View Full Version : The Mancer's Blood Explodes!

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 03:36 AM
I'm redoing a lot of this, mainly deleting some and retyping the rest. I had just hit level 4.

I had more than 1,000 gold, but no idea how much more.

Name: Luc Kraus
Age: 30
Race: Human
Class: Geomancer


Luc is a weak, unremarkable man of below average height and weight. His hair is light brown and extends to his cheeks, his eyes are an emerald green of mesmerizing beauty, and his face is boyish. He wears a green tunic with black trim, arcane designs etched into its stitching; matching pants and a dark green cape for no reason other for decoration. He wears a black velvet belt and always has his gloves on for protection. Since his way of weaving magic often encompasses his hands, Luc long ago purchased the pair of scaled gloves to protect his flesh.



Level 3: Luc can now freeze water to a strength equal to tier 4 metal. When melting ice into water, it takes him one second per square meter to do so, but there is no limit to how much he can melt, if he is given the time needed. Luc can now break down complex compounds to their basic elements with slightly less difficulty, but hasn't had any chance to practice the ability. Luc can now effectively alter the weather, making it rain lightly, or stopping light rain.

Level 4: Luc can freeze ice to Titanium level strength, but only in small areas (about the size of his fist). If he chooses to enlarge the area of effect, he may only freeze to Delyn equivilent. Luc may melt ice at a much faster and more effective rate, including ice created from spells. He can no longer reduce liquids to their original elements (it's cheap) or change the weather in any way.



Level 3: Kraus can now create up to six cubic meters of fire, but is still limited depending on the conditions of the area he's in. The amount he can create decreases as the temperature does, and at a certain point (snow or ice presence, in abundance) he can make none. He can dissipate medium-amounts of fire into just warm air, though, despite the environment, given a moment to lift his hand up. He can now warm up or cool down the equivalent space of a small room. Finally, he can fuse fire into a solid form, making weapons or armor seemingly made of fire. However, their durability is only that of iron, and they can be disposed of with water. Their heat does not affect Luc.

Level 4: Luc can no longer spontaneously create fire, but that isn't an issue because of the Flame Dagger of Slykrit. Luc may extinguish flames if his hands have time to point at them, and little time is required to do so. Larger fireballs and spells above level 2 can't be fizzled or extinguished, though their movement may still be manipulated if Luc has time. He's lost the ability to create items out of fire.



Level 3: Luc can now lift up to 350 pounds of debris or solid material. He's able to fly now, but is still off balance when he does so and thus can't battle or weave new spells while doing so. He can also fuse the wind to make weapons, armor or items of solid structure. He can fuse up to the equivalent of tier 2 metal. He can finally direct wind to his will, but can still only create currents up to 50 mp/h. Swirling the wind into a funnel, his lifting capacity is increased to 400 pounds.

Level 4: Luc can create incredibly light weapons of Plynt equivilent, and can maintain three of them in existence at once without using any other magic. Luc is capable of more balanced flight, but still cannot create complex attacks or manipulate anything complex while flying. He's developed a near-mastery of wind direction and manipulation, but can only create brief gusts of 300 pound push-power (better than that mp/h crap).



Level 3: Luc can harden dirt to tier 6 metal, but when he does so, they become too heavy for him to wield as a weapon. He can support the weight of a tier 4 equivalent weapon, and a tier 3 armor set, but at a cost to his speed. Luc can now construct crude structures with little effort, and direct them with his hands. But they do not have any kind of consciousness. The ability is purely a manifestation of Luc's cockiness.

Level 4: Luc can harden dirt to Titanium equivilent, but cannot have such strong stone on his body as it becomes too heavy for him. Earth is Luc's most powerful element, and he may harden large areas of dirt to Titanium level without much strain, though it takes several seconds depending on the area of effect. He may soften and melt Earth and stone into mud at a quick rate, and manipulate its movement very effectively, even using chunks of land as transportation and erecting pillars.


Lightning (revamped)

Level 4: In any situation where there are stormclouds brewing or some form of lightning, Luc may call upon the element to do a few things. He may send a bolt of lightning from his hands, the force of which is mildly concussive but generally not painful at all, at a target. He may also use it to charge a small amount of energy into his body and release a bright flash that hurts the eyes of those looking at him, but the effect goes away in two seconds. He can only do these things once each before his power here is exhausted.



Windwalk: Using this spell, Luc may reduce himself and up to two people with him into wind, and whisk through the skies as a form of travel - akin to "teleporting". Doing so takes a toll on Luc's vitality and thus it may only be done twice before two nights' rest.

Stoneskin: Luc coats himself or one other person in a green barrier, which fits like a second skin. The barrier absorbs three strikes of any sort, whether it be a slash from a Titanium sword or a thrown pebble, before dissappearing. Stoneskin may only be used once in any thread.

Disenchant: Removes one enchantment of level 2 strength or lower from any character or item.


Luc's equipment consists of his scaled gloves, made from the scale of a "Large Beast" (Sorahn's words, not mine). They endure intense elements but otherwise provide no protection.

Flame Dagger of Slykrit: Obtained in the Adventurer’s Crown tournament, the FDOS is a dagger of steel strength which has unique fire properties. Using his own abilities, Luc can create streams of flame using the dagger. At the most, he may send a thick stream of flames about twenty feet.


To say the least, Luc has led an orthodox life, keeping himself from many experiences that a young child might face, and he is therefore ignorant (sometimes arrogant) toward the ways of the world. He's set in what he thinks, and it often takes a well spoken phrase or actual facts to make him change his mind about how he perceives things. He was born in Raiaera, and was raised there by an elven couple, as he never knew his Mother, and his Father had supposedly died months prior to his birth. He believes that they both live, though he's never had any experience that provided evidence to their whereabouts.

The couple that took him in was of close friend relations to Luc's parents, and they felt obligated to take him in until he was old enough to move on wherever he wanted to go. However, having the lack of a real Father figure led him to enroll in a nearby school of magic. This was when Luc's life began to change. He flew up in ranks, surpassing even his teachers in magical capability before he was even twelve years old.

Jealous of his power, six members of the school's administration conspired to abduct Luc and bring him to a sacred temple in Raiaera's deepest regions, where an unknown and mystic ritual robbed him of his powers and split them apart. Each teacher was imbued with incredible power, though the full control of these abilities did not come for many years.

Robbed of his powers, his innocence and his childhood, Luc was left for dead in the deepest region of Raiaera. To this day, he still does not now how he survived or where he ended up, so distant are the memories of that day.

The only thing that has kept Luc alive for these years is his thirst for that power he once held, the ability to control the elements and weave magic from them. His hunger for vengeance has never been satisfied, but even with the abilities he has developed he does not feel up to the task of finding the ones who wronged him. He tries not to think of the past, but if his anger is triggered, he will likely rise to action.

As if led by some destructive force, Luc has taken part in many battles, seen many deaths, and died a few times himself. Though he's experienced these things, Luc remains ignorant and prideful.


Yes, the history's been pwned and reduced. I'm redoing the important quests and writing the details on Luc's history as I go along. I got really lost with the continuity in the past because there were too many things about him I wasn't ready to explain.

03-26-06, 09:55 AM
Wow...this is a powerful SOB you have...I'd personally like a few limitations on these things, mostly the flame dagger. However, I'm confident that this was all approved before, so meh.

I'd just like to know how far those flames can stretch from the flame dagger, and thier intensity.

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 12:37 PM
Eh, he's a lot less strong than he seems. It's always been that way (except for level 0, meep). A lot of his powers simply don't exist in some environments because of the lack of elements. Some people have this image of him throwing tornadoes at people.

Edited the flame dagger so that at the most, he can only send a stream of flame twenty feet beyond him.

03-26-06, 01:01 PM
Mmm, that's all in order.
