View Full Version : Closing Threads..

09-11-07, 01:44 PM
This may seem obvious, but I can't find how to do it.

I have a thread opened to two people, and I have two people. How do I change the title of the thread so I can make it closed.

09-11-07, 01:51 PM
What region is it in?

Xilium Rupertus
09-11-07, 01:53 PM
What you usually do in situations like that is you just edit your first post and In OOC tell everyone that the thread is now closed.

09-11-07, 01:56 PM
Oh ok. I wasn't sure if there was a way to change the actual title. I guess that's why I couldn't find it. Thanks anyways.

09-11-07, 01:58 PM
I removed the /Open to 2/ tag from the title for you.

09-11-07, 07:16 PM
Unfortunately, the board doesn't allow people to edit the titles of their own threads. I'm not sure why this is, though. Sometimes people make typos in their thread title and sometimes reasons like this arise that inspire you to want it changed.

I'll head in to the back room and see if there's a setting I can flip. If not, I'll code it in myself.

09-11-07, 07:24 PM
Aaaand... yeah, apparently you actually can change your own titles already.

When you hit the edit button, the forum's AJAX will give you a little box that you can type your changes into. You'll also see a button that says, "Go Advanced". Click on that one. You should then be taken to another box with two fields above the post, the first saying "reason for editing" and the second being your thread title. That's where you can change your thread title.

Now I had thought, for some reason, that this method wouldn't work, but I just tried it and it did. Though I suppose, in theory, that this could have something to do with how quickly the edit must be made to still have the ability to change thread titles. Try this method on your own thread (even though Karuka has already fixed it) and see if it works.