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View Full Version : Connor James Fortuinbras

04-24-06, 07:31 PM
Name:Connor James Fortuinbras
Age: 20
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Light Light Green
Occupation:Nothing Specific...Odd Jobs

Personality: Connor puts on a mirage that he is a very extroverted, happy go lucky character, and comes off sometimes a bit eccentric with his non-serious attitude during the most serious of situations. He is a bit of a kid, and enjoys somethings that most people would consider to be immature, and enjoys alot of the simpler things in life. Deep down inside however, is a very idealistic, strong, ancient soul, who has wisdom and cunning beyond its years. He has a habit of being a bit neurotic, and somewhat anal about his appearence, and his habits, but never lets it show as a visible crippling quality. He has a habit of trying to shoulder everything having to do with him, on his own shoulders..and is a bit of a martyr.

Appearance: His hair is razor cut, and very different lengths, that run all the way from one inch to a foot nearly, make it full of body. The straightness causes pieces of the hari to just in all different directions, and look as though he just gotten up. His bangs stop just below his eye, and swoop over, in a combover like part. His body is very tight, very lithe, and very thinly built. He is built like a track runner, or a soccer player, with powerful long legs, and arms. He wears a white shirt, splits slightly at the neck, and held by a leather twine, though the leather twine doesnt seem to serve a purpose, short sleeved. He wears a brown pants, and darker brown boots, the pant legs are tucked into the open boots, the laces tied towards the bottom..the tops of which stop at the lower shin..The shirt is rather form fitting. He has oddly drawn rune like tattoos up and down his forearms, on four sides..which he speculates is what gives him his magical abilities

History: Connor doesn't remember a whole lot of his earlier childhood. He remembers living with an elderly man, and being taught to live on his own, as the main purpose of everyday..how to hunt on his own, cook, live, find shelter...how to be a survivor was the extent of his schooling from the elderly man, he only referred to as "Old man." During the night, Connor and the Old man would make camp, and sit around the fire, and the old man would tell Connor stories, and share philosophy, and ideas. Connor would absorb every single word from this man, and gained a kind of wisdom and contradicting ideals, mixing old Ideals with youth like impulses.

The man was killed, while Connor was out training. Connor came back to find his dying caretaker, and with that took an oath, which became Connor's curse...and the reason that Connor, seems so odd all of time.

"Love the life you live, but Live for the life you Love."

Most people see it as a simple contradictory statement, and play on words..that really has no meaning at all, Connor however, took this as an oath that he must be happy, loving the life he is living...even if it kills him...and the only life worth living, WOrth loving, means that it has to be a life that is going up, making him better, making the old man proud.

So he donned a permanent smile, and set off on his own...holding the old man's Halberd, and the few things he himself...owned.

Skills: Connor has a strange ability to smell magic, he can sense it more like..but describes it as a scent put off by magic, and magic like things. The only magic Connor himself is able to do, is magic that alters his own body, conducting energies and magicks into his limbs to provide strength and speed, or a shocking touch, or poisonous hands. He is extremely profiecent in spears, and weapons like them. His legs are powerful, and gives him an acrobatic and high jumping prowess.

Equipment: Connor carries nothing but the average things a traveler would carry, and his Halberd...Decadence, which is a two bladed weapon, with a long pole arm, and the blades run side by side, and they act like a tuning fork...when hit on the black blade, the vibrations form a invisible destructive force the runs for a distance reliant on the intensity of the vibration...and the width between the blades...when hit on the golden side, it has the same effect only...its healing rather than destructive.

Cyrus the virus
04-25-06, 02:43 AM
Race is for human, elf, dwarf, that kind of stuff. I guess caucasian is alright, though, people know what you mean.

For his skills, you need to list each individual spell he has and provide a description for it, because 'strength and speed, a shocking touch' and such isn't quite specific enough. You can only start off with 2 weak abilities if you want him to use weapons as well, not to mention the jumping.

'Extremely proficient' is much too skilled for level 0. Characters with skills need to start off as amateurs with their weapons, or at least below-average skill. It means they're a little more sloppy than the typical warrior, and not all that great.

For your weapon, what is it made of? Get rid of the healing that it provides, since unlimited healing is way too good for level 0 and you already have a lot of skills. How powerful is the MOST destructive wave the weapon can create? And please put a limitation on how many times it can be done per battle and quest, once is a good number considering you already have a bunch of skills.

06-29-06, 06:35 AM
Just cleaning this up due to inactivity.
