View Full Version : I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate

The Bard
03-26-06, 04:05 AM
Amoroth Had taken a boat to Scara Brae to start his journey. Though the ride had made him quzeey he had manged to get his land leg's in a few minutes after the boat had docked. The sun was beatting on his back making the long walk to the main city inland very uncomfterbal. The only thing that kept him focused was the sound of sparrow's and blue jay's that had been following him the whole time, at least he hoped they were sparrow's.

Hour's had passed till he saw another human in the forest but there was one problem this one was dead. To make it worse the smell was so rancid that Amoroth almost fainted till he heard the words.

"What's this a young lady hehehe....you should have stayed home". Amoroth followed the voice till he came upon a small hill leading to a road below. There was a caraven being robbed by six bandit's who all wore black cotton shirt and shoes. Amoroth found a sturdy spot or so he thought to grab on a tree and watch. Till the sound of wood being twisted was being made then a loud crack and the tree gave way and tossed amoroth on the road.

"pffffttt blagh!" Amoroth yelled why spitting dirt and rock's out of his mouth then turned his head to the conflict of this story.

"Who is this, have you been watchin this whole time?, either way he seen to much get him!" screamed one of the bandit's and three of them charged at him with saber's and scimitar's drawn. Amoroth pulled out his own sword and it rang with the heart of a protecter but Amoroth felt like the will of a loser.
amoroth stood ready and screamed

"Whoever approaches Me walking, I will come to him running; and he who meets Me with sins equivalent to the whole world, I will greet him with forgiveness equal to it."

Cyrus the virus
03-26-06, 04:17 PM
Six bandits, so crude in their execution of a robbery. Stop the caravan, raid the caravan, and then run off? It's amazing that these idiots haven't already been captured.

Luc Kraus watched the goings-on from a spot way up high, where he stood upon a large chunk of ground that he had been using the float on. Travel was faster with that method, not to mention a whole lot less taxing than walking, and on this day it served another purpose -- he could watch, and few people would think to look up and see him.

The Geomancer was not the type to help the victim of a robbery, but he had business in Scara Brae, business that would be all the easier if he could get on the good side of Scara Brae's nobility. Caravans were almost always transporting a noble of some sort. The whole situation seemed to cater to him in every way.

His eyes darted to the side, where a man tumbled onto the scene. Luc grimaced as he hit the ground, but chuckled when the man rose. "It seems I am not the only one watching," he mused to himself. Before he could finish his measure of the newcomer, three of the bandits broke off from their allies to take on the man.

It was time to act. Luc leapt from his floating transport and dropped through the air, his cape soaring behind him. Before he reached the ground, a sudden surge of wind gathered below him and broke his fall, slowing his descent just enough to have him safely land.

"Watch yourself!" Luc cried to the man, who screamed a declaration as the three bandits came at him.

The Geomancer raised an arm dramatically, as claw like 'fingers' arose from the dirt below the caravan, gripped it from below and then lifted it several feet in the air, so that the three bandits nearby could not reach. They watched, baffled, as Luc lowered his hand and started a steady walk in their direction.

"What kind of freakin' magic is that? He some kinda witch!?" One of them demanded to know.

Another just stammered, back stepping nervously as the determined mage continued his strides.

"Whatever 'e is, he ain't gonna keep us from takin' this loot and whatever else we damn please!" The third proclaimed, charging forward with sword in hand to meet a smiling Luc.

The Bard
03-27-06, 03:17 PM
Amoroth rasied his sword over his head till he heard someone yell and everything stopped instantly. The stranger made the caravan rise out of the ground with a huge hand made of dirt. Amazed but realized this was a great oppertunity of attack.
Amoroth countiued with the blow and brought his sword to the head of one bandit. He watched as the bandit's forehead caved in and blood gushed out, The other bandit's realized what happened and ran toward's Amoroth. He took off toward's the wizard figuring it would be easier defending attacks with more eye's around him. But felt a cold pain in his calf and stummbled on the ground. rolling over blocking the second attack but his sword flingged from his hand. He hoped the Wizard wasnt so busy so he called out to him in a eriee cry.

"Heeeeeeelllllllppppppppppp!" Amoroth pleaded while scrambling to reach his sword.

Cyrus the virus
03-27-06, 03:52 PM
"Wait, leave 'im. Get the other one first!" One of the three bandits facing Luc said, and though one of the others was already in a charge toward the mage, he too went to the side to follow his comrades.

Luc cursed, seeing the five remaining bandits charge toward the fallen warrior. The man's sword was knocked aside, and a cry for help rang out.

"Grab on to the ground! Tightly!" Luc cried out to him.

The mage had to act immediately, he could only hope that he had been heard. Luc thrust his hands out before him, and immediately a surging gust of wind came, catching the bandits behind Amoroth off guard and sending them sprawling backward. 300 pounds of gust power had saved the fallen man from sure death and bought him some time, but the battle was not over.

"That danged wizard again!" One of the bandits cried.

"Yeah, but I bet he can't keep up his tricks for long!" Another replied. "Two of ye rush the kid with the sword, other two come wiff me, we gonna teach the wizard to mind his own damn business!"

With that, three of the bandits rose from the ground and ran past Amoroth, brandishing sharp blades. The two others got up to face off against Amoroth, each one of them holding a deadly looking curved sword.

"Idiots," Luc muttered, as he threw a hand forward as if he were tossing something. In response, the ground to his left tore apart, and a long, sharp spike of rock burst out of it. Before the bandits could react, the spike took one of them directly in the chest, impaling itself deeply into the thief.

One of the others wanted to stop, but he was caught and pulled along by the leading bandit. Luc quickly cast a Stoneskin enchantment on himself, and had two blades of wind form in his hands.

If I'm too close to barrage them, I'll have to face them on their terms. Thankfully, my spell will protect me from three strikes of their blades.

The Bard
03-27-06, 08:10 PM
Amoroth had listened to the wizard and searched for something to grab. Thinking quickly he streched and squezzed the pommel of his sword and lifted the blade sinking it into the ground. A huge gust blown bye, knocking the bandit's away from Amoroth. The stranger that had came on this scene unexpectedly had now seemed like a godsend for Amoroth.

Not having the time to say thank's becaues they got back up and started barking order's to each other. Amoroth managed to get up still feeling the pain in his calf, He sheathed his sword and pulled out his lute and started playing a fierce song and began to sing.

I was born in battle's fire
Laid beside my mother's corpse
My toys the ravens of the field
My lullabies the screams of horse

And at that moment the tip of Amoroth's lute was drawing in littel flames from mid air till finally a fireball with a 15 inch circumference was fired at the closest bandit. It slamed right into his chest and his shirt caught on fire, in shock he started screaming and took off downhill.

"what! another spell caster, err retreat!" cried the bandit and took off with a amazing speed. Any other day he would have been chased down by Amoroth but he was in no condition to follow scum. He started to play his lute again but this time a more softer tune.

Wildly, wildly beats the heart
With a rush of love like a mountain stream
Wildly, wildly play your part
As free as a wild bird's dream.

With that verse The wound on Amoroth's leg had healed. All seemed well on his part he could only hope the wizard had done okay.

Cyrus the virus
03-28-06, 12:53 AM
Luc chuckled softly as the bandits ran off, following them with his eyes to make sure that they truly intended on leaving. When they had gone, he used one of his created blades to slap himself in his arm thrice, allowing his Stoneskin spell to disappear. He also dropped the blades, letting them drift back into regular wind.

"Such is the way of magic," he said calmly, walking over to the newly healed Amoroth. "Those who can't understand it fear it, and those who do can rarely stand against it. I wish that every warrior I've ever fought could see that truth, but alas."

"I'm Luc Kraus," the mage said, offering a warm smile to the man. "You did a good thing, coming down to help that caravan, but it was foolish. Had I not been here, you would have been killed, no question about it."

He extended a hand to the caravan, and with his bidding the hand that held it sunk back into the ground, gently lowering the transport to its wheels again. From inside a face peeked, and then receded back into the back. "Care to see what's inside?" He asked Amoroth.

The Bard
03-28-06, 02:51 PM
Amoroth watched as the stranger walk over to him giving himself a very wise introduction. Amoroth cleared his throat and annouced.

" Agreed the profession of magician, is one of the most perilous and arduous specializations of the imagination. On the one hand there is the hostility of God and the non-beliver's to be guarded against; on the other it is as difficult as music, as deep as poetry, as ingenious as stage-craft, as nervous as the manufacture of high explosives, and as delicate as the trade in narcotics."

"I'am Amoroth Celbring" he said with a low bow." It is nice to meet you and you have my thank's I owe you my life. I admit it was foolish but I could not let such harm happen. But we should check what's inside this vehicle." Amoroth looked deeply in Luc's gaze he could tell he was great power and full of secert's.

Together they walk over to the caravan and with a deep breath Amoroth opened the door slowly. He was suprised to see a young girl the age of twleve or fourteen. Tear's were running down her face giving a pain inside Amoroth's stomach.

"P..p...ple.please..dont..hurt..me" she wimpered in fear. Amoroth was ashamed of how the world has become wondering why there was so much hate in it and, wondering how could could it go back to normal after so much bad had happend.Almost making him want to put his sword away for good. But he decied to get back to the situation at hand.

"It's ok I wont harm you I'm hear till help was there anyone with you are you hurt?" Amoroth asked in a humble tune trying not to scare her. He could see she started to calm down.

"well..t..there..was..the..dr..driver..but..h.he ..ran..away and..I'm..ok" she studdered. Amoroth thought of the dead body in the wood's looking back up the steep hill. He figured it would be best to keep it as he ran away. Amoroth looked to the stern face of Luc and wispered.

"Well any idea's what we should do?"

Cyrus the virus
03-29-06, 09:03 PM
Quite an opinion he's got, Luc thought. He can't possibly know the true nature of magic... He sounds a fool, but I can't fault him for being like everyone else. If I didn't have business in Scara Brae...

He cut off his own thought at that, as Amoroth was making his way to the caravan. Luc went as well, but he hung back and remained silent as Amoroth dealt with the child. All seemed to be well, so Luc loudly cleared his throat and let out a satisfied sigh.

"You can handle this on your own. Those bandits are long gone, and I doubt they'll be coming back. You'll have to abandon the caravan for now, I suppose, but at least the girl will be safe. As for me, I need to get going right now, but perhaps you can find me in town."

And spread the word of my heroics, he thought, and used the idea to fuel the smile that spread across his face. "Careful heading back!" he said, before the ground beneath him broke apart and rose upward, lifting him up on his own personal chunk of land.

He flew off on the dirt, using his magic to direct its movement.

"Now, to town. If I'm right, I'll be able to find something there I've been looking for for some time. If that Amoroth elf spreads the word of my help, it'll make obtaining it all the easier."

The Bard
03-31-06, 05:35 PM
Amoroth agreed with Luc and watched him fly off. He finally thought he had found someone that could help him prove his point. Stopping from thinking Amoroth looked to the girl and smiled.

"Come on let's get you to a safe place" Amoroth said delightfully. The girl nodded and grabbes Amoroth's arm for saftey. He shuddered but figured he had to prove he was a good guy. "say whats your name?" Amoroth asked the little girl.

" I'am not supposed to tell stranger's, my daddy say's" she replied.

"Well I'm Amoroth and I wouldnt be a stranger if I saved your life I would be a hero. Well acutally the wizard would becaues he saved both of us, but I helped".

"In that case I'am Miara Dorgoth daguhter of the noble Simon Dorgoth." She said happily as if complety ignoring what she just went thourgh.

"Great then we shall make for the town." Amoroth stated and together they walked on for hours. Amoroth's heals had been buring and his ears practiclly bleeding. Miara had talked non-stop she was like a giant run-on-sentence. Till finally they had met a solider on the road riding a horse and carrying a lance.

"Miara it's you! stop you bandit or you will be skewed." The solider yelled. It was easy to say she was very well known and hear long abstince had sparked up some controversy in the town.

"No it's okay Reynald he helped saved me along with a powerful wizard named luke." Mirara explained making gestures with her hand. Like when she said wizard she pretended to hold a staff. Reynald his name was belived this story and advised them to hop on the horse. Amoroth was in a unsual postion but still he would rather get there today than tomorrow. When they arrived the town had many villagers on there own schedual and wandering about. Very peacefuly Amoroth jumped off and Reynald and Mirara took off futher out of veiw.

Now were to begin Amoroth said quietly to himself and walked into the closest bar. He was suerprised by the greatings he got when he came in and the bartender look at him with rosy cheeks and a smile.

"Well Hallo there Mr.Bard would you ming palying a littel tune to sparken up the mood here!" He yelled with a booming voice. Amoroth agreed and pulled out his lute and started to play the song he made up when he was travling with Luc.

A long time ago, in a land most far away,

There stood a peaceful village which might still be there today,

This Town had a bane, The Jester was his name,

He had a band of men and terror was his reign.

No one could ever equal him at throwing words or puns

He terrorized their village, raped their daughters killed their sons,

He stole their crops and burned their homes and none could shed a tear,

For the jester made them smile while his company made them fear.

O the grown men would run and the children would hide,

The women would faint to the ground,

He had bells on his shoes, a baton at his side,

And they feared when the jester came to town.

With his eyes shining dark, the jester made his mark,

He'd a face white as death all around,

He'd a wit sharp as knives and they'd run for their lives,

For they feared when the jester came to town.

everyone clapped in amazment and danced around while he singed it. Later they asked him question's of why he came here and who he was. Amoroth told them everthing that he experinced since he left home. After that they wanted to hear more of this wizard and amoroth said he should be here giving a detailed description of Luc.

Cyrus the virus
03-31-06, 08:34 PM
Luc surveyed the goings-on of the bar, his eyes darting back and forth to search among the dancing folk. Amoroth had sung the people a song and they had set themselves to dancing, as the bard told them all about the mage who had helped him. It was all especially delightful to the Geomancer, who basked in the glory as he gazed through the tavern's window. If there was anything in all the world that pleased Luc Kraus, it was recognition. It almost made him wish he were a more heroic man.

Time to go enjoy my fame, he mused as he walked through the tavern's door. He walked right toward the bard Amoroth, and as he made his way, a few people took note of his arrival.

"Hey, this guy fits his description! Could it be..." someone remarked.

"That Luc, the wizard?!" another suggested.

"It must be!" a third voice replied.

Luc grinned and enjoyed the attention, waving his hands about like a visiting King. "Indeed, I am Luc Kraus, Geomancer and magic weaver. I trust Amoroth here told you all about our adventure just outside of town?"

"Oh yes, sire," a rather fumbly-looking man replied. "He explained to us how you helped him save dear Miara, and we all thank you for this!"

Luc chuckled, let his eyes contact all of those around him, capturing them all in the strange mystery that surrounded him. Magic was exotic and strange to common folk, and Luc knew that he had them all in the palm of his hand. "My power grants me a lot that common people don't have... But even with all my ability, there are some things that escape me." He spoke slowly, letting each of his words be heard clearly, and brought his gaze to Amoroth as he spoke again. "Knowledge. Knowledge of an artifact said to exist in Scara Brae. Many people have talked about it, I'm sure, but nobody seems to know where it is... The Delirium Key."

There were a few mutters, a few laughs, and a gasp or two from the crowd when Luc mentioned the Key. After it became apparent that he was serious, one man spoke up. "The Delirium Key is a myth, good Luc, an idea come up with by adventurers and dreaming foo-"

"I think not," Luc interrupted, setting the man aback. "I'm no stranger to artifact and relic lore, and I have it on pretty good faith that the Key does indeed exist. I've come to take it."

Silence surrounded him then, as the tavern folk were unable to help him. The Geomancer sighed and was to begin speaking again, when the door to the tavern burst open and a man tumbled in, his breath rapid and his eyes incredulous.

"Bandits!" He coughed out. "Bandits coming from the north, at least a hundred strong!"

Luc looked to Amoroth, his face a pained expression of worry. "We should never have let them get away!" he said. "Looks like they've come back with some friends... Everyone, get to your homes and lock the doors! Anyone who is able to, come with me!"

Luc bolted for the door and soared to the sky immediately, making for the northern part of town, where the bandit group would undoubtably arrive.

The Bard
03-31-06, 09:08 PM
Amoroth saw Luc speed off and he quickly followed. There were atleast 23 well trained soldiers with spears and shortsword's at there side and 30 militia men 15 with bows and 15 with axes,maces, and clubs. Amoroth looked up the hill were they would be coming from.

"Ok form rank's pikemen in front archers behind!" Amoroth yelled trying to sound like a leader instead of a singer. He watched as they followed his order's. The spearmen had knelt down and kept there weapon's infront of them while the archer's had arrow's ready pointing upward on the path they would come from. Amoroth drew his sword and felt a tight hand grab his shoulder.

"Good job but I'll take it from here after all these are my men." Amoroth turned around and was suprised to see Reynald he was in full iron armor with a claymore in his hand. Amoroth nodded and back away till he heard the sound of hoof's clattering in the distance. Then a banner came over the hill bearing a symbol of a black crow. There was a guess of 35 horsemen lined up on the rim and what was heard there was 65 more foot-soldiers behind them. Without letting them have first attack Reynald screamed a command.

"FIIIIRRRRREEEEE!!!!" and with those words a hail of arrows flew up the mountain down to the charging enemy forces 9 had fallen with the first volley but they still charged. Another attack was order and this time 11 horsemen had fallen. For Amoroth all had gone silent and seemed to spin till the loud crash of the spearman and bandit's had filled his ears. It was to hard to see if the spearmens attemped had worked, but Amoroth rethought after a bandit on horse back came at him. Amoroth rolled out of the way and looked to the scruffy bandit in leather armor.

"Fight me fairly!" amoroth yelled. The bandit spit on the ground and replied.

"why should I."

"Becaues I'am the Bard of Salvar." Amoroth said trying to make himself sound of impotance. The bandit jumbed off his horse and twriled his saber around. The geomancer was no where in sight, this time amoroth had to do it like a hero to become a hero.

Cyrus the virus
03-31-06, 10:34 PM
"Not good..." Luc muttered, looking down at the approaching bandits as they marched below. Roars of anger rose up at him, but fired arrows could not reach.

He threw several arrows of wind at the general group below, striking two of them down before giving up. They were only a hundred yards or so away from the town now, and Luc was running out of time. Thankfully, he saw people in the distance, likely the town's only defense, which allowed him to relax just a bit.

"They seem about equal in numbers now, but these bandits aren't just townfolk, they're willing to kill men and women to get what they want. Ah, if I had the Delirium Key now, none of those would be an issue... Fuck."

Luc kept to the air, striking down foes with blades of wind, but as the front line of the bandits clashed with the town soldiers, he only began to worry more. He drew his dagger and swept down through the air, coming close to the ground and flying over the middle of the bandits. With a bit of magic, his dagger erupted into flames and send a stream of fire below, swallowing up 5 of the bandits and setting them to burn. Before he could rise up again, he felt a sudden jolt to his shoulder and suddenly felt powerless, as if his concentration had been completely shattered.

Luc fell fast, but managed to slow his descent just a bit by using the air below him. Still, he smacked hard into the ground and bounced once before coming to a complete stop, just them noticing that it had been an arrow that caught him in the shoulder. He groaned in agony, both from the pain in his shoulder and the pain all over from his fall.

"Like a fish outta water now, ain'tcha, wizard?" He heard, and looking ahead he spotted a familiar looking bandit, the same one that had charged him back at the caravan.

Luc dragged himself backward, using his elbows, but he was nowhere near fast enough to avoid the approaching man. "Y-you don't want to do this," he said desperately, as he tried to create a defensive spell.

"Gonna gut you like the fish you are," the bandit said, seconds before he charged at Luc, blade aimed at the mage's gut.

The Bard
03-31-06, 10:51 PM
The bandit charged at Luc and out of no where the arms that the bandit used as deadly weapons were on the ground spouting blood. Amoroth had been standing there with a blood drenched sword and a few minor wounds looking over to the bandit while he was on his knees.

"May the saints forgive you becaues I wont!" and with those words Amoroth severed the bandits head and looked to Luc. He dragged him in the wood's and removed the arrow. Luc had the face of he wanted an explanation so Amoroth began. "Reynald had reniforcement's of 50 men come and told me to find you after I slayed one of the bandit captin's. He handed me a scroll and said to give it to you.(pulling it out from his pocket and giving it to him). Also he gave me this potion to heal wound's as well.(Giving Luc that as well). But I guess now we are even." Amoroth told to Luc."Can you manage to get up." Amoroth wispered trying not to draw attention to them he offered a hand to Luc with a bright pleasing smile and said."This will make a great song but we best do as Reynald say's and hurry out before worse comes to worse."

Cyrus the virus
04-01-06, 06:29 AM
Luc could only watch, amazed, as the familiar elf went to work on the bandit. He gasped in pain as he was dragged to a safer location, and could not help but cry out as Amoroth removed the arrow from his flesh. Luc watched Amoroth take out a scroll and a potion. The mage took the scroll, placed it on the ground, and then hastily drank the potion, which immediately closed up his shoulder would and revitalized him.

"Thank you," he said solemnly. "I let myself get hit, I could've been killed if you hadn't been watching me. Let's finish this!"

Luc got up and with bolstered resolve, got back into the fray, though he was mroe conservative now. At the side of the town's soldiers, he and Amoroth battled valiantly, until the last of the bandits had begun to run off into the distance. Luc watched the final one go, but then he suddenly stopped and turned back to the group that had beaten his band.

"The Scara Scourge does not forget easily! We will be back!" He yelled, before turning and continuing on his way back to wherever it was he stayed.

"The Scara Scourge..." Luc muttered, as he saw the worried faces of the soldiers around him. "I thought they were just bandit scum, but now I'm all the more worried."

"Don't worry, mage," Reynald said. "We can defend ourselves."

Luc nodded, smiled a bit, and went to Amoroth. "I think we're done here for today. The Scourge are gone for now, and what I came here for, nobody knows anything about. I need to continue hunting. But perhaps I will see you again, in another time and place."

The sun was setting on the day, and though Luc's hunt for the Delirium Key had not gone well, he felt glad for helping the way he did.

Indeed, it almost made him feel like a hero. Almost.

The Bard
04-01-06, 02:50 PM
Amoroth for the frist time felt like he had finally put his name for others to remeber. He agreed with Reynald and countinued to walk with Luc till coming to a fork in the road. Amoroth smiled and said to Luc.

"I have no doubt that we will meet again but also you see, none of us chose our end really. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son. But remember that, even when those who move you be kings or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God you cannot say "but I was told by others to do thus" or that "virtue was not convinient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that." with those final words the split up walking off in the sunset. Amoroth had no idea were he would go now but to him a few cups of ale sounded good.

04-01-06, 04:40 PM
Introduction: I liked the introduction. The bandit attack gave it some action and started things with a bang. It was a Deus ex Machina when Luc came in but those are best used in the beginning. Things were a tad confusing and the girl didn’t do much while the bandits attacked, but overall not a bad thread. 5

Setting: sadly the setting needed some work; I never got a feel for the places, though I at least knew it took placed in a forest, a tavern then a battlefield. But the change of places felt rushed and there just wasn’t time to get a feel for it. 3

Strategy: Strategy wasn’t bad, again Luc felt like a deus ex machina, the fighting seemed plausible and Luc wasn’t completely infallible but his fall was like Achilles as it was a lucky shot that killed him but there just wasn’t much ado about it. Still a bit of practice will help and it’s not easy to have heroes of vastly different power levels helping each other out. 4

Writing Style: Bard, this is probably your weakest part right now, don’t worry practice will help. You really need to be careful with apostrophes (‘). They’re used to show possession or in conjunctions. You often would use I’am which should either be I’m or I am. You also used them in plurals where they were not needed. Stranger’s does not need the ‘ unless you are talking about something that belonged to a stranger. I don’t want to be harsh and this it to help you out, practice will help and you should really look into a word processor like Microsoft word or word perfect, it’s a little purchase but it’ll help you out with other things you must write in life as well.

Cyrus was decent he didn’t have any errors that stood out but didn’t have the panache that the bard had though I’d rather read bland stuff than have errors that throw me off too often.

Don’t be discouraged, we all have to work and become better, I’m not that great of writer my self but I’m sure practice and being careful will help and Cyrus just has to be a little bit bolder (it’s a flaw with my writing too. I’m probably worse) 3

Rising Actions: Well the problem here is the thread felt rushed. There was little time spent to let Luc and Amoroth to get to know each other and not much time to let things develop. Letting yourselves take you time and spend more than a couple posts in a scene would help. Things were a tad confusing but taking a little more time would help. 4

Dialogue: Dialogue was pretty good for the bard if you look past the typos and Cyrus did a pretty decent job as well, both sounded like the things that a Bard or mage would say and had a bit of character to them as well. 5

Climax: I hate to say it but the climatic battle was not as good as the starting skirmish. This is were the rushing really hurt, being everything was trying to be so epic and short at the same time. One good point was it allowed Luc to show weakness but sadly it didn’t go over as well as I would’ve liked with me actually worried that Luc might die before Amoroth could repay the life debt. Again the rushing hurt it. 4

Character: I liked Luc and Amoroth and they really felt like guys I might have with me on a DnD campaign. They were good representatives of their class but there was something deeper there as well. Good around and I liked The bards songs, they were quite cute. 6

Conclusion: sad to say the rushing killed it too. It was a simple goodbye without much punch to it. The town is saved ride off into the sunset. Though I am glad you didn’t get redundant and have another party in the tavern, I liked that party but seeing it done over again would have worn out its welcome. Perhaps if you made the thread more about the attack on the buggy and made that fight bigger and badder with more bandits and only Luc and Amoroth to to save the cute little girl and ended with the tavern party this might’ve been better. 4

Wild Card: I’m glad to see you helping out the newer members like that Cyrus.

The Bard: don’t let my criticism get to you, I’m just trying to help you improve and I liked the thread and your character. Just need to fix up some writing errors and things will be awesome. Just keep practicing and things will get better and remember to have fun while keeping this in mind and you have one fox that’ll dance to your music. 7

And the total is 42, not bad. *dances*

04-01-06, 05:00 PM
The bard gains: 530 exp and 50 gold

Cyrus the Virus gains: 1200 exp and 50 gold (he's higer level)

04-02-06, 02:08 PM
EXP and GP added!