View Full Version : Kiele

08-27-07, 06:25 AM
Name: Kiele Rainth
Age: Eighteen years old
Race: Human
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Red
Height: 5"3 feet
Weight: 110 lbs

Personality: Kiele is a very silent but observant person, but she rarely tells people what she thinks even if it would help a lot to the situation. She’s like this not because she’s timid but because she doesn’t really care much about the wellbeing of others. Kiele will only speak up to help others only if she would also gain something from it. Because of her lack of care for strangers, she rarely makes friends. But when she starts to get attached to somebody, she would help this person out any way she could, even at the cost of her life. Unfortunately, she sees friends as a weakness and would rather do without them. Kiele is into puzzles and strategic battles, not because she likes blood, but because she likes thinking of ways to defeat her opponent. She isn’t too keen in getting hurt and killing, and so she only battles for fun and would avoid a battle that would kill her.

Appearance: A bit short compared to others girls her age, Kiele also seems underweight because of her lack of interest in food. According to her, money can be spent elsewhere and would only eat if offered and if she’s already absolutely starving. Her hair has the color of silver and reaches until her shoulders, and a black headband keeps her bangs away from disturbing her face. Kiele’s eyes are red and often stern-looking, but the left one is blind and always unfocused.

Kiele wears a long white button-up shirt and a black skirt with matching leggings that reach until her ankles. On her feet are worn-out leather shoes. She also brings around a leather travel bag, and doesn’t appear to carry any obvious weapons, since her knives are hidden in the big black coat that she wears, and her familiar also serves as her main weapon.

History: When Kiele was born, she was blind in both eyes, and so doesn’t know the appearance of her parents, especially since they just disappeared from her life when she turned eight, even though she doesn’t know how that happened. Kiele then lived in a small orphanage, but unlike the other children, she was never interested in finding out about her real family. She didn’t gain many friends, since she always preferred to be alone. Being blind aggravated Kiele a lot, since she wanted to learn and explore different things. It worried those in the orphanage that she would just sit in a corner and often stare off into space. None of the other kids made fun of her, because on her first day in the orphanage, somebody called her strange and she set this person’s shoes on fire.

Ever since she could remember, she had the ability to make fire appear from thin air. Unfortunately, she had no idea how to control this and would mostly just conjure flames to annoy people. When she turned ten, she was walking around when she heard some laughter. From the noises, she realized that some of the kids were bullying a small baby fox and calling it strange. Apparently, it had a strange color of blue, but Kiele couldn’t tell because she didn’t know a thing about colors. Kiele told the children to stop bullying the fox, and one of them just kicked her down and made fun of her blindness. Completely annoyed, Kiele tried to set the kid on fire but missed, instead setting the blue fox on fire. The other children laughed and Kiele got angrier, but to their surprise, the fox just stood there and suddenly the fire was gone.

Kiele wondered why the other children started crying out in pain, and she could feel something cold around her. She heard them running away, and the coldness disappeared. Something warm then jumped on her shoulder and sat there, and she realized it was the fox. Starting then, even against the orders of the elders at the orphanage, the fox never left her side. She couldn’t tell, but they also said that it was strange that its size never grew.

After a while, Kiele could not only conjure fire but also ice. This caused more people to avoid her for being so strange. Years passed, and strangely, she could now see faint images in her right eye. She couldn’t really understand, but she didn’t tell a single soul about this bizarre mystery. When she could finally tell sizes, shapes and colors from her right eye, she realized that her blue fox couldn’t see through its right eye when it would bump into things he couldn’t see from that side. She asked it if it was a magical fox, and strangely enough, it nodded.

She learned how to read books, and this was how people found out she gained eyesight, but she never told anybody that it was only through one eye. From a book, she found out that Shay meant Gift, and this was what she named the fox. She read that a lot of people are born with magic, but only a few study to be able to constrain it. This is when Kiele decided that she would study to become a mage, even if just through books. She then realized that when her fox wasn’t feeling well or when it disappeared to hunt for it’s food, the only magic she could use was the one she was born with. Once, a traveller came to the orphanage and saw the blue fox. Realizing that Kiele was a potential mage, he gave Kiele a scroll of spells that she could learn and a few enchanted knives. Kiele regarded this man as her second friend, after the fox, even though she didn’t ask for his name.

Kiele didn’t have a special reason for leaving the orphanage when she was eighteen, not like others who do it to explore or to run away from someone. She just did it because it was a rule that once you reached eighteen, you have to leave. She didn’t really mind, since she was also keen on learning more.


Heightened Senses - Because she was completely blind for half of her life, she has heightened senses like hearing and smelling. Though not as good as other creatures like elves, her senses are more honed that an
average human.
Use of knives – When forced into close combat, Kiele knows how to use knives to defend herself.

Ember – Can conjure balls (diameter of five inches) of fire and lunge them at someone. Usually about three to five balls per spell, and can make an opponent suffer minor burns. Can be used two times a thread.

Freeze – Can cause a small space to freeze completely: for example, a foot or a hand to make it immobile. The ice will start to melt after two minutes, but it can also sometimes cause frostbite if casted on a weak body part. Can be used two times a thread.

Barrier – A spell that can only be casted by Shay. He can cause a sphere with a five-foot diameter to protect something, usually Kiele, and cannot be broken that easily. It will only last about thirty seconds. Can be used two times a thread.


Enchanted Knives – Two steel knives, five inches long. Cannot be broken easily because of enchantments, and a blow from it will cause wounds to singe.

Shay – Also acts as a medium, because without him, she cannot cast most of her spells.


Name: Shay
Race: Fox
Appearance: Looks like a small baby fox, but probably a lot older than it looks because in the course that Kiele has known it, it never grew in size. It's fur has the color of blue, and it has matching silver eyes, while the right eye is blind.
Personality: Immensely loyal to Kiele, and wouldn't act without her consent. Shay almost never leaves her side, unless he's in the mood to hunt for food. He also warns Kiele when he senses something strange nearby by catching her attention. Shay cannot talk, so he resorts to gestures to communicate with Kiele. The fox also has the habit of hiding inside Kiele's cloak, or sitting on her shoulder.
Skills: He can use magic, and most of Kiele's own magic also relies on Shay and she cannot use them without him. His senses are very keen and he can move very swiftly, but because of his small size, he cannot battle offensively and will only act when Kiele wants him to.

08-27-07, 10:41 PM
Okay, I have a couple of questions for you. First, how good is she with her swords, and second, how big are the fireballs you're throwing in Ember?

I'd also like you to weaken Freeze so that it doesn't last quite so long. It's pretty strong for a level zero spell.

Finally, I'd like you to make a mini-profile for Shay - pretty much what you did for Kiele, but not quite as elaborate, unless you feel like it.

08-28-07, 06:14 AM
There you go. I hope it's fine now. :)

08-28-07, 07:41 PM
I think your fireballs are a little big, but I'll allow them because you can only use them twice a thread.

For Freeze and Barrier, I'd rather that they only last for one post (in a quest) or one round (in a battle), because two minutes (or 30 seconds) is a lot.

I'd also like Barrier to be listed under Shay's spells, and strong as steel. I'd also like to know what sorts of magic Shay can use.