View Full Version : Gisela City (Location D)

Max Dirks
08-29-07, 03:32 PM
The city of Gisela has been occupied by an unknown force. Its citizens have taken to hiding to await what events are to unravel. The only means of travel to the city is through the Dragon Master forest or by traversing the Southern Ocean.

This is MAX DIRKS' starting location.

Here is my army:
Imperial Army


Name/Position: Drax Piston - General
Weapon(s)/Armor: PSG-1 Sniper Rifle/None
Abilities: Nothing but a niche for survival
Appearance: Appearing much like the antonym of Max Dirks, Drax Piston has long blonde hair that now falls to his upper back. Drax is extremely vain and prefers to wear his hair in a straight ponytail. He is tall, built and a formidable fighter.
Description: The infamous winner of the second Gisela Open. It is unclear why he has assembled an army for this tournament.

Name/Position: Dirk Xalstad - Lieutenant
Weapon(s): None
Abilities: Dream Walking (Explained in the Registered Xalstad Profile)
Appearance: Ripe with experience, but young in health and appearance, Xalstad’s distinctive trait is his long jet black hair. Xalstad wears a neat white tunic and light brown slacks. Other than his day clothes, Xalstad also wears a long gray trench coat that nearly touches the ground. Though the coat is large, it rarely inhibits his travel.
Description: Xalstad is known to his army only as Imperial Ressurrecter. Only a select few in the Imperial Army know of his name, and fewer of his purpose.

Name/Position: Phagan Slater De’bron - Lieutenant
Weapon(s)/Armor: Titanium coated Sliver Staff and Titanium coated Sliver Plate Armor.
Abilities: Illusion- using his powers, Phagan can create an illusion double of every living unit in the Imperial Army. To the naked eye, there is no difference between an illusion and the real thing. Illusions cannot be harmed, but likewise cannot deal any harm. They exist to confuse the enemy. Phagan can create multiple illusions at one time, but cannot be distracted.
Appearance: Phagan is old and warn. He wears very little clothing.
Description: A former Ai’bron monk and ToW Illusionist, Phagan was kicked out of the society for his compassion. He fought along side of Drax Piston in the former Gisela tournament, but no one is sure of his intent. Many believe Piston befriended Phagan and reintroduced him to his feelings.

Unit Breakdown:

Unit Name/Number: 50 Elf Scouts
Weapons/Armor: Long Bows, Iron Daggers / None
Abilities: Immortal unless killed and extremely quick and nimble
Description: Though they undoubtedly possessed magic at one point in history, these elves no longer sport any magic, but can fight if need be. Usually Drax sends them ahead in battle to scout out the area. Their speed allows them to return without getting harmed and often times the scouts aren’t even noticed at all.

Unit Name/Number: 50 Light Mages
Weapons/Armor: Staffs/None
Abilities: Basic heal spell.
Description: These clerics form a great defensive team. Individually their healing magic is weak, but together they can quickly rejuvenate injured warriors and send them back to fight in the exact same battle. They are also astute in the lighter forms of magic such as light, thunder, and holy.

Unit Name/Number: 50 Dark Mages
Weapons/Armor: Oak Staffs/ Long Robes
Abilities: These mages have limited control over the darker of the elements including fire, earth, gravity and time. Because of the complexity of the elemental magic they perform, each mage can only focus on one element. They are divided equally among the listed elements.

Unit Name/Number 131 Support Soldiers
Weapons/Armor: Iron Swords/ Iron Breastplates
Abilities: None
Description: The support soldiers form the lines of army. They also perform all additional functions required by the army. They are also quite formitable as soldiers.

Unit Name/Number: 100 Knights / 100 Horses
Weapons/Armor: Iron Swords/ Iron Breastplates, Iron Helmets, Iron Shields
Abilities: none
Description: This is the core of the Imperial infantry. These are the units that are always put on the front lines. They are slow, but very formidable in close combat situations. Their armor also protects them from poorly aimed long distance attacks as well. They easily fall to lightning magic however.

General Units:

5 Wooden Ships: Water Transport should the need arise to use them. They are massive in size, able to hold half an entire division in the galley alone.

25 Ship Cannons: Each Ship has 5 canons. The cannons are used to defend themselves at sea.

5 Supply Carriages: To carry all the units and supplies except for the ships, which are docked at the nearest Harbor north of Radasanth.

3 Magic Stones: These allow instant communication between the division leaders.

Althanas just had some weird downtime, so the Dirks Division shall now commence! Good Luck!

Max Dirks
08-31-07, 11:53 AM
A chorus of booms had quickly filled the town of Gisela. All of the townspeople had locked themselves in their homes and were peaking out of their windows to catch a glimpse of the spectacle that had befallen them. Even the tourists, caught in the allure of the Gisela Open tournament, had taken shelter in local inns and pubs. Everyone's eyes were on the army that marched across Gisela's streets.

The army had arrived by ship no more than thirty minutes ago. They bore no recognizable colors or flags, and were not registered in the legendary tournament. The army moved with precision and discipline. They said nothing to the citizens as they passed, nor did they say anything to one another. Knights, at least 100 strong, led the march into the city. They were followed by at least 200 additional horseless soldiers and mages. Some of the mages wore black robes, and others wore silver. Behind them were carriages, and cannons.

But compared to the other armies that had marched through the town at the start of the tournament, this army itself was rather unimpressive. What had caught the eyes of the citizens were the three people walking in step at the head of the army. The figure in the center was very familiar to the citizens of Gisela. He was Drax Piston, the winner of the previous year’s tournament. He was a brash young man that many people still compared to a younger Max Dirks. He wore his long blonde hair in a ponytail. His PSG-1 sniper rifle was strapped to his back. To his left hunched a very frail old man. The man seemed to struggle with every step that he took, though the others paid this no mind. On Drax’s left stood an equally mysterious man, clad in a dark trenchcoat. He was middle aged, and handsome.

Shortly thereafter, the booms suddenly stopped. A lightly clad elf ran towards them from the outskirts of the city. He stopped when he arrived and bowed lightly. “My lord, I bring news.”

Drax turned his body away from the elf and looked at his army, “Go on.”

“There are three armies in the vicinity. One to the north across the bay, one to the northeast and one to the east. I’m prepared to dispatch additional scouts to each of the areas…”

“That won’t be necessary. Have your men prepared to scatter along the east side of the Dragon forest.” Drax interrupted.

“Yes, Sir.” The elf responded. However, he did not move from his place. He continued to look at Drax. Unaware that the elf had not departed, it took a low cough from Drax’s handsome lieutenant to catch the general’s attention.

“Is there something else?” Drax asked impatiently, while turning to face the elf.

“Rakarth leads the army in the east.”

At this, Drax’s eyes fell onto his lieutenant’s. The two shared a glimpse then Drax dismissed the elf with a flick of his wrist. Once the elf was out of sight, the middle-aged lieutenant spoke, “This is most fortunate. He must be brought to the city. I long to meet him.”

“If Thoracis Rakarth comes to this city, Ressurrecter, it will be with malice and ice. Lot’s of ice,” Drax momentarily trailed off. “Thoracis is of a rare breed in this tournament. Since the fall of his army in Alerar, he has lived ONLY for the power and the glory associated with these tournaments. He is here to fight, and to win, and will treat us no differently than any other army in Gisela.”

“Then perhaps we should make the visit worth his while.” The man responded.

“And how do you propose we do that?” Drax asked?

“It’s quite simple really. We simply need to feed his curiosity to bring his desires outside of the tournament.” Drax twisted his face at Ressurrecter’s rhetoric, however, Ressurrecter just smiled. The old man, who had stayed idle during the entire conversation grunted as Ressurrecter lifted a staff off the ground. He lifted the staff from the ground and tossed it to Drax.

“What is this?” Drax asked as he caught the weapon. Drax lifted the staff into the air. It felt weightless.

“This, my friend, is the staff of Mazrith of Alerar, an old acquaintance of our friend.”

The old man grunted again, and suddenly the staff passed through Drax’s hand. He turned to the old man, and then back to Ressurrecter. “Impressive, but what if Thoracis is cunning enough to tell the difference between reality and an illusion?”

Resurrecter just smiled. “If I recall correctly, the last time Rakarth saw his old friend Mazrith, he received a bullet in his forehead. A bullet,” Ressurrecter reached into his cloak and pulled out a small weapon, “that was shot from this gun.”

Drax immediately recognized the weapon as a Beretta 950. Only one person in Althanas had ever used this gun. He moved to Ressurrecter and took the gun into his right hand. When he tried to aim the gun at a nearby building, Drax found that he could not aim the gun properly without tilting it slightly to the left. “Signaturized? How did you get this gun?” Drax was noticeably angry.

“That is a story that will have to wait for our guest.”

Drax fumed, but held his tongue. Drax turned to his army and motioned for the lead knight to approach.

“Your command, Sir?” The knight asked.

“Move the entire army into the forest.” Drax said, while carefully looking over his shoulder at Ressurrecter.

“Excuse me, Sir?” The knight was caught by surprise.

“You heard me. Split the army across the wetlands and advance on the forest.” The knight nodded and Drax continued. “Go in waves, as you will be accompanied by your doubles.”

“Sir, there are two armies to the east. Is it wise to split ours for any purpose?”

At this, Drax scowled. “Are you questioning an order, Soldier?” Drax demanded, but before the knight could respond, Drax continued, “Besides, this is a war. Do they honestly think they are protected by the umbrella of a tournament?”

The knight did not respond, he merely nodded his head and rode off.

Shortly thereafter, the army began to split, with soldiers darting off in every direction. There was no chorus of booms. To the citizens of Gisela, the order and discipline that commanded the army’s entrance was lost to the chaos that ensued. The army had split to avoid being followed or scouted, but they were all making their way across the wetlands to the forest where they would regroup as necessary. Soon all that was left in the street was a carriage.

“Come along, Phagan,” Drax said to the old man as he climbed into the carriage. “I have to deliver this invitation personally.” As Drax and Phagan rode off, Ressurrecter smiled.