View Full Version : Witchblade's Amazing Vacation Pictures

09-24-07, 11:43 AM
Well, it took me long enough, but I have finally found the time to upload, resize and then host some of my vacation pictures for you guys. :p

Ask away if you're looking for a story or explanation behind the picture.

Charleville Forest Castle:


Belfast - Northern Ireland


Glasgow - Scotland


09-24-07, 01:46 PM
that's a neat castle. the dancers need to smile more (*does bellydance too*) oh and one question, how the heck did you get a bruise that big? other than that, wish i coulda gone. i need to go back to Europe myself someday.

Rok the Blade
09-24-07, 03:35 PM
Oh My God She Is Dead!

09-24-07, 06:14 PM
Haha! Ahh, the bruise story... that picture really doesn't do it justice. It wrapped around the whole one side of my arm as well as that part you can see. And a few days after taking this it turned a really nasty, dark purple colour. Every time someone saw it, the look on their face was priceless. ^^

Anyway, the 'made-up' story for it was that when I was on security duty for Sister Sledge's room, I got in an altercation with this idiot and his two friends that wouldn't give up on getting into their room and I was slammed against a wall.

The actual story is that I was wrestling with this guy named Eric, who we all called Lofty who later became my stalker... but that's another story. We ended up down in the dungeons and he tripped me. While I was on the ground, he accidentally stepped on my arm. And viola! That is how I got zee awesome bruise.

09-24-07, 06:16 PM
That is one awesome bruise.

Chromanon Rockskin
09-24-07, 06:46 PM
And you got it in a dungeon! Kickass! I want to know about the paramedic.

Artifex Felicis
09-24-07, 06:54 PM
Those ARE awesome pictures. I'm curious about that paramedic one too.

09-24-07, 07:06 PM
Heheh, don't they all just have great stories.

The paramedics name is Brandon, or Branden, not entirely sure how it's spelt. But that's not important. He was one of the volunteers in the med tent for the Castlepalooza festival. Him and I, and the rest of the paramedics became friends rather quickly and I hung out with them alot during the festival. Anyway, he took me into the amublance for fun, which was how the first picture was taken. Then he strapped me down and gave me a full work up, all the equipment on me is real. I think he did it just so he could touch me besides the fact that it was fun because he did propose to me earlier on that night and he really seemed to like me.

Yeah, nothing like getting a classic Irish proposel: Would you like to be buried with my people?

When that didn't work it was: Would you like to keep your boots under my bed?

Chromanon Rockskin
09-24-07, 07:41 PM
rofl. Awesome. You weren't kidding about the flirting. .. I need to go to Ireland, apparently.

09-25-07, 07:42 AM
Yes, yes you do.

I wasn't too interested in Brandon though. He was a nice guy but just not really my type. I did make out with another one of the paramedics named Keith, but out of all of them Pat was the best looking. He has this really nice coloured skin and his nose is kind of squished, it's really cute. ^^

Stuffed Fury
09-25-07, 03:05 PM
Ahahahahahahaha! You roxxorz.

Chromanon Rockskin
09-25-07, 06:13 PM
And where are the pictures of THEM? Eh? EH? EEEHHH???

Slayer of the Rot
09-25-07, 10:13 PM
Yes, yes you do.

I wasn't too interested in Brandon though. He was a nice guy but just not really my type. I did make out with another one of the paramedics named Keith, but out of all of them Pat was the best looking. He has this really nice coloured skin and his nose is kind of squished, it's really cute. ^^

Ah ha. I knew it.

You whore.

09-25-07, 10:32 PM
Shut up, Dan. You're just jealous 'cause you couldn't get any.

Oh, I don't have any pictures of them sadly, however I have Brandon's e-mail and when I remind myself to e-mail him he's going to send me a bunch of the pictures he's taken. Some of which have the other paramedics in them, though I don't think I have pictures of all of them.

09-26-07, 07:15 PM
Those are nice pictures.

I wish I could afford a trip to Europe T_T

09-28-07, 06:38 PM
It's not as expensive as one might think. I was gone for a month and a half and came back with money.

Anyway, I put up pictures from Belfast Northern Ireland.

09-28-07, 07:04 PM
Uuuuu , what is that fancy building?

09-28-07, 07:22 PM
*points to the name of the picture*

Belfast city hall.

Skie and Avery
09-28-07, 07:27 PM
Yah, you can tell you were in Ireland. Sheep fuckers.

Slayer of the Rot
09-28-07, 07:36 PM
Shut up, Dan. You're just jealous 'cause you couldn't get any.

Strumpet! Harlot!

Hm, the woman closest to the camera in Parade2 has an awesome rack.

09-28-07, 07:47 PM
Heh, well the sheep has a bit of a story behind it...

Mike and I, and a few other people from the Hostel, went out drinking one night. I can't remember the name of the pub we went to but it was a pretty cool place. Had like a rave on the second floor and a lounge on the first. Very nice. Anyway, we ended up hanging out with this group of people as seen in 'out_partying' one and two. The girl in the black dress was Keira, I think the other girl was Sam, but I'm horrible with names and the guy's name started with a K. Once they found out I was Canadian they jsut wouldn't stop buying me drinks... that tended to happen a lot when I went out drinking.

Anyway, bars close early in NI, like at midnight. So Keira invited us back to her place to continue to party. Along the way we ran into these two guys, one of whom had a blow-up sheep with him named Mary. At the end of the night after partying at Keira's, I pulled a marker out of my bag and we all wrote some comments on the sheep. I even put my phone number on it. :p Then we left it for Keira to find in the morning.

Slayer of the Rot
09-28-07, 07:54 PM
I didn't even look at the "Partying" pictures. Keira, you say? Gat damn. Must go to Belfast in North Ireland, take a lot of date rape drugs.

Skie and Avery
09-28-07, 11:29 PM
Whatever, Dan. Before you can date-rape someone, you need to figure out where your penis is. Hint: It probably tastes a lot like those "popsicles" that make you moan when you suck on them.

Slayer of the Rot
09-29-07, 03:56 AM
Whatever, Dan. Before you can date-rape someone, you need to figure out where your penis is. Hint: It probably tastes a lot like those "popsicles" that make you moan when you suck on them.

You didn't have any problem finding the dick on that soulles, personalityless meathead. OOOOHHH YEAH

I'm drunk.

Still, I'd really like to live in Ireland, sjhit, even England, US blows

09-29-07, 11:42 AM
Was that cat just asleep or did you really get it drunk? I'm assuming it's asleep, but you can never tell with some people.

Skie and Avery
09-29-07, 11:45 AM
You didn't have any problem finding the dick on that soulles, personalityless meathead. OOOOHHH YEAH

Maybe that's because he had a dick to find that didn't look like a gob of melted candle wax.

09-29-07, 11:49 AM
Or maybe his dick didn't reak of crotch-rot and coca-butter. I don't know how you spend your weekends Dan, but they must disgust the good lord when he looks down.

10-03-07, 06:46 PM

Yeah, let's not talk about Dan's dick anymore please, or anyone's dick for that matter in this thread. It's not what it's about. :p

Of course the cat was asleep, yes, I mean who would do that to a cat... >.>

Those pics of Northern Ireland might be familiar sights for Corvus though as he lives in Newtownards, which is just a short bus ride from Belfast. I went and visited him one day while I was there to see him again. Him and I have previously met two years ago when I went to stay with him for two weeks and he came back to Canada with me. It was a lot of fun. Sadly, I could not get him to do any exploring with me. :p

10-03-07, 07:44 PM
Of course the cat was asleep, yes, I mean who would do that to a cat... >.>

i can think of the top off my head on things that had been done to Artifex Felicis ...>_>

Anywho, My dad used to have some irish frinds and they always talked about belfast. I guess it is cool.

10-22-07, 01:14 PM
All right, I know it's taken me forever but I just didn't have the time. Anyway, I've updated the first post and added in my pictures from Scotland. Have a look see. :p

EDIT - Oh, and for some reason I can't get the links to be clickable... so you'll have to copy and paste them.

EDIT 2 - I fixed it! ^^