View Full Version : Guuraulk, goblin slavemaster.

09-20-07, 01:29 AM
Name: Guuraulk

Race: Ogre possessed by a reforming dracolich.

Class: Blood Shaman / Goblin Slavemaster

Age: 62 human years.

Weight: Five-hundred eighty-seven pounds.

Height: Standing upright his bare cranium reaches a maximum of fourteen feet seven and three-eights inches tall. Lurched as per norm his broad, fur-covered shoulders manage a total height of ten feet two inches tall.

Hair: Bald.

Maw: Teeth, if you could call them that, have long since been sharpened into jagged and chipped perversions of their former selves to give Guuraulk a more fearsome appearance as well as providing him with the necessary tools to rend even more flesh from the bones of his prey as he feasts on the meat of his victims. As an ogre blood shaman he also draws an additional means of issuing forth that which he requires for his foul magics and curses.

Skin: Weather-worn, leathery skin marred by scars and dried blood bears an overall sickly pale green hue.

Eyes: Diseased sclera give off a yellow tone while his irises bear a mahogany hue to them.

Clothing: For the most part bare of clothing the possessed ogre pays homage to his kin in the way of only wearing what he must. The fur of crudely skinned swamp creatures adorns his shoulders and backside while ragged pieces of dragonhide have been stitched together to form leggings that only reach down to the knees of the monstrous lesser giant. Upon his feet boots formed of his distant relative the troll have been fitted together and bound by the skin of those whose bones compose the majority of the footwear keep it held in a single piece. Shods of iron have also been affixed to these boots so as to enhance his ability to climb rocky crags while also giving the extra bit of damage should he use the massive muscles of his legs to begin to kick or step upon anyone or anything that he finds himself up against. As is usually found with a well-fed ogre Guuraulk's gut protrudes handsomely outwards and the vital organs within are protected by both his natural affinity to absorb damage via his physiology and further protected from bladed weapons in the form of a massive round plate of steel set in a mold to follow the curve of his rotund belly. Imprinted upon this piece of armor is the depiction of a draconic skull much akin to that of the one that is found firmly attached to his own making it abundantly clear to any whom bear knowledge of the stomach armor of ogres the importance of the item to its current owner.

Weapons: A large staff of gnarled, blood-soaked wood with a bundle of goblin skulls which emit a rattling cacophony when swung that tends to grate on the ears of those with a heightened sense of sound. Using this more as a bludgeoning tool than anything else Guuraulk can and will on a more often basis as of late use it as a channeling device with which his blood magics are amplified to impose a greater threat than before as the dracolich which possesses his body assumes complete control of its host body.

A cleaver made from the femur of a red dragon peaking its length at five feet four inches from handle to blade's end. Using the blood drawn from his foes with this the shaman can enhance the crude blade's strength wherein his chops slice easily through the trunk of an oak reaching seven feet in diameter as though it were a sapling. Only when a good beating of his staff proves ineffective or if his opponent's body doesn't want to bleed through pummeling will Guuraulk resort to using this weapon.

Shield: Not truly certain of how it has come to pass himself Guuraulk's own wounds have come to be lessened as of the beginning of his possession. The only thing his rather simple mind can grasp around is that the spirits of the goblin slaves he has either killed out of impatience or hunger and hung the skulls upon his staff continue to serve him even in death due to the curse of enthrallment he placed upon them before their demise. This is true in part but the dracolich that continues to regenerate within him protects its vessel with its own spiritual body which has begun to extend from the form of Guuraulk that lies invisible to the eyes of those not blessed, or cursed as some may see it, with the sight of the spirits which haunt the mortal realm.

Slaves: Constantly seen with two or more goblin thralls at his side, these foul creatures gather resources, information, food, drink, deliver messages, and serve as meat shields in battle before ultimately finding their skulls added to the others found upon the shaman's staff. There is one goblin slave though that seems safe from the fate of the others and is more oft than not found riding atop the left shoulder of Guuraulk. As he seems to have some sort of special meaning to the ogre this slave is the only one to have a name that being Ethrin. In addition to being the only goblin allowed to ride on Guuraulk's shoulder and having a name, Ethrin. In addition to being the only goblin allowed to wear anything more than a loincloth, Ethrin is also given the permission to keep on his possession a dagger laced with a poison to ensure an ample amount of blood to flow freely from any stab deep enough to slice through a large vein or artery. On Ethrin's body he wears a tattered robe and warpaint upon his brown flesh while dangling from his ears the teeth of his kin can be seen in plain view.

History to be added later if I can get around to it.

09-20-07, 09:22 AM
First off, it would be wise to give your ogre some skills. Also, from what I could gather from your profile, he can cast some magic. If so, you have to list the spells he can cast. Both skills and magic has to be rather weak right now. For example, he can be as good as his staff as an average soldier.

Also, I need to know just how resistant the shield makes him. Right now I'd allow a very slightly accelerated regeneration of wounds and a minor resistance to a certain type of damage.

And lastly, I'd prefer if he could control only one slave at a time for now. It would be unfair towards other level zeros if you could gang up on them with a squad of four.