View Full Version : The Facade

Silence Sei
04-24-06, 12:54 PM
That's right! The Facade is coming back, and attempting to recruit members in this OOC thread!

Requirements: Basically complete a quest/battle for your crest. That's it. You are allowed to join, and then go get your crest, but a crest should be involved somewhere in the equation. You can also join crestless if you want, but we'd have to talk about it.

Rules: There are few rules in The Facade. One of them is that you go on a quest, and find the crest along the way. Take into mind, the crest usually has something to do with your character. For example, an insane person would receive "The Crest Of Madness." Each crest does come with an ability, that you create, though it must be approved by a moderator.

Another rule is that you have to respect and protect the leader and founder of The Facade, A Ma Deus. You are not allowed to kill any fellow members. You may fight them, you may hate their guts but no death within the ranks is permitted. If a member dies, his crest has to find a new host. We don't have time to search for one of those.

Background/History: The Facade was founded by Adam Mada Deus in his crest to gain hold to an item of unimaginable power, known as The Crest of Hope. The basic goal of The Facade was to find people with the potential to hold 'crests', items of great potential/power, and unite them in the guise of reviving the Crest of Hope. The Facade once hosted a number of great members including Zieg dil'Tulfried, Yari Rafanas, and Robert Uccisore.

However, those who don't have power always crave power, and those with power always have to be on guard to defend it. The Facade played both of these roles at one point in time, claiming the Headquarters that once belonged to the Ice Reavers, a guild of merchants, and preparing to defend their island from other organizations. However, all the PGs of Althanas seemed to band together as the Facade members began to go missing, and Adam Deus had no choice but to leave his home in the hands of Sei Orlouge.

Many predicted a war of unimaginable proportions. There was an estimation of deaths in the thousands before it was all over. Yet, before the Facade even had all of it's defenses ready, Sei Orlouge sold the island to another organization. This was one the mystic's more clever moves in history, as it saved many a life and prevented war. For who would attack a group that had nothing to do with the war? That would isolate the attackers, make them lose members. So Sei waited for the right time to strike again, to reclaim the island.

However, due to the circumstances which happened to Sei Orlouge (See my profile for details), Sei had to put the reclamation of Facade HQ on the back burner. Now that the mystic has returned, albeit in the form of a child, he is ready to prove to all not only that he is the great strategist Sei Orlouge, but that he is quite possibly one of the best minds in all of Althanas.

However, every army needs members, and every war needs an army. As such, Sei recruited the most loyal soldier in the Facade that he knew, Zieg dil'Tulfried. After recruiting him the two decided to inform the former Facade leader, Adam Deus, of the news that they were ready to attack. However, Deus appeared to disappear off the face of the world, along with his closest confidant Robert Uccisore.

Restrictions: Unless you're already ungodly good, I constantly wish to see you improving in your roleplaying skills. That's the only restriction I really have for now.

1. Continue looking for Crest holders.
2. Reclaim the island.
3. Find Adam Deus and Robert Uccisore, and restore the Facade to the pinnacle of power it once was..

Silence Sei - Crest of the Elder

Sei's crest is actually his daughter, Anita Orlouge. When she is around her father, Sei is able to transform to his original self for a temporary time, about five minutes. This does not give Sei time to cast any spells that he knew as an adult, but does give him the ability to prove to people that he is indeed the Hero of Radasanth, which could scare those intimidated by such a figure. If Sei loses contact with Anita outside of a mile, his strength become that of a child his age (14), and he loses the ability to use his trademark spell, Mystic Protection.

Zieg dil' Tulfried - Crest of Dynasty

Taking the form of the High General's jeweled headband, the Crest of Dynasty empowers Zieg with the strength of High General's past. At the moment, he knows only of Rakthean dil' Taros, which turns his armor dark green and he wields a double bladed axe. He can unlock more power as he learns of them. If the headband is further than one mile away from Zieg, he loses all confidence in himself and his only desire is to get the headband back.

DeeDee - Crest of the Wanderer

Taking shape in the form of nail polish, the Crest of the Wanderer empowers DeeDee with knowledge he had previously forgotten upon leaving his world of demons. With each level, more powers are unlocked, and DeeDee comes closer to attaining his true self in an entirely new world. At the moment, the only skill that DeeDee remembers is that of Posheng, or the ability to speak many tongues. The crest is only active while the nail polish is fresh on DeeDee’s claws. The polish lasts for a day before requiring a new paint, and the bottle never runs out. If the polish is not applied promptly, then with each passing second, Darid will grow suspicious about everything around him, even his allies.

Logan - The Crest of the Unknown

This crest takes the form of a series of markings upon Logan's forehead, like a tatoo of sorts. It's powers are, as of right now, unknown to everyone, including it's user. If by some strange chain of events Logan is seperated from his crest, he begins to revert to a stage of adolescent toddlerism.

Serilliant - Crest of the Psyche

This conically shaped crest is an enigma by nature. It possesses the unique ability to link with the user’s mind in a symbiotic relationship by which the mind is strengthened and focused. The crest symbolizes a conversion of thought from random disorder to a single, centralized nucleus, hence its shape. Usage of the crest will allow the user greater mental prowess, but cannot grant any special ability over what is inherently possessed. The crest is able only to focus and therefore amplify psychic powers. Separation from the crest for prolonged periods of time will result in a gradual scrambling which will render the bearer’s mental powers chaotic and uncontrolled.The Crest of Psyche allows Serilliant’s dominant personality [please see character profile] a deeper level of control of telekinetic and other psychic powers. These powers already exist within Serilliant but are unable to be tapped due to inexperience. In addition, the chances of unwillingly falling into an undesirable persona are reduced and the ability to willingly swap personas is enhanced. At a low level, however, these effects are all marginal. It is important to note that a very essential feature of this crest is merely to focus what already exists, not to create something from nothing. Hence, others who are lacking of the dormant abilities that Serilliant possesses would not have the ability to utilize the crest’s powers.

Artifex Felicis - Crest of Luck

Taking the form of a large ring, large enough to fit over a wrist, or in the case of its owner, tail, with jade green band and gold edges. This gives Leon something of an increase in luck. Things roughly 50% or greater he'll usually come out on top. One such example would be he is able to guess coin flips with almost certainty. The crest is smart in its own right. Four spikes hold it in place on Leon's tail without pain, and should someone else attempt to put it on, they extend and skewer the person. However, despite this, if the crest is more than a mile away from Leon, he becomes incredibly unlucky in all of his endeavors, especially those not involved with retrieving the crest.

Reiko - Dualality Crest

This crest actually has two parts and when the pieces connect it appears to be a yin-yang symbol. Each half of the crest much be possessed and worn by two people who are close and in this case a mother and daughter. When activated the crest becomes whole and the two holders become one.

In the case of Kit and Inari the two become a 9 tails fox known as Ki. Ki’s hair and fur is a lovely violet with black tips while her body has the same build as Kit. Ki is always clad in golden clothing usually a kimono though other clothing can be worn but always a golden color. The transformation usually lasts 10 minutes though on some rare (if for some reason there’s a need for an adventure with Ki) occasions it can last a day.

If Kit, Inari or both lose the crest then one will become blind and the other def and the must be together to act properly.

Bohemia- The Unfortunate Crest - Startlingly enough, this is perhaps the only Crest that should never have been. Since Jon was never born in this realm, the higher powers that be rushed to correct their mistake...and ended up making Jon's life even more miserable. The Unfortunate Crest comes in the form of a gold and black opal labret stud, and has perhaps the most untimely of all powers. The stud enhances any one curse or hex visited upon the boy, and only the currently predominant one. If ever separated up to a mile from the Crest, Jon receives incredibly bad luck. I don't mean, losing coin tosses and bad dice throws, but near death experiences, one after another, for him and anyone nearby him at the time.

Seether - Crest of the Wolf

This crest is a little different from all the others, mainly because of its size, that and it actually resembles the crest of a bird, rising above the head of its wearer like a plume of feathers. Instead of feathers however, its made of gray and white wolf hairs, which almost gives its wearer the appearance of having a Mohawk. The fur is very loose, so it moves and sways every time the wearer moves his/her head, and it normally flattens out when they’re running, and is also quite soft and smooth to the touch. The crest is held on the head by a thin white metal band, kind of like a crown you stick on the top of your forehead, as well as a few dozen small strands of wire mesh, that are hidden beneath the hair when put on, so as to steady it. In the center of the band is small black crystal, cut in the shape of an octagon and polished to a very bright sheen. Aside from the striking beauty of this crest, it also grants its wearer the profound ability at improved reflexes and slightly improved endurance. Allowing them to run faster, farther, jump higher and farther, as well as many other endurance related activities.

This crest currently belongs to a wolf-boy named Reann, and should he loose contact with it for a delayed period of about a day or so, he will begin to fall deathly ill, but not die, until he can find it and once again resume wearing it.

Stargazer - Crest of the Unseeing Eye

The Crest of the Unseeing Eye appears to be a fluid metal badge. It retains the form of a demonic rune that, while rippling constantly, acts like a solid instead of a liquid. The Crest embeds itself within Artemis, with the surface far out enough of his body so that the whole rune is visible. It resides underneath the half-demon’s right collar bone, and won’t come out when he tries to get rid of it. Only someone else may remove it; and it does come out quite easily. Every time a focused beam of light hits it, it falls out (not without much pain to its host). Whenever the Unseeing Eye is separated from Artemis, he receives a crippling head ache and becomes a beacon to any souls who are searching for him (not a good thing). The half-breed also goes completely blind in the light. When it is within him, however, it unlocks the half-demon’s soul sight. Soul sight is a heritage skill that would have been momentarily unavailable otherwise. The Unseeing Eye allows Artemis to now view the souls of the living, in addition to the dead souls he sees now.

Elezar Lachrist - The Crest of the Cerulean Destiny

The Crest of the Cerulean Destiny is a luminous blue moonwater stone jewel that takes the form of a seahorse. It consists of three parts: the Cerulean Yesterday, the Cerulean Today and the Cerulean Tomorrow. The Cerulean Yesterday piece is the jewel seahorse's head. The Cerulean Today piece is the body. The Cerulean Tomorrow piece is the dorsal fin. Apart, the three pieces allow the holder to emit soft moonlight, similar to that of a torch. With all three pieces together, they allow the crest holder to unlock his hidden White Moon abilities. The Cerulean Destiny pieces, when acquired, embed themselves onto the crest holder's body. Currently, the crest pieces are scattered around Scara Brae and the crest holder must endure the difficult task of finding all the pieces.

Nero - Crest Unknown

Crest names in red have not yet been acquired.

Crest Hunters
The Crest Hunters are fairly mindless creatures. They can really come in any shape or form, most of which are beastly forms. However, there are three types under which each hunter comes in. The warrior type is identified by the blue and black jagged tiger stripes which cover its body. This is highly proficient in hand to hand and weaponry fighting. The magic type is red and black jagged tiger stripes and is proficient at many types of magic. Finally, the ultimate type is silver and black jagged tiger stripes and is proficient in both magic and warrior.

The Crest Hunters are drawn to any and all crests and try to do all they can to take them away. Though to the casual observer, these creatures seem to be random and uncontrollable, anyone who comes in contact often with them can begin to see a pattern and the possibility of a higher power involved.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-24-06, 04:41 PM
Indeed the Facade is back. This is a legendary powergroup of old, and we're looking for members. Which means YOU should join. Yes, YOU.

04-24-06, 08:27 PM
I'd like to join.

If you can, PM me or IM me (mOrE hEiGhTs).


Crest of the Wanderer

Taking shape in the form of nail polish, the Crest of the Wanderer empowers DeeDee with knowledge he had previously forgotten upon leaving his world of demons. With each level, more powers are unlocked, and DeeDee comes closer to attaining his true self in an entirely new world. At the moment, the only skill that DeeDee remembers is that of Posheng, or the ability to speak many tongues. The crest is only active while the nail polish is fresh on DeeDee’s claws. The polish lasts for a day before requiring a new paint, and the bottle never runs out. If the polish is not applied promptly, then with each passing second, Darad will grow suspicions about everything around him, even his allies.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-24-06, 08:44 PM
You're in as we discussed.

04-24-06, 08:49 PM
I'd like to join.


Crest of Self Sacrafice: This crest comes in the form of a black diamond embedded in Tarry's left eye. What it does is for 1 IC minute tops (after that it kills Tarry) it triples Tarry's strength and speed and increases the damage his ki attacks do slightly. However the longer this ability is in use the worse the draw backs get. After 10 seconds Tarry will begin to bleed out of his fingers and toe nails and will feel as if there are needles jammed in them. After 20 seconds his skin becomes brittle and flakey making it chip easily and catch fire much easier. After 30 seconds large gashes that look as if they came from a blade of some sort will start to appear on his body, these will be very painfull. After 40 seconds his bones become brittle and will brake easier. After 50 seconds maggots will start to infest his stomach. After 60 seconds his heart deteriorates and he dies. This ability can be turned off any time and the wounds will heal as they would if they had been inflected normally (in the case of the maggots he will simply vomit them up). As Tarry grows stronger he will be able to maintain the effects of the crest with out dying and it will take longer for him to feel the drawback effects.

Artifex Felicis
04-24-06, 08:56 PM
I'd enjoy being apart of the Facade too. If needed, you can PM me or AIM me at "nekobooi"

Silence Sei
04-24-06, 08:57 PM
meebo is being weird with me, so you guys contact my AIM


04-24-06, 11:28 PM
I'm in if you'll have me. My AIM contat is Infeci Venustas, so feel free to contact me.

04-25-06, 02:05 PM
I have a question about the Facade. If I seek to join this organization and get a crest, would I be able to seek my crest before joining ICly, or do I need to join ICly first and then go out on a quest for a crest?

Silence Sei
04-25-06, 02:12 PM
We prefer you get your crest before you join. That's how we're doing it with half the members, and how we did it with the old school members for the most part. Your call though

Yari Rafanas
04-25-06, 02:17 PM
What happens to Crest-holders who do not wish to be part of the Facade?

Silence Sei
04-25-06, 02:23 PM
Well, used to be that Deus' crest could de-activate the power of those that left him. Since Deus is MIA though, I guess they're free agents.

Damn you Rafanas.

04-25-06, 02:24 PM
We prefer you get your crest before you join. That's how we're doing it with half the members, and how we did it with the old school members for the most part. Your call though

Are there any stipulations for the thread in which one gets their crest? I think there used to be one with the old school members that the quest had to involve a current facade member or something like that.

Also, I should probably also include my formal desire to join this organization. I probably can not join ICly until after the LCC for issues related to timing, but I will probably start searching for my crest if given permission here.

Silence Sei
04-25-06, 02:26 PM
Really, the only stipulation is that either during your quest or after you gain your crest, you have to meet a member of The Facade so that they may recruit you. Of course, you could make life easier on us all and join the Facade ICly by yourself after you found your crest :D

04-25-06, 02:32 PM
For example: Logan already got his crest back a LONG time ago. The powers and the crest itself are unknown and have been unknown. Soon Logan will meet up with Sei for other purposes, but through the course of their interactions the markings(aka crest) will come to light and Logan will henceforth be a Facade member.

Make sense now?

04-25-06, 02:55 PM
Alright. This is my formal application then.

Damon Kaosi- Crest of the King’s Sacrifice.

This crest takes the form of a small black bead which has thin metal tendrils emerging out from it. Smaller than a coin, this crest could be easily lost save for the fact that it readily attaches itself to any weapon of mythril or stronger metal. Unlike other crests, this crest identifies itself with Damon, and can not be used by others, save for those who have performed the King’s Sacrifice in a previous life (what the King’s Sacrifice is will be elaborated on in the quest in which Damon receives the crest). It is a crest of praxis, facilitated by the magical vibrations of Adam Deus’ crest and thereby its power is beholden to the Façade. This crest, when attached to a weapon, allows for Damon to perform the Boon of the King’s Sacrifice, a spell in which Damon drives the weapon into stone or ground, creating powerful shock waves all around Damon. These waves start at an initial height of four feet, but dissipate in terms of length in a curvilinear fashion. Outside of 15 feet, their effect is negligible. As these waves spread, sharp thorny vines emerge from the ground of the strength of delhar, seeking to trap any that stand on the ground underneath. Unless they catch anything, the vines recede back into the soil around 15 seconds after they are first created.

When Damon first receives the King’s Sacrifice, he will be restored a memory in his subconscious about the sacrifice that he has made. Should he be separated from the crest, then he will begin to regret the sacrifice that he made.

Silence Sei
04-25-06, 03:02 PM
You are added, foolio.

04-25-06, 03:22 PM
Uh not to be a douche or anything, but why hasn't my crest been added to your original post, Sei?

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-25-06, 03:25 PM
I got it.

Silence Sei
04-25-06, 03:25 PM
What are you talking about? It's totally there >.> <.<

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-25-06, 03:56 PM
All members can now go to the Edit Profile and look at the bottom option. Select The Facade to have it in your profile.

04-25-06, 05:06 PM
Copied and pasted from The Facade's 600-year-old website:

Crest of the Psyche

This conically shaped crest is an enigma by nature. It possesses the unique ability to link with the user’s mind in a symbiotic relationship by which the mind is strengthened and focused. The crest symbolizes a conversion of thought from random disorder to a single, centralized nucleus, hence its shape. Usage of the crest will allow the user greater mental prowess, but cannot grant any special ability over what is inherently possessed. The crest is able only to focus and therefore amplify psychic powers. Separation from the crest for prolonged periods of time will result in a gradual scrambling which will render the bearer’s mental powers chaotic and uncontrolled.The Crest of Psyche allows Serilliant’s dominant personality [please see character profile] a deeper level of control of telekinetic and other psychic powers. These powers already exist within Serilliant but are unable to be tapped due to inexperience. In addition, the chances of unwillingly falling into an undesirable persona are reduced and the ability to willingly swap personas is enhanced. At a low level, however, these effects are all marginal. It is important to note that a very essential feature of this crest is merely to focus what already exists, not to create something from nothing. Hence, others who are lacking of the dormant abilities that Serilliant possesses would not have the ability to utilize the crest’s powers.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-25-06, 05:09 PM
Welcome back, sir Serilliant.

04-25-06, 07:06 PM
Hm, without the intent of being a dick, can I ask why I haven't been acknowledged?

04-25-06, 07:10 PM
Possibly because you may not have proposed a Crest idea. I honestly don't know, though.

04-25-06, 07:43 PM
I have a question on Damon's crest. It says, "Unlike other crests, this crest identifies itself with Damon, and can not be used by others..."

It was my understanding that the Facade's story is that there are x number of crests uniquely paired with x number of crest holders and that the ultimate goal of the organization is to unite all the crest holders together. Isn't this overarching story inconsistent with the claim that Damon's crest is "unlike" the others?

04-25-06, 08:36 PM
I have a question on Damon's crest. It says, "Unlike other crests, this crest identifies itself with Damon, and can not be used by others..."

It was my understanding that the Facade's story is that there are x number of crests uniquely paired with x number of crest holders and that the ultimate goal of the organization is to unite all the crest holders together. Isn't this overarching story inconsistent with the claim that Damon's crest is "unlike" the others?

It is unlike the others in that Damon does not identify with other crests. By that, I meant other crests would not identify themselves with Damon. If you want me to reword it for the sake of clarity, change it to, only this crest identifies itself with Damon, and can not be used by others that have not made the King's Sacrifice in the same way.

Artifex Felicis
04-25-06, 08:37 PM
Postng my crest at last, sorry bout that.

Crest of Luck: Taking the form of a large ring, large enough to fit over a wrist, or in the case of its owner, tail, with jade green band and gold edges. This gives Leon something of an increase in luck. Things roughly 50% or greater he'll usually come out on top. One such example would be he is able to guess coin flips with almost certainty. The crest is smart in its own right. Four spikes hold it in place on Leon's tail without pain, and should someone else attempt to put it on, they extend and skewer the person. However, despite this, if the crest is more than a mile away from Leon, he becomes incredibly unlucky in all of his endeavors, especially those not involved with retrieving the crest.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
04-25-06, 08:59 PM
I apologize, Nero. I should have posted. I attempted to contact you, but you were not on. I'll try again.

04-26-06, 04:39 AM
I'll have my crest written up by tomorrow and I'll be using this post in edit.

04-26-06, 06:17 AM
How come I never got listed as one of the greatest ever members? Understatements aside, I'm thinking of rejoining (as Kade) but as I haven't thought through how he's going to return off the face of the earth.

04-26-06, 07:15 AM
How come I never got listed as one of the greatest ever members? Understatements aside, I'm thinking of rejoining (as Kade) but as I haven't thought through how he's going to return off the face of the earth.

Just do what Yari did. Give some vague unexplained answer for your character's return and if somebody ask make up some bullshit about how you will "explain it later". :D

Silence Sei
04-26-06, 08:35 AM
How come I never got listed as one of the greatest ever members? Understatements aside, I'm thinking of rejoining (as Kade) but as I haven't thought through how he's going to return off the face of the earth.

Because I forgot Kade's name. I was thinking about him and his crest though. Had I remembered how to spell his name and his alter-ego's name right, I so would have replaced you for Robert.

Yari Rafanas
04-26-06, 12:04 PM
Just do what Yari did. Give some vague unexplained answer for your character's return and if somebody ask make up some bullshit about how you will "explain it later". :D


04-26-06, 01:06 PM
hery I'll join

here's my crest idea:

Dualality crest

This crest actually has two parts and when the pieces connect it appears to be a yin-yang symbol. Each half of the crest much be possessed and worn by two people who are close and in this case a mother and daughter. When activated the crest becomes whole and the two holders become one.

In the case of Kit and Inari the two become a 9 tails fox known as Ki. Ki’s hair and fur is a lovely violet with black tips while her body has the same build as Kit. Ki is always clad in golden clothing usually a kimono though other clothing can be worn but always a golden color. The transformation usually lasts 10 minutes though on some rare (if for some reason there’s a need for an adventure with Ki) occasions it can last a day.

If Kit, Inari or both lose the crest then one will become blind and the other def and the must be together to act properly.

Silence Sei
04-26-06, 03:10 PM
You have been ADDED!

04-28-06, 02:23 AM
I'd like to join, too. I'll have my crest up a little later, editing this post.


The Unfortunate Crest - Startlingly enough, this is perhaps the only Crest that should never have been. Since Jon was never born in this realm, the higher powers that be rushed to correct their mistake...and ended up making Jon's life even more miserable. The Unfortunate Crest comes in the form of a gold and black opal labret stud, and has perhaps the most untimely of all powers. The stud enhances any one curse or hex visited upon the boy, and only the currently predominant one. If ever separated up to a mile from the Crest, Jon receives incredibly bad luck. I don't mean, losing coin tosses and bad dice throws, but near death experiences, one after another, for him and anyone nearby him at the time.

Silence Sei
04-28-06, 10:28 AM
Hey, works for me. I'll just have to make sure Sei keeps his distance from you.....

.....like he does with Mexicans....

XD Joke! Joke! Don't kill me!

04-28-06, 02:28 PM
I'd like to join as well. I'll have my crest up later.
But I was wondering, do we post here first or make a quest in which our character finds the crest first?

Silence Sei
04-29-06, 07:28 PM
I'd prefer a post here first, that way I know you're interested in joining rather than just making a quest for a crest with no intention of joining Facade Inc.

05-01-06, 12:40 PM
Hola! I've been here once before, if for a very short time, and I'm back to start anew!

Crest of the Wolf

This crest is a little different from all the others, mainly because of its size, that and it actually resembles the crest of a bird, rising above the head of its wearer like a plume of feathers. Instead of feathers however, its made of gray and white wolf hairs, which almost gives its wearer the appearance of having a Mohawk. The fur is very loose, so it moves and sways every time the wearer moves his/her head, and it normally flattens out when they’re running, and is also quite soft and smooth to the touch. The crest is held on the head by a thin white metal band, kind of like a crown you stick on the top of your forehead, as well as a few dozen small strands of wire mesh, that are hidden beneath the hair when put on, so as to steady it. In the center of the band is small black crystal, cut in the shape of an octagon and polished to a very bright sheen. Aside from the striking beauty of this crest, it also grants its wearer the profound ability at improved reflexes and slightly improved endurance. Allowing them to run faster, farther, jump higher and farther, as well as many other endurance related activities.

This crest currently belongs to a wolf-boy named Reann, and should he loose contact with it for a delayed period of about a day or so, he will begin to fall deathly ill, but not die, until he can find it and once again resume wearing it.

Silence Sei
05-01-06, 12:57 PM

05-01-06, 07:08 PM
Crest of the Unseeing Eye

The Crest of the Unseeing Eye appears to be a fluid metal badge. It retains the form of a demonic rune that, while rippling constantly, acts like a solid instead of a liquid. The Crest embeds itself within Artemis, with the surface far out enough of his body so that the whole rune is visible. It resides underneath the half-demon’s right collar bone, and won’t come out when he tries to get rid of it. Only someone else may remove it; and it does come out quite easily. Every time a focused beam of light hits it, it falls out (not without much pain to its host). Whenever the Unseeing Eye is separated from Artemis, he receives a crippling head ache and becomes a beacon to any souls who are searching for him (not a good thing). The half-breed also goes completely blind in the light. When it is within him, however, it unlocks the half-demon’s soul sight. Soul sight is a heritage skill that would have been momentarily unavailable otherwise. The Unseeing Eye allows Artemis to now view the souls of the living, in addition to the dead souls he sees now.

Silence Sei
05-01-06, 07:25 PM

05-01-06, 08:03 PM
So I just make a quest anywhere of Artemis finding it? Is that all?

Silence Sei
05-01-06, 08:06 PM
Pretty much, but there is one condition we're putting to all quests for crests.

They must involve Crest Hunters, beings of different race controlled by someone or something all in the name of taking your crests.

Zieg can provide better details, because I forgot our conversation about them.

05-01-06, 08:41 PM
Zieg, since we'll all be using them in quests, would you mind posting a few details abou these crest hunters here?

05-01-06, 08:47 PM
Yeah, stuff about these Crest Hunters = much appreciated. Awfully nice of you guys to spring this on us now. :mad: You are all whores.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
05-01-06, 10:30 PM
Yeah, here ya go. I also edited it into the first post. Sorry about the delay. It was a last minute addition that we thought would help spruce up Facade threads, uniting the group as a whole.

The Crest Hunters are fairly mindless creatures. They can really come in any shape or form, most of which are beastly forms. However, there are three types under which each hunter comes in. The warrior type is identified by the blue and black jagged tiger stripes which cover its body. This is highly proficient in hand to hand and weaponry fighting. The magic type is red and black jagged tiger stripes and is proficient at many types of magic. Finally, the ultimate type is silver and black jagged tiger stripes and is proficient in both magic and warrior.

The Crest Hunters are drawn to any and all crests and try to do all they can to take them away. Though to the casual observer, these creatures seem to be random and uncontrollable, anyone who comes in contact often with them can begin to see a pattern and the possibility of a higher power involved.

05-01-06, 10:46 PM
Yeah, here ya go. I also edited it into the first post. Sorry about the delay. It was a last minute addition that we thought would help spruce up Facade threads, uniting the group as a whole.

The Crest Hunters are fairly mindless creatures. They can really come in any shape or form, most of which are beastly forms. However, there are three types under which each hunter comes in. The warrior type is identified by the blue and black jagged tiger stripes which cover its body. This is highly proficient in hand to hand and weaponry fighting. The magic type is red and black jagged tiger stripes and is proficient at many types of magic. Finally, the ultimate type is silver and black jagged tiger stripes and is proficient in both magic and warrior.

The Crest Hunters are drawn to any and all crests and try to do all they can to take them away. Though to the casual observer, these creatures seem to be random and uncontrollable, anyone who comes in contact often with them can begin to see a pattern and the possibility of a higher power involved.

Hello, curse fodder. Thank you Zeig.

05-01-06, 10:56 PM
So, would we pg these Crest Hunters, or would we request someone to use them against us, kinda like a battle almost?


*is teh confuzzled*

Yari Rafanas
05-02-06, 12:11 AM
Do Crest Hunters go after Crest Holders not within the group?

05-02-06, 06:29 AM
I kinda need to know the answer to Yari's Q, too.

Silence Sei
05-02-06, 09:55 AM
Do Crest Hunters go after Crest Holders not within the group?

Yes, they do. If you have a crest, they will come after you.

And referring to Seether's question, you have every right to control Crest Hunters, they're basically like the Mindless once were to the BB. They were called Mindless and not something else, right Yari? I want to be politically correct.

05-02-06, 10:02 AM
Okay, one more.

So what you're saying is that, this isn't just a one time thing, they will come, and keep coming, right?

Silence Sei
05-02-06, 10:08 AM
Right. You got it. There's a limitless supply of crest hunters until whoever/whatever controlling them is destroyed.

05-02-06, 10:09 AM
Coolies. Meaning, this fucking sucks but that would make an awesome quest.

Silence Sei
05-02-06, 10:11 AM
Glad you see it our way :P

Yari Rafanas
05-02-06, 12:38 PM
Yes, they do. If you have a crest, they will come after you.

And referring to Seether's question, you have every right to control Crest Hunters, they're basically like the Mindless once were to the BB. They were called Mindless and not something else, right Yari? I want to be politically correct.

Yes, though the Mindless were less focused on hunting and more focused on multiplying via spreading their infection. Also, they were not similar in description, in case anybody was wondering.

Silence Sei
05-02-06, 12:39 PM
I simply meant they were like the mindless in the sense that anyone could control them if they so wished to do it for a quest. But thanks for clarifying. :P

Yari Rafanas
05-02-06, 12:41 PM
My bad. :B

05-13-06, 02:55 PM
after some thought, I don't think this PG will fit in with my character's plans, as such, I'm not going to join after all.

I hope there are no hard feelings.

05-13-06, 03:01 PM
Oh no, there's hard feelings, you bastard! Lol, j/k. Somehow I think it'll be ok and I think we'll move on without you. *sniffs* bye bye buddy.

05-18-06, 11:36 PM
Well, I am most assuredly interested, Due in no small part to Sei's excellent salesmanship. Of course, one must consider all the options when choosing a crest like this... wouldn't want to end up with a ring that turns kittens into poptarts.

Silence Sei
05-20-06, 07:34 PM
Well, I am most assuredly interested, Due in no small part to Sei's excellent salesmanship. Of course, one must consider all the options when choosing a crest like this... wouldn't want to end up with a ring that turns kittens into poptarts.

You totally just stole my crest idea.

05-20-06, 09:12 PM
Man, you and I both know that's waaay too overpowered. I mean, damn. A neigh infinite supply of poptarts in a fantasy setting? The mind boggles.

Silence Sei
05-20-06, 10:04 PM
Could you think of how many nekos would become walking poptarts?

Oh the possibilities.

05-24-06, 04:50 PM
After some thought I have decided not to get my character involved in a power group at this time. With that being said, I'm dropping out of this group.

05-24-06, 04:53 PM
I'm not rejoining, but the Illusion Crest is still in Shadar's possession. If you want to take it back or ask for his services involving it, let me know. Come armed, and with a small force of expendable soldiers. You have been warned. :P

05-25-06, 06:13 AM
Oh yes and since the three Assholes have left, I also want to inform you that Kade's Crest of Myrusia is not in his possession any longer. If you want it, PM me as I haven't decided what to do with it just yet.

Silence Sei
05-25-06, 11:34 AM
That's fine you guys. Hell, the fact that you guys still have your crests gives me ideas for PG related quests :D

06-03-06, 06:30 PM
Just a question, how should I have Art get the crest? Does he just pick it up off the ground or something?

Devil May Care
06-03-06, 11:36 PM
Is it acceptable if a character receives an item that is unknowningly their crest without joining the Facade for a long period of time afterward, maybe even 'found' by another crest holder? I intend to give my character a very valuable item to him later in his development and, due to its powers, it could easily be considered a crest.

06-09-06, 02:55 PM
Here is my official application.

The Crest of the Cerulean Destiny

The Crest of the Cerulean Destiny is a luminous blue moonwater stone jewel that takes the form of a seahorse. It consists of three parts: the Cerulean Yesterday, the Cerulean Today and the Cerulean Tomorrow. The Cerulean Yesterday piece is the jewel seahorse's head. The Cerulean Today piece is the body. The Cerulean Tomorrow piece is the dorsal fin. Apart, the three pieces allow the holder to emit soft moonlight, similar to that of a torch. With all three pieces together, they allow the crest holder to unlock his hidden White Moon abilities. The Cerulean Destiny pieces, when acquired, embed themselves onto the crest holder's body. Currently, the crest pieces are scattered around Scara Brae and the crest holder must endure the difficult task of finding all the pieces.

Eleazar will join Facade after he finds all the crest pieces. Also, his next quest will revolve around one of the crest pieces, so if this could be checked as soon as possible, that'll be great.

Silence Sei
06-10-06, 12:29 PM
Is it acceptable if a character receives an item that is unknowningly their crest without joining the Facade for a long period of time afterward, maybe even 'found' by another crest holder? I intend to give my character a very valuable item to him later in his development and, due to its powers, it could easily be considered a crest.

That's fine. Star, use any method you wish, even if he -does- just pick it up.

I'll have Zieg add your crest other guy.

08-03-06, 08:59 PM
I'd like to join.I got an idea of a crest but i'd like to know if i can join post here if i can join the Facade