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08-22-07, 11:29 PM
((Changes in Red))

Name: Sorahn un' Rohnahmeh

Age: Ageless (His body remains as a fully matured, yet fit and youthful state)

Race: Ranoan (similar to an anthro cat)

From: Tehlshan, Ranoa

Gender: male

Height: 5'10"

Weight: about 150 lbs

Hair color: Black

Eye color: dark blue

Appearance: In a recent encounter with the emperor of Ranoa, Sorahn’s appearance drastically changed. His physical structure remains the same: covered in white fur with a long slender tail, large, swept-back ears, and feline/canine muzzle. However his hair has turned black and he has gained two black horns on his head, which sweep back over his ears. He now has even more tattoos in the form of ritual symbols and tribal designs down his arms and on his chest and back. These markings are now proudly displayed, since he no longer wears upper body apparel. His clothing consists only of a baggy pair of tattered black pants, held by several black belts around his waist. He also wears several claw-like objects which are tied to a strap and fastened to his left shoulder. His large ears are laden with many earrings: a black earring of a warrior, a silver earring of his marriage to Rehnahlia, an earring in the tip of each ear as a remnant of his torture at the hands of the emperor, and a bone spike in both ears which pierces the ear on the top and the bottom.
Overall, the tattoos, earrings, and bone accessories give him the look of a tribal warrior. His physical appearance is very beast-like, including well defined muscles, sharp teeth, and claws.

History: He was captured from planet Ranoa, where he was learning the ways of his culture as he has been since he was a child. This included the Ranoan flowing martial arts style and would have eventually included the art of magic. This changed when one night, when he was 18, he was ambushed by a group of thugs that traveled from planet to planet, stealing things to sell on the black market. They happened to be nearby and, upon seeing him, figured he would bring a good price as a slave. Caught off guard, he didn't get to fight back and was quickly overpowered by the 4, much stronger men. They proceeded to bind his hands and feet and loaded him onto their ship. It was not a very pleasant ride. He was taken to the thugs' home world and was sold to another person that often did business with them. This person took Sorahn to Althanas where he disguised himself as a friendly merchant and sold Sorahn to a man named Garen. Garen was a wealthy man who needed a slave to wait on him. He is also a control freak and takes pleasure in telling Sorahn what to do. He often makes Sorahn battle others both as entertainment and to show off his slave's skills. Garen has no real balls of his own so he also uses Sorahn as a semi-body guard and dirty worker. Somehow, Garen found out a little about Sorahn's culture and proceeded with a Ranoan ritual that formally declared him as Sorahn's master, forcing Sorahn to obey him faithfully. Sorahn is desperately seeking a way to return to Ranoa. But, not having any mode of transportation, and being committed to his new master, he is forced to just wait things out on this strange planet until the opportunity arises to leave.

Soon after arriving, Sorahn met a man named Zephan, who offered to kill Garen for him. While this plot never came to be, it gave Sorahn the idea. Garen made Sorahn fight in a battle against Koran to see his skills and maybe improve them. Sorahn ended up getting impaled on a sharpened copy of his own pole. The monks revived him, but the memory of death still haunts him. To redeem himself, he was sent on a mission under command of Ziegfried to capture an outpost in an effort to defeat a man threatening the world. After assuming command of his group, the mission was completed successfully.

Sorahn still had the idea of assassination in his head. He snuck out of Garen's mansion at night to battle in order to get more money to hire an assassin with. By sheer coincidence, he fought against Koran again. After a very climatic battle, they were both taken back to Garen's mansion, where Garen was eventually killed by Koran, finally setting Sorahn free.

Sorahn was enjoying his newfound freedom. He decided to enter a tournament. He didn't expect to go far, but he actually made it to the quarterfinals. Things really changed when he joined an attack on the bazaar as a mercenary. He single handedly engaged the leader of the opponents, Max Dirks, which probably wasn't the smartest idea. He ended up getting shot in the back by Dirks, who then proceeded to bandage the wound and bind Sorahn to a nearby tree. Needless to say, Sorahn does not like the man very much, but this ordeal gained him membership into the Red Hand.

He took up the trade of alchemy and began learning how to make potions from a dwarf named Rask. However, one day while at the bazaar, he recognized the ship of the slave traders that brought him to Althanas. After slaying a few out of rage, they brought a Ranoan girl off the ship. Sorahn was outraged by the way they treated her, and his fury manifested itself as a large explosion of magic, causing the death of the remaining crew members, the destruction of their ship, and damage to the surrounding area. He took the girl, named Rehnahlia, back to his home at the Red Hand's headquarters, where she is living with him.

He got into another battle with Koran. After battling fiercely in a large room for a while, Koran used his shapeshifting ability to transform himself into Sorahn's former master, Garen, and began taunting Sorahn. This was a little bit too much for him to take, and he finally snapped and went insane. Finally after letting his rage consume him again, and literally going crazy, he summed up all of his energy and threw his spear through Koran's chest and out the other side. After this he instantly snapped back to a normal state of mind, and was actually rather upset with the fact that he had killed his own best friend. As according to Ranoan ritual, he got the mark of a true warrior placed under his left eye, and the first solid black earring put into his left ear, symbolizing his killing of Koran.

A mysterious force called Sorahn to the middle of Salvar, where he met up with Zieg ag' Tulfried. Zieg used his fire abilities to burn through a frozen lake to a cave underneath. There they found the shrine of a mysterious evil power known as Chaos. After some battle with one of Chaos's followers named Ralean, the mysterious force summoned a dragon. This dragon came straight for Sorahn, for he was wounded and the dragon could smell his blood. Sorahn was immobile and defenseless, and the dragon struck him with a killing blow. That instant, Chaos's opposing force, Structure, indwelt both Sorahn and the dragon, causing Sorahn to be prevented from dying, and the dragon to be mutated. Sorahn soon discovered that Structure was the one who had called him and had planned all of this. A battle ensued between Chaos and Structure using Sorahn, Zieg, Ralean, and the dragon. After a very large explosion, the battle was ended, and Structure left both of them.

Sorahn discovered that because of the way they were indwelt, he now shared a very strong bond with the dragon. They can share thoughts and know where the other is at all times. He named his new companion Nyvahriseth, a proper Ranoan name, but calls him Nyris for short. He also went out and bought a saddle for Nyris, but a harness is unnecessary, since he can communicate telepathically with him.

Sorahn and Rehnahlia found a portal to take them back to Ranoa. Upon arriving, however, Sorahn was quickly captured by the emperor of Ranoa and taken to the palace. There he learned that his capture and enslavement were planned by the emperor, in an effort to prevent a prophecy that Sorahn would defeat the emperor from coming true. He also found out that Rehnahlia worked for the emperor, and had betrayed him. After being tortured Sorahn was finally stabbed to death by the emperor. He traveled to the anti-firmament, where he met Ronah, the creator of the Ranoan race and planet. Ronah told him he was his chosen warrior, and sent Sorahn back to the mortal realm equipped with a new weapon forged from Sorahn’s very own pain and suffering. Upon returning he found that Rehnahlia really was loyal to him and she was fighting for him. After a difficult battle, Sorahn killed the emperor, and finally asked Rehnahlia to be his mate. They were married by Ronah, who also granted them immunity from aging, and sent them back to Althanas.

Sorahn has recently been granted leadership of the re-emerging Gol’Bron clan, a reincarnation of his beloved Red Hand. He now focuses on bringing the group back to its former glory.

Personality: Sorahn is, as all Ranoans, very deeply rooted in his Ranoan traditions and rituals. He holds his culture and traditions of the highest value. He has the attitude of a warrior: stoic and strong, but very loyal and friendly to his comrades. He is someone who can be trusted in, and very honorable, like his noble race.

Skills: He is extremely adept in Ranoan martial arts, having trained for years before coming to Althanas, and also having the experience of many battles. His technique relies on speed and agility, performing combo moves and dodging attacks. He has grown much stronger recently, to that matching a very fit and athletic human. This increases the force of his attacks, but as always he is very vulnerable to attacks since he wears no armor and has low defense. He also has been practicing the trade of alchemy for a long time ((since he was level 1)) and having long since received the title of Master Alchemist of the Red Hand, has pushed even beyond that to become among the best at his craft.

Weapon: Link (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5786) Ronah, lesser Thayne and god of the Ranoans, took Sorahn’s own pain and suffering from his past and forged it into a physical weapon. It is a spear with a 6 foot long shaft, covered in ancient High Ranoan writing. The spearhead is about 4 inches wide, and two 12 inch long blades reside on either side of the shaft, below the spearhead. All of these blades appear detached from the main shaft, and float within an inch of it, yet remain as solid as if they were firmly connected. The whole spear is black, and is constantly surrounded by a smoky black aura. As it is forged by a god from raw pain, it is not made of metal, although it looks and feels as if it is. Since the spear is completely indestructible and never dulls, it is on par with Adamantium. Sorahn also has the ability to summon this weapon to his hand by making it simply appear out of thin air. He can also make it disappear back into nothingness.

Items: In his recent encounter with the emperor, all of his possessions were burned, including his old alchemy books. He is left only with what is physically on him, and his new spear.

Magic: He can create pure light, taking any form he wishes. By the same token he can take away light and create darkness. He has had this ability since childhood, due to Ranoan magical talent, and practice has made it effortless.

After some reading of his old spell book, Sorahn learned to send a fairly hard-hitting shockwave. It radiates 20 feet in all directions with the approximate force of a pro linebacker.

Sorahn has the ability to move at an incredible speed. This magic-powered ability makes him move faster than the eye can see, but only lasts for one attack. It comes in handy for quick attacks or dodging fast attacks (if he knows it's coming, obviously).

He has learned how to focus all of his energy into one powerful attack after charging (one post of concentration, no movement). He can use this energy to either create an explosion, a shockwave, or a powerful blade strike. The force can vary with his anger and energy at the moment. He has actually been able to perform this ability for some time now (the explosion when fighting the slave traders, hurling his spear through Koran's chest) but it only happened when he had an intense anger to the point of insanity. Because of his past, Sorahn can be driven temporarily insane when dealing with his former slavery. This anger driven madness causes him to amass an obscene amount of energy, which manifests into a powerful attack. But only just recently has he been able to control it without being insane.

Sorahn has gained the ability to summon and manipulate black flames. They can take any form he chooses. They look and act the same as normal fire, only they’re black and are harmless to Sorahn and Nyris. Small amounts like a candle flame takes no effort, but anything big enough to attack an enemy only lasts for one attack. ((See note on Nyris’s fire breath below))

************************************************** ****

Name: Nyvahriseth (Nyris)

Race: Dragon

Gender: Male

Size: 20 feet tall (at the head), about 30 feet long plus a 15 foot tail, 80 foot wingspan (He has grown in size because he is becoming a mature dragon)

Weight: 8000 lbs

Appearance: He walks on all fours and has large wings on his back and a long neck and tail. He is completely black and covered in hard scales. He wears a saddle where his neck meets his back for Sorahn to ride on.

History: ((Sadly the link died in the crash, but I have this thread on my hard drive)) A mysterious force called Sorahn to the middle of Salvar, where he met up with Zieg ag' Tulfried. Zieg used his fire abilities to burn through a frozen lake to a cave underneath. There they found the shrine of a mysterious evil power known as Chaos. After some battle with one of Chaos's followers, the mysterious force summoned a dragon. This dragon came straight for Sorahn, for he was wounded and the dragon could smell his blood. Sorahn was immobile and defenseless, and the dragon struck him with a killing blow. That instant, Chaos's opposing force, Structure, indwelt both Sorahn and the dragon, causing Sorahn to be prevented from dying, and the dragon to be mutated. Sorahn soon discovered that Structure was the one who had called him and had planned all of this. After a very large explosion, the battle was ended, and Structure came out of both of them.

Because of the way Structure indwelt them, an unbreakable bond was formed between Sorahn and the dragon. This bond is strong enough to allow them to share thoughts with each other and to know where the other is at all times.

The bond between Sorahn and Nyris grows stronger every day. Their very emotions affect each other, as if they were extensions of the same being. Recently Sorahn learned that Ronah had created this dragon to be his companion in his quests, and their connection is due to the dragon sharing part of his soul.

To better aid Sorahn in his quests, Ronah has enabled Nyris, through their strong connection, to be able to be summoned to Sorahn’s side via a portal if Sorahn calls him.

Abilities: Like most dragons, Nyris can breath fire. The only difference is the flames are black. It extends out about 20 feet. Sorahn can manipulate Nyris’s fire breath as part of his black flame ability. Doing this allows Sorahn to create more powerful attacks or create a larger area of effect. It still will only last for one attack, and Sorahn can only manipulate Nyris’s flames and his own. Power cannot be drawn from nearby fires.

Nyris can channel his magic power into Sorahn. He has to focus to do it, leaving himself vulnerable, but Sorahn’s strength and magic abilities are boosted by roughly 50%. This drains Nyris’s power and as such can only be used once per battle.

08-23-07, 02:50 AM
It looks good, but I want to know how much stronger Sorahn is, and please limit Nyris's boosting of Sorahn's abilities to once per battle, if you intend to use it in battles, and just keep it reasonable for quests, all right?

08-24-07, 09:40 AM
It done been edited. ;)

I said his strength was about equal to a very fit and athletic human. Like a football player or something. I hope that's specific enough, because I'm not sure how to make it more accurate.

Boosting has been limited to once per battle. It makes more sense that way anyway.

08-24-07, 10:49 AM
All right, you are approved. :)

Enjoy the new level.