View Full Version : A brief skirmish (Conditional fight)

08-12-07, 02:18 AM
The room is pitch black, the ground is solid marble, but the sound of Nadia's scythe tapping the ground at the far end is echoed by the ampitheatre.. The entrance is much higher than the far wall's lowest point.. and the hexagonal room is divided into two parts, four walls are of large stairs, each step rising to about knee-height above the next, and the two, or rather, one wall and half of each wall next to it, are low and flat.

This fight is limited such that sounds are moderately distorted, while at the same time amplified. Going solely off of hearing is not wise.
There is no source of light other than a lamp in the corner of each wall, which makes it possible to see just a little past your outstretched arm. These lamps cannot be put out.

Please bear with me, I'm relatively rusty at the fighting stuff

09-20-07, 09:57 PM
Arai pushed open the door to the Citadel. The metal doors' joints creaked, resonating a sound through the nearly silent hall of the grand building. Silently, Monks scurried to and fro going about their business.

No sooner had he entered did one such Monk approach him. "What is it that you seek, sir?"

Arai thought for a second, then responded, " I 'm going to try something different for a change. I'll just take whatever is available I suppose."

The Monk smiled and shook his head. "I see, right this way young man." Arai followed the Monk down a hallway and gestured towards a door. He then bowed slightly, and went on his way. Arai opened the door and stepped inside.

He appeared on a wooden stage, surrounding him from what he could see were rows of chairs facing towards the stage. There were only a few lights here and there by which he could see with. Though his demonic senses helped heighten what little his normal senses could tell him.

On the opposite side of the very dimly lit area, he could make out a figure vaguely in the darkness. Due to the limited light, he couldn't tell what it was. But...he knew it was his opponent.

"Hey, so you ready to do this or what?", he says to the figure, while placing his hand on the hilts of his swords.

10-02-09, 03:33 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Citadel Archive forum.
