View Full Version : Couple of questions...

09-30-07, 09:54 AM
First, is there some way for me to check the current mods of the site other than keeping an eye out for italicized user names? The site statistics gave me this little treasure: Staff: 29 (8 admins, 1 s-mods, 20 mods). Is there some link I haven't found leading me to their names? I seem to recall a page where they were divided into RoG, judges and region writers but I can't find it anymore.

Second, to be true to the title, is there another way to get Bazaar vouchers besides making a new character? This feature is quite new to me and I was wondering if maybe they were used as rewards in certain situations or tournament battles.

Max Dirks
09-30-07, 11:07 AM

Someone else can help you with the bazaar question.

09-30-07, 12:39 PM
You can find that link Max posted, by the way, on the front forum page at the bottom of the listing of forums. It's right above the "What's Going On?" box and reads "View Forum Leaders".

Alternatively, there's a box at the bottom of any forum's thread listing titled "Moderators" that lists all staff members with powers in that specific forum.

With regards to the bazaar, the vouchers were designed to give new members the ability (and incentive) to add to their starting equipment with an initial bazaar visit. To my knowledge, new vouchers have never been given out as rewards. Monetary rewards are almost always in the form of gold pieces which are also usable at the bazaar and do not expire.

Hope this has helped!

09-30-07, 03:20 PM
Thank you both very much. That's exactly what I wanted to know.

Let me see if I have any other doubts...

Oh! Is there a map of Dheathain around somewhere?

I'm starting a quest there and the region is completely new to me. It might help if I could get geographically oriented.

09-30-07, 03:24 PM
Nope, not that I know of at the moment.

The region was once known as Haidia/Haide, but there have been some moves in the general geographical front. ^_^;

09-30-07, 06:08 PM
Actually, I did get additional gold pieces in the 'voucher' section of my gold. I was granted bonus gold for making a citadel battle with a new player, by Santh. Not sure if that's normal, but yeah, I did get it.

09-30-07, 09:26 PM
Thank you both for the input. Much obliged.

10-01-07, 02:48 PM
Ooh, I thought of something else...

Can someone finally put this to rest and clarify, I guess, the 'official' writing of each region's language and natives?

Drow - Alerarians?
Raiaeran/Elvish - Raiaerans
Salvic - Salvarians?


Sighter Tnailog
10-01-07, 02:57 PM
You are correct with regard to Raiaera.

I use "Alerian" and "Salvaran." "Salvic" is an adjective used to describe non-human things -- thus it's a sword of "Salvic" workmanship, not Salvaran workmanship.

But, I could be wrong. Thor and Ashiakin should probably clarify this further.

10-01-07, 04:55 PM
FAQ:Chapter 9:Althanas Almanac (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=althanasalmanac#faq_alfall)

Area: approximately 4.96 million sq. miles or 8 millions sq. km (roughly the size of Brazil)
Population: approximately 1.2 million
People: 75% Dark Elf (900k), 16% Dwarf (200k), 8% Other (100k)
Languages: Primary - Drow, Secondary - Dwarven, Common

Capital: Ettermire
Government: Aristocratic Monarchy
Heads of State: Queen Valsharess (Alerar), Kharas Lightbringer (Kachuk)
Military: The Aleranian Army/The Mazzra, The Kyorl, UAK (The United Armies of Kachuk)
Major Adversaries: Raieara

Borders: Raieara (East), Salvar (North), Antioch (Southeast)
Main Ports: Etheria Port
Major Exports: Gunpowder, Coal, Rare Metals, Technology
Major Imports: Food, Textiles

Capital: Eluriand
Form of Government: Meritocracy (Rule by those who evidence aptitude)
Head of State: High Bard Varalad Del Tirin, the Cora'Lindstra (Leader of Songs)
Legal System: High Officers of the Bladesingers dispense justice, but any citizen has the right to appeal to the High Bard Council, which also has the right to refuse to hear appeals or claim original jurisdiction in any matter.
Official Language: High Elven
Foreign Relations: Corone - Friendly, Alerar – Hostile, Fallien – None, Haidia – Distrust, Salvar – Wary, Scara Brae - Friendly
Size of Military: Approximately 35,000 available for immediate action, but with a conscriptive infrastructure that can double the number in a week
Military Branches: Tel Aglarim (Elven Army), The Bladesinger's Guild (Elite Troops/Police Force), The Navy (Very small, more of a merchant marine than a Navy)
Specialized Military Units: Bards from Istien University can be conscripted very quickly to produce highly potent magical forces, and the Bladesingers are not to be trifled with.

Population: Approximately 350,000
Average Age: 3492
Racial Breakdown: 85% Raiaerans, 12% Humans (Mostly Coronian), 2% Dwarves, 1% other races
Life Expectancy: 4216 years
Nationality: Raiaeran
Religious Type: Highly ritualistic religion based around special holidays and observances; transcendent deities and a feeling of religious exceptionalism pervade Raiaera.
Literacy: 92%

Capital: Knife's Edge
Form of Government: Feudal monarchy
Ruler: Iorlan I Rathaxea, King of Salvar
Legal System: Religious law by local Church authority
Official Language: Salvic
Foreign Relations: Corone - Distrust, Alerar – Friendly, Fallien – None, Haidia – Distrust, Raiaera – Wary, Scara Brae - Indifferent
Size of Military: Approximately 80,000 available for immediate action, perhaps double that in the event of war-time conscription
Military Branches: Feudal, each army being lead by a local ruler, under the ultimate control of the king (who has soldiers from his own lands and the militia and guards of Knife’s Edge)
Specialized Military Units: Trained war beasts (ice drakes, wooly mammoths, etc.) and weather control mages

Population: Approximately 800,000 (600k "civilized," 200k indigenous tribes)
Average Age: 22
Racial Breakdown: 66% Humans, 15% Aleraran Dark Elves, 9% Aleraran Dwarves, 6% Raiaeran High Elves, 3% Haidian Demons, 1% other races
Life Expectancy: Male – 50 years, Female – 53 years
Nationality: Salvaran
Religious Type: The Church of the Ethereal Sway is the sole religion by law, but many of the indigenous tribes still worship the old Thayne gods, particularly the goddess Jomil
Literacy: 23%

This is pretty old, though, but I think it still contains relevant information when you exclude the geographic statements.

10-01-07, 05:07 PM
Although you might want to call the people of Alerar Dark Elves. They're in no way the same as drow in other works of fiction.

10-01-07, 09:46 PM
They're not really "dark elves" in the traditional sense of the word either. Basically just a blanket term for us not having something more clever to call them.

And I have always used Aleranian. Many people use Alerian or Aleran, but I prefer Aleranian. As far as I know all the information that Ataraxis posted is still current. I can certainly confirm the Alerar information because I wrote it.

10-02-07, 01:41 PM
Althanian Tongues, you say?

The Unofficial Guide to Native Languages of Althanas (http://www.althanas.com/world/showpost.php?p=47423&postcount=26)

I know there are a number of typos in that post as well as it being one of the dated version. Still, that's a quick summary of the Real World equivalents to Althanian languages.
