View Full Version : Hunter's Eve. ((Open to one))

08-14-07, 04:20 PM
((Note this is a REAL battle, so prepare your character with alternate forms of healing after the battle. I don't use the actual Citadel facility. Be prepared for a hard brawl. I prefer level 0's and level 1's for this battle, thank you.))

The darkness of the Concordia Forest filled the boy's mind. Hungry. Oh so hungry was the boy. He felt a kind of wild fire burning through his gut. The hunt called him. Feeling the predator's call, the boy allowed himself to take flight in Concordia by night. A new world lurked upon the boy as he felt the awakening of the hunter within. The Endless called out to the boy, a separate entity guiding his actions.

He moved quietly across the tree-tops sprinting and jumping from position to position. He ran. Everywhere. Nowhere. The madness of hunger driving him towards an unknown future. If he could cry, the boy probably would have at that point. Yet, the fact that he had no eyes prevented him from doing so.

At this point motivated by his hunger, and a different kind of greed, the boy needed a fresh kill. His predatory instincts took over. The night-time realm of the Dark Mother surrounded his mad-flight. Finally, The Endless guided him to a particular spot--a clearing within the Concordia Forest. One of so many millions of them throughout the never-ending rain forest. The boy quietly leaped down from the trees and descended upon the clearing itself.

Long had he trained with the Monks of Ai'bron. The warriors taught him his killing craft. He prepared himself for this night, the night of the hunt. The boy straightened himself after the soft landing. He wore all black, a leather cloak with the Gol'bron's symbol upon it. The hunter paced back and forth for a long moment and then stood still, waiting.

Oh did he wait for his prey to come.

08-15-07, 03:28 AM
A loud crack breaks the stillness, footfalls in the distance, heavy breath and muttered curses. A female's voice? Lost, no doubt, and possibly injured.. there was no sound of metal plated armor, or any sounds to hint at any notable weaponry.. Fine prey indeed.. alone and quite likely defenseless.

Sonja had fallen out of the void.. somehow she'd been transported into this damned forest, and right onto a brittle log. "where the hell am I?" She stands slowly, brushing herself off and checking for any injuries or lost items.. Fortunately none of either needed her attention.. allowing her to quickly put on her steel plated gloves.. a hunger for blood filled these woods, and she didn't like it too much.

Closing her eyes, the girl focused on the last fights she'd been in, remembering what she knew of kickboxing. "alright Sonja.. you're in a random feckin forest.. you have no idea which way gets you out of here, and you're probably about to be attacked by some zombie ninjas or some other freaky action movie villain. "

She shifts her weight some, stepping towards a tree to get some form of cover on her flank.. her mind racing with possible ways out of this situation.

08-15-07, 08:55 AM
((Good intro and good luck to you, if you want to contact me for anything feel free))

Something caught his attention. It was faint at first but with time the scent grew more powerful. Lorenor, as a predatory beast, stirred and started to feel the hunger once more. As the scent grew more potent in the wind, the boy knew he wasn't the only predator hunting that night. Moving quickly to find his target, the ghoul dashed through the forest. Trees bounded in every direction they were powerful oaks large and might.

Lorenor followed that scent until he found what he searched for. A girl. The accursed Thaynes sent him a little girl! The boy hissed to himself for a moment keeping the sound low against the back-drop of the night predators. A symphony of various creatures' calls filled the air. Lorenor ascertained each one of them as they touched his sensory array.

The boy climbed a nearby tree and stalked his potential victim. Training with the Monks of Ai'bron taught him never to underestimate an opponent. The tree was old, Lorenor could feel the weight of its age around him. Swaying with the night breeze, Lorenor looked up at the star-light. He saw the canopy of stars brilliantly shining overhead. One particular star shone with a blood-red hue.

This star guided Lorenor's destiny. His glowing purple eyes hid against the shadowy back-drop. Lorenor felt the primordial existence within the ancient forest. The forest seemed hungry for blood to be spilled as well. Looking at the girl and assessing the threat level, the young immortal waited until she was well within range to strike. Lorenor was like a coiled cobra ready to strike.

10-02-09, 03:31 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Citadel Archive forum.
