View Full Version : Ghost and the Hunter

04-29-06, 05:42 AM
(Closed to Nightsangel)

"Why on earth is that my problem?"

"Because I helped ease your family business earlier! Don't you think you could be kind enough to return the favor?"

"Did I ask for your help? No, Letho did and frankly while I'm grateful for it, it’s more his fault than mine. I merely wanted to get back at that bitch; I didn't have to stick around, and probably shouldn't have."

"How well would you have lasted? She had Myhrianna wrapped around her little finger....do you think you would have been cured of the poison had I not been there?"

"I would have been long gone, if I had chosen to play the scenario differently. I would have just left the city, now once again, tell me why Letho making you help him, forces me to be in debt to you

"Stubborn Dahlios...that’s what you are! You think you can do everything on your own! When for once you could just say thank you and offer help in return for help!"

"I think the exact words were, 'You're going to help me with my problem. You owe me for Beatrix...'"

"Yes those were my words, but facing your bitch of a cousin was no easy task! You do owe me for helping you out against her!"

"Once again, why is that my problem? I didn't ask for the help Letho did, if you want help, go to him..."

"The gates of Lornius are closed and I have no idea where Letho is! Seth your here now and I Helped you just as much as I helped him! Can’t you for once not be stubborn and just accept that you are in debt to me?"

"But I'm not; I asked for no help you volunteered it. If anything I kept Beatrix from wiping you out. We covered each others backs and are even."

"That may be so, but you were poisoned Seth...the poison was causing you such pain and now...now I need a place to hide...my half-sister is searching for me…and this time its all or nothing....if she finds me its a fight to the death...please Seth...please help me!"

"Liliana might be somewhere in Lornius, understand that my loyalty is to her, not to you. I do need a partner, and now that your are asking for my help, rather than demanding it, I'll give it to you. I owed you nothing Sivienna, but I will give you help if you ask."

05-25-06, 11:45 PM
Sivienna's eyes were shut, she was resting on the soft and comfy bed. Today had been a long grueling and hard day, soon after their Lorinus Corporate match had ended, Sivienna had immediately jumped into the shower, stripping off her halter top and her soft leather pants to clean up the whole condiments mess that the elephant had left on her body and clothing. After she had finished with her soothing shower, she had slipped into a soft light blue terrycloth robe and had set her long purple hair into a wet ponytail. She had then sauntered back into the room and had snuggled under the warm covers to rest from the match. She knew Seth hadn't returned yet, and she was pretty sure it would take a bit before he was recovered from the wreckage of the cage.

Sighing as she stretched, she felt the soft sheet press into the fluffiness of her robe. Looking up at the white bare celing she mutters softly "It sucks that we didn't go on...but oh well...at least we can relax a bit here before we have to exit the Lorinus region."

She then rolled on her side, her eyes staring out at the street beyond the window. She could still see that the vendor's were set up, shouting their wares to any who still were particpating in the actual tournament. She also could tell that there were shadier characters lurking in the alleyways waiting for anyone unsuspecting to come there way.

This brought the night vixen's mind to her half-sister. She knew that Rianna was searching for her, and that her b*tch of a litlte sister might be close to finding her. However Sivienna was fairly sure that after one more night of rest, she could part ways with Seth and be out of Lorinus before her red-headed sister even caught a glimpse of her.

Turning again, Sivienna moved to her bag to get out a soft flowing olive green dressing, dressing quickly, the night vixen sighed before she moved back to rest in bed. Hearing the click of the door she turned to smile as she murmurs "Oh Seth...I see your back..." turning to look at him she softly asks "Are you alright?"

05-26-06, 02:47 AM
Seth had awoken in the infirmary. His entire mood had been soured by the fact he was everything Liliana had despised. As he moved out of the infirmary to the streets his feet seemed to drag. His worn boots slid over the cobblestones. His entire demeanor was sullen and his disposition was with little patience for anything. As he moved to the hotel he merely marched upstairs, too tired and depressed to worry much about anything.

Sivienna greeted him in her own manner as he moved through the room silent. He threw his satchel into the corner before he moved to the water jug. Moving carefully he undid his gauntlets taking them off as he set them on the satchel with a casual throw. He then reached down and undid his dagger belt, still ignoring Sivienna's greeting. He then poured a bit of water from the jug into the basin and splashed his face, washing it briefly before he said softly, "I'll be in the bar..."

He then turned and with his money pouch in pocket left the room shutting the door behind him. His gate took him back down the stairs until he reached the bar. He faintly registered a look of concern on her face, but didn't care; right now he just needed to forget his past. With that he moved to the bar before the man looked at him expectantly and said, "What'll it be?"

"Give me your hardest; I don't want to feel it till tomorrow morning..." He said firmly putting gold down to set up a tab. The man raised an eyebrow before he nodded and set about intoxicating the thief.

He began to mix various drinks before he said carefully, "The fumes alone would make most men pass out, but if that’s what you want, go for broke..."

"That’s the idea, that’s the exact idea..." Seth muttered as he waited.

06-01-06, 01:11 AM
Sivienna's eyes closed softly upon hearing Seth's 'greeting'. The exotic dancer wouldn't even call Seth's words a greeting, more like a notice of where he would be for the rest of the evening. Slowly her tongue ran gently over her smooth lips, she knew that while Seth was a kind man, he was an entirely different man when he took to the bottle for comfort. She knew this because the last time she had been around the theif when he was drunk, they had a very enticing night. Though he had not been the one to go for the bottle, Sivi knew that she had been the one to intentionally get him drunk so that she could seduce him. That seduction had been her form of punishment for his darker side angering her beyond the point of rationality.

A deep sigh left her soft lips, as she rose from the comfortable bed she had been lying in. Slowly stretching her limbs, Sivienna looked briefly around the darkened room, before she set her feet on the thin carpet. Moving her bare feet across the carpet, she opened the plain wooden door and slowly descended down the stairs. Once she was in the quiet lounge, her eyes scanned the dark wood tables, until they fell onto the figure of the theif.

He still looked the same to Sivi, still the same strong profile, the same sweet smile(When he wanted to smile) however, she knew he carried a large amount of pain in his heart. Moving softly forward, she silently sat down on one of the leather bar stools, before she turned to look at Seth. Slowly she moved to place a hand on his shoulder before she softly whispered "Don't you think tonight would be better spent relaxing up in the room?" Looking at the shimmering liquor that Seth's glass held she coaxed softly "Instead of spending the night getting to drunk to think rationally?"

She then noticed that the tendor was looking at her oddly, staring back at him she murmurs softly "Whats the problem?"

The tendor smirked as he replied simply "I've seen many people come through here for a drink and I can tell when one won't stop. This one here looks like he's been through a lot and he won't listen to reason. He'll drink until he passes out."

Sivienna sighed as she looked at Seth and murmurs "Please Seth think about it? Don't just drink ever problem away, come up with a different solution! I have Rianna to worry about, she's trying to kill me Seth and i'm not spending the night here drinking! I was planning to stare at the stars or enjoy a nice walk." Looking at him she murmurs "Why don't you join me for that? Its a lot better then staring into the bottom of a bottle or glass the whole night!"

06-01-06, 02:20 AM
She tried, oh how she tried to make him see the light. Part of him was just tired of it all and wanted to see the bottom of the glass. Another part was irritated with the vampiress and wanted to push her out of his way. Still another part wanted to embrace her and take her offer of succor. He was a whirlwind of emotion and now he had to figure out what he was going to do.

He looked long and hard at the glass before him. His eyes closed as he took a deep draught from the glass feeling the bitterness of several liquors hit him hard. The drink was far more potent than the ale he was accustomed to and when he set the glass down he opened his eyes, the sadness still within them. His voice soft and broken, "Let me die in peace Mizami, let me die in peace..."

He was falling, deeper into himself as the alcohol began to overtake him, the single sip of it making him far more inebriated than he cared for. Still he was already there and he only sought deeper. He wanted to reach the bottom, grab a shovel and dig his grave, the words "Drank himself to Death" firmly stamped on his tombstone. He deserved no one's love, for he had betrayed everyone. Liliana, Sivienna, Mariah, all of them betrayed by his hands. He had been so blind to it, but now, the alcohol put it in perspective, and he was nothing but a drunk who cared not who he slept with, just a lecherous pervert, who needed to die.

Those last words echoed in his head as he heard the accusations in many people’s voices. Calls of traitor and murderer rang out in his mind. Calls for his head, to hang him, to put him in the stockade reached his mind. He was nearing the snapping point, and as he emptied the glass into him, he reached the bottom. He groaned clutching his forehead before the tender raised and eyebrow, "That fast eh? I am surprised you haven’t passed out yet, that was a mix of several of my strongest bottles."

It was then that the look in the thief’s eyes grew glassy. The tender smirked knowing perfectly what was going on when the thief slumped and hit the bar counter face first, "Nighty night..." He then took the gold and pocketed it before he turned to the femme fatale.

"Might want to clean him up, I did him a favor doing that to him, he'll be hung over like a dog, but I guarantee you its better than letting him mope and possibly kill himself," He said as he lifted Seth's head and wiped the counter underneath him before he let go and led the head drop once more on the counter.

06-02-06, 01:17 AM
Sivienna's lilac orbs shut briefly upon hearing Seth's pleading voice, she had to steel her heart not to give in to the theif's soft plea. Shaking her head to clear her mind of his sore and tired voice, she looks at the tendor briefly before she turns to Seth. A frown graced her pale soft face as she saw that Seth had fallen face first onto the bar top. Groaning as she looked once more at the tendor she murmured critically. "Just what exactly did you give him?"

The tendor smirks before he says simply "Little lady, you shouldn't worry about what I mixed into his drink, you should be more concerned with getting him up to bed so he can sleep that off." Turning to clean the glass he had used to pour Seth's drink in he murmurs "It would look bad for my business to have a customer snoring away at the bar."

Sivienna showed her pointed teeth briefly at the bar tendor before she succiently stated "He wouldn't be drooling on your bar if you didn't give him a drink designed to knock him out!"

The tendor puts the glass down before he leans forward, his eyes were hard as he said coldly "Would you rather he try to kill himself missy?"

Sivienna's eyes grew pale, before she turned to lean Seth's weight on her shoulder, grimacing when his head lolled against his neck, she closed her eyes ignoring the tickling sensation as she said matter of factly "No, I"ll be leaving now, he does need to get upstairs to sleep this off." She then exited the lounge.

Making her way back to their room, she dumped Seth into the bed. Tucking him in, she then turned to wander out onto the balcony. Looking up into the velvet black starry night she murmurs "Seth...your not as a lone as you think...you have people who care...you seriously don't need to drink your problems away...." Her lavender eyes then turned to the figure, he looked so pale so small in the bed. It seemed that despite the strong resistance he put up, he was still suffering...sighing she turns away from Seth's figure and continued to stare up at the sky. She was sure by the time that morning came that Seth would be alright...and hopefully when he awoke, thoughts of taking his own life would no longer be on his mind.

06-06-06, 01:41 AM
He awoke with a groan when the morning came; his hand clutched his forehead as he rolled out of bed. He didn't even remember how he got there, but he was more than certain it had something to do with what the tender had given to him the night before. Falling out of the bed he groaned as he felt the nausea roll over him. Crawling straight for the window he pulled himself up before he hunched over the window sill and began to purge himself into the alleyway behind the tavern.

Finishing he felt horrid, the drink hammering his forehead like a sledgehammer as he once again purged more, reduced to dry heaving as he finished, before he sat down on the floor his head leaning against the wall as he looked up pleading to whatever gods were listening to make the hurting stop. The pain was excruciating making every simple noise, from birds to children at play and amplified to amazing levels.

As he rested on the floor he tried to remember the day before. The haze of the morning and the alcohol trying to obscure it before it was revealed for all to see. He had been a monster in his fight, and so last night he drank to erase the pain. As much as he tried it hadn't worked, and so he resolved a second attempt as he tried to move. Trying to raise himself from the floor her slipped and fell again as he groaned clutching his forehead the movement causing him a headache.

Groaning again he spoke softly, trying not to further irritate himself he spoke softly, "Mizami? Are you somewhere out there? If so, could you get me something to drink?"

06-09-06, 12:43 AM
The sun's soft rays slowly drizzled over the slender form of the woman whose hands were resting lightly on the iron railing of the balcony. Sivienna's eyes felt heavy, like she had been pulled into a murky pool of dark water and it had taken her hours to resurface. Slowly running a smooth soft finger over her tired eyes, the night vixen sighed heavily. She knew that sleep probably would have been a better choice, but her heart had been more in line with keeping a vigilante watch over Seth. Now that her choice had been made and morning was already here, Sivienna finally moved away from the small balcony.

Entering the darkened hotel room, the beauty could hear shuffling from the bed where she had tucked Seth in. Frowning as she knew it was much to early for him to be out of bed. She moved closer inspecting the rumpled sheets. Seeing the sweat on his face and hearing the tell tale signs of upheaving whatever he had eaten the night before. She waited politely for him to finish.

A sigh escaped her though when she noticed that he stubbornly tried to get up after he had emptied the contents of his stomach. She was further irritated when she heard his weak voice requesting that she purchase him another drink. A muffled groan escaped her lips before she said pertly "Dahlios, if I bought you another drink, you'd just be flat on your face puking up whatever concotion you consumed!" Stepping so that she was leaning over his flat form she said firmly "My answer is no, now back ot bed with you!" She then leaned down to help pull him back into bed as she said softly "I hope you know...this is for your own good Seth."

08-14-06, 03:47 PM
Seth groaned as he was beginning to be moved. The fact was he wanted to die, and he surely felt like he was. As he was pulled up he suddenly felt himself move again and grabbing the windowsill once again began to purge. This time it was dry heaves as he had nothing left to purge at all. He groaned as he said softly, "Oh dear gods...have mercy on me..."

The heaves over he rested in the window the fresh air doing him some good as he remained there hunched over. His entire time in Lornius had become a bit formulaic as he groaned clutching his forehead. He was more than certain he had done the same exact thing yesterday, or was that in Serenti? He wasn't sure anymore, the days beginning to blur as his head felt like someone was taking a sledgehammer trying to make it perfectly flat for everyone to dance over while the loudest music possible would be played.

As he remained there he closed his eyes as he felt her slender hand on his back. He groaned softly as he said, "Should have left me for dead, might have saved yourself a bit of heartache..." The words were sincere, and were not the product of alcohol, as there was no way for it to be. As he groaned he remained dutifully clutching the windowsill waiting for the room to stop spinning so he could get off.

As he remained in the windowsill he could hear all the admonishments he surely would have been getting from Darith, yet another name to add to the list of people he had disappointed. He was more than certain he was on the hated by everyone list, and because of it, he decided he needed the shovel to dig his own grave, surely they would have lined up to push him into it. They had no reason to trust the thief, nor had they reason to like him. He was an idiot, a monster, and worse a traitor. The words rang in his head bouncing around until they formed a cacophony of sound that made him clutch his forehead in pain.

08-14-06, 04:19 PM
Sivienna's eyes closed, the lavender brightness of them disappearing under the cover of her lashes. She needed to remain calm, needed to think through the soft beat that was her heart. Closing her eyes, she willed her heart to calm, she had not expected Seth to say that to her. Shaking her head, she slowly opened her eyes to see the soft darkness of their room. She could still see the bed unmade, the sheets fallen almost to the floor, this alone reminded her that while Seth's soft words had an impact on her, she still had one job to do and that was to make sure that he'd get through his drunken hangover.

Moving closer to him, she wrinkled her nose as the putrid odor reached her nostrils. Sighing as she moved to place a hand on his back she murmurs kindly "Thank you for telling me that Seth, but..I couldn't just leave you all alone. You would have drowned your sorrows in liquor."

She then looked out at the soft play of lights, she could feel Seth's pain, she knew that he was once more blaming himself to be a monster. A creature that wasn't worth anyone's compassion or care. Sighing as she moved to wrap her arms gently around Seth's waist, she whispers "Seth....I understand that you feel it might have been better off if I had left you to drink your difficulties away...but, I couldn't do that..."

Sivienna then tried to smile lightly at Seth as she murmurs "Please Seth...get back into bed and take care of yourself....will worry about everything else after your hangover goes away..." She then tried to smile warmly at him, hoping that her pleading words, would have shown him that even in this world, people still did care about him.

10-05-06, 08:40 PM
Seth remained on the floor for awhile. He wanted to sink into the floor and basically end his problems. It wasn't that he hated Sivienna, but he wished she wasn't here to see him like this. His hair provided him some relief from her penetrating gaze as he groaned softly. Slowly he wiped his mouth with his sleeve as he pulled himself to his feet. His stance while steady was akimbo as he tried to fight through the fog the alcohol had induced. The headache was subsiding as he said firmly, "I think I'm good, just needed to do a little cleaning."

He looked in the corner where his gear was. Lornius was over as far as he cared. He didn't want to find out who won or who placed. He could have cared less. As far as he was concerned he failed at the task at hand. He had not found Liliana, and worse, he was no where near the man he should have been. As he fought back the bitter tears he moved across the room with the grace of a thief as he began pulling on his gear. He had survived another day, and it was time for him to try and get himself killed yet again.

However, he was running out of things that could kill him.

Dragons didn't faze him in the least. Hex Magi couldn't harm him at all as he knew their secrets. It was just too hard to find something that could kill him. He wanted so badly to die, but he couldn't go out without a fight. He had to try to endure, if only to satisfy the broken vestiges of Lavinian Pride. Still he ignored Sivienna's plea as he poured a bit of water into the wash basin and quickly splashed his face before sipping it to wash the bitter taste of bile and vomit from his mouth. Finishing with the mouth rinse, he spat it out into the basin before he moved and emptied it out into the street.

Not a word was spoken, only the occasional grunt or groan. He was not much in the mood for conversation. So, he didn't say much.

10-09-06, 04:30 PM
He didn't want to talk. That much was obvious to the purple haired vixen. However, she still knew that despite the silence he was hurting, and it seemed his pain ran very deep. Sighing as she closed her eyes, she could feel the waves of Seth's sadness wash over her, it felt like a bitter wine, one so bitter that not even one with a strong stomach could handle it. Sighing as her hand clenched over her stomach, she tried to fight back the moan of pain she felt from Seth's overwhelming emotions. Shaking her head, she tried to clear it of the black fog that had swept over her. Panting softly as she tried to get her senses under control, she cursed herself. She knew why this was happening, it was a vampire's uncanny ability to know how their prey or a friend was feeling. This was what Sivienna was trying to run away from, this is what had hurt her so deeply back when she was a child.

Groaning as she fell to her knees, she closed her eyes, she steadied herself. She knew why she was here, she knew why she had entered Lornius. She had a job to do, she had to get away from Rianna. She couldn't concern herself with Seth's pain. While she considered him a friend, the night vixen knew that if she continued to let Seth's despair get to her, she would find herself in a dire predicament.

Rising to her feet, she shielded her eyes against the morning rays. Looking at Seth she whispered softly "I know you want to be alone...but Seth your pain...can't be handled alone...its too deep, it seems like your emotions are like a still ocean.....their calm right now. But..." Looking away and out into the busy Lorinus streets she continued softly "If something tips your waters, they'll boil..and then they'll overwhelm you..." After she said this, she realized that Seth had said something to her. Nodding she murmurs "Alright...."

She then turned to gather her things, she knew that their was no reason for either of them to stay here now. Her sign was when her partner had begun to gather his own gear. He had cleaned himself off, she could still smell the stench of the liquor he drunk, but she could also tell that he would be alright. Looking around, she soon had gathered everything.

Hitching her bag over her shoulder, she was careful not to disturb her kistune as she said gently "You ready to go?" She knew she did not need the mothering tone, however something was bothering her, in all this time, through the length of Seth's hangover, through the time when Sivienna was trying to comfort Seth, her half-sister had not made an appearance....Groaning as she moved to pet her kistune she thought softly to herself I wonder if she's waiting, hiding until I show myself.... A frown graced her lips before she dismissed this thought. Her sister wasn't that smart. So Sivienna was fairly certain that her brat of a sister had already left the Lornius area.

12-15-06, 11:11 PM
His head still ached as he tried to shrug off Sivienna's astute observation. She was seeing through him and as he pulled himself back together he was frustrated with that fact. Opening the door he felt a tinge of anger as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. Realizing he had not considered much when entering the tournament he sighed before he said, "We should probably stay here a couple more days before heading out. No sense wasting what little protection we can get between us and our enemies."

That was for her benefit. In reality it was Seth buying time. He had failed to find Liliana here, but that didn't mean he couldn't afford to stick around a bit longer. It would just mean that he would have to search later, but with each day he couldn't find her the hope was fading. Perhaps it was this that caused him to want to stay and further keep Sivienna around him. She was a comfort, for she had seen him at his best and his worst. She had seen the thief in so many lights she might understand what he was going through.

However, first he had to decide what he was going to do exactly. For that he had to buy time. So he did the only thing he could think of. He tried to logically make them stay. Hopefully with the thought of Lornius keeping out the riff raff he would be able to get Sivienna to commit to a day or two. It was a long shot but one he desperately needed. As he moved down the stairs he stopped at the bottom before he turned and shouted up to Sivienna, "Its your choice, but I figure we don't have to leave until we have to leave if you get my point."

12-24-06, 08:07 PM
The hallway was as still and quiet as a calmed lake. The simple wooden door was already open, Sivienna was preparing to walk out, sure that she and Seth would part ways for now. However, as she stepped out into the shadowed hall, a surprise happened. Instead of hearing the tell tale signs of Seth's boots moving across the thin carpet, she heard his voice instead. Blinking as she felt that shock go straight to her heart, her hand stilled on the door knob. She wasn't sure why Seth was asking her this...she knew that he wanted to find this woman...the woman he had been looking for when he had entered Lornius..yet...he was asking her to stay? What had come over him.....

Frowning as she tapped her foot dully against the wooden floor, she turned to stare at the simply carnation arrangement in front of her. Looking at the dull pinks and reds, she tried to get her emotions under control. Seth had put her through a lot, first in Haidia and now here, she had tried to calm him when he had inhaled too much liquor, she had felt his pain, his emotions, they had tugged at her heart. She knew what she wanted, her heart wanted to stay here with him, she still felt for the man. However, she was unsure what would happen if she stayed....

Chewing on her lip as she tore her eyes away from the simple flowers, she pivoted around to face Seth. His gray eyes were soft, almost pleading with her to stay. That tug came again, a soft little yelp was covered up by a cough as Sivienna said softly "I could stay Seth...but are you sure that would be wise? We both know that their is history between us...history...and tension. are you sure we wouldn't make a mistake?" Frowning as she moved back to sit on the bed, she tossed her pack onto the light mattress.

Hearing the squeak she closed her eyes as she said softly, letting the fear she had been feeling creep into her voice "You know that I'm being hunted by my family Seth. I've told you this when I first met you here. Now that the tournament is over for us, I have no where to hide. I need to move on...but at the same time I can feel that you need someone to stay here with you...so that you don't feel alone..." Looking up into Seth's gray eyes she said softly "I don't know what Rianna is planning for me....I think she plans to kill me....but I've overpowered her before..but the last time that I caught a sense of her aura, she seemed different...more powerful somehow....." Moving to clasp Seth's hands she said softly "I’ll stay...if you promise to protect me...to be there for me in case Rianna does find me....."

01-06-07, 02:26 PM
She stopped, and for half a second Seth held his breath. She seemed to ponder everything and anything, and when she turned and looked at the flowers, he could feel a bit of hope in his heart as she began to think more seriously about the topic at hand. She stayed there for gods knew how long, but he knew one thing, she was giving in. Perhaps this was one of his more selfish acts, but he knew she couldn't deny him anything. She cared too much about him, and Radasanth had been the icing on that proverbial cake.

If she had been willing to help him oust his cousin, surely staying a day or two was not beyond her. However, her voice was cautionary when it began, speaking of mistakes the requisite request to his logical self. He was half tempted to smile, but knew the gravity would not allow for such a thing. Instead immediate response would be required, "Mistakes happen, so long as we learn from them they can hardly be counted as such."

She then began to spill, talking of her fears, her needs, her desires. She needed a protector, a guardian while she stayed. He sighed as he moved towards her, he then reached down to his dagger belt and undid it, before he tossed the belt squarely in her lap. Crouching down, despite the splitting headache from the alcohol, he looked her in the eyes as he said, "Those daggers have seen a lot of death, if your sister comes for you, they'll see even more."

Once again that intoxicating scent was between them. The scent of Lilac, the scent his mother used to wear. It brought a cocktail of emotions to the forefront as he moved and sat heavily upon the bed next to her. Part grief and guilt, part lust and desire it was a striking dichotomy as he was forced to sift through them and decide which he truly wanted. He knew he had buried feelings for the girl somewhere in his heart, and like anything that had occurred even once in his life, it was being dredged to the surface to rear its head up to the world and say hello.

Sighing as he decided the next course of action he pulled Sivienna close into a hug as he whispered, "You'll make it safely to the next town, I'll promise you that. Just, don't worry about me or that. I figure we'll get along better that way..."

04-11-07, 01:26 AM
The yelp of surprise came quickly and unexpectedly. Unlike the Seth she had seen before, had known, he was showing her a completely unknown side of himself. This tender side of him that vowed he would keep her safe from her demons. Tears welled up in Sivi's eyes as he enveloped her in a warm hug.

Covering her face in his chest, the beauty hid her embarrassment. The young vampiress was embarrassed because Seth had never been so gentle to her. She knew she was close to him. but, she always thought that those feelings were one-sided. Now here in the glowing sunlight, in this simple room. She realized that was not so, that Seth truly did care for her and the feelings she had for him were reciprocated.

Once the night vixen felt more composed she noticed a slight weight in her lap. Removing herself from Seth's warmth Sivi studied the glinting daggers. Sivienna had vaguely heard Seth's words about his prized daggers. She knew and remembered from their time in Haidia how much blood those deadly kunai had drawn. Furthermore, the shadow angel recalled how those same small blades had clashed toe to toe with Beatrix.

The belt was heavy in her arms, despite that their small size the daggers together weren‘t light. Sighing as she walked away from Seth across the thin carpet, her thoughts were on her current situation. She knew that she‘d be better off gone, had that strong feeling that fulfilling Seth‘s need for her to stay might be a mistake, but her shock over his words, they made her feel safe, an impregnable cloud that not even her horrible father could pierce. . A sigh escaped her lips as she felt some tension leave her body, while she could still feel that danger was present, Seth’s presence was calming her fears.

Turning with the sun framing her slender figure she murmurs softly “Seth…..I don’t know what to say…I feel shocked…I did not honestly expect this from you…but thank you…” With his dagger belt still in her hands she murmurs “I’ll trust that your daggers will guard me, guard from any dangers that might come my way….”