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04-27-06, 10:17 PM
Name-Wystros Azure
Race-Cloud Elemental
Height-6 feet 2 inches
Weight-138 pounds
Hair Color-Mist
Eye Color-Off-White


-Wystros looks similar to a human in many aspects strike one glaring exception. Instead of hair as the average human would have he instead emits a thick vaporous miniature cloud atop his hair that dissipates as it rises too far from his scalp or is left behind from quick movements. He is tall and has a handsome face, almost completely white eyes, and an athletic slim figure. He typically wears flowing white or grey clothes and sometimes wears various head ornaments in high population areas.


-Wystros is primarily kind hearted but deeply enjoys wrath. He has an extreme curiosity about just about everything and will go out of his way to learn. His experiences are assimilated and stored in an almost photographic memory.


-Dagger: Single steel blade, 1 and ¼ feet long blade, 7 inch hilt dagger, slightly curved at the tip with no hand guard and perfectly balanced.


-Jet Stream: Wystros is able to propel wind in a 1 foot diameter blast equivalent to 50 pounds of force. Each use drains him of energy and he is currently only able to use 5 in a short amount of time. Any uses after this will cause him to suffer from partial suffocation.

-Dagger Mastery: Wystros has below average skill in using the dagger but can beat the common man and knows how to handle it.


-Wystros wasn’t born in the sense that most living beings are born, he simply condensed. Because weather must always be ever-changing and isn’t directly controlled by anything on the planet it must have an individual who is capable of controlling it. For this direct purpose a being was created that would control the weather and maintain the seasons, ensure that nothing happened that shouldn’t and so the Azure line was created. Each individual forming as a five year old humanoid when the previous perished, each growing into their powers slowly as they matured to their peak. Wystros is the most recent iteration in his line and has yet to discover the vastness of his powers. He was born self aware, knowing what he was, his name, and the incredible knowledge that the many iterations before him had learned. He didn’t know the details but he knew the methods, he could speak many languages, read, do mathematics, he had a great deal he could do but he was missing so much more, the history, the land, the books, the people.

Upon hitting the age of twenty, Wystros has begun to come into his powers now that he has the judgment to use them accompanied by the need to go out into the world and learn the details that have been lost to him.

Cyrus the virus
04-27-06, 10:28 PM
Jet Stream still needs a limitation, despite it being one of your only offenses. Make it a maximum of 5 uses per battle, okay?

04-28-06, 08:36 PM
I fixed it, I hope that's okay.

Cyrus the virus
04-29-06, 04:56 AM
Yep, approved.