View Full Version : Fingolfin Peninsula (Location A)

Max Dirks
08-29-07, 02:27 PM
Named after the infamous leader of the Purifiers, Findelfin Fingolfin, the Fingolfin Peninsula is at the northern portion of the map. The peninsula is not a true bottleneck due to the easy access to two nearby islands. The only mainland route out of the area is through Renzokuken Pass.

This is Bleater's starting location.

Round two begins at 3:00 PM CST. Good luck to everyone involved.

08-29-07, 08:13 PM
"What exactly do you mean 'we're headed towards Gisela City'?" William said with indignation.

Short hairs were pushing back and forth in a tug-of-war with the air around him: the strong breeze was being funneled down like a cyclone onto the deck of the airship where the three commanders stood. Below, the massive unliving mass that was the Behemoth Division marched south along the peninsula. To the east, a ship sliced it's way through swelling azure waters with the Phalanx Division on it's deck.
The Protective Division were split among the two airships, flying side-by-side along a southeastern path over Fingolfin Peninsula.

"I mean just what I say. We accomplished what we set out to in the other lands, and our new directive has us head towards Gisela City." Corporal Krybirr said bluntly.

Behind him, Captain Lashgiver watched the frustration rise on the capran's face, chuckling to himself slyly. William raised his hooves overhead and grunted. He was stammering as he spoke.

"W-w-what... wait, what do you mean Gisela City? Since when is there a Gisela City?"

At this, Captain Lashgiver chortled hard, nearly bursting into laughter. Even the dark elf corporal broke from his usual stern-faced demeanor, a grin stretching across the tight skin of his jaw. The dwarven captain draws in a deep breath and looked at William with rosy red cheeks.

"You mean you actually bought it?"

At this, the dwarf clutched his midsection with both hands, doubling over in rauchious laughter. Corproal Krybirr shuddered in his spot with a chuckle as well, but William narrowed his eyes at the two as the pieces came together.

Sons of... it was all a con?

"Well just what were we doing out there?" the goat said, placing his hooves on his hips indignantly.

"We were doing- and are doing- largely what we said." Corporal Krybirr says, ignoring the caughing that Evanthor's laughter has deliniated into. "We were testing your ability to lead these men to victory. Back there, that army we faced were skirmishers, little more than a small, troublesome force who were causing trouble for another group."

William raised an eyebrow, still looking mad. "And the ones who attacked our scouts?"

"Who else could have access to airship technology? They were allies, a group who had made arrangements with Alerar to assist in clearing out that rabble. The attack was a misunderstanding. Our men weren't supposed to approach from the west, so they thought they were with our opponents. We approached from the south, they were to approach from the north, and we would pich the opposition between us. And it worked perfectly."

"But that doesn't explain why. Why were we sent out on such a trivial matter? Why was that our test?"

The laughter having subsided, Captain Lashgiver wiped tears from the corner of his eye and spoke through swollen red cheeks.

"Well, considering that it was a task that was impossible to screw up, even for you..."

William shot the dwarf a glare, but before any hostility could rise, the drow commander held his hand out between the two. He continued on for the captain.

"Both more importantly, we chose it because of the Hyra elves. We put you in command against them to see if you would falter, if you would have sentiment get in the way. Being that you were native Raiearan, we had to see if you could hold true, even against elves." the corporal's face softened as he nodded at William. "And you surprised me. I had my doubts, but you held up. Not only that... the bit with sabatoging the bridge was brilliant. It showed us that you have the head for this kind of thing. So, now that you've been tested, we move onto the real deal."

William's mind was swimming. He had been led in under false pretenses, and was put up in a combat situation for little more than testing him. Fury boiled inside him, and it made him tremble.

How much of it was a lie? Was the deal I made with the councilman for my freedom even real?

William looked at the two grinning faces and returned a scowl to them.

"That may be all bloody well and good for you gits, but that still doesn't explain what this 'real deal' is. I mean, I was led into this supposedly to capture something called 'Gisela'. Now I find that was a load of malarkey and Gisela is a city? You'll have to explain a bit better, because I'm losing patience at grasping for straws here."

Corporal Krybirr just shook his head as if disappointed, and the dwarf behind him stepped forward and stepped up.

"I think those orders are pretty clear, lad. We're supposed to capture Gisela. See, it's well known that it's a stronghold for Imperial Army. They're champions of the Gisela competition, and as such have had the Ai’brone monks talking them up, claiming them as the best fightin' force in the land. Now, if we take them out, guess who gets labelled as the best?"

William looked at the dwarf with disbelief, then to the drow.

"You mean this is all a matter of ego? We're out here to overtake them just so the King can pat himself on the back at Alerar being declared the top army by these monks?"

The dark elf spoke up, addressing the accusation with urgency. "You underestimate the sway that the Ai’brone have. What they decree in regards to military might is usually taken as gospel throughout the land. Now, I'm sure you could call it propaganda, but the fact is that moving into a war effort, we use every advantage that we can. And if our nation is known throughout Althanas as havign the greated force walking these lands, then we've already beaten most of the opposition psychologically."

Another cog in the great war machine.

"Besides..." Krybirr continued, "almost as important is that we still need to test the Behemoth. Such a weapon could usher in a new era for our people, but it has to face it's trials in the field first. So don't assume everything's cut and dried. There's a lot going on here, a lot more than we'll have time to go over anyways."

William knew that meant he wasn't going to get many more answers, and it frustrated him, but he knew better than to press. He walked over and leaned on the rail of the airship, looking down at the sandy earth below. If he couldn't get the answers now, he was determined to survive and succeed until he could get them.

09-03-07, 08:02 PM
Captain Lashgiver was heading into his personal quarters on the airship when the voice of William called out behind him.

"Evanthor! Can I have a word with you?"

The dwarf looked back with a raised eyebrow, then nodded. He pushed the door open and stepped aside, motioning for the goat to enter his room. William's hooves clomped loudly as he stepped in, faerie lights glowing a dull orange throughout the room. The dwarf snorted, pulling the door behind him before he strode in behind William.

"Mister Steinbock... what can I do for you?"

"Well, it's about this fight. Drax Piston's Imperial Army? Can we really stand up to them?"

William had an uncommon look of worry on his face, and the dwarf rubbed his bushy chin with long, sweeping strokes.

"No doubt, you've fallen prey to the same type of propaganda that we plan to harness for ourselves." The dwarf said as he shook his head. "But rest assured, they are just an army, just like any other. And just like any other, they can be beaten, and we will beat them. We will just have to be tactical in our movements."

"And what if they're expecting us?" The goat asked "What if they've bunkered in to Gisela City and plan to just hold us back?"

The dwarf looked suspiciously at William. He paused as he stared long and hard before quickly shifting. "Why are you coming to me with this concern?"

"Well, to be honest, you seem more cavalier of a bloke about the situation that Corporal Krybirr, so I assumed you would be the one who I would be able to approach more easily."

The dwarf chucked, his beard jiggling in the process. He shook his head at William as a preturbed look grew on his face.

"It seems you have misjudged the two of us, goat. I'm not the one who's looking to stick my neck out for you when this is all over. For the life of me, I'm still surprised that Shalacius plans to..."

William perked up sharply, looking confused and concerned towards the dwarf.

"What the devil do you mean?"

"Your trial..." the dwarf said, pacing across the room to a small oak desk. He pulls open a drawer, sifting through maps. "No doubt you know that the pardon in your agreement with the Herzog was false too. You'll be going on trial for espionage and treason when we go back."

Bugger all... I knew that lying prick of a drow couldn't be trusted...

William's face bunched up angrily, but Captain Lashgiver continued.

"But for some reason, Shalacius has it in his head that he wants to speak on your behalf at the trial."

The anger turned quickly on William's face to utter befuddlement.

"That's my reaction too." The dwarf commented on the look. "Look, neither of us like you. As a matter of fact, we resent you being sent to command with us. But Corporal Krybirr... well, he's put that resentment onto the crown. He sees it as though the men are being sent on a suicide mission. He just can't get with the program. He's tried to go on and on to me about how his men 'aren't expendable, no matter what the King may think'. Idealist nonsense, if you ask me. But, after what we saw, he sees you as being the kind who's looking not only to win, but to protect the men from any 'unnessecary' losses. That falls in line enough with his thinking, that he respects you, even if he doesn't like you."

William had a look of earest surprise, taking such a thing as a great compliment.

"Well, I guess it's good to have someone who's willing to help."

The dwarf chuckled at this, pulling a map from the drawer and spreading it over the table.

"I don't know how much help he could be at your trial, so I wouldn't exactly hold me breath. That's if he doesn't go on trial himself after today."

William was stunned again. He stepped forward and planted two hooves on the map, leaning over the table to stare directly at the dwarf.

"Why, what's happening today?"

The dwarf rolled his eyes and tugged the map out from under William's hooves.

"You didn't know? The Imperial Army isn't the only army we have to contend with today. And one of the others is General Thoracis' men."

Evanthor rolled up the map, tucking the paper tube under his arm as he walked past William to the door. He exited quickly, seeming uncomfortable with the line of questioning.

Why would that be a problem, I wonder...?

William turned quickly and walked behind the Captain, who had already gotten halfway up the stairs to the airship's main deck.

"Captain Lashgiver..."

The dwarf ignored William as he got topside, shouting out at the men.

"Alright, lads, we'll be reaching Renzokuken Pass within the hour. I want all of you to keep a close watch when we get there, as we're going to be the first ones able to see any enemies that could hit the ship or the Behemoth Division below us."

William approached behind him and softened his voice a bit.

"Captain Lashgiver...."

The dwarf ignored him and continued speaking to the men. "We're also going to be taking the flight pattern a bit higher once we reach the pass, so if y' got a problem with heights, I suggest you haul yer arse down to the lower deck holds before we get there. That is all."

"Captain Lashgiver..." William's tone showed more impatience this time, and the dwarf sighed, lowering his head as he turned to look at the goat. Having the Captain's attention, William continued.

"Why would facing General Thoracis' men be a problem for Corporal Krybirr?"

The dwarf took a deep breath and a long look at the goat, then looked at him with irritation.

"Perhaps that is an issue you'd best take up with the Corporal himself..."

Without any further explaination, the dwarf pushed past William, heading for the cabin of the airship.

All forces moving to Renzokuken Pass (Location F)