View Full Version : Diamonds

08-13-07, 08:10 AM
(Closed to Lucien)

Starry, spectacular nights were few and far between in Alerar. They just never seemed to come. Poets wrote lyrical about how the actions of the people affected the skies above but in all realism, not many cared. Simple beauties like bright lights in the dark sky just didn't seem to be that cherished anymore, especially not in the relatively unused Etheria Port. The few inns that were still generating enough money to maintain their operations were not exactly hosts to those of philosophical nature. Few ships chose to dock in Etheria, choosing the more expensive but safer ports in more established parts of Alerar. Those that chose to carry out their business in the one of the seedier Alerar ports usually had an ulterior motive, but the residents of Etheria seldom cared for anything more than the sound of shiny gold coins.

Raelyse of the Grander's Order was one such individual. He despised living like a commoner, but the thoughts of living like a king were more than enough to sustain him. He stayed in the closest inn to Etheria Port, in a room that had a perfect view of the docks and all the ships that came within any distance of it. Predictably, he wasn't getting his money's worth. Value for money was probably the last thing on the prince's mind though, as the wide eyed grin demonstrated. His fingers took turns playing with a number of things, from a sack filled with golden coins to the hilt of his ornately decorated rapier. Only one thing stayed constant, his eyes, which were constantly locked on the horizon of the sea - in plain view. The ocean wasn't on his mind though; the glimmering stars were reflected in his thoughtful blue eyes.

"It is a stunning night that welcomes us," he began, seemingly speaking to himself. Then, the darkness stirred and the shadows themselves seemed to come alive. A silhouette stepped forward and as the moonlight shone through the windows, the shape slowly became better formed until clearly, the face of Xullifain Kel'Arkan revealed himself.

"I will never understand," the drow warrior began, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.

"When darkness is your wife, I do not understand why you and your people do not take mistresses," the prince mused back, though his lips were twisted in sarcasm. He turned around and glanced back, almost seeing his reflection in the shimmering white dark elf teeth.

"We have other vices," Xullifain began. "Ones that you promised to let us fulfill threefold tonight."

Raelyse turned back, glancing at the harbor and the three ships that were presently stationed there. Lit torches indicated that there was still crew on board. That wasn't what the prince was concerned with though. His eyes had been admiring the stars, but they had also been watching the horizon for Etheria's newest guest. A small dark shape in the distance told Raelyse that his wait was finally over. He tilted his head slightly towards it, his grin widening.

Xullifain didn't miss a beat, stepping forward to get a closer look.

"You are a man of your word."