View Full Version : Dragon Hunters

04-29-06, 01:12 PM
((Closed to those in the OOC thread))

”And to think, a few days ago, I was there. Wondering across the Field of Khu’fein. The most renowned place of magic on Althanas. And now, just over the mountains, lays this dump?” Aramil thought to himself, waking up in the inn again. He had been in this run down town for a couple of days now.

The tavern was the only thing keeping this town running, as many adventurers traveled past this place, and often stopped in the at the tavern for a day of rest. It was his turn this time. He had rented this room for four days straight, and often asked himself why he was still here. The town itself was just large wooden houses, offering nothing, even to the lowest of thieves. The only road was made of dirt and stones, and the most luxurious place was also made out of wood, but it still looked new. The tavern was somewhere in the middle of town, separated from the rest to keep drunks safe.

Aramil wondered downstairs, the stairs creaking with every step, even though he had no armor on. He sat down at the bar, and ordered some breakfast. Some pancakes and bacon strips, along with a glass of water to wash it all down. The food was kind of rough, the pancakes were hard to cut and were often hard to chew through, Aramil had an easier time eating jerky. But it was the best they had to offer, and he took it just to satisfy his hunger.

The bar was relatively empty, most of the men off working. He didn’t know what they did while working, but, for some reason, during the day the town was empty of men, and the women wondered to street, mostly shopping.

After his breakfast, Aramil decided to go outside. A gust of wind came as soon as he did. Something not often felt in this kind of town, since the mountain blocked most weather and wind. The dirt kicked up in the streets made it hard for him to see for a few minutes, and as it cleared a few men in cloaks hurried past him. They were all heading towards the way he had come a few days ago, towards the Field of Khu’fein. He sighed, and wondered the opposite direction.

The town offered very little, and so, most of his day was spent window-shopping, and wondering up and the same street. Becoming quite bored, Aramil decided to head back to the bar, since most of the men should be back by now. The sun was setting, something Aramil didn’t notice, since his mind had become so clouded with thoughts to keep him busy most of the day.

Looking at the front of the tavern, he noticed something that he didn’t before. “Ghost Town Inn...” he read aloud, the name of the tavern where he was staying, “Some joke!” he said, as he pushed his way through the wooden door and into the bad.

The bar was empty still, and relatively slow. He sat at the bar, and ordered a drink. As it arrived a few seconds later, a few men ran through the door of the bar, happy and excited. “Come check this out, fireworks!” one man shouted out, as they all ran back out.

Aramil, needing something to do, was drawn in. He headed outside, and looked towards the direction the men were facing. In the darkening sky, flares of wild lights filled the sky. Many different colors and different sizes flickered through the sky. Some would explode when they reached certain heights; other kept going or died out.

Eventually, all the lights died out, until only one or two lights came every few minutes. The men, finding their fun ran out, headed into the bar. They all sat at their usual tables, and went on talking about what had happened. A few of them moaned when another gave an idea of what it was. Since no holidays were soon to come, many were afraid of what possibilities it could’ve been.

Over hearing some of the conversations on his way back upstairs, some were afraid that rumors of mystical creatures were true. Or how the bizarrely appearance of mages has led to destructive natures. Aramil was quite interested in it, and decided to check out what was really going on.

Quickly changing into his armor, and made sure he had everything he needed, and stared out the window for a minute. Just to see if an updates were being made on the field.

04-29-06, 05:40 PM
“Inari… hey… Hey Inari!” Kit had her voice rising with every word, as Inari seemed to be daydreaming.

“What, mother?” Inari woke up as she looked through fogged eyes at her mother who seemed to smiling and wagging her three tails quite happily once she saw her daughter up.

“Don’t you think those blasts look like magic?”

“I guess though they could be just fireworks, that’s what they look like.” Inari stood up and stretched while her tail quivered to loosen up.

“I bet they’re fighting right now.”

Kit was sure it was the battle that she heard about, wizards fighting against each other. Two different guilds she had heard had some disagreement: could be just over land or gold or magic but some rumors were one son of a higher up in the guild took advantage of a daughter of the rival’s higher up or some other nonsense. But what it meant to the fox ronin was a perfect opportunity to manage some salvage. Kit may consider her self a ronin but she knew that sometimes forgetting honor could make life much easier to be honorable when it counts, like when someone is watching.

“Well, lets check it out.” Kadenzaa yipped as she led her daughter off the roof of the ghost town inn. What an apt name for this place, a trading town for humans to trade with the dark elves but the trade must have died and the elves took knew contracts and so everyone left except for those too poor to leave or those who grew to close. But who would live in Alerar without a choice, the constant clouds were mostly pollution that blocked the sun way too often though there was the occasional sunny day.

The two vixens went into the bar and sat down both seemed to be in high spirits as Inari always was happy once she got over grogginess. The pair simply ordered some water and a sweet little drink since Inari couldn’t stand most drinks and in this place neither could Kit.

“You think we should get some help?” Inari asked as she wondered why he mother would tarry like this.

“Yup, just want to be careful if there’s any mages cleaning up and I have a feeling that we might need some help and I’m sure there’s plenty of treasure to go around.”

Silence Sei
04-30-06, 02:14 PM
"I don't like this papa," the little girl said, gripping the child beside her, "something tells me that those arn't fireworks." The boy closed his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips at the other child's fears. "I see your sixth sense is starting to improve Anita," the boy said through his powers of telepathy, "it's because those are not fireworks. That's magic. We are too late..." 'Silence' Sei Orlouge opened his eyes and watched the spectacle before them, trying not to shed a tear for all those who were in the process of losing their lives.

When Sei had revived Anita and returned to Corone, the mute had recieved two letters requesting aid. Apparently, Alerar was having a small war of magicians, where both sides required not only one strong in the magics, but a wolrd-class strategist as well. As a result, both sides of this small war had sent out letters to Sei Orlouge, who was known not only for his magical prowess but his military mind as well. Sei had other ideas however, ideas that he could no longer set into effect now that the war had escalated this high.

His original intention was to be a mediator between the two armies, find a middle ground where the two factions could get along. If he could have avoided bloodshed, he would have, but now it was too late. The wizards were obviously killing one another nearby, as indicated by what many a townsfolk thought of as 'fireworks'. Sei sighed, for where he had once sensed an abundance of magical entities, he was now feeling a rapid decline of the same entities.

"What are we going to do now, Papa?" Anita asked her father, wishing to know if Sei would continue on to what may very well be his own suicide (there were recruitment attempts from both sides, after all). "The solution is simple Anita. We go there, we bring the survivors back, and we try to stop this war in any way that we can." The girl sighed, afraid that her father would suggest such a thing. "I guess that means we can't rest in this town, huh?"

"You rested enough, Anita. Let's go." As Sei had been talking, he was already walking towards the fireworks, which now seemed to be dying down. He had an obligation to fufill as the 'Hero of Radasanth'. He had to go and try to rescue who would be left of what was probably going to be a massacre by the time he got there. Unfortunately, the little girl at the child's side would be a liability. No doubt Anita would have to rest a lot more than a common adventurer, she typically always did. As Sei drowned out his daughter's pleas to slow down, he closed his eyes and thought.

Please wait for me.