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Death's Nephew
08-14-07, 12:04 AM
Updates are in Cyan.

Name: Tommy

Age: 17

Race: Specter

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 195lbs

Eyes: Black

Hair: Short, white


Tommy looks like an average seventeen year old. He is cute, no scars, smiles a lot, and carries himself like he has nothing to worry about. He wears black leather pants, black boots, a black shirt, and a black leather jacket; although he never zips it up unless he is really cold. He is clean shaven, and has a medium build. For his size, he is fairly strong, but by no means a heavy weight lifter. He has a slightly toned body, which he cares about a lot and a slight six pack which can be seen a bit through his tight shirt. He keeps his hair combed to the back and slightly parted to it falls to the sides.


Although he may smile a lot, it’s mostly a ruse. He is a very grim person, loving death and never hesitating to kill. He won’t do it just for the thrill, but if he feels someone has to die, he won’t wait to be asked to do the dirty work. Recently, he has been feeling rather torn, upon finding out his mother was a human, so now when he kills a person, he thinks twice, but usually follows through anyways. If you are his friend, then you are in good hands, since he will be by your side to the very end. Friendship is something that Tommy makes rarely, not on the account that people don’t accept him, but that he doesn’t accept people very much. At times you might think he has two personalities, but it’s just the conflicting ideas of compassion and cruelty that bounce around in his head.


Hexfire: A double edged rune sword forged in the depths of hell. On the hilt is an obsidian gem about the size of a half dollar. The sword’s tier is equal to the skill of the wielder. With Tommy, the blade is as strong as steel and as he levels up, the blade will harden. It also allows him to cast dark magic and bestows upon him new spells as he grows stronger. The sword has the appearance of a long sword, with a blade length of two and a half feet. He keeps it in an oak sheath on his back. The blade is now as hard as Plynt.

Dagger: A steel dagger that he has had since he was fifteen. Its blade is still fairly sharp, since he sharpens it every few months, but it has a few chips and could use an upgrade. The blade is about seven inches in length with a black leather handle and an oak sheath on his left hip. There is also the name “Jenny” inscribed on the hilt, although Tommy has no idea why it is there. The dagger now speaks to Tommy. It appears to have an angry spirit inhabiting the blade, but he is unsure of who it is. And it wants to make him stronger, but for a hidden agenda it would seem.

Plynt Dagger: Tommy bought this at the Bazaar shortly after beginning his first quest.


Under his shirt he wears a steel chain shirt which is effective at blocking small attacks with a dagger or clumsy attacks with a sword. An arrow will pierce easily enough, and so will a direct attack with any pointed metal object.


He has no extra items except a ring with an obsidian gem encrusted in it. It was given to him by his uncle, Death, and he knows not yet what it might be able to do. ((Never to be sold))


Tommy’s Touch: Since he IS related to the ever popular Death, he as a variation of the skill that his uncle uses. Since he is only partially related, when he concentrates, this skill grants him the ability to render a person paralyzed for five minutes. Tommy must touch the person’s skin for at least three seconds for the skill to work. ((Only to be used for Quests and for any NPC.))

Death’s Flaming Fist: The Hexfire granted him a fire spell in which his left fist becomes enflamed in a green fire. Now this can be used two ways: He can literally punch someone, causing damage from his punch and the fire, or he can launch fireballs the size of his head at them. Should he choose to launch the fire, he can launch up to five, one for each finger. Once he launches the fifth one, his fist with de-flame and he must wait ten minutes before he can use it again. As he grows stronger, he can make bigger fire balls, and launch more at a time.

Death’s Sight: Living in the underworld (Not Haidia) and being part specter has given him the natural ability to see in the dark. When he does this, his eyes go entirely jet black, including the white parts.

Darkness Blend: Tommy has been taught the ability of blending in with surrounding darkness. Although he cannot become invisible with this technique yet, if he uses it, he has a better chance of not being seen by someone who would glance in the direction. If someone thinks they saw him, they would need to walk into the shadows and touch him to bring him out of his technique.

Judgment: Tommy was born with a supernatural sense of knowing who is a noble or evil person. Nothing that can really add to his success in a fight, but it’s an inactive trait he has.

Shadow Stalk: Granted by the dagger’s impatience, it has given Tommy the ability to double his speed for thirty seconds. As he gets stronger, he will get faster and it will last for a small while longer. (Can be used twice per battle and unlimited for quests, but not to be abused.)

Darken: The Obsidian Ring has approved of Tommy’s progress and granted him the ability to bend shadows. When in dark areas, he can expand them to engulf himself and anyone around him for a twenty-five foot radius. In this home away from home, it is completely pitch black and not even an artificial light source can banish it.


Tommy is the nephew of Death. His mother Jenny, a woman who got lost on her way to the local blacksmith, ran into a brother of Death, a lesser spirit who was of little importance, but loved to kill. However, he found the young dark haired lass appealing, and instead raped her, beat her, and left her for dead after he was finished. The lesser brother of Death was in human form, and could have easily been killed by any mortal weapon, and the irony is, Jenny was on her way to the blacksmith to purchase a dagger for herself as protection. After waking up a week later, and finding herself in a town a mile from her destination, she thanked the people kindly for reviving her and went about her original plan. She purchased a steel dagger, but while in town, fell in love with a young stable worker, who in turn fell in love with her. They married almost immediately, seeing as she had nowhere really to go, and made love so quickly, that when she began to show signs of pregnancy, they both thought the stable worker was the father.

How wrong they were.

Inside her womb was a breed of human that should never had happened. Death himself had told him brother that if he was going to rape and pillage people that he must make sure he kills them. When Death found out about this, he quickly summoned his brother, and killed him, slicing of his head with his huge scythe and spiking it on a stake for all to view in the underworld, an example to other demons and specters. However, Death was a reasonable demon, and when the baby was born he stole it, making it seem like the child had been murdered by splattering pig’s blood on the floor. As he began to return to the underworld, he saw the dagger the mother had purchased and grabbed it, thinking the child should have some form of his human life to connect with as he grows older. Upon the parent’s return from the market, they saw the blood and mild destruction of their home and wept for weeks over the loss. Death however, was busy with a half breed monster on his hands.

Calling in lesser demons to take care of the babe, he went about his duties. Tommy was the name he had been given at birth, and Death, not really in the mood to be creative, stuck with it. The boy was raised, taught how to defend himself, went on walks in the underworld, and basically led a normal life as far as one can say for a half breed of such unusual circumstances.

When Tommy turned fifteen, he had already been given a small iron sword and enjoyed killing bad people who passed through his section of the underworld, striking them down while they trembled about the place, lost and confused. Although they were already dead, Tommy found it amusing to “kill” them again, slicing them in half or decapitating them. Death saw the look in the boy’s eyes as he did this, and wondered why the boy had turned out so sadistic. He ignored the thought of the obvious fact that he had been RAISED in the underworld, where death and mayhem was the average thing of they day, but he dismissed his curiosity and called Tommy to him one day.

“Tommy, I have something for you. Since I see you like punishing people who come here,” he turned away from the young boy and reached under his long hooded robe, producing the dagger, “I think this may aid you in your fun.” He turned back, and found the boy grinning from ear to ear at the sight of the new toy. His iron sword was heavy and sometimes he missed. But a steel dagger would be quick and silent, much more painful. Tommy took the dagger and the sheath, placing it on his hip, adjusting to the feel. With an approving smile, he hugged Death, who did not touch him back, for the notion he could kill the boy, and smiled inwardly as he saw his nephew run out of his sight, looking for people to kill.

Two years had passed since that day, and Tommy was now seventeen. Death had requested a sword be made for him, a special sword made from the metals of the underworld. He had heard of some problems arising on the physical plane of Althanas, and thought this could be a good way for Tommy to test his skills in judgment of people. It would seem a barbarian had been given a task to save his people, but was having trouble grasping the concept. When Death was asked by an arch angel to send a protector of judgment, he thought of his nephew and gave his recommendation.

When the sword was completed, he called Tommy to him once more and presented him with Hexfire, a magical long sword which he would use on his journeys. Holding out his hand, he created a ring right on the spot, in the palm of his bony hand. The ring was encruted with an obsidian gem, just like the gem on Hexfire. He gave it to Tommy as a gift, and hoping the boy could unlock the powers hidden within it.

As the youth held the blade and swung it about the chamber, Death felt compelled to tell him of his origin, for if Tommy died without knowing, he would become stuck in Limbo, never to know joy of anything again. The young man took this information in, but it didn’t affect him until later, as he walked to the portal to Althanas, that he realized he would be going home for the first time. He looked once more down the tunnel, into the dark caves of his real home, and a teat began to build in his eye. Blinking it away, he stepped through the magical gate, and found himself in a city called Radasanth. The people were rude, shoved eachother, smelled of liqour and blood, and many looked very unfriendly. Disgust filled his face almost immediately. There were many people here that needed to be killed. Very many…

During his travels, Tommy came across many Citadel fights, the most useful being that with another young man in a large department store. In the fight, he was forced to face his fear of being a failure and managed to grow from the experience. Another was a fight with a furry that he ended up losing, but first learned of the dagger’s new inhabitant. Who this spirit is and what it wants is still unknown to Tommy, but he intends to find out soon.

08-14-07, 12:11 AM
Darken is a lot bit strong for a level one. Please make the circle a bit smaller, maybe fifty feet in diameter.

Damascus is also a big leap, for your sword. Can we go with plynt or delyn, for now?

Death's Nephew
08-14-07, 12:41 AM
Ahh did I say yards? lol. Yea I meant feet.

And my bad about the metal. Got them mixed up. Thought damascus was a lower tier. I'll make it Plynt.

Good good? ^_^

08-14-07, 12:48 AM
I'd prefer a 25 foot radius for a 50 foot diameter. 100 feet (50 foot radius) from end to end is still really big, and think about it...50 feet. You could hide a house in there, just about.

And beware of the Tommy's Touch skill. Get OOC permission from someone if it's their special NPC that you're trying to paralyze. Okay?

Death's Nephew
08-14-07, 01:05 AM
Ahh read your edit wrong. Ok I'll make the change.

08-14-07, 01:07 AM
Okay, looks good to me.

Welcome to Level 1. :)