View Full Version : This Ground(Open)

04-26-06, 08:12 PM
Everything was peaceful. Tonight was a good night, a sort of grand night of nothing near calamity, and filled to the brim with complacidness. Contentedness. The world was wholly undisturbed, and the multitude of stars twinkled in the sky as if that was their whole agenda in the grand scope of all Destiny. You can imagine, then, the serenity of the scene. The plains building up to the jewel of Radasanth, the grasses swaying with the evening wind. The descent of the sun, just below the horizon which marked the edge of the world, and the stray pink rays it sent sprawling in a vibrant display across the sky.

You can imagine, then, the beauty of the tiny little life of this track of land, as though its immortality would be as longlived as its current beauty. Across the yards of field, there was a bloodyhell there's a-somethingcoming outtatha ground!
I looked up and felt the warmth against my face and the last of the soil starting to clear away. I can admit, I was sad, that below me, my ascent left a tunnel to the center of the earth, and the world above knew nothing of my accomplishments below.

But I felt this amazing thing. I felt something up there. In the... air. It was all around me. I drug my last leg out of the hole and clamped my boots down hard on the surface and cleared some of the dirt away from my skin. I turned and felt a brightness on my goggles. I felt...

"The sun," Tint called it.

Yeah, you were always so damn clever with your high class teachings, weren't you Tint? I guess having a family whose long line of prestigous influence in the Colony entitles you to Aboveworld education.

But did you ever get to see the sun, Tint?

"Hey, man. You don't have to rub it in," he'd probably say. Yeah, I guess I don't. Actually, that's rather bitter of me. We both left it all behind... but whatever the Colony does to its drones, it did to me especially; I could feel the absence of the Collective Thought. I felt like... I was missing a lot of thoughts.

"They're not yours. They're a lot of others', and other people don't have much to offer us, do they?" he'd always say. Clever like he was. "Cheer up, guy. You've got a lot ahead of you. I can't crack that, so stop lighting yourself up."

I turned away from the bright... the sun. I turned towards the dark, but not the kind that I had always lived in. I turned towards the... sky dark. The surface dark. Taking a step forward, I heard the echoes of all the things standing in the radius. Large pillars of hard rock seemed to rise several hundred yards in front of me. In that miles away destination of my Fate, the first fruition of all my endeavors, rebellious and free-wanting, I heard voices. Other people's voices. Aboveworlder's voices.
Letty Otwell knows a lot of different kinds of people. They call Corone a melting pot, and she could swear that if you mix irons, you're bound to find impurites(her brother always, in vain, tries to teach her the fundamentals of smithing). This is so in contrast to how her rose eyes see the rose colored city of Radasanth.

Every person is some snowflake of personality, an intricate design and fabric-weaving of life. However, nobody is impure. Even the bastards, the drunkards, the arsholes. Any of them, none of the converge into what everyone want to say was a soup of faces and races and people from different places.

But, you see, Letty Otwell hasn't really met every kind of person there is to meet, and serving in the Silver Pub, she's not truly bound to meet the whole lot of them. That's not to say, though, that she won't meet anyone else any time soon: On the contrary, a strange looking man... or rather, a boy, has just walked through the door.

He takes a sit in one of the corners, melting into the gray wall with his grayish skin and muddied cloth wrappings. His hair is a thick, slick, and wild mane of purple flying backwards down his scalp, neck, and shoulders. She walks up to him and asks him if he'd prefer ale, wine, or brandy. She notices then, that his eyes are hidden by a thick pair of goggles with green lenses, rimmed by stones. His speech is a broken form of Common, mixed in with strange words she can second guess the meaning to. "Wine, Ji take. Apren this place?" he responds and then inquires.

Hmm. How for Letty to handle this - foreign customers with little grip of language are usually for Tamner to deal with, but he's off shift. He wants wine... and perhaps he'll make himself comfortable enough to get acquainted with someone who can translate...

"Hold on with that, sir. I'll be back." And so, she disappears into the backrooms, her back turned on the people that swoop in and out of the tiny little life of the tavern.

09-24-06, 10:26 AM
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