reached out and caught Chance's elbow in a light grasp. For a moment she forgot her touch was considered icy and unpleasant by most.

"You took this mission with little information, quite reckless for a human." The call of ice distracted Isa. Looking down she noted the call emanated from the bracers on his arms.

"You can wield Ice. A common ability for humans?" Isa asked, curious. She wondered if there were any human that could free her of the corporeal form she was bound in.

08-21-07, 05:51 PM
"Reckless? Living is reckless for a human. When it is easier for a race to die than live, everything is reckless." Chance responded quietly. "And yes, I wield Ice. As for whether it is common among Humans, I wouldn't know; I'm not human." The boy fell silent as the building loomed ahead.

Chance's right hand gripped the hilt of one of the Prevalida Scimitars at his waist as he approached the crumbling entrance of the decrepit building. He could think of nothing more than what lay ahead in the shadows and darkness. His left hand was high in the air, the Jade crystal in his palm shedding light over the sodden night. The emerald haze barely reached inside the portal ahead, and Chance came to a slow halt. The empty door frame was carved of stone.

Looking over his shoulder at the four following him, Chance mentally brushed away the fear, and stepped into the darkness. The light of his crystal grew in the cramped passage way, but still fell far short of what he wished to see. It was little more than a torch. He left his Scimitars in their sheaths. In such a narrow corridor, a melee weapon would be useless anyways.

His steps were halting and slow, hauntingly loud even to his own ears. The sounds of the thunderstorm were muted here, only a vague whisper in the darkness. Ahead, something moved in the shadows. Chance lifted his hand higher, and the light shifted to reveal a doorway ahead. The boy continued slowly, and passed through the open door. The light spilled over a medium sized room. There were two exits, one on the left wall, and one far ahead. Spider webs covered the ceiling. A streak of blood started in the center of the room, and slid through the left door.

Chance looked back at his companions. "So... which way first?"

Kially Gaith
08-26-07, 12:44 PM
Quietly entering, Kially squinted his eyes as they made best to try adjust to the new lack of light. It never occurred to the boy to use the crystal he had in his pocket which was doing all of keeping his leg warm and nothing more.

The child took a deep breath, heaving for a few seconds as the air contained more dust and thick musky dampness on the back of his throat than he had expected. Coughing briefly as he adapted to the climate of the building, his eyes finally caught what Chances’ crystal shone upon, immediately, his chest tightened and his breaths became more shallow.

With the pole arm held across his shoulder with his left arm, he stared at the blood on the floor with lips slightly parted in both curiosity and fright. “…S-Spiders?” He questioned, looking rather gratefully to the path without blood.

Kially you idiot…How had you got yourself into this? He pondered as he silently edged closer and closer towards the door on the right. Reaching the door, he gave answer to Chances’ question with nervous tone. “…How ‘bout this one?”

He set his foot half way into the door, trying to confirm his own decision with the group, but being the youngest and smallest meant he had but only a smidgen of authority, if any at all.

Gazing into the room where the blood had not flooded yet, he curiously studied the décor, covered in thick grey spider web. Seems the things had set up home and planned to stay…He suddenly questioned his choice as the spider web was enough to unnerve him, even if he could hardly see it.

Outside, the wind grew in strength much like the boys fear and as if his mother was laughing at her childs’ bravery, she used her blessed wind to tear a slate from the roof, which slid down the rest of the roof with a loud scraping screech, before shattering outside the entrance of the building with a loud ‘Crish!’.

The child promptly yelped and jumped half an inch on the spot, clinging to the nearest thing, which happened to be a crumbling stone door frame. “I don’t wanna die!” His pole arm impaled itself in the ceiling above the group at the boys sudden reaction.

Winter's Lady
08-28-07, 01:25 AM
For a fraction of a moment Isa felt worried that she was bound to human form. She wondered if it were so easy to die then why did the gods create humans. It made no sense to create something that was so easily broken. Looking down at her clothing Isa frowned. Between a finger and fore thumb she grasped the hem of her short skirt and broke off a piece. It took only a moment and the chunk she had broken out was filled in, the skirt once more whole. If I am broken will I be repaired like my clothing is by my powers. Or will I die like a human? If the body I am trapped in is destroyed will I return to being a child of the Hoarfrost or will I no longer exist?

With no answer easily available to her question Isa pushed it aside to be completed over at a later date. She looked from the blood tainted doorway to the clean one. The sight of Kially entering the room made her pause and wait to see if anything ate the small boy. The sight of the boy clinging to the doorway, frightened by a noise outside amused Isa to no end. Memories surfaced, memories of watching small humans, children, shriek and huddled to their parents as trees cracked and broke under the weight of the ice she had created.

Casting one last glance at Kially Isa passed by Chance stepping into the blood stained doorway. The light from the crystal in her necklace gave off less light than Chance’s or Kially’s. Isa natural tendencies of coating everything in frost and ice, dimmed the light giving crystal considerably.

“It would make sense to remove the spiders in this room first. If a retreat is in order it would not do to have our exit blocked.” Isa stepped into the room, letting her words drift through the air to her companions.

Inside, the streak of blood extended only feet then ended in a pool. Skirting the small pool Isa walked along the inner wall. Above her she could hear the faint sounds. A brush of something against the wall, a slight scraping noise and a very faint chittering noise were the only noises she heard over her own footsteps. It occurred to Isa, given her companions level of anxiety, to have a weapon readied. Cupping her hands, a moment later twin blades of glittering ice shimmered in her pale hands.

Kially Gaith
04-10-08, 07:53 AM
When the pole arm hit the roof, the blade snapped without a second moment given to it. Apparently the forgemanship of the item was not upto par as much has had been made out.

The building creaked and groaned at the entrance of the occupants and as the childs nerves finally began to settle, he took it upon himself to take it a little more easy.

Suddenly and without warning, came a loud screech from deeper in the building. Kially froze on the spot.

What awaited the estranged group?

Decided to close a thread where the other members have either quit or gone MIA for close to a year.

Spoils request: The spell bracers mentioned earlier in the thread that boost each of Kiallys' spell-esque abilities (However, not things such as speed.) by 0.5% per level (Including 0). Lower quality is fine but willing to sacrifice any gold awarded for maximum quality. Pole arm is destroyed beyond use by the solid impact into the ceiling. Thanks for your time!

Delyn, Sifan cloth inlined, arm bracers (As above - Summary to save you from going back to check over them.) - Go from wrist to below the elbow.
Abilities granted - 0.5% boost to each elemental spell per level (Including 0)
Pure focus - Allows the wearers focus to be clear, even when the body or environment denies such.

04-20-08, 05:42 PM
As this is an unfinished quest and Kially only asked for comments on himself, and only for things that truly stuck out, this shall be a short judgement. Jenn, if you want some commentary from me about Isa, you can talk to me in AIM.


Continuity: - 3 Well, this quest definitely had the potential to be something interesting in the beginning, but even before it died, something about it fell apart. Dan, you had a few Fae guards lead a child around the Marach Mor and arm him for combat as if he were some kind of warrior, which he clearly isn’t. Also, I realize you needed to get Kially into the group with Chance, but honestly, who blindly follows someone around without even asking some kind of question out of curiosity? Especially a child, they are notoriously curious. Still, this is obviously low scoring since the quest never finished.

Setting: - 5 What setting? I got a fair amount of setting from Chance, beautiful setting actually and some from Winter as well, but barely anything from you, Dan. I could see you trying but it just came across as very ‘this is a chair, you sit in the chair, the chair feels good to sit in’ to me at least. I’ve said it a hundred times before and I’ll say it again, setting is not only a canvas on which you paint, but a stage upon which you act.

Pacing: - 3


Dialogue: - 5 Dan, you’re playing a child, a 7 year old child. But I get the feeling from him that he’s more like 18 or possibly even older. He has adult thoughts, even adult actions sometimes and he speaks like an adult. There isn’t this great sense of childhood innocence coming from Kially that I should be getting from such a character.

Action: - 5 I did find a few of Kially’s actions rather cute, especially when he jumped at the sound outside the ruined building.

Persona: - 4

Writing Style

Mechanics: - 4 Dan, you have very, very awkward sentences sometimes. You forget to use simple words like and, at, the, as, things that connect the sentence and keep it flowing properly. You also had some huge instances of run-on sentences in your writing and there was once when I noticed you slip from past to present tense.

Technique: - 3

Clarity: - 3

Wild Card: - 2

Total: 37


Chance receives 300 experience and 100 GP!
Winter’s Lady receives 250 experience and 100 GP!
Kially Gaith receives 235 experience and 50 GP!

The bracers that were given to Kially had some unnoticed damage to them, whether from Kially knocking them against the stone pillar or from the neglect of the Fae armoury is not known. Upon their metal surface is a crack running straight from end to end. The bracers will need to be repaired before they can be wielded properly for fear of breaking them completely.

04-20-08, 05:45 PM
EXP and GP added!

Chance hits level 1!