View Full Version : Vendetta Reborn

08-28-07, 03:30 PM
Solo Quest

This is Jiro's first IC appearance according to IC time with the exception of gaining armor in the bazaar.

The setting sun blanketed the clouds in a magnificent display of red colors mirroring the charm of the autumn leaves of the forest below. A sweet aroma floated down through the trees covering the hill side with its delightful fragrance. It was the scent of nature that men tried to bottle and sell to rich princesses for outrageous prices. The forest was still and quiet as all its inhabitants waited with anticipation for the stranger, an young elven adolescent, running up the mountain trail swinging his blade around in circles as he pretended to hack away at some monstrous creature that threatened the life of some stunningly beautiful damsel.

“Kyaaa!” Jiro grunted as he swung around on his heel bringing the blade of his sword crashing into the bark of a tree with a loud crrrck. “Take that, you foul fiend!” A yellow gleam flicked across the blade of his special sword as the words left his mouth, those cliché words that sprang to his mind as he thought of all the old heroes in his people’s folklore as they slew villain after villain.

With a few heavy breaths Jiro withdrew the sword from the tree’s side. His arm went limp by his side with the sword dangling from his hand. The damsel was chanting his name with satisfaction. He stood tall and proud with a smile on his face as he sheathed his sword envisioning the pretty dame clinging to the side of her hero as he did so.

The smile faded from his face as he slowly lifted his head toward the sky. Reality sunk in as he saw the dying sun sinking into the horizon. With a sigh he turned facing up the hill and letting his fantasy fade from his mind. The day was almost over, and he still had a bit of a ways to go.

Jiro had left his village a half week past to go to the local town and barter for food for his village because they had experienced a bit of a draught this year. He had arranged for the traders to bring the food to his village, but it would still be a few days for their arrival. The eager young elf could not wait to return to his people so he left the traders and traveled ahead of them.

The sun was becoming impatient; almost of the burning sphere had disappeared behind the edge of the earth. Jiro raced along the path huffing and puffing as he went. It was not far now. Any moment he was going to turn the last corner and there it would be, the last little stretch of the road reaching a mile up the hill with the village sitting at the end of it.

Jiro sprinted toward the curve in the path. He was only thirty feet away. ”I wonder how I will be greeted.” Only twenty feet left. ”I can’t wait to show off my new leather armor.” Ten feet, he held his breath. ”I wonder what they will think of it.”

Jiro turned the corner and came to an abrupt stop as if he had run into a brick wall. He could see smoke billowing down the path from village. There was a look of complete horror on his face. His jaw dropped as panic sunk in. He grabbed his sword on instinct and yanked it from its sheath. The blade was pulsating with a red glow. ”What happened?!”