View Full Version : Xilium Rupertus, The Dark Night is back

Xilium Rupertus
09-05-07, 01:09 AM
Not to many changes. just went over a few things i wanted to fix. Any problems let me know.

Name: Xilium Ledarn Rupertus

Age: 162

Race: Half Elven, Half Vampire

Hair Color: Jet black with long white highlights.

Eye Color: Black

Height: 6'1

Weight:130 lb's

Occupation: At the beginning of his adventuring days, Xilium was a common shadow mage. Along his adventures he became a leader of a Thieves guild known as The Bandit Brotherhood, a Co'Founder of The Red Hand, and then the sole leader of the OWC. Such haughty titles have fallen away throughout the ages though, and Xilium's reclusive nature as of late has taken him back to his humble beginnings, traveling alone and searching for answers.

Personality: Xilium has always been a loner by nature, keeping others at a distance. However those who become his close friends know he is loyal to a fault, unless they truly betray him. Due to his small frame many at first glance would assume him to be frail and weak, yet his presence sets an uneasiness to those around him. Xilium never makes a decision without thought, and it almost always is in some way a personal gain for himself.

Appearance: It's easy to compare Xilium to the reaper, with his scythe and black robes that he carries. His skin is pale white as if the sun has never touched the skin, and his black eyes and unusual hair is a trademark of his existence. Anyone of stature knows who Xilium Rupertus is, and none take his presence lightly.

History: The Xilium Rupertus that once was is no more, due to a recent accident in the Salvarian mountains. His memory of what has passed will slowly but surely emerge throughout his future, but as of now he only knows who he is and what powers he holds.


Power Word-Shadow: Xilium has the power to form shadows into whatever shape he feels, such as forming darkness around himself to cloak himself, or using it to spread a shape of a person walking, etc. etc. (This power in battle will only be used sparingly and only for storyline purpose, such as trying to escape a blow, and will never be overpowered.)

Shadow Walk: At night Xilium can meld himself within the shadows and travel at a blurring speed, traveling what would take hours in mere minutes. However he can never travel faster then the night reaches, and cannot use the ability but once a day. It lasts for only 10 min, with a 100 mile radius. (This ability will only be used in quests at specific points that will be accepted by both myself and whoever else is in the quest with me. It will never be used in any sort of fighting situation.)

Shadow Ball- Xilium has the ability to solidify shadows about the size of a baseball, which can be shaped however he pleases. They have the blunt force power of a hard stone, and cannot be sharpened. They last only until they hit the target they are set at, and then break away into nothingness
(( This power can only be used 5 times in battle, and only 2 things can be created. Again it will never be overpowered or overused))

Power Word-Sound: Xilium has the power to create sound without the movement of his mouth, such as creating the sound of a scream behind an enemy. These sounds can cause no harm to the person the power is being used on, as the frequency is not high enough to harm human hearing. ((This power is used for storyline purposes and has no limitations, as always will be used within nonpowergaming standards.

Dark Flames: Xilium has the power to create dark flames on each of his hands, 4 times as strong as normal fire. These flames can not be thrown, as such only harming those he can directly touches. They cause instant blistering, comparative to a second degree burn.((This power is usable 3 times per day, only once per battle, and only for one actual post.))

Martial Skills: Xilium is proficient in the use of the scythe, his main weapon since childhood. He also has basic hand to hand fighting skills, on par with a monk. ((this is storyline plot from when the Scara Brea had leaders, if anyone remembers that.))

Vampiric Regeneration: Given a night of full rest, Xilium can heal wounds such as broken bones or wounds that would be fatal to a normal man. ((This is never used in battle, and only used in quests when given permission by the thread Creator. Also it requires a nights rest such as a full vampire would have, in a hibernated state.))

Vampiric Senses: Xilium senses are on par with those of a full vampire, due to the mix of his elven and vampric blood. He has none of the weakness's to light and such as a regular vampire does, but almost all the benefits. He can see farther and run faster then a regular human, yet also due to the mix he has an unusual sickness that comes up from time to time, causing him to cough up blood and have moments of weakness. This power is both a gift and a curse. His sense's come to be around 1.5 times that of a human, as well as his endurence.

Adamantie scythe gained through his work with the Red Hand.
Plain black robes of no actual substance.
A pendent gained through his friendship with Zieg'fried long ago.
A vile of the blood of his friend Lorenor.

And that's it.

09-05-07, 11:51 AM
Get a person or so to post here vouching for your former Level Sixness (I know I saw a couple of volunteers, but I'd like it here so that it's nice and tidy), and I'll get you your levels back and you can have more powers and shiny stuffs.

09-05-07, 12:08 PM
I vouch that Xillium Rupertus was a Level 6 character.

09-05-07, 12:19 PM
Diss's word is good enough for me.

You can have your shiny adamantine scythe (Diss vouched for that, too), and you can amp up Power-Word Shadow, Shadow Ball, and Martial skills, if you want.

09-05-07, 02:47 PM
Can you define how good his senses are, and how fast/strong he is? And please edit it up there, entire profiles posted again and again make for a lot of scrolling.

Xilium Rupertus
09-05-07, 02:51 PM
Fixed, also deleted all extra posts I made to clean up the thread a little.

09-05-07, 03:00 PM
All right, approved.

09-07-07, 02:46 PM
Level 6 EXP (27,000) and 500 GP added.