View Full Version : Round Two (Important!)

Max Dirks
08-27-07, 11:42 PM
Congratulations to those who have made it to round two. This round will be much like the first, but we've added a special twist. A fourth army, one of legendary stature, will be joining the fray in each division. So instead of having two opposing armies to deal with, you'll have three!

After consideration, we're making two new rule changes:

1.) The distance between each point on the map is NO LONGER one day, but rather 1 mile away. This means that the distances can be traveled much more quickly, and should lead to increased action.

2.) The turn rule has been abolished. You may post as frequently as you wish provided you do not powergame or bunny the opposing armies without permission.

Please be aware of these rule changes as you advance.

The breakdown of the divisions for round three as thus:

Dirks Division:


Atzar Division:

Twisted Infinitum
Amaril Torrun

What constitutes the Imperial Army, its troops and its players will be revealed at the start of the next round.

The round starts Wednesday, August 29th, at 3:00 PM CST.

Good luck to everyone involved! I will leave this thread open for questions.

08-28-07, 11:41 AM
Is the brown on the maps mountain or desert?

Max Dirks
08-28-07, 01:48 PM
Light brown is desert, or dry land.

Dark brown is hills, or mountains.