View Full Version : Nostalgia Never Lasts

08-20-07, 11:46 AM
"Hurry up, you darn fool!"

The sound of constant criticism had been a fixture down this street in the Bazaar for some time. A young boy carried over his shoulder a large sack that jutted out in various areas. His back threatened to break under the pressure of the bag, which was easily larger than his torso. For some reason though, he followed the silver haired man with the haughty attitude. Because while even the man with the limp was faster than he was, he held more wealth than the boy and all the boys he had ever known. The promise of a gold coin was more than enough to satisfy the boy in his tattered little boots.

When the man finally stopped and ran a hand through his wonderfully well kept silver hair, the boy did as well. He dared not let the bag down though, for he had tried it before and only incurred more wrath. The man took a look down at him, but only for a moment before he scoffed and walked into the store.

The boy took a deep breath and followed him inside, barely making it inside as the door close behind him. He felt the bag lift over his back and watched as the vastly stronger man dropped it on the table.

"How much for these?"

Inside the bag, which the shopkeeper opened were two things.

The first was a small axe, one foot long from tip to tip. It was enchanted to, and though Raelyse knew not how to do it, emit a brilliant light. It was also the symbol of leadership for a small band of dwarves called the Katuz'Veit. Unfortunately for them, none had seen the axe in a while for they were enslaved by the silver-haired one's group, the Grander's Order. With that not changing soon, extra pocket change was a more than worthy exchange for an ugly and now useless weapon.

The second was a shuriken, which seemed to be perfectly normal until closer inspection was paid to it. The shopkeeper quickly realized from his acumen that it was a brilliant little object. It was freezingly cold, for it was made of ice. And yet, when he picked it up and moved it around between and around his fingers, he knew that it had the aerodynamics and strength of steel. Why would this one want to sell such a fantastic little object? Only when he turned his eyes to the cane he held in his right hand and the sword in his left did he realize.

This one was special.

Both items were acquired on Tanthanas and was ommited from my Level 6 profile update because I intended to sell it, which I am doing now. They were however included in my Level 4 profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=783).

Moonlit Raven
08-20-07, 04:39 PM
Relaxing in her chair, Elena skimmed the pages of the book she was reading. For the thousandth time that day she checked the impulse to put her feet up on the counter. Grumbling in annoyance to herself, she smoothed out a wrinkle in the red silk she wore. I’ve got to remember that I am not wearing my armor for once. She chided herself as she returned to the particularly boring book she read.

A small breeze ruffled her hair just as the first taps of feet and a cane reached her ears. Glancing up, she looked down her nose at the gentleman standing there. Her gaze shifted from the man to the boy behind him then to the sack the man placed on the counter. Arching a brow and sighing silently to herself, she placed a marker to hold the page.

“Good afternoon. My name is Elena.” She stated politely. Picking up the small axe she studied it for imperfections and quality of craftsmanship. The shuriken got a brow raise when the cold bit at her pale fingers.

“Intriguing items, for the axe I could offer four hundred and fifty gold. One hundred and twenty five gold for the shuriken.” Elena tapped the shuriken with a long nail.

“Make that a hundred and fifty gold.”

08-20-07, 07:52 PM
"Excellent," Raelyse muttered to himself. He looked around the store, wondering whether he wanted anything. "Don't let any dwarves buy the axe."

Moonlit Raven
08-21-07, 03:35 AM
"Very good." Pulling a chain and key from under the neckline of her dress she knelt to open the steel box containing the stores gold. Quickly counting out the required amount she stuffed it in to a pouch.

"Here you are. Do you required assistance with anything else?" Elena asked as she straightened, placing the pouch of gold on the far edge of the counter.

08-21-07, 10:45 AM
The prince grinned at the storekeeper as she reached into her dress to pull out a key and retrieve his gold. Being the stingy fellow that he was, he made sure to count and make sure that all of his new money was in there before throwing the pouch into the air, catching it and sliding it into his pocket in one fine motion.

Turning to the shopkeeper, he greeted her with a highly lecherous grin. "Well, the next time I come back, I'd like to see you open that steel box a few more times."

Raelyse made for the door, but not before ruffling the hair of the boy who had carried his things. He smirked at him, shaking his head slightly from side to side before leaving.

"Oh," he said, poking his head out from behind the door as he left. "Take care of my whelp."

Moonlit Raven
08-22-07, 01:21 AM
Elena sighed silently, wondering why all men were such pigs. Pushing the items to the side she looked at the kid after the man's parting words. For a long moment she stared at him. The first words that popped into her head popped out of her mouth.

"Need a job? I happen to have a opening for a helper in here." She grinned at the kid and walked towards the neatly folded stacks of clothing and pulled out some sturdy serviceable clothing.

"At least I'll pay you for your help."

Transaction complete. Raelyse gains 600 gp, 150 EXP for good IC interactions and a wack upside the head for dumping a kid on me.