View Full Version : The First Judges' Choice Thread of New Althanas!

Storm Veritas
04-26-06, 07:31 AM
It is with great pleasure that I give to you the wonderful solo effort, To The Citadel and Back (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=141) by Lord Leopold. A terrific (if lengthy) quest detailing the struggles of Leopold and Earl Stevens, it really grabs the reader into a finely crafted and constantly-twisting tale, rich in Althanian Lore.

As a note, this is the first quest to ever undergo a new practice for JC Threads - instead of a singular judge declaring a thread worthy, the proposed thread was brought to the attention of all available Althanas staff.

The result was unanimous at press time - this is a top-notch read that easily earns a seat in the annals of Althanian history.

Check it out!

04-26-06, 07:48 AM
Hehe, you said "anal."

Butts aside, this is an awesome, awesome thread. I will buy each and everyone of you a beer if you read this.