View Full Version : Clad in Magic, He Rises

09-23-07, 04:49 AM
Something stirred. Somewhere, not too long ago, out there, somewhere, something stirred. I know not what caused it, what it wanted or even why it wanted to let me know. All I know is that somewhere, something stirred. It was not something good either. I feel myself growing stupider every moment that I do not figure out what this is. But this is beyond me and I know that I will never know.

I will never know why for a moment, Raiaera stirred.

The cascading effect of Raiaera poured in through the window the moment it was opened. Everything that was so breathtakingly amazing about the continent flooded into the room, overwhelming its lone occupant who just stood there, enjoying it all. The room was beyond luxurious with pillows covered with velvet, walls decorated with priceless paintings and chairs with coverings outdone in their elegance only by the designs etched into their wooden legs. But it was dull, it had been dull from the moment that the windows had been closed and the blinds had been drawn. Then they were unsealed and the impatient magic of the elves came in endless torrents, decorating and enriching every corner and making the world complete.

Raelyse knew that something out there threatened the land that he loved so much. He was no diviner, but something beyond his five senses had disturbed the normally unshakable prince. Althanas had been his endless road for too long for him to dismiss it as something trivial or coincidental. Something was wrong out, something threatened to turn the world that he knew upside down. That would not happen, he would not let it. With a last look at the grand country that lay before him, the prince of Myrusia retreated deeper into his room, ready to prepare for the day with a sense of purpose.

He would save Raiaera very very soon.

When a red tailed hawk landed on his balcony's sill, it was not confusion that swam over the prince, but a mixture of relief and anger at the tardiness of the messenger. The well trained bird just sat there, even resisting the urge to preen its feathers until the prince of Myrusia unclipped the little canister and took out a small piece of parchment. Unfurled, the piece of paper just bore a familiar symbol. A circle with a horizontal line pierced through it. The line continued and moved to form a bigger circle around the one that it had originally cut. Nothing else was written but nothing else needed to be because Raelyse just smiled and returned the parchment to the hawk. He didn't watch it fly away because he had already left, headed for the place that had made him fall in love with the elves.

Istien University, like an old lover, still had the power to captivate and weaken Raelyse's knees. He gazed at the grand building for a few minutes before common sense prevailed over the mystified prince and he crossed the threshold into the grandest place he had ever set foot into. The steps to his destination had been taken so many times that the prince wondered whether he really needed to tell his feet where to walk, they seemed to move of their own accord. They moved doubly fast though, as the prince's mind willed them on, telling them to hurry, to move with unending vigor. The reasons why would reveal themselves soon enough.

"Raelyse!" A voice screamed, breaking the track that the prince's mind had been following. His head instantly turned, his eyes recognizing instantly the figure of one of their most favorite sights. A tall, smiling elf moved elegantly towards him, not a hair on his head nor a thread on his clothes anything other than perfection.

"Legiomir," Raelyse said, more reservedly than his friend's greeting. He gave the elf a hearty hug before realization resurfaced within the two of them. The prince gave the elf a grim look and shook his head slightly. "I know."

"Then," the elf replied. "We are already one step ahead of him."

The confused prince followed the ever mysterious elf into his quarters through a finely crafted wooden door, more than a bit relieved that he had this wise one to guide him.

If the prince's room had been grand, Legiomir's challenged the bards of Raiaera to write tales detailing its beauty. Everything was slotted perfectly into the design, from paintings to sculptures, to the bookshelf with countless spells and tales of adventures. Nothing ever compared to the wonders that lay within this small, but fantastic room.

The elf took his cue and moved for his table where a large crystal ball lay in the center. He sat down and began to wave his open palm over the circular object, closing his eyes and focusing for a moment. Raelyse watched the transparent object slowly turn translucent before it turned completely opaque, the whole orb a dull gray.


Raelyse didn't need to hear that twice and stood behind the elf, gazing into the crystal ball. His lips moved to make some quip about the gypsy nature of this situation or to how the elf was downgrading his talents to earn money by fortune telling, but they would not move. Eyes sank into their sockets and the prince felt his mouth gape open.

"Raelyse," Legiomir said, terminating the enchantment and watching the prince regain his composure.

"Legiomir," Raelyse replied, with a tone so steadfast that it betrayed the man that had looked so awestruck just moments ago.

"We will be heroes," the two of them said together, almost as if they could read each other's minds.

Which of course, only one of them could do.

Closed for Xilium, 016573 and possibly one more. Recruitment thread here. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6925)