View Full Version : The Underwood Parade. ((Open to all))

09-25-07, 01:34 PM
((This is primarily a social gathering thread. Something may happen later, but I want basically to just rp with people I've never rped with before. Feel free to join. I only ask that you stick this thing through to the end. HEY ITS GOOD EXPERIENCE!))

The months passed on in Althanas. As the year wore on, so to did the various cultural events of each region. Underwood was well known for its worship of various fertility deities and deities having to do with agriculture. Dyne had come to know these deities as Alaksas and Reenos. Alaksas was an ancient goddess of the people. She was widely seen a matron for relationships and young couples. Popular by the people, her gifts were the gifts of love. A cathedral dedicated to the worship of Alaksas was located somewhere in Underwood. Dyne had seen people worship in it a few times before.

It was just another day for Dyne, but he noticed something different about Underwood when he stepped out of the Sleepy Willow, a local smith-shop (One of many) operated by a Mastersmith named Karxen who adopted Dyne Corona after a betrayal by his Mother. The event had scarred Dyne for life with a mark upon his forehead, the marking of his people. Dyne now covered it with a long head band, trying to hide what it represented from the world.

Dyne knew that Autumn was approaching and thusly a festival worshiping the second Goddess. Reenos. A matron Goddess of agriculture and crops. She was primarily a goddess worshiped by farmers. Today, preparations for the Goddess Reenos' parade occurred throughout Underwood. Dyne saw the town covered in a new mask. What was it that Philemon said? You will wear many different masks during your life. Dyne saw that the city looked much different with its festive decorations.

There were multi colored lamps hanging off streamers, decorations of all sorts, and groups of people readying various stands. The Peaceful Promenade was decorated for the festivities of the day's events. Dyne stood outside of the Sleepy Willow in deep thought as he observed the transformation of Underwood. Many lumberjacks and others took the week off as a tradition for the important festival. This was a celebration of culture and of livelihood. With all the darkness in the world, the people used simple ways to escape from the pain and suffering. Dyne kept to himself not seeing the approach of his adopted Father as he came up behind him. The older man placed a hand atop the youth's shoulder.

"Take a couple of nights off my son. You've earned them of late. You participated well in that recent terrorist attack. You've been working hard, and even Philemon holds you in high regards."

Dyne listened to his adopted Father and looked up to him. The man was much larger than he was.

"I don't know, I still haven't quite adjusted to life in Underwood yet. It's so different from living in a castle." Dyne sighed. "I just miss my Father so much."

09-25-07, 03:44 PM
Shu awoke from his light nap in the meadows on the outskirts of the peaceful Promenade to the sounds of festive music, bright lights and the noise of murmuring voices. Shu had tried to roll over and block out all of the incoming sounds and continue with his nap, but it was all but inconceivable. The dew on the grass had collected and jumped to Shu's face, waking him even more. The small tint from the fire he had conjured was slowly burning out. "Maybe I shall go see what all of this nonsense is about, if only for a moment or two." Shu said quietly, extinguishing the fire with a quick kick of dirt.

The vagabond had never been much for cities full of people. He was one more to keep to himself, and though he would venture into one now and then, it was rare.

As Shu drew closer and closer to the small town, he realized that there was some sort of festival going on. He quickly his his Mace and Spear inside the folds of his cloak and enveloped himself into the crowd. It was at times like this that Shu was happy he was adorned in bright colored clothes, for the whole town was illuminated in lights and bright colors, and he looked like a native, therefore drawing no attention.

Though upon passing the Sleepy Willow, Shu caught the eye of the young Dyne, yet said nothing. Many adventures spent with this boy had the vagabond quite tired, and after a good look over, Shu lost eye contact and disappeared into the crowd, only his long red scarf fluttering in the harsh wind.

10-09-07, 02:25 PM
MetalDrago fidgeted with his jaw. Hard to believe it had been broken so recently. It felt good as new; better, in fact, and that was what was troubling him. He didn’t know quite why, but the jaw felt stronger than it had when Dyne had crunched it with that baton. “That healer is either a miracle worker or a very strong mage. I don’t think I would want to cross her at any rate.” MetalDrago threw on his crimson cloak and clasped it closed to hide the Dragon’s Honor. The sword couldn’t leave his side, not as long a Terramat still lurked out there somewhere. Besides, wherever Terramat went, trouble usually started.

It was hard to believe that any trouble would visit with the festivities going on, but it was better safe than sorry, to use the old saying. MetalDrago walked out of the Peaceful Promenade in high spirits. The people more or less accepted him here, and with his cloak drawn over his body, he could hide from anyone who would be antagonistic to his species. Though it was unlikely, as there were many races in Althanas, there was always the chance that there was a racist hidden somewhere in the crowds of people.

Stepping through the crowd, MetalDrago found the person he was looking for. Dyne was talking with his foster-father. It was to be expected, though, since they had become close. MD saw someone in the crowd with a long red scarf. MD didn’t give it a second thought though, since the person looked just like many of the locals getting ready for the celebration.

MetalDrago relaxed against a wall, waiting for Dyne to finish talking with his foster father. There wasn’t much to do in the city, but Dyne always seemed to know what was going on, and this festival was interesting, to say the least. MD wanted to know more about it.

10-09-07, 05:28 PM
Dyne Corona listened to his Father speak. The whole town was alive with the festivities scheduled to last the remainder of the month. Dyne watched the colored lights for a long moment and the various colored strings that little kids played with as they chased one another through the crowds of people. Worried Mothers chased after misplaced kids and local security guards seemed flustered as they were attempting to keep up the peace. Young maidens flirted with security guards and those who wore the outfit of the Corone Rangers.

Little did Dyne know that one day soon he would be wearing such a uniform.

Stepping out of one of the local buildings, the youth noticed Metal Drago and remembered what the man looked like from a previous encounter. Many concession stands were set up that served various local food and drink. Dyne swore to himself that he saw Shu for a brief moment. He observed a familiar red scarf and pondered pursuing Shu. He quickly discarded that thought seeing that it had been several weeks since that event with the Corone Rangers and Dyne figured Shu might need a break from adventures for a little while.

He decided he would spend time with Metal Drago and made his way towards the other's position after he was done talking to his Father. He spotted Metal Drago and casually walked over to him with a smile on his face. He was glad to see a newly found friend. "Hey there. I just realized we never properly introduced ourselves. I'm Cormyr. Alberdyne Cormyr. But nowadays people call me Dyne Corona. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." Dyne said happily. He had a cop of hot coffee in his hand and drank the strong tasting substance calmly. A group of kids ran past the duo. Dyne moved quickly while taking a sip from his mug of coffee. It smelled like vanilla and hot steam flowed from the black liquid. Dyne held the steaming mug with both of his hands to be sure that not a single drop spilled to the ground.

Dyne was on break from working at the Sleepy Willow for a long shift.

10-10-07, 11:56 AM
Shu had made a quite escape past Dyne and his newly found friend and taken refuge in the local pub that Dyne was most likely to visit. If Shu was to reconvene with Dyne it was to be here, not in the hubbub of the busy city streets.

Shu walked to the back of the Pub and seated himself in the corner where the flickering flames that danced on their candlesticks provide the perfect shadows for Shu to submerge his body in.

For now, Shu listened hard. He heard the locals talk of their excitement of the Festival, how they couldn't wait to watch and participate, how it was such a great tradition...

"Isn't it just a Parade.." Shu said aloud, though when he received many angry glares, he realized that his comment was said a little louder then he had intended to and he tried hard to avoid the angry eyes of the locals.

10-11-07, 09:08 PM
Leonitus stepped through the door into the tavern and gazed about at the patrons busy with thier conversations and wondered who would be the most likely informant to enlighten his curiosity.
His eyes fell on a curious looking white headed youth sitting in the back and thought that would be the best seat in case of trouble. Slowly he made his way to the dimly lit table and inquired, "Would company upset your evening?" and sat down.

10-11-07, 10:52 PM
"If I said yes?" Shu answered the mans question with yet another one. Shu was not quite inclined at the moment to have a companion, but it couldn't hurt. "Please, do sit." Shu motioned to a wooden chair on the other side of the rickety table.

"Curiosity begets me, what would make you come up to a complete stranger in the middle of a crowded bar and just strike up a conversation with him? Let me be the first to tell you I'm not very well trained in the social manner, but you look like a youthful male; should you not be courting a young lady and not a Magus like myself?" Shu said as he watched the wax drip from the petty white candlesticks that adorned the table.

Shu's gray eyes peered deep into the mans as he breathed lightly into his long red scarf. "Feel free to answer any of my questions in any order, my lack of knowledge in the general field is astounding." Shu mocked slightly, wondering if his arrogance would drive the strange away eventually.

Luilfr Kainis
10-13-07, 10:05 PM
Luilfr, Elle to people not of her tongue, idly watched the Underwod parade as she stalked along, it was hard being in such a crowded area. She was not used to people bumping into her and having to skirt the edges of the walkway to avoid people who did not simply watch where they were going. It was hard, having just been forced to leave not more than a few months ago. She was in a world unknown to her. She was not used to the amount of people in one area, nor the variety.

The festival was not one she had ever seen, exciting of course but frightening at how lively it was, most of the noises were too loud and pained her ears hence why they were pressed flat against her head in hopes of drowning it out, without offending. Her eyes were busy looking for some of her kind, maybe there were others like her. It would be fine with her if she could find peers of her own who would understand her and would be able to show her how to live now that she was not part of a clan. Saix had gone off to see if other Wolfens were here. She was not going to give up hope and looked to the skies to see if her dear familiar was back when the drunken rabble got a little rowdy and sent her skidding into a door...

Which led into a crowded bar.

Her eyes scanned the are and the faces that would stare at her and her rude entrance, the door had caused quite the clamor when she fell into it. Luckily she had maintained some dignity by not falling to the ground. Her ears stood upright, at attention and listening to the sounds around her. She dusted herself off before looking for an empty table, from the front of the bar there seemed none but as she made her way around she found that tables... were occupied, it was a busy place it seemed. But if her eyes were not failing her, which would have been quite the strange occurance, she saw a chair near the back.

She bit her lip for only a moment before walking over to the table with the two men, one was quite older than her and the other, wore a red scarf.

"I apologize for the inconvenience that I may cause you but... May I sit here?" She asked. It was hope against hope that these men, they did not look as harsh as some of the others, would at least allow her to sit even if they would not talk to her.

10-14-07, 12:54 AM
Shu looked up upon heard the voice of a female and his eyes were diverted directly to her upstanding ears. "Please, sit." Shu said, his voice much calmer then when he addressed the male. Shu had seen so few of her kind and was eager to learn as much as he could.

"My Father, tried to research your your race before he died...He didn't learn much; but he did tell me you're kind were excellent marksmen." Shu said, as if his statement was intended for the girl to answer him as if it were a question.

Luilfr Kainis
10-14-07, 09:54 AM
Luilfr smiled at how kindly he asked to to sit. It had been a while since she had met someone with some manners. She pulled the seat out and sat herself down before looking up at the two men with a smile. The one who told her to sit was speaking again.

"Oh yes many of us train since we are old enough to hold a bow but we are not considered to be experts years and years into our training. I, myself, am not an expert yet but I strive to be," she explained with a smile.

"My name is Luilfr Kainis but you may call me Elle, I have learned that many races have a..." She searched for a word that wouldn't seem so rude. "...Difficult time pronouncing such a name." She was hoping that she had not interrupted anything important but the red scarved man seem to want to talk to her so she guessed that that was all fine and good.

"You say that you haven't seen many of my kind?" She asked, her interest piqued though her left ear twitched with a loud cough from a man a table or two over.

10-14-07, 12:02 PM
"Well, it is a Vagabond's way to travel all across the lands. I've seen your kind few and far between, but it's very rare that I've actually sat down at a table and held a conversation with one such as yourself." Shu said, running a gloved hand through his hair.

Shu's emotions had always been covered by his scarf, and if they hadn't been you would have seen Shu smile when he saw Luilfr's ears jump with so much as a cough. Though what his facial emotions couldn't show, his eyes made up for it.

"Might I ask what brings you so far from your home? The Promenade can't be the place that reminds you the most of your home." Shu said, closing his eyes as flashbacks of a white painted house popped into his mind. Shu shook his head violently and then stared intently as his companion as he awaited her voice.

Luilfr Kainis
10-14-07, 11:16 PM
Luilfr's ears alway let her know what was going on and try as she might to not let other people in on whether or not she had heard something. She wasn't worried about it right now, this man seemed alright, there was nothing untrustworthy about him just yet. Her eyes wandered to the other who had yet to speak to her yet, it was not a concern but she was curious why he was suddenly so quiet...

She looked back the scarved man.

"Oh no, I cannot say that this would be my first choice if I was looking for someplace like my home," she admitted with a chuckle. She sighed before smiling in a good natured way. She halted a waitress and ordered a glass of iced green tea.

"Well, it isn't customary for a banned wolfen to stay too close to the pack..." She explained. "I mean I have seen it done, and I know that it probably would have been fine with most of the clan but it would not have led to any good, so I wanted to go in search of other wolfen like me..." Her ears drooped a little.

"I haven't found any traveling companions as of yet... I was really excited to hear you speak of my kind," she said her ears perking again, "But... you say you have only seen a few... My kind are usually not so... forth coming to others," she said waving her hand to the two of them.

"Not that there is anything wrong with humans," she said. "We're... We're just not used to there being so many in one place," she said. "Are you a lone human as well? Or is he part of your pack?" She asked.

10-15-07, 12:16 AM
The words of the Wolfen tugged at Shu's heartstrings. "Am I a lone Human?" Shu pondered the question for a long time although the answer was already very clear. "Well my friend, let me just tell you that this man is not in my pack." Shu said, a stoney glare crossing his eyes for a mere second, then flashing back to a dull gray.

"But as for the rest of m pack, I couldn't tell you of them. We have much in common. You see, I left my family when I was a young boy. My Father, he was an Alchemist who didn't believe in corrupting the sole with Magic...So I fled. I've become a vagabond, sleeping in the fields and living off the land." She said, his eyes glazed over at the mention of his family and his slammed his fist down hard on the table.

Shu was only half lying. He was a vagabond Alchemist who practiced the Art of Magic. But the one thing he did not discuss even with his closest of friends was his past. Sometimes the past had to be diluted in order for the future to become clear. Shu's past was not at all one that he wished to relive, so he dared not ever speak it's happenings.

Luilfr Kainis
10-15-07, 12:45 AM
Luilfr watched the changes in the other's facial expression, sure, she couldn't see all of his face, but his eyes told her much. She wondered why her assumption of him being a lone human was so upsetting. Well, she was upset that she was a lone wolfen so maybe she had to think of it like that.

She felt kind of bad about how coldly the vagabond treated the other male. But it was neither here nor there for her at the moment.

The only thing that threw her off kilter was him slamming his fist down on the table. She watched him go quiet in thought before she made up her mind. She was decisive like that and the Gods help this poor man.

"Alright... it's decided then..." She said before smiling with him. "I shall join your pack," she crossed her arms, her ears, one straight up the other off to the side listening to a couple speak of 'things', seemed to be content. "This way you shall get to know Wolfens better and I will not have to be lonely," she nodded as if it was the most splendid of all her ideas.

"So where are you headed vagabond?" She had yet to receive a name despite the fact she had given her own.

10-15-07, 01:33 PM
Shu was surprised at how boldly she made her statement. "Oh, really, you shall keep me company on my journeys? How truly valiant of you." Shu said, his eyes staring out the window of the tavern. "Though I'm never sure of exactly where I'm headed. I go where the wind beckons and my legs carry me." Shu said, longing to be out of this city and out in the wilderness again.

"But as you pointed out, for years I've been a Lone Human, how can you expect me to so easily adapt to having a pack again?" Shu was just seeing if she had an answer. Many a time Shu had crossed companions such as his good friend Dyne and fought harsh battle by his side. He was glad for ever foreign mouth to help break the silence. He just wanted to see what this Wolfen could bring to the companionship.

Shu averted his gaze from the window and looked the Wolfen up and down. "My Dubbance is Shu Abishi, and if you can give me a fair reason why you should travel with me I'd gladly walk the road with you." Shu said looking at her intently, his rant finally ending.

Luilfr Kainis
10-15-07, 06:19 PM
The white haired female smirked as he commended her on her willingness to journey with him. She watched him look towards the window as he spoke. The thought of not having a set destination frightened her but it was something she had been learning to cope with. She was a creature of having a goal and working towards it. But that was the life of the pack, she was on her own, mostly, now and that would mean doing what she must.

If she was to travel with this human... Shu, that would be what she must do.

Luilfr thought on this for a few moments while he spoke. It made sense, when wolfen we alone for such a long time it was hard to go back to the pack life. But it could be done, she was sure of this.

His final ultimatum forced yet another smile from her as she looked him squarely in the eyes for the first time since he had taken to his fascination with the window.

"It is difficult to make one's path without help, and yet it can be infinitely easier to not have to keep an eye on a companion..." She said as if still thinking, "You are a contradiction, Shu." She stated this as if it were a fact, and to her... it was.

"You, state you are a lone human... but you surround yourself with people in this city... And while you may travel on your own, you seek companionship."

Her smile broadened.

"Beacause you would not even have made the offer had you not wanted me to go with you," Luilfr smirked before letting her head quirk to the side, her ears flopping about as if she were a puppy once again.

"So my fair reason is... You want me to go," she giggled into her hand, "Can you argue with my reasoning?" The golden eyed pup asked.

10-15-07, 11:52 PM
"Your answer was an answer, though right or wrong there was not. The fact that you supplied me with one showed that you cared enough about the journey to travel with me." Shu said, his eyes lighting slightly and a smiled forming behind his silk covered mouth; he couldn't hold back a slight laugh.

"It is true I'm a lone human, but there is much of my past that you have no idea of, nor do i want to remember my friend. I've come from many pack situations and I'm comfortable in them. The fact that I choose to travel by myself most of the time is simply because I dealt with the life fate gave me." Shu sighed, thinking of the past always made him feel of sort of secluded pain.

Shu shook his head, "What you say is true, in a way. But maybe it's different in Wolfen packs. We human only congregate like this in our cities. Very few of us are Warriors, Archers," Shu gave a long pause as he though of his next word. "magi." Shu snickered slightly and whispered the word. "Incendious." And snapped his finger. He sent a small spark of brilliant multi colored light toward the Wolf.

"Luilfr, if you travel with me you shall see things you've never imagined, though dangers shall be equally powerful. i can not guarantee your protection." Shu said, still watching the spark dance across the wood, bouncing into the steel mugs and continue on it's path.

Luilfr Kainis
10-16-07, 12:26 AM
Luilfr smiled as he said her name. Oh, so some humans could speak it with little trouble. Well that was good to know. Her eyes grew large with the show of his magic, magic she did not know.

"Magi?" She asked. There were not such things, or maybe they were not called that in her pack. "I apologize but I do not know of such a word, there are things you will have to teach me," she said smiling brightly. Her ear twitched again but this time towards the window.

She could hear Saix calling for her but she knew he could wait for her.

"You need not guarantee a thing..." She laughed. "That is part of the adventure," she replied calmly before walking over to the window and looking back to Shu. "I am no mere puppy," she continued before giving a sharp whistle. She stuck her arm out the window and once the comforting weight was on her wrist she pulled him inside.

"Wait for me outside yes?" She asked.

'What are you doing with these humans?' Saix asked her.

"Securing a new pack silly," she replied back before tossing him out the window. She looked back to Shu.

"I can take care of myself," she explained before shutting the window again. "Are you sure you can handle the journey with me? There's still time to back out... You won't have to teach me all about humans... and you won't have to learn everything I know about wolfen..." She said as if that was meant to sway his decision.

10-16-07, 12:52 AM
"You know what," Shu started, grabbing his staff and slamming his gloved hand down to extinguish the filtering light. "you're all too right. All this time I thought traveling with a companion again would be a welcomed part of my life, and now that you have just enlightened me on what I've to look forward to, I'm not sure if I want to anymore." Shu said with a blatant wink as he walked pasted Luilfr brushing up against her as he walked toward the door.

"Maybe you'd have better luck at the Blacksmith shop. I hear they have nice humans there that are looking for a pack." Shu said, laughing fervently as he exited the door and went out on a search for his friend Dyne.

Luilfr Kainis
10-16-07, 01:05 AM
Luilfr thought that he was serious, especially when he slammed his hand down on the fire and put it out like that. But she could sense it in his voice. She sighed and smiled at the other man at the table before getting up and following him out.

"Shu... Don't run off... I have no idea where I'm going!" She too got up and followed the red scarfed man. She caught up fairly easily.

"You can show me to the blacksmiths correct?" She snipped at him. Her smile was ever present on her face.

10-16-07, 01:36 AM
((Great work you guys, keep it up))

Dyne stood outside of the Sleepy Willow. All the city was decorated as a new Persona revealed itself. Dyne couldn't help but admire the particular vibration that the city gave off as each of its denizens worked to liven the parade up. Dyne took a sip of the hot coffee waiting for his friend Metal Drago to respond. The newly discovered warrior scarred the youth in battle during their first encounter.

Little did Dyne know that the scar would affect his destiny with Metal Drago and his future in general. Dyne looked in the direction of the Promenade catching a glimpse of Shu Abishi. An individual he never saw before, a woman, followed closely behind Shu as he observed him through the crowd. Dyne could spot that red scarf anywhere. Dyne moved away from the center of the crowd placing his person so that he leaned casually against the walls of the Sleepy Willow.

His adopted Father, the Master Smith named Karxen, watched Dyne for a long moment. After that time passed he decided to head back inside to steal himself away for some work. Floats of various locale charicatures hovered in the air above the buildings. Music danced through the wind. Dyne was in a good mood. This was the first time in a long while that he'd felt in such a way.

10-16-07, 08:06 AM
Shu ignored her comment, huffing with a slightly humorous air as he kept pacing through the large crowd, oh how they bothered him so. As his eyes searched the distanced the caught the stoic figure of Dyne and his smiled beneath his facial covering. He livened his pace a bit to meet with his friend.

"Dyne, it's good to see you. This is my friend, Luilfr." Shu was about to go on with more about this Wolf when a man tried to slip his hand into Shu's coin purse. It was a common thief so Shu just bludgeoned him with the blunt side of his staff and continued talking.

"Do tell Dyne, why is it that you favor the promenade again?" Shu asked with a disgusted tone in his voice as the pick pocket trainee cursed heavily.

Luilfr Kainis
10-16-07, 10:40 AM
Luilfr frowned when the man was suddenly struck. But with his not raising a fuss she figured that he deserved the knock to the skull, she knew all too well that knocks like that were used to train pups not to do undesired actions. She wondered what he had done.

She nodded to the man named Dyne.

The white wolfen looked up and watched the colorful displays of the parade and too wondered about this thing. She had never had anything like this at home, it was usually dances and parties that lasted all night.

She usually was one of the last to stop dancing, she loved the sound of the drums pounding, it always felt like the rhythm had become one with her body as her chest pounded along with the vibrations.

Luilfr had to take special precautions with fire though, she had seen too many tails alight from carelessness.

"What is this for?" She asked softly to the man she didn't know. A response from either would suffice.

10-16-07, 02:54 PM
It was strange to see a girl in the company of Shu. He looked over to Metal Drago's person knowing that the man would join in the affairs of the group whenever he had the chance to. For now, the lad seemed to be absorbed into the passing crowd. Dyne listened to the question knowing full well that Shu wouldn't know how to answer the matters of a city's parade. He took a pull of his coffee noting that the content was almost empty. He sighed.

"My job is here Shu." He pointed to the Sleepy Willow. He took the last pull of his coffee and placed the mug upon a nearby, decorated, barrel. There were pink and blue ribbons all around. "I don't necessarily favor this place my friend. I just come here because this is where I work and live. Its similar to you and your pastures. You go there because that's where you hang your hat. Home is where the heart is." Dyne said calmly. He then looked over to the Wolfen letting her questions hang in the air.

When one saw the Dead as often as he, races like the Wolfen didn't bother you as much. "What is this for? Do you mean the Parade? It's in celebration of the Equinoxes. It's passing from one season to the next. It's a harvest festival. Surely you know about traditions and culture?" Dyne asked calmly, his voice level the whole time. "They are honoring a Goddess, this is her festival." Dyne said with a soft smile on his face.

Luilfr Kainis
10-16-07, 03:11 PM
The white haired female did not know what the two men were talking about but she did know that she wasn't involved in it at all. Her ears fell back when he spoke to her about 'knowing traditions and culture'. It was in anger, the flush of her cheeks told a tale of being a little embarrassed at having to be asked such a thing.

"I know traditions and culture," she explained. "But ours... are not the same. We do not celebrate like this..." She waved to the fanfare about them. "It is a festival saved for after a day of hard work. There is much dancing, no parade..." She explained. "Gifts are sent to the moon and the Goddess of hunt," she said.

He didn't seem irritated by her questioning.

A sharp cry from a child nearby caused her to wince in pain. "Our festivals and gatherings... never had so many people..." She continued with a smile at him.

10-16-07, 03:47 PM
He listened and nodded calmly. He'd changed so much in such a short period of time having gone through many traumatic experiences. The biggest one was the loss of his Father. That betrayal evoked powerful memories. The youth had to fight the demons back to keep them at bay. He saw the girl's expression for a moment. Somehow, she reminded him of his friend Jessa.

Dyne thought that the girl and Shu had much in common. They both seemed uncomfortable in large urban sprawls. This made the youth smile even more. He wanted a drink bad. He saw several nearby stands, many of them filled with many types of drinks and food stuffs. Dyne felt like treating them to some snacks. Dyne eyed the girl for a moment and then proceeded to make the offer.

"Cities are like that. There are always lots of people here in Underwood, its a city of workers. Workers take pride in what they do. The House of Sora is big in investing into Underwood." Dyne said that last part thinking that perhaps she wouldn't understand his meaning. "Either way. Let's go join in the festivities. I'm hungry." Dyne said calmly. "Come with me you guys, I'll treat you to some food and drink." Dyne looked over at Shu. "You want some more of that berry-berry juice?" The boy's face lit up at the mention of the sweet drink. He could certainly use some right then after drinking such strong coffee. He looked over to the white haired girl. "I'm Dyne Corona by the way, what do they call you?" He asked and extended his hand for her to shake.

Luilfr Kainis
10-16-07, 04:33 PM
The meaning of 'investing' in the context he used was lost to Luilfr. She was not one to understand such things having never been around such things. The wolfen looked around again, she could see why people would enjoy this kind of gathering, it sounded fun, albeit loud, and there was plenty to do and eat if her nose was not playing tricks on her today.

She smiled at the offer of food and drink. "Oh!" She said sounding surprised. "I never got my tea..." She looked back to the bar and then to the men. "I hope that man who is not in your clan will not be charged for it Shu," she said wondering if she should go back. Really there was no point. She doubted she would be able to find these two again.

"I am Luilfr Kainis," she said before taking his hand and shaking it. "You may call me Elle or Luilfr, I have noticed humans have a hard time saying it... But Shu says it quite well," she complimented with a smile.

"Food and drink sound great," she said looking around. "What kind of food is the best?" She asked curiously sniffing the air, ignoring the reappearance of Saix as he landed on her shoulder, carefully gripping so as not to scratch her.

"This is Saix," she said for a brief introduction.

10-16-07, 06:05 PM
Dyne noted the way she seemed to communicate with the Raven. It was almost supernatural. He respected the way it worked it seemed much like his ability to commune with the Phantoms. Dyne also had a way with horses and could communicate with horse, not through tongue, but through a more primordial empathic sort of communication. Dyne listened to her politely as she spoke. He had no idea they'd left someone back at the Tavern.

"Hey you." He suddenly said to Metal Drago. "Meet up with us at that stand over there. I'm gonna buy some food and drink. You're welcome to tag along my friend." Dyne said casually and then returned his gaze towards Elle. "What food is best you asked? The kind food you eat after a hard day's work, that's what." He laughed at his joke. They probably wouldn't get his meaning but that was okay. Dyne was in a good mood. He walked over to a nearby stand that served a variety of food and drink. A Merchant dressed in the colors of the Goddess, red and blue, greeted Dyne. "Hello young sir what will it be today?"

The man had a funny moustache. He also wore an intricately woven turban than was colored white. The Merchant had a friendly air about him. Dyne smiled and began his order. "Let me get a pitcher of berry berry juice for my friends here. A pitcher of apple cider for myself. Some of those skewered meats, and a some beef pita sandwiches. Plus whatever my friends order." Dyne said. The man prepared his orders. He handed Shu and Elle their food stuffs. "Try the berry berry juice, you'll like it."

10-17-07, 11:19 PM
Shu walked over casually to the food stand and gave a short glare at Dyne, and then a curt bow to follow up. "Dyne my friend, you are gracious on too many levels. But you know all too well that the last time you gave me berry-Berry juice I spilled it on my Robe and it took weeks to get out." Shu said, thinking of excused to not expose his mutilated face to the rest of the public. "And as for your meats, I humbly reject your offer but I'd rather only eat the meat of animals that I kill myself. That way I know that none of the animal s going to waste." Shu said, walking over to a small knoll that overlooked the large pastures.

Shu heaved a heavy sigh and closed his eyes letting the breeze from the pastures roll over face and he noticed that he was loosing feeling in even more of it. "The reward I get for empowering myself." Shu said, bringing a gloved hand to his cheeks as he explored the regions that were still sensible to touch...Not much below the nostrils.

Luilfr Kainis
10-18-07, 11:45 AM
Being a hunter she understood what Shu was saying and could respect his feelings on it but at the same time it was food that she wasn't having to expend energy on and so she happily ate. The berry berry juice proved to be quite good and she was more than happy to take some more of the drink and meat.

"Thank you Dyne, it is just as you say," she replied kindly before looking at Shu. She hadn't seen him eating or drinking anything and wondered if it had anything to do with the placement of the scarf.

However that was not her place to ask so she simply smiled and decided to save some for later should they need it.

"So tell me Dyne... Why do you stay in such a place? Is it not too crowded for you as well?" She asked referring to herself.

10-18-07, 03:18 PM
When the man politely asked for his pay, Dyne paid for every one of the Items he'd obtained for himself. He'd handed a few over to Metal Drago's person as well, keeping the extras on a nearby barrel. They would be eating and drinking for a time whilst the parade gathered nearby. Many important Underwood officials were scheduled to show up in the Parade like the Mayor himself. Dyne had only seen the Mayor a few times during his stay at Underwood. He let her questions linger in the air for a moment while he quickly devoured one of the gyros he'd purchased.

"I grew up in a big castle. It was pretty crowded like this. I guess I like big crowds I dunno, I feel a comfort from it. When I'm alone I get to be with my memories, and that's something that bothers me. I prefer to be active and always doing something if that makes any sense?" Dyne responded. There were many things to say to the girl. Philosophically speaking, how can I educate when I only know what Father taught me? Father. I miss you.

He thought suddenly to himself as a shadow passed across his face. He felt the pang of betrayal in his stomach.



Far above the parade in one of Underwoods' tallest buildings lurked a certain individual. The man waited for his opportunity to strike for many long hours whilst the festivities were beneath him. The man was known as a Sniper and sent by The Syndicate on a hit job. Staying within the single room he'd scouted out for the task at hand, the Agent held a modified crossbow built especially for this job. He had his get up already established. Several boxes within the room were stacked near the window. He sat upon a single chair as he stared through the single scope attached to the crossbow. The man eyed his watch, it was almost time.

The Mayor was scheduled to speak on the seventh hour. He felt his legs sore and locked into place from having sat in the same position for many hours. The sniper was a well trained Syndicate Agent. He could wait for his mark to appear at the very last minute. He was eager to get his shots off so he could be on his way. An investigation would occur, but he'd be far gone by the time anybody figured out that The Mayor was assassinated. The Agents' position put him a perfect forty degree angle to the podium in question set up at the middle of the city.

It had taken a great deal of resources and preparations to find the spot. The Syndicate had a large pool of Assassins to work from but this man's past history made him the best for the job. Ottocar himself had hired the Assassin for the job. Now it was only a matter of time before he can let the bolts loose upon his target and leave him dead. Only a matter of time. The Agent counted off the precious seconds until the seventh hour. He felt the excitement touching his heart.

This was what he did.

10-20-07, 11:31 PM
As Shu sat on his Knoll taking in the breeze that carried the breeze full of savory delights, Shu caught a whiff of something else on the air, treachery. There was no way to prove it, but he had been feeling something in the pit of his stomach for quite some while. Shu tightly gripped his staff and walked over to Dyne and Lulifr, "We must be off, things are not right here." Shu said, his voice quiet so the common people couldn't hear him yet urgent enough so his companions should get the message.

Shu was sure that something was about to happen, and he wasn't exactly in the mood to fight today, nor see any lives be ended. "please Dyne I beg of you, what is more important; A parade or your friend?" Shu ended his statement, grabbed some of the extra food and drink from the barrel and began walking off.

12-14-07, 01:02 PM
With various crowds of people walking about the parade Dyne lost sight of the girl for a moment and couldn't find her again. He sighed at that, assuming that she faded off into the crowd. Taking his food with him after paying, the apprentice smith walked alongside Shu for a moment. In a matter of hours, their crowd had greatly diminished until it was just the two of them together.

"Seems like its just us huh?" He ate while he walked and drank some of his cider drink as well. He didn't understand what Shu's bad feeling was, but he felt that there was something amiss as well. He looked around at all of the buildings and saw that there were people throwing confetti onto the crowd. Streamers were being tossed into the air and the loud sounds of wine bottles popping open sounded almost as loud as a musket from Alerar.

Dyne heard too much loud noise and was started to get a migraine headache. He placed his hand upon the side of his skull for a moment groaning in agony as the world spun. He went down to one knee as he felt himself on the verge of passing out. He dropped the food in his hand. It seemed to swirl slowly across infinity as it landed with a splatter on the ground, staining his shoes with the substance. His body shook against the weight of the noise.

"T-too much noise!" Dyne screamed. But he knew that only Shu would hear him. It was a mistake to leave the Sleepy Willow. Dyne was regretting venturing out into the parade with all the noise that was happening. The youth fought the urge to pass out, but his eardrums were ringing. He could hear the vibration of the sounds as they touched his sensitive ears. Tears swelled in his eyes and streaked downwards as he clenched his jaw. The pain was almost unbearable...amidst the pain, his mind flashed and he thought he saw something strange flashing in one of the windows of a nearby building...


The Assassin prepared his weapon. Having patiently waited for hours for the right moment to happen he stared at his intended victim. He'd have enough time to get a couple of bolts through the air before he had to abandon his position for another try. Holding the crossbow in the standard position, he had it aimed exactly at the Mayor's heart. Letting the arrow bolt fly, the Assassin applied another bolt quickly, holding several more in his hand. The bolt flew through the air unnoticed...and then the Mayor clutched his chest in agony as a bolt pierced his heart. The Mayor went down. People screamed in sheer terror and agony. Another bolt flew through the air and struck a guard standing next to the Mayor. A third bolt flew through the air and struck the podium. The guards immediately drew Swords and longbows attempting to ascertain the direction of the bolt's trajectory. They couldn't there was too much confetti and streamers in the air. The Assassin, seeing that his job was completed, quickly grabbed his crossbow and fled towards the Syndicate's Rendezvous point...


Through the pain in his head, Dyne saw the Assassin that was currently attempting to kill the Mayor. A tremendous sense of danger filled the smith's heart and he clutched at his chest. However, the overwhelming sense of danger managed to block out the noise for a long moment giving the youth a chance to breath. Dyne stood up, despite the pain in his head. He looked at Shu. "Shu! We have to do something! He's over there!" Dyne shouted and pointed towards one of the buildings where a man holding a suspicious package was currently escaping. "If we hurry we can catch him!" Dyne was already running after the Assassin. He hoped Shu would assist him.

01-12-08, 07:36 PM
Shu's eyes rolled as he cast a heavy sigh that was noticeable through the wrinkled folds of his scarf covered mouth. 'Told him to leave. Had a bad feeling I said. Did he listen? 'Course not.' He thought to himself as he ran swiftly after Dyne, his Staff tightly gripped in his right hand.

"Dyne, you'd think it to be suspicious of a cloaked Magus and a Brute such as yourself to be running away just after an assassination." His words flowed from his mouth with eloquence even though he was hiding the fact he was angry at the fact that a possible fight would disturb his peaceful day.

As they ran in the main road their feet disturbed the dusty road, leaving a trail, and the sound of their heavy breathing echoed down the stone pathways. As the sun began to set, shadows were forming, and Shu ran faster.

"Dyne, if you so wish to catch this man; we do so from the shadows." The magus lit a small Incendious charm and dove into the black abyss of the shadows, only his quickened footfalls could be heard after that.

01-20-08, 01:27 PM
But Dyne knew. It was then or nothing. His quick eyes observed their target running towards the newly acquired objective. Lurking overhead, the sun shone brightly as it hung in the sky. Very few clouds decorated the cerulean sky. It was an otherwise beautiful day. Dyne had little time to fathom the severity of the events that were unfolding as he gave chase to the individual he'd spotted running from the hidden assassination spot.

Judging from the stature of the man, Dyne learned that the stranger was at least a head taller than himself. Also, Dyne learned that the stranger was considerably leaner built than Dyne was, which could mean anything. Drawing his weapons, Dyne gave chase until he was able to corner the ruffian in a sudden street's end. The man blatantly ran into a dead end. Concerned, this revelation of facts made Dyne extremely nervous.

Garbage littered the dead end street from the parade and from other events of days gone past. This seemed like a dumping area of some sort. Dyne clutched the melee batons and felt the comfort of his brass knuckles around his fingers. He was ready for battle. Once they cornered the man, he drew a longsword made of some material that resembled steel. He thankfully didn't see a green or other mysterious hue to the man's weapon.

Dyne gripped his batons until his knuckles hurt. Approaching the individual but staying at a good few paces away, Dyne's eyes narrowed with intent. "I have you cornered now. Give up now and there won't have to be any violence!" Dyne proclaimed. He hoped that the man would want to just give up once he saw the two strangers, but Dyne guessed that the fanatic wouldn't bother with niceties like surrender. Surrender was not an option.

Dyne couldn't see the man's eyes because his face was hidden behind a hood.

His stomach felt like it became knotted at the sense of danger he was getting from the reckless situation at hand. Dyne turned towards his companion, hoping that the other was still with him. "We have him cornered now!" He said, opting not to reveal his friend's name towards the stranger. Opting to take the man dead on, the apprentice took several steps forward and closed the gap of distance between himself and the stranger. The man's cloak flowed with the wind and he said nothing. Instead, he reacted to Dyne's assault and met the attack with a counter of his own.

Bringing up his blade to intercept Dyne's incoming attack, the battle began as if it was part of a play. The sounds of weapons striking one another filled the alleyway as the dance began. Dyne skillfully used his armed aikido arts combined with his fencing skills. Using a combination of his skills, the warrior was in his zone. The weapons clanged against one another as each blow was met with equal fervor. The battle was fierce.

01-21-08, 10:54 PM
Shu nodded to his friend as he stood still, his mouth slightly agape, tired from the run as his lungs drew in the much needed oxygen. "Yes, should be an easy battle two on one." Though the Magus had been terribly mistaken.

As Dyne charged in and was countered blow for blow by a man who seemed to be his equal in melee weapons, Shu's mind clouded with doubt. 'I fear casting a spell and hitting them both.' Shu thought to himself, steading his staff and focusing his mind.

But the clanking swords raged on, and the fates wouldn't be so good to both men as to protect both of them for much longer. Sooner or later one man would land a blow, and Shu couldn't tell who had the upper hand in this battle, and without magic to aid his friend, a slightly look of worry was cast in the Magus'.

"Die you filthy scum, betrayers shall be killed on the spot." Shu's words were like fiery hot words of justice, though could his melee skills back his aggressiveness up?

His sharpened Plynt staff held in a defensive position Shu quickly ran to aid Dyne in battle running to his side and blocking the last powerful slash that the Assassin had tried to deliver to Dyne; shuddering under pressure Shu nodded to Dyne. "Go!"

01-26-08, 11:07 PM
Blow for blow. The dance went on like a tornado of blades. Light reflected from the weapons that either skilled warrior used to their advantage. Taking the brass melee baton in his hand, Dyne held onto them carefully using his aikido tactics to keep the enemy at bay. There was not a single word exchanged between the two warriors until Shu made his presence known in the battle.

Dyne was suddenly distracted by Shu's entrance into the fray. A mistake that could cost him dearly. Moving quickly towards the side, Dyne shifted his momentum to allow Shu some room to engage the enemy. His opponent began to descend upon Dyne, but the momentary distraction was enough to ruin the opening that the assassin just obtained. Turning his attention to Shu, the warrior seemed distracted for a moment. Dyne took advantage of this. The enemy wielded an intricate longsword made of glowing green plynt. It was masterwork in design and etched with strange symbols that Dyne couldn't identify. It was some new runic dialect. Or an older system that he had no knowledge of given his education level.

Dyne had little time to ponder the deeper intricacies of the warrior's weaponry. Or the mysterious stature of the man. All he knew was that he needed to defeat his opponent before any other tragedies could occur. With the buildings surrounding them, the walls seemed to form a congress. Windows reflected the sunlight above them and from every direction. Nearby, several fire escapes were built into the sides of the building. Drowned out by the noise of panic in the parade, the warriors' battled in peace. So far, nobody seemed to have noticed the fact that the scrap was taking place in the alleyway at all. The element of surprise served to Dyne's advantage.

Moving his body weight back so that his center of gravity was positioned in such a way so that his body weight was evenly distributed, the warrior prepared to engage the enemy alongside his friend. Fighting with a companion was a lot better than fighting alone. Taking up his pacifist stance, Dyne wanted to make sure he could capture the assassin alive. Taking Shu's distraction point to great effect, Dyne approached the cloaked man with a simple armed aikido thrust. When his melee baton connected with the man's lower abdomen region, he heard a satisfying grunt flow from the assassin's lips and into the air. But Dyne wasn't done yet. He flowed into the next part of his maneuver. Utilizing his knowledge and training with the aikido arts, Dyne moved into the shoulder tackle. His body lunged forward in a fluid action utilizing the culmination of his skills and tactics. As he bend downwards to follow through with the shoulder thrust, he felt the assassin change his body weight once more. Adjusting his own weight suddenly, Dyne sacrificed some forward momentum and an injury to pull off his full attack.

Dyne squinted his eyes in agony as the assassin suddenly struck the pommel end of his sword into his spine. A shock of pain flowed up and down the warrior's body but the apprentice was already in mid movement. The shoulder tackle came fiercely and struck like a train. Dyne used his full body weight to hit the assassin like a brick wall. His shoulder connected the man's lower abdomen region, further aggravating it from the previous injury. Then, in mid movement, Dyne completed his plan of attack. Dyne grabbed a the man's lower back and upper portions of his legs and sent his body weight crashing forward, using his momentum. Working through the pain, Dyne forced the man off his feet and onto the ground like a sack of bricks. Dyne came tumbling down with the man and rolled off to the side, clutching his lower back in agony. He looked over to Shu's position.

"Take him Shu! Keep him alive!" Dyne commanded.

01-30-08, 12:24 AM
The assassins glowing blade narrowly missed the Magi's face just as Dyne preformed his maneuver and freed Shu from the melee. "He shall be a bit burnt, but alive as you wish." The cocky tone of voice sprang from Shu as he was now able to summon forth magical energies and not worry about his companion.

Although the assassin wasn't going to be beat without a fight, for he was quickly to his feet, wielding that ominous sword in an aggressive pose. "That sword..It's calling to me." Shu called out as his gray eyes were covered over by black rings of dark abyss.

"It must be destroyed." A voice not belonging to the fire wielding mage folowed from his mouth as his arms quivered. "Dance fire, dance!" Shu screamed. "Incendious!" Within seconds the fire that had been swirling in the gloved palms of the Magus was now engulfing the Master craft sword of the assassin.

Though to Shu's dismay, his opponent seemed to think nothing of it, as if it were yet another enchantment to his sword. With a quick dash of speed he lust at Shu, kicking up mounds of settled dust from the dark alleyway.

White hair flowed perfectly in the wind and a smile curved under the red scarf adorned upon Shu's face as he thought he had out-maneuvered the assassin, until the smell of singed hair reached Shu's nostrils; a close call.

The man was quick, his first strike had been avoided, his second would hit it's mark. As he turn around and lunged at Shu again, the Magus was ready, a hand of cold blue waiting at his side. "Freeze!" Shu cried freezing over the sword, then sent a bone shattering blow from his Plynt staff to the dual enchanted sword.

The self proclaimed witty Magus waited for the satisfying crack from the masterwork sword that never came, instead, it had been plunged deep into Shu's robes, just barely piercing the skin due to the iced over blade.

Reactions kicking in, and the Assassins hands still numb from vibrations that the blunt forces sent through the sword, Shu slammed the Assassin in the side of the face with the top of his staff, and watched as his body crumbled to the dirt floor along with his god forsaken sword.

02-04-08, 02:34 PM
Late as usual; Underwood guards made their way into the alley after they received reports of a battle taking place there. Dyne rose from his position on the floor quickly recovering from the loss momentum. His shoulder ached; but it was a minute injury compared to what happened to the assassin. The warrior was knocked out; and ready to be taken into custody.

"In the name of the Corone Rangers; I hereby declare you under arrest!"

"That won't be necessary blacksmith! The Corone Empire needs to confiscate this individual from the Rangers." And that's how it all started. Dyne narrowed his eyes to thin slits turning to look at the strangers. He picked up the plynt masterwork sword; its green blade shining with magic and took the scabbard from his opponent as well. "On whose authority?" Dyne inquired.

"That would be mine Sir Cormyr. Cease and desist your actions against this individual. He has killed a representative of Corone; the Mayor of Underwood. We want first dibs at interrogating him. We're on the same side here; there's no need for you to invoke the House of Sora or the Corone Rangers. You will be compensated for aiding us in capturing this assassin alive." With that pretty speech; a handsome well armored Knight of Underwood lead the battalion that entered the alley. There were approximately twenty men in there now. Dyne and Shu were hopelessly outnumbered; this reminded him of that time with the Syndicate agents. He thought back to that day and its harsh battle; here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=8005). His memories were on the fact that he'd been forced to tip his hand and kill individuals of the syndicate without discrimination. In the end; he'd suffered a lot of injuries for his effort but their casualties greatly outnumbered his injuries. Dyne hated killing people.

Thinking back to that day made his face cringe even as he sheathed the newly acquired sword. Holding the scabbard in his hand; the patriarch of the House of Sora's Lodge Bladestorm listened to what the handsome Knight had to say. This isn't over. This isn't the time or place for a war. The House of Sora has it's stance against you. "Very well Sir Knight." He turned to look at Shu. "Shu. We are going now." He said in a commanding voice; without realizing it. "Just remember it was the House of Sora that captured this individual." The Knight nodded and saluted Dyne Corona. "Sir. Your reward for capturing this man for us." Two bags of gold were prepared by the Knights of Underwood; a military wing of Underwood aligned with the Corone Empire. A knight gathered the gold and handed one bag to Dyne and another to Shu. The bags were filled with five hundred gold a piece. Dyne took his reward money and nodded once again. "Very well we are parting then." Once again; he turned towards Shu and nodded to his friend. The Knights parted to allow the two House of Sora members to leave without problem.

Dyne started to walk out of the alley hoping his longtime friend would follow him. Dyne was eager to get out of this sticky mess after he realized exactly what had just happened; they got screwed. And Dyne didn't like it one bit; he would report the mater to Lord Seti Dylan.

02-04-08, 09:49 PM
Shu had been doubled over on his knees for most of the interlude between Dyne and the small army gathering behind them. 'Those bastards!' Shu cursed under his breath, partly for he could barley manage the strength to breathe on his own, moreover speak. The wound delivered by the assassin had done more damage than he'd known, and the warm blood dripping down to the dirt covered road was worrying Shu.

Shu said nothing until the bag of gold was placed in front of him and he lifted it, shaking the parcel and listening intently. "Can't be more than five hundred gold in here, that just might be enough to cover the expense it cost to catch your man." Shu spat angrily and disrespectfully, catching some air in his lungs as he used his staff to prop himself up. His robes covered in crimson blood, all energy drained from him, Shu knew he was pushing his limits as he walked after Dyne, still murmuring about the events.

"My good honorable Knight of Underwood, where would our world be if we didn't have brave men such as yourself who show up just in time to take credit for other adventurers doings?" The magus questioned, his gray eyes dull and lifeless as his gave a cautious bow, his white sweaty hair dripping before the Knight. "Maybe one day you shall know what it's like to be sweat covered and bloodstained." Shu said, and hobbled off with most of his weight on his staff, feet dragging over the cobblestone roads.

02-18-08, 02:14 PM
Dyne didn't want to stick around in order to hear what said next. He just wanted out of there before the shifty eyed Knights got any funny ideas about the two of them. Dyne eyed his companion Shu for a long moment when he cleared the group of Knights. He was still in the alleyway and waited for the other to catch up. Once that was taken care of; Dyne still found himself holding his breath. He released a sigh of relief when the alleyway was cleared and they were once again standing in the parade. Dyne had a serious expression and turned towards Shu.

"We better bring this matter up with Seti." The youth said. He was still the Patriarch of the House of Sora and this was a serious matter to the leader. He was also a Corone Ranger and knew that the Empire was their enemy. There was so much going on that the youth barely had a chance to grasp his fingers around the situation before it slipped out of his hand, lost in the wind.

Dyne wanted a drink. He turned towards his companion once more with a softer expression on his face. "Okay; let's get going. We need to discuss this matter further. I'll arrange for a meeting with Seti so that we can figure out how to proceed next. Someone needs to take care of this matter with the 'almighty' Empire." Dyne said in a hushed voice as he walked, knowing that Shu would follow.

Walking towards one of the many stands of food and drink, the youth noticed that the crowds started to disperse. Soldiers were busy trying to calm the situation down. The area near the Mayor's last position was barricaded off almost completely. There were heavily armed men in black suits that strangely made Dyne think of the Syndicate agents. The youth frowned deeply as he stood by the stand. "Do you want anything to drink Shu? We better get out of town for a bit to someplace we can discuss this situation openly and without worry. Maybe back to the smith shop." Dyne suddenly missed that mysterious girl that they came across earlier. She was a character all right. He picked up some orange juice for himself; paid for his drink and meal and looked over at Shu waiting for the lad's response. There was a lot that needed to be said now.

06-02-09, 03:56 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.