View Full Version : Returning to adventure Level 8

08-23-07, 05:36 PM
Name: Doji Ki

Species: Nine Tails

Gender: Female

Occupation: still a Ronin

Appearance: Ki appears to be a young lady in her early twenties with a lithe yet healthy build. Her skin is a bit paler than the humans from Nihon and her eyes are a rare violet. Her hair is black like the jet gemstone and she has nine black tails with silver tips and the ears on her head are furry black fox ears that peak through her hair.

Ki’s Kimono does posses the same magic as Kadenzaa’s Kimono when she and Inari were separate but looks different. The kimono is now a shimmering emerald color while decorated with the images of silver and gold lotus flowers. She still also has the red bikini to wear when she wants to have some more skin showing.

Personality: Ki is rather Chaotic since she is now the combination of two souls. Both traits of Kadenzaa and Inari are present: Kit’s strength, courage and a tendency to get rather down sometimes and Inari’s playfulness and upbeat attitude. The personalities don’t always mesh and make Ki an Emotional person.

Skills: (Some skills and magic will be removed or have esthetic changes but upgrades and new skills will wait until I actually level)

From Kit

adept kenjutsu(Upgraded): Ki is a novice in the art of kenjutsu and can use a Katana, though she is highly specialized and cannot effectively wield a different melee weapon effectively. Exceptions are weapons like Bokken that includes her sword sheath because of the similar balance. Ki can use a katana in one hand and a wakizashi or tanto in the other to fair effect she is still better in just using one blade at a time though there are times when two blades are better than one. Ki is now more proficient with a soft form sword fighting, allowing her to dodge and counter at the same time. Doji’s also capable of doing a iaijutsu (quick draw) attack with twice the force she’s normally capable of mustering.

From Inari

-Practiced Kyudo(Upgraded): Ki has learned to use the bow and arrow; her strength limits her to the hankyu (short bow). Ki has decent accuracy and can hit still targets up to 50 feet away but moving targets are tougher to hit and she has trouble hitting them far away but if they are within 25 feet there’s a good chance of the arrows hitting.

-Natural mage: Ki has great potential in magic for currently unknown reasons. And for learning purposes she can learn a spell very quickly by seeing it cast. (Whether or not the spell is truly learned is up to the mod it’s just like picking up a magic sword during the quest.)


From Kit

-Agile: Ki is agile and relies on her agility in combat.

-Void senses: Ki has heightened sense of smell that allows her to pick up faint scents like sweat and the like and she can sometimes tell an emotion from the scent as well, but that isn’t accurate yet and it’s sort of like reading a normal expression like a smile is happiness, a sweet smell would be happiness. Also Ki cannot tell the direct position from scent or even the general direction. Also the ability can be fooled if the person is truly skilled enough to have his body feign the scent.

-Void Dance: Doji is part of the void and so her body seems to not be as effected by gravity and air resistance. She is capable of making a decent jump of 10 feet vertical and can do some decent acrobatics in the air. Ki’s balance is also exceptional as she can stand on surfaces like a branch that can hold her weight or a metal bar and can still maneuver, although on such surfaces she might still slip on her own, though unlikely. But she is not perfect and can still be knocked off with a hit or anything that can mess up her equilibrium.

-Celestial weakness: Doji now has sensitivity to sunlight and so it constantly irritates and burns where it directly contacts the skin. Also she has a minor weakness to holy elements and will take damage that is one step worse from the element, the inverse of how her kimono works. Note natural sunlight does no damage.


From Kit

-Fox spirit: Ki can shape shift into a black fox with nine tails. She is small but has sharp claws though they are not nearly as effective as her human made weapons. She mainly uses this form for escape and sneaking around. The transformation makes a sound so if she uses it for ambush the victim will have warning.

-Kitsune Magic: Leaf storm: Ki is able to call on her innate nature magic to create a whirlwind of leaves around her. They do no damage but obscure vision and it is difficult to see through. The spell also affects Ki in the same way but it is good to add some confusion when Ki is in a fix. It is a circle that is 10 ft in diameter. Ki can use it twice before needing rest.

-Kitsune magic: Fire Storm: Doji has developed some of her kitsune magic that allows her to use fire magic. Her current spell is a spin off of leaf storm in it creates burning leaves at the area. Ki creates a burning leaf in her had and throws it, where the leaf lands a cyclone of five feet in diameter of burning leaves appears. Those caught in the cyclone take minor to moderate burns where the burning leaves touch (Damage dependent on how deep they are in the), and weak clothing (below tier two) has a small chance to catch fire. She can use this spell twice and must sleep a couple of hours before she can use again

-Kitsune Charm: Doji is able to call on her natural kitsune magic to perform a minor incantation with her tail, those who see her tail will find themselves taking a liking to the fox, weaker (lower level) minds are affected more and would want to help the girl in any way reasonable (no suicides) while stronger minds are more likely to resist completely or have a lesser reaction but are still susceptible to the full effect, such as just thinking Ki’s really cute. The spell requires her tail to be free and anyone can avoid the effect by averting his or her eyes. The spell can be used thrice before needing sleep.

From Inari

-Illusion: Ki is capable of creating illusions that appear real to a person but are not in fact real. These have flaws and can be ignored by someone who realizes what they are. It’s possible for anyone to realize the illusions for what they are but it doesn’t make any guarantees. The images can be pretty large and up to the size of a house but the larger they are the easier to resist and simpler. This spell can be cast three times before needing a rest.

-Foxfire: Ki can create an amount of fire in a sphere about the size or a small ball. The fire is of a blue color and burns pretty hot. Ki holds a bit of control over the fireball allowing her to send it flying or to change shape and can even grow in size though the larger the fire is the weaker it is. (If Ki made the fire fills a small room it would not burn or ignite but just feel a little warm.) At it’s smallest size it can deal a very heavy burn. Ki can control the flame and guide it though doing this slows it down slightly. This spell can be cast 3 times before needing rest.

-Conjuration: Ki can conjure up an inanimate object that is real. The items cannot be of a material greater than iron and they only last for an hour. (Also they cannot be sold any merchant worth his salt can tell that these items don’t last very long.) The items conjured cannot be larger than Ki her self for that is too difficult for her at this time. Also the item cannot be a complex machine with several moving parts so she cannot summon a clockwork golem or a working catapult but simple objects like a sword or an arrow.

New nine tails magic:

Kitsune possession: When Ki uses her Kitsune charm and manages to kiss a person while focusing on her fox magic, she can make them temporarily fall in love with her. If the subject doesn’t successfully resists (up the PC’s player regardless of level) then they think Ki is the only one they can ever love for the rest of their lives, but in truth until the spell wears off. Because of these feeling the victim will go to great lengths to protect Ki and make her happy, though near suicidal feats like fighting off an entire army or an ancient dragon risks breaking the spell.

Dragon Form(earned here): Ki can turn into a dragon for about 3 posts and once per day. The size is about 3x the size of an anaconda and she has four claws and a pair of wings. Her teeth and claws are equivalent to Damascus and her scales are also the strength of Damascus. Ki also isn’t as maneuverable as she is in her normal form but her strength and endurance are on par with a mountain giant but injuries incurred do carry over after reversion and may have more affect on Ki. Doji also has a breath weapon in this form, it causes no direct damage but numbs the senses a little, vision is fogged, scent blunted, feeling slightly numbed and hearing is muffled but sixth sense and intuition are completely numb until the affect wears off, about 3 posts. Also using the breath weapon really tires Ki out and she can’t hold dragon form much longer after using it.

Rift: Ki can now create two rifts in space with each one leading to the other point. If an object goes through one it will come out the other. The rift can fit an object that man sized though including magic and misiles though when used as a counter the accuracy is pretty bad. Ki can use this ability twice a day.

(level up skill) Kitsune land: Ki has developed her fox magic even further and she is able to create a mass illusion that makes the land think it's different than it really is. In an area of 100 feet, Ki can change the terrain to something else, she can make a forest think it's a swamp or snow covered plain or make a plains thing it's a craggy mountains. Only non-extreme areas can be achieved by this spell. If she were to make a place think it was a desert it would be hot but not above 90 degrees F or below -10 degrees. The spell lasts three posts and can used once per day as well as require permission to use as well PCs have control what's near them, within reason. Also if a god turns his/her eye to the place the spell is dispelled and becomes normal. Also those killed by the illusionary terrain are simply knocked out.

Onitachi: The Onitachi is a delyn sword that retains some magic from the demon that lived in it. The magic makes the blade extra sharp and it can easily cut though things that a normal blade can't. The blade can cut though stone and wood as long as it's weaker than iron. While it can cut through weapons easier, OOC it's completely up to the owner whether a weapon breaks or not. Weapons and armor are considered to be higher quality. It's mostly for items that are considered as part of the Setting.

Seikyu: a short bow made from the antler like horn of a Kirin. It’s a strong and supple bow that has the range and power of the longbow but the ease of drawing as a short bow due to its excellent craftsmanship. Also the arrows fired from the bow radiate with a celestial energy causes extra burns with the wounds and won’t cauterize the arrow wound as well as doing twice the damage to demons, undead and magical creations powered by evil magic.

-Duality Anklet: A golden anklet that Ki wears around her left foot, on it is a short chain with charm that has a yin yang symbol

this is the item that had combined the two into one person. It is unsellable and if Ki loses the anklet she finds herself disoriented and unable to use magic and if the item is destroyed then she will die from the body and soul being violently ripped apart. (note it hasn’t been earned as a spoil so I wanted to keep it a weakness)

Already owned items:

Dehlar Kawanaga: a chain with a claw, can be used as a short grappling hook or a weapon.

Titanium Wakizashi and Tanto: a Daisho bought at the bazaar with Kit’s red bikini.

Shapechanging Sifan Kimono (uprgraded here) : Now it’s green with the images of lotus flowers. The enchantment’s the same as it’s still for protection against magic. Any magical or elemental attack that strikes an area of Ki’s body that is protected by the kimono is reduced. Example would be a fire attack that does moderate wound hit’s Ki’s belly, instead of taking a moderate burn it would be a minor burn. The kimono is upgraded to shift its shape. It’s capable from becoming clothing and armor from a bikini to medium samurai armor. It retains the magic defense, though a form like a kimono is best against magic as it covers more. Cloth parts are Sifan and metal parts are Damascus.

12 oaken arrows

a set of 8 Delyn arrows that have an antimagic charm to break through defensive magic, once used the magic ends. earned here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4250)

Magic fan: This fan currently can only create small dust devils and slight breezes unless it's partner is present than it's capable of it's true power but isn't very controllable right now.

fox den: A home where Ki can conjure common items with little trouble and they last as long as they stay in the fox den but will vanish when they are taken from the den and so cannot be sold. It is very comfortable and even has a hot spring thanks to her magic.


It’s unknown why the talisman found in the dragon’s cave had caused Kit and Inari to combine into one being but when Inari had decided to try on the duality Anklet, she and her mother had combined into one being that would choose to call her self Ki, as it’s the first two letters of her previous names. Despite having nine tails, she is nowhere near the strength of a true nine tails kitsune.

The nine tailed girl has fallen in love, first time for Ki but not for her older half which knew Love with Leon (Who helped her birth the younger half of Ki) and Ziggy. This time was with Victor an athlete Boxer with a kind heart. The two had a great adventure in Narkash where they fought the demon that once lived in the Onitachi but the demon got away but Ki learned her true feeling for the virtuous boxer.

Having Fallen out with Vic, Ki has settled down in Akashima in a magical fox den. She met a girl named Karuka and enjoyed her company. Chiyo and Ryo are growing up but Ki has trouble balancing her parenting and lust for adventure.

Ki met Seth with a friend of hers and has him become her new boyfriend, together they met Ai, a fox that lost her family and now Ai helps Ki with the kits. Also Doji met a dragon named Tien who had shown her the art of shape changing into a dragon.

Not much has happened as the adventures seemed to come to close for Ki. She wanted to concentrate on raising her kits and so far has done well but she is getting restless.

The Twins: They have grown up a little while Ki was taking it easy and have learned some combat skills as they gained more mature bodies.

Skills: they have minor fox magic, can turn into little foxes and make rather fake looking illusions that aren’t nearly as believable as Ki’s illusions. They can also make foxfire but the orbs are small and merely warm to touch.

The twins have learned some combat skills. Ryo has learned the ways of the bow and arrow from Seth and Chiyo learned some skill in swordfighting

Chiyo: Chiyo is the girl. She looks up to her mother as a hero but she’s rather shy and submissive. She’s kind and responsible as well as being eager to please. She tends to be shy around strangers and only opens up with friends and family. If not with Ki then she’s likely with her brother.

Appearance: At this time she appears to be a little girl about fifteen years in age. She has a little baby fat but is still pretty lean. She has blue eyes her hair is a silvery white with a slight blue tint; her fur on her ears and tail is the same except with black tips. Chiyo is growing up and becoming almost as beautiful as her mother.

Ryo: the male Twin. He’s rather independent and mischievous. He has a good heart but it takes some getting used to finding it. Even at the young age he’s rather rebellious and doesn’t listen to his mother much. He’s the one that often gets the twins in trouble because he takes the initiative.

Appearance: Again he looks about fifteen years old at this time and is rather thin. He green eyes and chocolate brown hair and fur on his ears and tails. He tends to look scruffy when Ki doesn’t make him clean himself up. Ryo has started to grow up and become a handsome young kitsune man

08-23-07, 06:21 PM
This looks good. Just don't overdo it with the new illusion spell and turn the land around you into the surface of the sun or something.

You are approved! Welcome to the next level.