View Full Version : Valandil Telemnar

09-06-07, 12:58 AM
An open invitation to the citizens of Althanas:

Good people of the nations of Althanas,

I reach out to you today to ask for your support in facing the greatest crisis we have seen since the rise of Lord Aesphestos and the necromancer Xem'Zund. Not even then; when the Dark One was stirring, the Forgotten Ones were wreaking havoc across Alerar and Raiaera, and the great city of Eluriand nearly fell to the undead could we find the strife that plagues us all now. This is a new kind of evil we face, as all corners of our world are ripe with tyranny and conflict.

The mighty nation of Corone, once the beacon of progression for all of Althanas, is being ripped apart by civil war. It is clear that no peace can be agreed upon by the government of the Corone Empire and Rangers of the Corone Republic. If they cannot make peace themselves, I propose we make peace for them.

In Salvar, the tyrant Iorlan Rathaxea brings conflict and fear to his own people and neighbors. He keeps slave camps throughout their northern wastelands to supply his war machine under the guise of the Peregrine Group . All the while he plots with the despot Edari’axa and his lapdog Schynius in Alerar to conquer their neighbors. It is past time for someone to stand up for the Salvarian people.

In Raiaera the pressure is already being felt from Alerar and Salvar. From the Niadath Pass and Valinatal to Anebrilith the ancient elves of Raiaera are forced to prepare for the defense of their homeland once more. To the people of Raiaera I say this: The past is the past. Know that you are not alone.

Fallien faces a similar threat from the Alerar/Salvar allegiance. Though far away and mysterious to many, there is no doubt that the war machine will fall upon this nation as it will all other nations. With the lasting presence of the Cult of Mitra it is hard to imagine them fighting off the monster that comes their way. Not without our help that is.

To the far east the enigmatic people of Dheathain are quickly being exploited by those who would wish to strip the land of their ancient wealth and resources. Now, more then ever, it is important that we befriend our new neighbors to the east, not manipulate them into their own demise.

All the while the other forces of Althanas, I speak to those groups such as The Audeamus, The Grander’s Order, and The House of Sora, among others, do nothing to prevent that which is right before their eyes. Heed my warning: You will not be free from our justice.

Finally, I speak to you, my people of Alerar. It has been far too long since I have been home. For that, I apologize. Had I realized sooner that my banishment was not the true doing of our late Queen Valsharess things would be far different for you. Know that Edari’axa and Schynius have held their terrible grip upon our home for longer than we could have realized. With the aid of Salvar they have manipulated their way into power and caused the deaths of many innocent people, Queen Valsharess among them. It was no accident that the Salvarians were in Ettermire on the night of the assassination. It is no accident that the “assassin” has not been caught. Now you face a reign of oppression and fear. Mark my words: It will not last. We will have back what is ours.

I do not wish to bring more war to the lands of Althanas. I do not wish to seize power for my own devices. I wish only to help those who deserve power to attain it. To assist those who will bring peace gain the means to do so. So I bid to you all; rally to my banner. Our journey will be arduous, but well worth the sacrifice. Together we will face the darkness before us. Together we will bring peace to our homes and abroad. Together we will not be stopped.

----- Thoracis Rakarth ______________________________________________

Alright people, here’s the scoop…

I’m going to be trying out some different things with this PG. Things that I hope will boost the activity and interaction between the PG’s and also boost the activity and interest of the many continents, as well as their histories, that we have to RP on here at Althanas. That brings me to the meat of what this PG is all about.

First of all, there are NO requisites to joining this PG. The only restriction on membership is if you are already in another PG and THEY would prefer your non-membership in Valandil Telemnar. This is only fair considering that there is a high likelihood of hostile action between this PG and others. I do also reserve the right to restrict, deny, or remove membership, at my discretion, in the event that something that drastic actually needs to be done. I doubt that though, so on to what makes this PG so cool…

For any thread completed by a member/s of Valandil Telemnar towards a goal of the PG or a continent I will personally increase the GP payout by a percentage of the quest reward out of my own pocket. I haven’t set on a number yet, but it will be a healthy chunk of change. I said in registration that this group might look like a band of mercenaries, this is why.

Further, any PG raid or Clan War carried out by members of Valandil Telemnar will be paid for by me personally. What that means is that if a group of you want to go raid The Grander Order's treasury, I foot the bill. If you win, you split the winnings amongst yourselves. If you lose, no harm done to you. Any earnings of my own for personal participation in these events will be placed in the PG Treasury for future disbursement to members or for payment of Raids/Wars.

Also, when/if Valandil Telemnar gains a HQ, 50% of the GP reward will be split amongst the members monthly, with the other 50% being deposited in the Treasury for future payouts. The percentage paid directly to members may increase as the number of members grows so that you all aren’t getting like 30GP a month or whatever. This obviously comes with the other benefits a HQ will provide us, like the 5% EXP bonus and the Hero Badge.

Finally, no donations will ever be required of the members. If you want to donate, that’s great, but it is not necessary. I have a decent amount of GP to get this thing off the ground and intend to earn plenty more to keep us going.

Keep in mind that this PG will also comprise of a NPC army. As of now the army consists of my current Gisela army, but will grow with the completion of an expansive series of quests. As an IC member of Valandil Telemnar you are automatically an officer in the army. It is highly likely that during a quest or battle the opportunity will arise for you to lead the NPC troops in battle, though it is not required. There will be no official ranking system for the officers, but that may change as membership grows.

If any of you feel that you need to develop an IC reason for joining aside from the one’s provided shoot me a PM or IM and we can work something out. The same holds true after you join and would like to do something to acquaint yourself with my character. Just hit me up and we’ll get a thread rolling.

I very much intend on this being a highly successful PG. My hope is to provide an avenue for character interaction, both amongst yourselves and the other features of Althanas, as well as paving the way for character advancement. Your IC stories should flourish just as much as your gold pouches do.

To register, simply post your character name, the continent you represent (this will become more important later on. If you don’t hail from, or wish to fight for, any particular continent on Althanas, that’s fine, you won’t be left out of anything in the future), and a link to your most recent character profile (so I have a quick reference point to your character history and abilities).


Base of Operations: Karag Gathul (Kachuk)

Current Quests

Valindil Telemnar: The Beginning (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=81901&posted=1#post81901)

Current Member List

Thoracis Rakarth - Alerar (Thoracis)
Rayse Valentino - Salvar (dipwood)
Xilium Rupertus - Salvar (Xilium Rupertus)
Tiberius Corvelous Maximentus - Corone (Tiberius)
Lorenor V'halkulus - Salvar/Alerar (Mutant Lorenor)
Rahegalhoff Mesquchoku - Neutral (Rahegalhoff)
Xerith - Neutral (Xerith)
Erirag the Poet - Alerar (Erirag the Poet)
Lexxum Vordic - Fallien (Lexxum Vordic)
Logan McCloud - Neutral (Logan)
Amaril Torrun - Dheathain (Amaril Torrun)

Pending Member List
Godhand Striker - Neutral (Godhand)


Rayse Valentino
09-06-07, 08:05 AM
Name: Rayse Valentino
Continent Represented: Salvar
Profile: Booya (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=7492)

A way to get fresh supplies of human mercs/slaves from Salvar? Weapons/Armor on the cheap? A man with connections and military officering experience? It's a match made in heaven baby.

Man, I think at this point Salvar may have the most powerful army. They're the only force in Althanas so far that hasn't been at war for the longest time.

09-06-07, 10:47 AM
What a surprise. ;)

Glad to have ya.

09-06-07, 12:46 PM
New though I might be, I can see this becoming an integral part of my character, especially later when he's stronger and becomes a Paladin. Right now he's just a common knight.


09-06-07, 03:15 PM
It seems this could become an integral part of Rahegalhoff's storyline, especially when he becomes a paladin after a few levels. If you don't mind the newness of Rahegalhoff:

Name: Rahegalhoff Mesquchoku
Continent: None
Profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=81277#post81277

Xilium Rupertus
09-06-07, 10:21 PM
Name: Xilium Rupertus
Continent: Salvar

Xilium was once Co'Leader of the Bandit Brotherhood, Member of the Adventures Club, Co'Founder of The Red Hand, Leader of the OWC, I believe he has enough experience to help you get the ball moving on these guilds now a days.

However I want nothing to do with the gold thing, keep it for yourself. Anything I want I gain while going through quests, always been the way I played. Plus I think this idea is amazing.

I would like to meet up with you on Aim, PM, or something like that to get a thread going where our characters can meet, in all the time we've both played I actually wonder if we have ever met face to face.

09-06-07, 10:58 PM
I can't recall our characters coming across one another myself, thought I certainly know you from the years we've both been here.

Anyways, glad to have ya. AIM is in my profile, PM box is always open. Shoot me some ideas whenever you want.

09-07-07, 01:18 AM
Name: Tiberius Corvelous Maximentus
Continent: He has no idea. (But for IC purposes, Corone)
Profile: Romani Legionary (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=4904)

He's a life long soldier and despite the language barrier, can still work as a very effective team member. Doesn't really have any knowledge of the peoples of this place, or the money system, he just needs something to do. Keep himself occupied.

War is his only virtue, right now anyway.

Besides, perhaps he could bring a little of the Legion mentality into the ranks. Who knows.

He'll probably just wander into the army, so having a set up story line to get him in won't be necessary.

09-07-07, 02:07 AM
Don't worry, Tiberius will have impressed Thoracis enough during the Gisela battle to love to have him.

09-07-07, 08:53 AM
Here is what I'm thinking.

So far almost all of you who have posted here or PM'ed me want to do a thread where we meet IC. Instead of doing like five threads of the same thing, I'm going to try to integrate them all in to one. I figure why not all meet each other instead of everyone just meeting Thoracis?

The premise of the quest will probably be Thoracis out and about somewhere, looking for Godhand (since he came first). Along the way I can come across the rest of you in whatever fashion and BAM!, we have a core group of people on which to base this PG.

Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas as to how you would like your character integrated into the story.

Xilium Rupertus
09-07-07, 01:46 PM
Sounds like a good idea to me. I have your aim now, so once we get on at the same time we can figure a good way to In character get the story rolling on my side.

09-07-07, 01:48 PM
Wandering idiot, that's about the best this character can do at the moment. For this PG though, he'll probably have a very basic grasp of Common tongue, so communicating will be a little simpler. I'm currently doing another quest with Tiberius where I plan on having him learn a few basic phrases and words and the like.

At least, that is if the damn thing can get finished. =/

09-07-07, 01:56 PM
((As we discussed on AIM Thoracis, I'm having Lorenor join since the Gol'bron is lenient about joining multiple PG's))

Name: Lorenor V'halkulus

Nations Allied To: Salvar (The Church of Ethereal Sway/The Denebrial Cathedral) and Alerar (Past incarnations of Lorenor in which I was heavily active in that pirate Power Group I can't remember the name of)

Views of Thoracis: Ally and old close friend

((Links to current threads on Signature))

Rayse Valentino
09-07-07, 06:39 PM
Here is what I'm thinking.

So far almost all of you who have posted here or PM'ed me want to do a thread where we meet IC. Instead of doing like five threads of the same thing, I'm going to try to integrate them all in to one. I figure why not all meet each other instead of everyone just meeting Thoracis?

The premise of the quest will probably be Thoracis out and about somewhere, looking for Godhand (since he came first). Along the way I can come across the rest of you in whatever fashion and BAM!, we have a core group of people on which to base this PG.

Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas as to how you would like your character integrated into the story.

Okay, here's my idea: The meeting is the idea of Thoracis himself.

Thor preemptively searches out for people he thinks will make great officers and will accept his offer. He actually just sends messages to meet with them in confidence, with various reasons for the meet that he knows the various characters would accept, but then breaks the deal to them when they're all assembled. He calls Tiberius out because of his Gisela leadership, he calls Rayse out initially to secure a deal for arms and mercenaries, he calls Lorenor out because of their old camaraderie, etc. It's all a matter of intel on Thor's part, and the various reputations of the characters he assembles.

Xilium Rupertus
09-07-07, 08:14 PM
Sounds like a good plan, lets get this moving, I got my lvls back finally and want to get some good Rping in : )

Slayer of the Rot
09-07-07, 08:26 PM
And do not forget Thoracis; I am coming for you.

And looking forward to it.

09-07-07, 08:54 PM
Thoracis isn't afraid of Dan!

Anyways, I like your idea Rayse. I'll probably get a thread up Sunday somtime, since I'm fairly busy on Saturday. As far as anyone who doesn't need/want an IC intro I'm going to try and get a continent related thread for you guys by the end of the weekend too.

I'll keep you guys updated.

09-07-07, 09:34 PM
Name: Xerith
Region: None of these pathetic regions...
Profile: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=7327

Erirag the Poet
09-07-07, 11:04 PM
Mirdautas vras.

Name: Erirag

Quest and Favorite color....wait. Wrong questions.

Homeland/Loyalty: Alerar

Click on the side thingur for a profile. There should be a link. EDIT! I lie! It's in my signature.

09-08-07, 12:58 PM
Name: Lexxum Vordic

Continent: Fallien

Race: Blood Lizard

Ties to Thoracis: Old Allegiance from the past with the Blood Lizards. (As we discussed on AIM) When we do recruit quests, feel free to recruit the Blood Lizards into your fold from Fallien.

((By the way Poet, your Orc Character kicks ass))

09-10-07, 11:30 PM
Alright, I should have the 'let's all meet each other' quest up tonight or early tomorrow afternoon.

What I'm thinking is I will set it in Other Regions and jump from continent to continent, picking up people along the way, rather then start out forcing everyone to the same place and having everyone post at once. If you have any ideas on how you might want your character integrated in the story let me know.

It will be open to anyone who wants to be in and you'll be able to come and go as you please, whether it's running into the group and getting settled in, or sticking around for the journey. Keep in mind that some of the continent quests might be available very soon too, just so you know. Don't want anyone to overstretch themselves.

Either way, I'll post a link when it's up.

09-11-07, 12:16 PM
Hey gang--

Basically I want to have a match against any fellow level 0 or 1 Character from the PG. Think of it as a warm-up battle for the many battles our PG will have. I think its a good idea to have plenty of training battles with one another. Here is the link; The War (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=7629)

09-11-07, 12:48 PM
I plan on having the main quest started within a few hours.

Basically, the premise for Thoracis will be a recruiting mission, with a few people he generally has in mind. Along the way we will just keep fitting people. I'll basically leave it up to you guys how you want you're characters to enter the quest. Hell, you could even surprise me with it if you wanted.

It will be in Other Regions since there will be some continent hopping. The order right now is going to be Corone (briefly), Fallien (probably more briefly), Salvar (where a lot of you are from), then Alerar - where whoever is left with the group will be hunted by the King's men.

Like I said before, anyone can be as involved in the quest as they want. If you want to just come in and be introduced, that's great, if you want to stick it out to the end, that's awesome too.

Also, I think it's a good idea for someone to pick up that battle with Lexxum up there. That's the type of stuff I'd like to promote. Those are also the types of threads I'll get ya a few extra GP for.

09-11-07, 05:52 PM
Valindil Telemnar: The Beginning (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=81901&posted=1#post81901)

Here's the quest. All set for anyone who wants to jump in in Corone.

09-12-07, 11:41 PM
Anyone else want in while the quest is still in Corone? I think Xilium mentioned posting... but if everyone else is waiting until Salvar or later, I'd like to move it along so they don't have to wait.

Xilium Rupertus
09-12-07, 11:43 PM
Sry, i will post by morning!

Slayer of the Rot
09-13-07, 12:28 AM
When do you want to have the Thoracis/Dan conflict, Thor? Do you want to have it now, in this thread, or in something seperate?

09-13-07, 08:53 AM
Ok, so yeah, I'm joining fool. You don't need me to post my profile, that's just stupid. :D But yeah, I'm back. So enjoy it while you can!!! Lol. Oh yeah, and I want to be involved with the first raid...it's a definite must for me.

Oh...and I think Thor just wet himself...Yep...I see the stain.

09-13-07, 09:21 AM
Its not that I don't want to post in the thread, its that I have no IC reason to do so, which would make for a lame pointless post, and no one wants that.

09-13-07, 10:35 PM
Waiting for one more person, then I'll have my next post up.

Amaril Torrun
09-13-07, 10:55 PM
Name: Amaril Torrun
Continent: Dheathain
Profile: <----- (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=66435#post66435)

EDIT: If you wind up heading to Dheathain, I'll join the quest. If not we can work out some other IC reason for him to join. Maybe we saw each other in the Gisela?

09-14-07, 12:17 AM
This particular quest won't go through Dheathain, no, mostly because I don't want it to end up being like 6 pages long. I do have BIG plans for there in the very near future though, so this could be quite good.

But yea, we will get it worked out easy enough.

Amaril Torrun
09-14-07, 12:51 AM
No problem. Like I said, Amaril and Thor can find out about each other from the Gisela. Then Amaril can see the Thor's invitation nailed to the door of an inn in Dheathain or something. I've got some pretty nifty ideas for Dheathain as well, so hit me up on AIM or through PM if you want to talk about ideas.

09-14-07, 12:24 PM
As some of you might have noticed from my AIM, I keep getting disconnected/connected. It's doing the same thing with my TV. Comcast is weak, but it should be over by this evening.

09-14-07, 02:28 PM
Are you saying you suck, Thor? ;-) You know I kid man. We go way back, huh? Lol. I remember when you used dial-up for Godsakes! Wait, that wasn't all that long ago, huh? ;-)

09-24-07, 11:31 AM
Hey everyone... Sorry about the delay in the quest. Some of you may have noticed or heard about the Featured Quest that's being planned. While our quest is mostly an introductory type of thing, a big part of this Featured Quest may involve Valandil Telemnar.

Basically I'm waiting for Madison and me to have the time to go over it more. I don't want to get us moving in one direction when the entire storyline of Althanas as a whole may be going in another.

Thanks everyone.

Erirag the Poet
09-29-07, 06:55 PM
I'll be posting when this party train gets to Salvar.

EDIT Somehow I missed that last page of postseses. Beh. I wanna do something with Erirag!!!! Ed! I'mma make my orc eats you. I guess I could do some sort of retarded ass miniquest getting her to Corone

02-21-08, 07:09 PM
A fine Parchment letter sealed with fine blue wax that bears the seal of Imperial arrives by way of cloaked rider.

Dear Valandil Telemnar,

Imperial wishes to invite you to the first annual Imperial hunt. Please send reservations as soon as possible. Due to the size of your group, we would like to see at least one of your ranks join us for this grand event. however due to limitations, we can only accommodate a maximum of four of your members.

There will be prizes for every trophy taken as well as a grand prize for one lucky hunter.

We hope to hear from you soon.


Imperial Mother

05-10-08, 07:22 PM
Due to the inactivity of this Power Group's leader, I, Logan McCloud am stepping up to place myself at it's helm. Within 2 days time if there are no objections from the PG members, I will take control and will then post our next orders. The 2 days begin now.

EDIT: Also, if you are a member and still active, post a reply with your most recent thread.