View Full Version : The Desolators

Call me J
08-30-07, 04:22 PM
(more open than you'd believe. see here (http://www.althanas.net/world/showthread.php?t=7510) for details.)

As Jame looked at the hooded elf, his voice was dripping with sarcasm. “And so you say I’ve got nothing to be afraid of?” he asked rhetorically. The half dragon spit towards the elf’s feet angrily, only then noticing that he was bleeding from the mouth.

“You have nothing to be afraid of here…” the hooded elf replied. “Damon Kaosi has vouched for you.”

Jame wondered why of all people, Damon Kaosi had to use such drastic measures. He was no threat to Raiaera or its people, but yet had found himself kidnapped off a street in the middle of Anebrilith and taken to a secret location with a gunny sack tied over his head. He had been bruised and scared, and now, Jame didn’t know where anything was. All he knew was that he was stuck in a nondescript room, with nothing but alabaster plaster strewn across the walls, almost as if features that he would have recognized had needed to be covered over.

Jame dug his foot into the ground. It was hard tile. Not that he could have dug his way to sanctuary with his toe. Even if he’d escaped, for all he knew, he was stuck in the middle of an island out somewhere in the middle of the sea. Still, Jame hesitated to respond, just because he didn’t want to give the hooded elf the satisfaction of playing into his game.

Reluctantly, he replied. “Where do I have to be afraid?” he replied, speaking with a tone that failed to belie his dissatisfaction.

“This is Raiaera… you’re not an elf,” the hooded elf replied succinctly. “You have every last reason to be afraid…”

“Of who?” Jame asked skeptically. He’d heard that kind of logic on every street corner now, and yet, no one had hurt him.

The elf seemed as though he was anticipating the question. “Linwe Seregon,” came the annoying retort. “Among others.”

Jame knew that Linwe Seregon had something to do with the school of magic but nothing beyond that. He didn’t care much, however, especially since all he really wanted to do have the ropes around his wrists untied. “So what do you want?” he asked, tiring of a conversation that seemed to go nowhere.

“Keep your mind about you Jame,” the elf said. “That’s the first thing. Somehow though, I’m going to need you to find out everything you can about The Desolators.”

“Who are the Desolators?” Jame shot back. He wondered if they were beginning another game.

The elf seemed unmoved. “Honestly, we don’t know yet…”

“I suppose you want me to find out…” Jame said.

“Yes, for all your flaws, you’re the only one we can trust… Damon Kaosi vouched for you.”

Jame shrugged. “Why the hell not?” he announced. “It’s either that or be tied up the rest of my life…”

“Excellent,” the elf said. With a small knife, he cut the cords tying Jame’s hands, and then opened a door. The door opened out already inside the inner wall of Eluriand. Jame could see Velice Arta in the distance. “Start by enrolling at Turlin.”

Jame, irritated, walked out. “I’d start by not kidnapping people,” he thought irritably. Yet he headed towards Turlin, figuring that if he didn’t, he’d likely be kidnapped again.

09-03-07, 10:05 AM
Eluriand. Nothing but a packed herd of elves. Sven had never been here before and it took him quite a while to figure out where he was located. Sven had been knocked out by members of the radasanth army and brought to Eluriand with no transportation out. Everywhere Sven has traveled seemed to despise of the man and saw him as a goverment rebeling parasite. Sven walked the streets of the sale street where townfolk bought goods. Sven watched as people bought animals,food,clothing with their precious gold bits. Sven wish he had some to spare like that. Sven had none and because of that figured to put his fine skill to work. The revolutionary walked up to one of the huts and looked at all the devastating feast of food before him. Sven thought, this is gonna be easy...

Sven walked up and impulsively thought of a way to steal the food, he removed a powder slab from his belt and slammed it onto the ground, the entire hut was filled with smoke, making all things go blank for a short time. Sven grabbed as many things as he could fill in his pack and rushed out of the door fiercly. Once out of the hut he chest bumped what he hated, a guard.The man quickly laughed and spun Sven around then cuffed him. "To the cell you go, your thievery and speech to down a goverment will not be upheld in Eluriand."

Sven and the man walked off. Once there Sven was put into a room where a half dragon man and a official were standing before him. "Ahhh Sven Van Baronmoore! Nice of you to come all the way and join us, you two will be given this offer only because you have mass skill in stealthily finding out information which is exactly what we need." The man said as he smiled immensly to Sven and the half dragon.

"You too can join this man in finding out information about the Desolators. If not you shall remain celled and cuffed the rest of your pitiful life. You know of all the underground gatherings. Ever known of the Desolators?"

Sven looked to the sky and many gangs and rebellion groups ran through his mind, "No, never heard of them or worked with them. But yes I will accept your offer, where exactly should we start looking? Oh and by the way. Hi heh, Sven Van Baronmoore in the flesh, what'ya say we prolong our lives eh?" Sven bowed, winked then extended an arm to the half dragon.

Call me J
09-05-07, 06:23 PM
Jame responded to the handshake reluctantly, unsure if he really wanted to have a partner with him in this adventure. The half dragon already didn’t trust the people who had hired him. Having an untrustworthy partner only complicated the matter.

“Let’s just get moving,” Jame said. There was hostility latent in his voice, thick enough for anyone versed in subtlety to detect. “We’re supposed to be at the Turlin school.”

With that, Jame began to walk. He didn’t bother to look back at his alleged ally. If there was going to be any conversation, Jame had no intention of being the one to start it.

Fortunately, Turlin was close by. Jame quickened his pace, knowing that his longer frame could serve as an adequate excuse for why he was moving so quickly. The fact was, Jame wasn’t sure of what he was supposed to do once he reached the school. He knew that his father had taken classes there, but even then, he had never really learned much about what kind of magic that had entailed. The idea of singing to create magic had never struck the half dragon as a particularly intimidating way of dealing with an opponent.

However, the school seemed to be well prepared for the average wander that happened upon their doors. Jame had barely climbed up the staircase to the main doorway when he was accosted by a friend of Damon’s, Tura Preylor.

“Jame!” he said, with a voice that showed he was both surprised and pleased. The remark might have seemed more exclamatory had it not come from someone with such an even disposition. “Are you alright? Most of our students are not harmed until after they learn a few spells! I joke of course”

“I’m fine,” Jame replied. “I came here to enroll…”
Preylor’s face turned a bit more grim. “I would not have expected you to come here, especially with everything else going on with Raiaera. And as happy as I am to see you, I have to say that I wish that these were better times. Despite the school’s long standing alliance with light, things are taking a turn for the worse…”

Immediately, Jame thought of the Desolators. Whoever they were, they had to be responsible. “That’s why I’m here…” he said. He opted to keep his kidnapping and the mission secret. “There are some questions I need answering.”

It was only now that Preylor glanced over towards the grey haired man who had accompanied Jame. “Is he with you?” he asked tersely, as if the rest of the conversation was going to be based on Jame’s answer.

Jame thought for a few seconds, but ultimately answered with a quick nod of the head.

“Well then,” he said. “I suggest that both of you go up to the second floor. Enroll for Tura Ilunwei’s class. She teaches open classes twice a day and the next should be starting soon…”

Jame nodded. He wondered if this wasn’t a veiled clue, or Preylor had sensed that he didn’t fully trust his partner. Either way, Jame entered into the school and headed up the spiral staircase, glad to have something to do.

09-06-07, 09:48 PM
Sven followed the man, he could see the look in the half-dragons eyes of discontent and disgust at the situation. As the two walked upwards to the gates a man his "partner" seemed to know began having a word with the half-dragon. The sky was obliterating with sunlight and the clouds seemed as white as Sven's hair. The man continued his speech to the man before glinting at Sven. Sven looked back with a grin of approval and respect. The man spoke up, "Is he with you?"

Sven gave a smile, "Yes, Sven Van Baronmoore at your service!" He said as he scuttled up and wrapped an arm around Jame's shoulder. "Instead of labeling us a Partners In Crime in your favor we are the partners that halt that crime. Sven said with a vibrant grin of happiness. "I usually am in a way, in the goverment." Sven said trying to hold in a chuckle. "I am looking to enrolling regardless of the state of the school. Promise we will make that state back to its homeostasis" Sven said as he gazed at Jame and smiled followed by a pat on the back.

The man gave a small hint of a snicker. The man ushered then men into the gates and into the school. Red velvet floors and golden roofs. The interior was magnificent, Sven's head spun around in amazement.

"This way you two." The man said as he routed the two men to a sheet. Sign your names here and you are officially enrolled into the school we have here" The man said with a sigh of work.

Sven quickly grabbed the scribe and engraved his name. Sven Van Baronmoore. He let the writing utensil roll from his grasp before continuing to examine the building, he noticed for a subtle second a man in a black hooded robe was gazing down at the two men. Once Sven aknowledged the man he quickly sped off in refuge.

"This is going to be a time, isnt it?" Sven said as he smiled at Jame and outstretched a hand waiting for it to be shook. The hooded figure was still on the revolutionarys mind. Why was he watching? Why did he run off? Where did he go? All were questions Sven figured would be answered later.

09-09-07, 09:36 AM
Numerous eyes were focused on the unique pair as soon as Eluriand had welcomed them. Entering Istien University elicited more glances, even though the stares did not last long once the novelty of a pair of humans wore off. That task would have taken considerably longer if not for the recent exploits of one of the more higher profile non-elves in Raiaera, Raelyse of Myrusia. The silver haired one enjoyed a high standing due to his proficiency with Istien's magic, as well as a high rank in Eluriand's fighting force, the Bladesingers. He spent quite a lot of time in the university, learning spells for fun, if only to demonstrate his skill, before losing them after neglecting to practice.

Raelyse had known of the two non-elves before they had entered the University. One of them he had known from before, the one that had appeared to take the lead. That pleased the prince of Myrusia, because Jame was someone he saw potential in, a possible future ally. The other one he was unsure of and at the moment, he didn't feel as though it was worth his while to figure him out. Once Raelyse had finished with the song spell he had been learning, he shelved the book and left one of Istien's many libraries, just in time to spy the pair exchanging words with Tura Preylor.

He watched them from the second floor, noticing the awkwardness in Jame as the focus of the conversation clearly shifted to his companion. Raelyse could not help but chuckle to himself. Definitely not each other's first choice, which only seemed to interest the prince more and more as he thought about it. He strode down the staircase and towards Preylor, watching as the pair climbed the staircase and made for the Tura Ilunwei's class.

"Strange pair," the prince remarked to Preylor. "It would be unwise to shift our eyes from them."

"That doesn't seem to be a problem," the elf replied, adding a slight laugh that didn't do quite enough to hide his discomfort. "Everyone in Eluriand seems to have stared at those two."

"Then maybe they should stare a few more times until we can find what they're about," Raelyse replied snappily. "I know Jame but I do not trust the other one."

"None need to stare to realize that your friend doesn't either."

"I said I knew him, not that I trusted him," the prince concluded before moving off, retracing the steps that Jame and his companion had made, leaving Preylor to contemplate his next actions very carefully.

09-10-07, 11:58 AM
Rare was it to find so unique a group of individuals, roaming the grand city of Eluriand, much less the schools of magic. Yet, there they all were, multiple humans, entering the school of Turlin. Terrian Farsight was not unlike those around him. His eyes, a silver blue tint, followed the twin pairs but without the grave mistrusts that touched the thoughts of others. He could not read the minds and hearts of those around him, but years of Raiaera life had given him a deep insight into the ‘noble’ high elven people. He could read their faces as easily and quickly as he could the book that rested open in his hands.

“Who do you suppose they are? The first pair? Could they be spies sent by the Aleraran people, touching the heart of our society by infiltrating these great halls?” The high elven tone and speech caught the man off guard, his head turned to find a pair of vivid eyes meeting his own. They held for what was little more than a split second, before Terrian turned away from the other elf. He watched the two men round a corner, and they were gone. Murmuring in the elven tongue followed their departure from the common room. The young moon elf gave it no heed.

Instead he turned to the other elf. He was older than Terrian, his eyes showed his age, a clear view of his soul. And yet, he seemed less mature. Though, it could have just as easily been the overwhelming mistrust and fear that played across all the minds and toyed with the imaginations of the Raiaeran people. Alerar’s great nation was mounting, moving, shifting. Rumors abounded about another great war, another confrontation like that once taken place. But Raiaera had lost their great victor, Devon Starslayer. So too, from what little intelligence came in, had Alerar. Their mighty general Thoracis had long since abandoned the country.

Terrian shook his head, sighing. There would be others, more powerful, more destructive. They would come and lead, take the place of legends and myths. Raiaera had the likes of Damon Kaosi, a legend amongst men – but he had been missing for quite some time. Alerar’s leadership was crumbling and falling to pieces, dropping like a fortress under siege. But there were still a few, like the budding Bladesinger Raelyse. He was part of the other pair, the one that drew Terrian’s attention.

Though human, the man had pushed his prestige and power. He was hardly at his limit, hardly close to the point of perfection. He was a bastion, a point that the moon elf wished to reach more than any other. He was not high elven, like Terrian himself, yet had gained the honor of the culture and people. He had it slightly easier; being of elven heritage, but the climb was still far from effortless.

“I think your worry is unwarranted. If their intentions were truly that of cruel intent, I am sure they would have long since been found out. We are in the halls of the Turlin School; the masters can sense evil and reproach those that hold it. They were forced to pass through the gates of the Istien University, surly the guards would have also sensed something.” Despite responding, his mind was elsewhere. His eyes were not on his open book, a welcoming guide to the in-depth intricacies of the Turlin School as well as a listing of beginning classes. Instead he was yet focused on the bladesinger and his companion, watching and waiting. If something was to happen, he would be the first to respond with not words, but actions.

“Come Terrian,” how the man knew the moon elf’s name was a mystery. Terrian turned to him with a questioning look on his face, but the other man’s eyes did not meet his own. He could not remember giving his name, but with the tension it was probably lost. “Tura Ilunwei’s class is going to begin shortly, we should not be late. It is a basic class, but one that is probably vital to the further classes. We may as well remove as many of the prerequisite classes as we can, right?”

The man laughed, and Terrian’s own slight chuckle joined in. But it was halfhearted, as was his will to attend the beginning class. He rose gracefully, straightening his glamorous white robes and his top hat. Even as he walked away his eyes lingered on Raelyse, grinning at the thought of what it would take for him to become equal to so great a man.