View Full Version : At least I don't have a prehensile penis

04-28-06, 03:06 AM
I never posted a Level 4 update so here it is.

Level 4 Updates in Royal blue. Level 3 profile is here. ( http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=26)

Vital Information

Full Name - Prince Raelyse Kastira Obscura Salidan VII
Age - 20
Sex - Male (and hopefully often, hardy har har)
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Height - 6'0
Weight - 176 lbs


Clashing Harmony - To maintain his aura of nobility, Raelyse wields a special sword cane crafted in Myrusia. The entire cane from top to bottom is jet black in color with one exception.

Above the handle, an icicle stands that is crafted from a special type of ice, found only on Myrusia that never melts. It is always cold and when touched, reminds Raelyse of home like nothing else. The icicle also forms the pommel of the sword when unsheathed. A simple word is carved in Myrusian on the icicle: "Dark." While beautiful, the icicle is also a stone with a small psychic connection to the user. It prevents the sword from being unsheathed from the cane if he does not want it to and also seals it when the blade is sheathed.

The prince is particular fond of the impeccable titanium blade and the liviol handle of his sword. Titanium, being the strongest purchasable metal and Liviol being the strongest wood demonstrate the prince’s desire to be the best and only utilize the best.

Within the handle of the weapon, the prince placed three feathers of the rare Nequam bird. This amplifies any magical spells that Raelyse casts when he is holding the sword. The magical nature of the Liviol handle also allows the prince to place enchantments within his weapon more efficiently. One enchantment is for his weapon to shine and glimmer like a mirror, as well as maintaining that status for years to come.

Ner'Sirima Shuriken - Crafted purely out of ice especially enchanted to never melt; this shuriken of diameter six inches has strength equal to steel. Despite being made of ice, it still maintains the properties of steel when it comes to aerodynamics and strength.

Tel Aglarim Weaponry - When Raelyse joined the Tel Aglarim, they gave him a simple elven long sword and buckler shield. Compared to the crude weapons Raelyse sees barbarians wield, these are comparably more eloquent. The sword is about four feet long while the buckler is about a foot in radius and contains straps for the arm. Both are made of steel and the only reason they are not thrown out is because of their aesthetic value to him.

The Naug'Cora - A small, steel double bladed hand axe that is one foot long from tip to tip. The handle is wrapped in a smoothened grip that bares Dwarven script. It is balanced for throwing but also makes an effective melee weapon. The Naug'Cora is the symbol of leadership for a small clan of dwarves known as the Katuz'Veit. Although he does not yet know how to do it, Raelyse knows that the axe can emit a blindingly bright light. It was acquired after the prince tricked and killed Kal’Rek, the weapon’s previous holder.


Chain Mail - Beneath his normal clothes, Raelyse wears a small ringed chain mail made of steel when preparing for battle. The chain mail only covers his torso, stopping at the shoulders, hips and an inch before the neck. On the back of the armour, there are seven capsules that are attached onto the chain mail and slide perfectly into place with the stones that are imbued onto Raelyse's backbone. They protect them from harm, though like the rest of the armour, can only protect from assaults from weaker attacks or materials.

Tel Aglarim Armor - After joining the Tel Aglarim, Raelyse also received a chain link mail, breast plate and coif. Not really appealing to him, but he guessed that he might need them when he fought for the Tel Aglarim.


Lechery and Perversion - Raelyse also wears two almost identical rings on each of his middle fingers. They are carved out of gold and on each are inscribed in Myrusian their names: "Lechery" and "Perversion." Not one to carry something with such a shameful name without reason, Raelyse's justifies his possession of them through their useful function. When willed to do so, Raelyse's rings together (and only together) can briefly lessen the effect of the stones imbued on his backbone. As Raelyse is a proud individual, he does not use this ability unless he is in dire need of it as the very sight of someone watching him pant annoys him, the thought of someone watching him drop to the ground fatigued must surely be torture. The prince has learnt the limitations of this ability, due to him not using it often in Myrusia. The effect lasts for five minutes but can only be cast two hours after its effect expires (post count depends on time frame during posts).

Castigar Power Cube - Another item that Raelyse acquired is the Castigar power cube. It is small enough to fit into the prince’s palm and wrap his fingers around. The power cube is actually a storage facility for energy that can be used to cast spells or recharge technological weapons (like lasers). It takes five minutes (or one post) for the prince to fully recharge it using his own energy. It can power 10 shots for a laser pistol and 5 for a laser rifle.


Strength of Lien - Every heir to the throne of Myrusia has a unique way of showing it. At birth, seven magical stones are imbued onto the spine of the infant. These hamper the use of the royal’s right leg, although it develops normally in relation to the left. The individual is not crippled, though the use is limited. Under normal circumstances, the enchantment cannot be removed by anyone other than the one who placed it, usually the king. Raelyse has spent his entire life training to be proud and thus walks upright although it is much easier for him to walk hunched over. The strength in the prince’s right leg has grown to the point that his thigh is now one inch thicker and larger than his left. He can walk for ten minutes without his cane, but due to the pain involved he does not like doing it. His balance has also increased since he first left Myrusia.

Elements of Myrusia - The frozen island of Myrusia is barely livable and as such, its inhabitants have developed a very inventive way of helping their survival chances. All Myrusian children are imbued with at least three magical stones. Only royals are given seven stones and the gift of crippling one of their legs. These stones grant an affinity to two elements – ice and a second chosen one. These stones allow the Myrusians to cast spells from their elements with proficiency. Since Raelyse has seven stones, his power is greater than the average Myrusian. His chosen element is lightning. The power of Raelyse’s magical stones has started to reveal himself in a few distinct skillsWhen Raelyse’s Magical Dynamo ability is triggered, the effect of Strength of Lien is nullified.

Magical Dynamo –When an offensive magical spell is cast on Raelyse or he comes into contact with a magical object, the magical stones imbued on his back are triggered. They reduce all negative magical energy directed at the prince. This energy from the attack is then stored. If a spell is particularly strong the stones cannot store that much energy, the energy combusts within the prince, causing him additional damage. This weakening of offensive spells can only happen once every one hour. Raelyse can dictate when he wants a spell to be weakened or not. When charged, all of Raelyse’s spells are increased in power.

Lightning Affinity – The first talent that Raelyse gains from his lightning affinity is the power to launch powerful lightning bolts from his finger tips. Each is not dangerous or fatal but when all five or ten fingers are used, it can be fatal to humans. The power of this attack increases if Raelyse is bleeding. In this case, the lightning becomes red and more powerful.

The second is more a variation to the first attack then a separate attack on its own. Instead of launching multiple lightning bolts, Raelyse can consolidate his power and create one larger lightning bolt that is more powerful by using his entire palm instead of just one finger. This tires him as much as launching multiple lightning bolts would.

Raelyse’s third lightning power is an innate six sense that can be activated and deactivated at will. This ability allows him to detect living creatures when his other senses cannot. At this point, he can only sense their presence instead of pinpointing their direct location.

Water Affinity – The main focus of this power is Raelyse’s command over the water cycle. Using this power, he can shift water to and from all of its forms at rapid speed (difficulty of course increases the larger the body of water). The closer he is, the higher the chance of success he has. Pace of reaction and ease also increases with proximity. The higher the speed at which the water is moving, the more taxing it is on Raelyse. For example, if he touches an inanimate body of water, he can freeze it quicker than he could if he was standing twenty feet away from a rushing river.

Raelyse can also levitate and throw bodies of water equal to one and a half times his total body weight.

Ice materialization is a specialized part of Raelyse’s power. By quickly changing the water vapor in the air to water form and then to ice form, the prince can form ice sculptures in the air at rapid pace. It takes him half a second to form a cubic meter of ice out of thin air in any shape. He can create and maintain any number of ice sculptures as long as the aggregate size is less than ten cubic meters. Raelyse can also levitate these ice sculptures and throw them.

Swordplay – Raelyse has expert skill with a long sword.

Winter Resistance - Since Raelyse has lived in Myrusia his life, he has a longer than average resistance to winter and the cold and even enjoys it. Additionally, since he loves the winter so much, he has a below average tolerance for heat.

Wordplay – Raelyse’s adventures on Althanas’ mainland have fleshed out one of his dormant talents. By practicing his diction, the prince is now fluent and proficient at a variety of wordplay, including seduction, manipulation and his most widely used, lying. He is able to say a few sentences in Elven tongue, but nowhere near enough to hold a conversation.

Singing – Even though he has been a student at Istien University for some time, Raelyse has not been pleasant to hear until recently. He now actually sounds like he’s singing.

Songs from Istien University – Raelyse is currently enrolled in Istien University in Raiaera and presently holds the rank of Songsmith with 2 bonus CP which gives him a total CP of 10.

The Song of Bein’Ar (The Beautiful One) – From the school of Aglarlin, this song when sung creates an aura around the bard of increased sex appeal and also makes him more noticeable in a crowd. This is achieved by giving all that see the bard a slight glow, not blindingly so but enough that it looks as if the bard is being exposed in divine light. In those that could possibly be attracted to Raelyse, the aura also mimics the effect of pheromones on all that look at the bard and increasing the odds that the target will be attracted to him. The song is not taxing on the bard and stays in effect for the length of the song, as well as one minute after its completion. [CC 0]

Atayien Ritht's Pride (The Tune to Perfection): This song from Aglarlin is triggered by a note. Upon activation, the spell's effects are manifested in an aura which lasts for an hour. During that period, dirt or any other unwanted substance (such as water spillage) will simply disappear or slide off the skin leaving no mark. This aura can be created around any object equal to or of less size than the bard. [CC 0]

The Symphony of Selu'Beria (An Ode to the Hermit): From Ost’Dargorlin, this song creates a blue translucent spherical barrier with the bard at its centre. The radius is three feet, protecting the person within from attacks. Total combined tier level of attacks indicates how many physical blows it can take. The barrier can protect the bard from total strikes equal to 3 times the bard’s level. (E.g. Raelyse at Level 1 creates the barrier. It will take three strikes from a Tier 1 Sword or one strike from Tier 3 sword to break the barrier.) It also resists magic attacks but expires after taking combined SLs equal to twice the bard’s level. If not expired by force, the shield lasts for two posts or three minutes, which ever is longer. The shield grows in strength as the bard does. [CC 2]

Naik’Pilin’s Final Aria (The Anthem of Pain) – This spell from Ost’Dargorlin is difficult to perform because it has two distinct, contradicting requirements. The first factor that is required is thoughts of anger and frustration and the second is focusing on singing neutral and equal pitched notes for a few moments. If the bard is emotional during or prior to the song, then the chance of failure is increased since it will be harder to reach and maintain that emotion. When these criteria are met, the song's two effects can be performed. The first is attained by singing the song at a high pitch and a crescendo. This creates a ethereal (yet visible) blade (presently at strength of bronze) which flies towards the bard's target. The bard can choose the angle at which the blade will strike his opponent. The second form is achieved by singing the song at a low pitch and at a decrescendo. This creates an ethereal (yet visible) fist which flies towards the bard's target. The strength of this attack is equal to the strength of an unrestrained punch from the prince. The pace of these projectiles is always equal to the pace at which the prince could throw them himself. These projectiles can be blocked as one would a normal blow. [CC 2]


A chaotic neutral character is the free spirit and this could not be a truer description of Raelyse. He follows his own desires and urges and loves the individual above all else. Raelyse loves liberty and freedom, but only if it is for himself. Protecting someone else is not something that Raelyse enjoys doing and as such, does not perform this act often unless he sees an opportunity for personal gain. Authority, restrictions and traditions are fervently opposed by this young prince and are the very reason he left Myrusia.

Unpredictable, Raelyse is likely to join a faction, only to shift to the opposing one in exchange for greater personal gain. In other words, if he sees an opportunity, he is likely to exploit it. If he sees a potentially exploitable individual, he does whatever he wants, when he wants with whoever that person is to get what he wants. He has never wondered what his actions' repercussions have been. As a result, he leaves a trail of emotional wreckage, heartbroken wenches and betrayed allies.

As a prince, Raelyse has an instinctive sense of pride. However unlike other members of nobility, notably his father, Raelyse loves nothing more than to look down on the people below himself, seeing them only as stepping stones to fulfill his true potential. He sees no reason to gain other people's respect and maintain a sense of honor. Due to his vast fortune as prince, the peasants of Myrusia rarely challenge him though they all share the same opinion and make the same gestures at him behind his back.


It has been said that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." When it comes to Raelyse, most beholders often find beauty placed squarely on their retina. When a male possesses neck length silver hair which looks good whatever is done with it, you know that someone up there was feeling particularly charitable the day this young man emerged. He is constantly striving to keep it perfect and few things are more important. His features are handsome, with none too accentuated. No blemishes are present and Raelyse is ever working to make sure that none ever appear. His eyes are gray and although they look uncommon to the typical Althanian, they are common in Myrusia. He has smaller than average thin lips, though they seem to function well in whatever he wants them to.

Due to his skyrocketing self-esteem, Raelyse has a well formed physique which mirrors his physical fitness. This is more due to muscle density than actual size. None of them are particularly large, though they possess the necessary amounts of strength.

The clothes that Raelyse dresses in mirrors his narcissism. They are fancy, expensive, stylish or at least pretend to be one of the above. As such, he has one wardrobe for dueling and one for “entertaining.”


At present, Raelyse is the only male child of King Lavoni Salidan VI and Queen Soema Salidan II of Myrusia. The middle child in a family containing five other daughters, Raelyse was a spoilt child who inevitably gained the gift of high self esteem and pride to share with his love of himself and good looks to create a highly dislikeable individual. As crown prince, he is expected to succeed the throne of the quickly fading empire of Myrusia.

Myrusia is a small island, too small to be considered a continent in the frozen north of Althanas. Even further north than Salvar, only 100km of sea separates Raelyse's future empire from the chilly continent. Myrusia's economy resembles an upside down pyramid, the people at the top (the royals) get the most money and the people at the bottom get nothing and are fervently poor. As such, Myrusia's peasants frequently migrate to other continents in search of slightly greater wealth. Those that stay serve as objects that make Raelyse feel comparatively greater. Myrusia's population has been steadily decreasing ever since the Salidan III’s rule and sits at little over 700 in a comparatively large island. The royals refuse to acknowledge this fact and would rather stay on Myrusia than lose their wealth on any other continent on Althanas.

Raelyse, with intelligent added to his repertoire knew this fact and as a result decreed privately to Soema III, his favorite sister that he would leave Myrusia for Salvar when he was ready. His great pride had filled his mind with illusions of grandeur and he saw himself as the greatest person on Althanas, instead of lowly Myrusia. She tried to discourage him, but ultimately knew that it was in vain due to her brother’s unstoppable pride. She did however; under much pressure from Raelyse agree to never tell anyone as well as to help him in his main aim - to remove the curse so he could make use of his right leg before he left.

However, his father never saw Raelyse as mature enough to warrant its removal. For a while, Raelyse patiently waited for the moment that his father would change his mind. That moment never came and every day Raelyse grew more infuriated and restless than the last until one eventful day.

A fight with his father resulted in Raelyse storming into his room and gathering the few of his plethora of possessions, he left before decreeing to his trusted sister that he would leave and never return until he was “ready.” Knowing that his father would not allow this, Raelyse hatched his precious scheme that had been left incubating for almost two years.

He approached Whelkus, a fellow that owed him a favor. A few months after Raelyse's private declaration that he would leave Myrusia, the king ordered the warlock to be executed but Raelyse saw potential. He asked his father whether he could personally execute the individual to demonstrate his leadership potential to which the king agreed. Raelyse told Whelkus that he would let him live in exchange for a task in a few years time. When Raelyse came to claim that errand, he told the warlock that he was about to leave Myrusia and ordered that he create a clone to impersonate him in Myrusia's royalty. Whelkus disagreed and only when Raelyse threatened to rape his wife and kill his son before torturing him. Whelkus “sacrificed” his own son, Tobias and cast a spell, making him a virtual clone of Raelyse.

Raelyse, overjoyed that he could finally throw down the shackles of Myrusia and leave, departed for Salvar.

When the prince reached Salvar, he had the misfortune of being briefly placed under the seductive spell of a young woman. When he broke free out of her spell, he manipulated her into severing his links with Myrusia by burning down the ship that brought him here. He then left her for dead in the cold woods of Salvar as revenge before departing for Raiaera.

There, he embarked on an assignment for the Tel Aglarim of Raiaera, the land of the elves. He investigated criminal dealings in Treynce, the casino city. He learnt of a lot of things there, but most importantly, it was here that he first that he first felt the unlocking of his powers created by the magical stones on his back. As reward for the mission, Raelyse was offered membership into the Tel Aglarim which he promptly agreed to. However, his tenure there did not last long as he quickly enrolled in Istien University, learning four song spells and converting to Raiaera’s elite fighting force – the Bladesingers. As he learnt the spells, Raelyse’s magical powers began to unlock but it was only when he journeyed to Corone did he learn the full extent of his powers and how to properly manipulate them.

When he reached Corone, the prince allied himself with one of Althanas’ many Power Groups, the Ghost Hand Order. He was wrongly identified as one of the clan’s targets and as a result was attacked. He killed one of their members, Dxun, but intrigued their leader, Falcon Darkflight. He was invited back to their Concordian fortress where they initiated him into the order after a grueling test of loyalty. He explored Concordia for his first mission and this led to a battle between trolls of the Warstorm clan, wanting to revive the once technologically potent Castigars. After he battled shaman after shaman, he began to get use to his powers and how to use them properly. After he succeeded in informing Darkflight of the recent insurgence and possible return of the Castigars, Raelyse was inducted into the order. What was more beneficial to the prince though was the emergence of his powers and the control he now had over them.

Impressing his leader after a series of assignments, the prince was promoted to leader of the Ghost Hand Order’s elite Partisans, his personality and fighting ability unmatched in the growing clan. Raelyse’s most recently prominent job with the Ghost Hand Order was unsuccessful, though like always, Raelyse did not waste his time. He was chasing Trosk Warstorm through the city of Radasanth. Unfortunately, he did not find him. He did find something interesting though and recruited a young man, Sloth as the newest member of the Ghost Hand Order. The prince is wary of his presence though and does not trust him very much at the moment.

The prince’s service for the order then took him, through a mixture of resourcefulness, perseverance and greed, to the mountainous region of Erebus. The area was well built and a appropriate stronghold. He remodeled it into the headquarters of the Ghost Hand Order. The other place that the prince had scouted was the Alerar area known as Etheria Port which he has earmarked for potential gain in the future.

Eager to quickly gain financially in Alerar, Raelyse used the façade of “punishing” a young thief, to gain the trust of Kal’Rek, the leader of the Katuz’Veit clan of dwarves. By manipulating their traditions, the prince assumed leadership of the group by killing the leader and taking his ceremonial axe.

Just as he was about to show his prize to the rest of the Order, Raelyse was surprised to see that when he moved the Order to Erebus, his leader, Canen Darkflight had not come with them. More excited than disappointed, the prince appointed himself as the new leader of the Ghost Hand Order. Now with unrivalled control over the organization, he aims to use it to further his own goals.

Cyrus the virus
04-28-06, 03:17 AM
I'd like a limitation on how many ice sculptures he can make and throw, since just making them one after another is... Lame :p

Cyrus the virus
04-28-06, 03:28 AM