View Full Version : The Quest

08-30-07, 11:13 PM
The sun rose dark and gloomy on his first morning in this strange new world. Leonitus wondered just what terrors awaited his approach. Nevertheless, he rose and gathered his apparel and his tools of war and stepped out onto the seldom traveled road he had discovered the night before, as he wandered up from the shore that he had washed up on. He gazed back in the direction he had come from in a vain attempt to see a sign of direction from his ill begotten luck. “How will I find the lost city in this woeful place?” Then he trudged on in the direction of the rising sun though he could barely see evidence of it’s location. He hoped his companions fared half as well as he, for they had not the talents or tools to survive long in a strange land.
After perhaps three hours walking in the early morning haze, the sun began to burn through the fog that shrouded the countryside in a pale, ominous foreboding. His spirits began to lift, his pace quickened. He even began to hum the tune his mother had taught him so many years ago. His eyes soon gathered their old powers of observation and the foliage and wildlife caught his attention. The wolves that sided his trail were none too threatening, the carrion birds flew too high to recognize, but the horizon held a frightful image of mounted figures with banners of rank. He knew he had been spotted, so he merely trudged on to the inevitable union with these inlanders. Perhaps they too were fearful of the meeting. He ducked his head, and plowed into the road under his feet with determination to close the distance shortly.
“Hail, stranger,” was the greeting thrown his way. “Aye,” he answered, “of what Citadel do you hail? What land is this?” The men chuckled at this and began to shuffle around to surround him and he stopped abruptly and unsoldered his blade. The horses were drawn up short, and they stared at each other questionably. “From whence come you?” said the leader of the patrol. “I come from the sea to your baleful land in search of promised glory and gold.” At this, the man grinned and looked to the east as if to confirm his destination. Leonitus straightened his back , and drew his sword and grinned back at them and waited. “As for gold, there’s none but that of our Lord, Equus. And for glory, there be none but that of the dead here. You’ll fare better elsewhere, braggart.”
“I’ll show you the heal of my boot should you care to chastise me for my levity.” Leonitus hoped he would oblige his challenge, but he showed no interest in swordplay on the road this morning. “We’ll let our lord deal with your bold words. Follow us to the palace. Sheath your weapon, your in no danger from the likes of us. Equus frowns on failed courtesy to travelers.” And they all turned and headed on down the trail that led them into a green and glorious valley filled with sodden houses, surrounded by naked children and vegetable gardens. Every other house had a sodden barn filled with cattle, and chickens. Not a horse could be seen, save the ones the patrol rode.
The sight brought back memories of his childhood, running through the fields of his father’s farm on the mountain side. How he enjoyed nothing better than to dive head long into the hay as he piled it for winter storage. His father would scold him severely for mindlessly scattering the days work. But he would always replace the forage and continue the chores for he knew the winters were harsh and unforgiving. His parents scraped a living from the land given them by the king, and were thankful for it, but he was vengeful of the Lords and Ladies of court. They were condescending and cruel to the lower classes and laughed as they would pass, high on their fine coaches. His appointment to the Royal Guard appalled the courtesans and Magistrates. How a low born fief could rise to such a rank of office was unheard of throughout the kingdom.
The sound of trumpets brought him back to his senses, and he noticed the high wall of the Citadel before him. Flags flew from the parapets, sentries lined the walls, and the huge drawbridge creaked loudly as it began it’s descent. Leonitus hesitated entry to the courtyard because he sensed a deception awaited. “Have my presence announced, I’ll be here when he’s ready.” The Captain glanced his way before entering the gate, “You’ll be welcomed as royalty until otherwise discovered, my good man.” was his reply. Leonitus stood patiently, with his hands resting on his long bow, smiling at the scene in front of him. The Captain drew his mount around and waved to him as he passed the entrance, then waited for him to follow. He shook his head, and resigned to follow to his fate within these threatening walls.
Inside, the courtyard hummed with bustling pages and craftsmen hurrying to complete their appointed tasks. No one seemed to notice their arrival or even acknowledged their presence as they passed through to the stables at the far end of the midway. His senses, eased slightly by the lack of attention, were still taught with foreboding. He knew the casualty of the inhabitants was too good to be true. There was a trap for him somewhere waiting to be sprung. He would keep his eyes open, his ears high, and his mind clear of distraction. It will be a cold day in hell before he’ll get caught in an irreproachable situation.
The Captain released his mount to the squire that appeared and spoke heartily as he began the ascent to the court rooms of his Lord Equus. “Come, come my good fellow. Have no fear, we merely offer our hospitality to you through our Lord and Master.” He offered his hand in friendship, but Leonitus just waited for him to proceed up the flight of stairs so he could follow. “Lead on good sir, I fear naught but the end.”

08-30-07, 11:16 PM
I'm afraid that you're not allowed to RP until you have an approved character profile. Please register your character, and then talk to me or one of the other mods to re-open this thread.

06-02-09, 03:50 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.