View Full Version : I Will Never Forget

Agent of Black
09-22-07, 05:38 PM
Closed - Solo

Liviol Sanctum
This area is a tiny island just off the shores of northwest Scara Brae. It is considered one of the most dangerous woods in the vicinity, and it said that there is a powerful cat-like creature, the size of ten or twenty men, prowling it constantly, but that has never been proven. There are rumors of a magical, crumbled tower existing in the center of the island, but none are too sure whether it is true or not. However, it is a very feasible theory, considering liviol trees are only created after being exposed to powerful magical energies for long periods of time, and the forest-island consists of nothing more then liviol trees.

"A giant cat?" Nathan thought to himself, closing the book, a layer of dust flew off the cover and he swiped it away. He quietly laughed out loud to himself, wondering what something like that would look like. A giant cat prowling through the island forest. He laughed again when he compared the cat in his mind to Clifford, the Big Red Dog. The theory was comical, no doubt, even more so because Nathan is an Earth human. But, nonetheless, it gave Nathan the feeling to explore. The book stated that it was dangerous too, that also had considerable merit. Just how dangerous could a little island be, after all?

The agent pushed out his chair from beneath the wooden circular table he was sitting at and stood up, looking around. He was in a small yet homey library; a single room building perched up on a little hump in the northwestern part of Scara Brae. The library consisted of several aisles of random books of myths; one even told of a futuristic world called Earthio - Which was his favorite. A couple aisles of books and a couple tables where you could read in peace. Though right now he was the only person in there, disregarding the librarian whom sat behind his desk near the front door; his elven eyes always glued to the pages of a book. A fire burned in a hearth next to the librarian's desk, warming the entire room.

Nathan quickly decided that he wanted to explore this Liviol Sanctum already, only minutes after perusing the Almanac. But to get to that island, he would need a boat of some sort... He couldn't build one, nor did he think he could manage to steal one. Perhaps he could rent one? After all, a lot of the people living in Scara Brae had boats, to use particularly for fishing in Valeena Lake, which he also read about. Surely someone would be willing to lend the Special Agent their boat for a couple days - for a couple gold pieces, that was.

After his musings Nathan nodded to himself, positive that he was going to do this. He just had to find someone to rent a boat from. He calmly walked through the room, his padded feet shuffling over the thick red carpet below and stopped in front of the librarian's desk, placing his hands on the lip of the table and leaning forward.

"What can I do for you?" The elf said, not even looking up from his story.

Nathan cleared his throat and said, "I was wondering if I could rent a boat."

The librarian peeked an eye over his book, looking at the Earthian; he was wearing a monocle over that eye, how fancy. "... From a library?"

"Not from a library," he responded, "From you."

"What makes you think that I have a boat?" The librarian retorted, he was beginning to get husky.

"Well I thought maybe if you liked to go -"

"I don't fish." The librarian rudely interjected, bringing his attention back to his book. Nathan, rather than wasting his time with that fool, turned towards the exit and started out. He had just put his hand on the knob before the elf behind him said, "Hold on, foreigner." The words made the agent spin around to meet the librarian once more. "I could help you, I suppose."

"Ah, so you do have a boat."

"No, now please just listen: My brother, a big fisher here in Scara Brae, has a couple boats. He is as dumb as an ogre though, sadly. But that's fortunate for you, because I’m sure if you gave this note to him he would lend you a boat for a week." The elf finished, he was scribbling something on a piece of parchment. He finished, rolled it up and handed it to the agent who had came forward to stand next to the desk. Then he laughed to himself and said, "And if that doesn't always work, just play a game of Rock, Knife and Parchment over a boat!" He began to cackle.

Nathan laughed too, "Thanks, great library, by the way!" He said, turning to leave again. "Oh, wait. I-I didn't catch where he lives..."

"Just South of here, in a little stone cottage near the western wall of Scara Brae, he has a pond near his home, so you shouldn't miss it. And speaking of libraries, in thanks for me helping you, don't come in this great library ever again."

"What an asshole." Nathan thought to himself, leaving without saying anything, "At least he did help me, though...

"Time for adventure!"

06-13-09, 02:27 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.