View Full Version : Dirks Division Rd 2 OOC

Max Dirks
08-27-07, 11:33 PM
Please post all OOC notes to one another in this thread rather than in the actual battles. This does not include troop movement comments, which should be included in the battle threads.

08-29-07, 05:05 PM
Heading south, toward Thoracis.

Army updates:

Lost - 4 Onager Stone/Burning Urn Throwers

Gained - 12 Scorpion Bolt Throwers. Each has only five bolts a piece, so ammo is extremely limited. Effective kill range is 25 yards greater than archers maximum range. At 15 yards less than the archers maximum range, it can can quite easily skewer two men standing front to back.

08-29-07, 08:16 PM
As indicated in the narrative, the troops are divided in the following configuration:

-The Protective Divison is divided among the two airships, with First Striker Company in one and Swarm and Wall Companies on the other- which also has all 3 heroes aboard.
-Phalanx Division is on board a ship, just off the coast of the peninsula.
-Behemoth Divison is on foot.

All three divisions are within visual range of one another.

08-30-07, 11:29 AM
Changes are in italics. Total of 11 troops lost last round. Makes my grand total 989.

The Return

Troop Name - Troop Number - Troop Type - Troop Description

Veterans of Khu’Fein - 391 (400) - Light Infanty - These dark elven infantry soldiers are all survivors of the famed Aleranian pilgrimage through the Fields of Khu’Fein and veterans of the Alerar-Raiaera War having served under Thoracis in the short conflict. Armed in light steel chain and dual wielding longswords and daggers this unit is highly mobile and highly dangerous when engaging.

Yarborough Cavalry - 248 (250) - Heavy Cavalry - These humans from the Yarborough Flatlands of Corone are among the greatest riders on all of Althanas. Many of these men call Gisela home and are devout in their fervor for finally putting the title of their homeland into the hands of someone worthy. Armed in full steel plate with lance and cavalry saber many lines have been broken by little else then the sound of these riders horses at full charge.

Valinatal Archers - 100 - Light Infantry/Ranged - Before the most recent disappearance of Thoracis a great deal of work had been done in mending his relationship with Raiaera. The effort has paid off now with the addition of the Raiaeran force to Thoracis’ ranks. Having experienced their lethality firsthand there are no other archers Thoracis would chose for this task. These troops are armed in light leather armor and with shortsword and longbow.

Defenders of Kachuk - 100 - Heavy Infantry - These dwarves are among the most elite soldiers in the Mountains of Kachuk. Like the Veterans of Khu’Fein many have fought with Thoracis before and a few even stood by his side during the inaugural Gisela Open. Donning full steel plate and armed with great-axe and hammer these troops serve as the last line of defense for Thoracis and his command post.

Salvarian Skirmishers - 50 - Light Infantry - These famed skirmishers come directly from the wastelands known as Sulgoren’s Axe. Having spent years honing their skills in survival, scouting, and tracking in their homeland, the skirmishers from Salvar can carry out their orders anywhere. Armed in furs and with short bow and dagger these highly mobile, highly efficient troops are a valuable asset to Thoracis’ army.

Elemental Mages - 50 - Light Infantry/Ranged - These ice elementals were conjured by Thoracis himself for the purposes of the Gisela Open. Each has similar abilities to the elementals that Thoracis generally can summon (casting of my level 0 spells) but in addition can cast ritual spells in groups. To cast a ritual spell at least 10 elementals must focus on this casting of the spell and if successful they can cast any spell Thoracis can cast of level 2 or lower.

Command Units - 50 - Elite Infantry - Much of Thoracis’ former success on the battlefield is due largely in part to these dedicated and brave soldiers. These soldiers are usually broken into groups or act individually among the various units of the army acting dual purposely as officers and signal callers/receivers. As much of Thoracis’ control over the battlefield still comes by way of signal flags and other alternative means of communication the importance of these troops is easily realizable as without them it would be easy for commands to go unrecieved and for chaos to break out among the ranks. These troops are armed in light steel plate and fight with any variety of weapons.

Max Dirks
09-03-07, 10:51 PM
Hey Bleater, Dirks is dead. The correct description of my army would be "Drax Piston's Imperial Army."

09-06-07, 01:00 PM
My Behemoth Division troops are forming into the Behemoth of Alerar. This will not be complete until 2 posts from now (my post after next), at which time Behemoth Division will no longer be available as individual troops, but the "Hero" will be available instead.

09-14-07, 08:50 PM
All troops of mine are remaining in the area, but moving to Thoracis location as indicated by my post.

~Evanthor Lashgiver and the 300 troops of the First Striker Company are going to be onboard airships flying above the army, 150 soldiers on each airship. They will be flying very close to each other so that the Captain can shout orders to the other airship as well as his own.

~The Behemoth of Alerar is fully assembled, and will be walking behind the bulk of the army. Despite being at the back though, it's towering size will likely make it the first thing able to be seen.

The rest of the troops are marching on foot in staggered block formations by company. Shalacius Krybirr and William will both be travelling on foot with them.

09-20-07, 09:21 PM
Two volleys of arrows (300 each) are being fired from the airships towards Thoracis' men.

09-21-07, 11:53 AM
At least you gave me a reason to have to post. It appears as if the other two have abandoned us.

09-21-07, 04:42 PM
100 Defenders and 200 Veterans attacked the infantry in the first wave.

Just after that the Cavalry are closing in from the south.

Thoracis rode straight in to Krybirr, wherever he was.