View Full Version : (8) The Forgotten v (17) Faint of Fate

04-29-06, 10:51 PM
Round One starts at 12:00 AM EST on Sunday, April 30th and will last two weeks. Good luck!

04-30-06, 01:20 AM
Three days had passed since the young man known as Osato and his partner Uukan had landed on Lornius. The city of Lyridia had been their initial destination, just the port town that they would begin, but it had been all too inviting. The young sell-sword had been near swallowed up by the new festivities that he found in the swelling town of Lyridia. His blind partner, who he had accepted based on his ability to wield the sword, had too been with him.

The young ‘man’ (only male by appearance alone, truly an asexual soulless being) toyed with his hair as he sat at an outdoor tavern. Overhead the sky was clear, the sun was beaming, and the perfect face of the mercenary was basking. Uukan had been there but seconds before, had stood up for something, Osato did not really take much notice of what though. In his hand was a chilled mug filled with a light ale, it was of an amber hue and rather sweet.

People moved and flowed through the streets. The first round was set to start at any time, though Osato had lost track of the days between preparation and spreading rumors about his team. The denizens of the island of Lornius were fleet of foot as they rushed through the streets, ducking and weaving around welcome banners for the warriors of the tournament. The customary smirk of the young soulless being was glad to see the light behind the people eyes, even more glad at the hearty welcome and discounts he had received on room and board.

“An’ther ale sir?”

Osato rolled his head around to look into the eyes of the rather attractive barmaid. She was smiling again, as she had been when the young man had first come into her line of sight. He gently set his hand to working out the knots in his silky violet hair. Had there actually been any knots he probably would have been much less inclined to receive the admiration of the poor girl, but of course there were not. A genuinely perfect smile was graced upon the woman’s poor soul.

“No thank you dear girl,” Osato responded to the barmaid. He had forgotten her name, as he had all the other doting females in the past. With the same hand that had stroked his hair he dug out two gold coins and dropped them onto the table before him. “That will be all for now at least. If I require anything else then I will not hesitate to call for you.”

She giggled. The sound almost made Osato himself burst out with a laugh. It was always fun to toy with the people of Althanas, so he had found. A pretty boy was not something they were unused to seeing, but one that did not discriminate between male or female seemed new to them all. “Are you sure there is nothing that I can get you?”

Ah, the human lust factor. Osato had almost forgotten about that. “Why yes,” oh how her eyes had lit at his rather promising tone, “It would be wonderful if you could by chance tell me the day.”

And then the let down… “It is the first day of the tournament, aren’t you competing in it?”

By the Thayne, he had lost track of so much time. The tournament officials knew where he was, he said he would be staying in Lyridia for the first round, but did his opponent’s know? As far as he could get out of other people they were a real threat, real powerhouses of the past tournaments. “Where is my partner?!” Instant panic, “Uukan!? You know him, the guy how’s having a hard time seeing… carries a sword… kinda young… Where did he get off too? If those two show up here now I’ll be alone against them!”

With deep blue eyes, almost black compared to the humans around him, Osato scanned the roads before him. He had been told that battles were allowed anywhere, why not in the streets of Lyridia? What more wonderful a stage to give a gallant performance against opponents of such caliber as comprised ‘The Forgotten’?

Now if he could only find his companion!

Uukan Kimari
05-01-06, 07:07 PM
From the back roads of Radasanth to the forests of Concordia, Uukan’s travels reached each end of the continent of Corone. Lornius, on the other hand, earthed many new sights Uukan dreamt he could still see since the injury he sustained from an estranged opponent, where a well-placed mace to the face struck him down. Even if this LCC happened to be his second running and with his new handicap, he still prepared for the first round with his new partner.

“Where would Osato go?”

Every sound and noise berated young Kimari’s sensitive hearing the moment he set foot in Lyridia. The crashing waves of the ocean, the people gabbing on about multitudes of rumors and ideals. Many nations gathering at the port for miscellaneous activities, where some traded while others fished. Strangely, Uukan only sighed, and returned his attention to the missing Osato.

He should be close. He only left two hours before me.

Uukan’s face became serious from its usually blank stare.

“That smell. It must be fresh blood. I hope that fool has not started without me.”

05-01-06, 07:46 PM
The doors to The Dark Omen swung open, a stranger walked through dressed in black, and a hood covered his head. Aram, the local bartender looked up for a second. He couldn’t see the man’s face, but he thought nothing of it. Strangers came through these slums all the time. They usually came for his whores. It was a known fact that they were the best meat in these parts.

The man approached the bar and stood right before Aram. He didn’t even sit, but placed his hands on the bar and simply spoke without raising his head.

"I am looking for a man."

"So are they." the bartender pointed toward a group of local women. "For fifty gold pieces you can be the man they seek." He chuckled under his breath as if he had said something terribly amusing. Without warning he choked as a hand enclosed around his throat. His eyes popped out for a second before he was lifted from the ground and thrown onto the bar so that he was lying on his back. Aram found himself looking up into the man’s hood staring at his dark colored eyes. The tavern’s activity ceased at once. Everyone turned to watch Aram struggle under the man’s grip.

"I am looking for a man."

"What!? W-w-w-hat man?" Aram was stuttering. It was a habit that only appeared when he was scared, or so his mother had once told him. "I d-d-don’t know what y-y-y-you are talking about!"

"Tell your master I am coming for him." The stranger replied, "Tell him I am going to kill him."

Aram’s eyes had already been wide open, but upon hearing this they grew wider. He knew now exactly whom the stranger was speaking of. But who was this man? And how had he found his master? Aram swallowed.

"Who are you!?" Aram questioned, fear filling his eyes.

"Tell him Sorjax has returned." He spoke the words slowly and when they left his lips it was as if the room grew darker. And then he released his grip around Aram’s throat. He turned and swept from the room as swiftly as he had entered. Aram propped himself and watched him go. He blinked once and then twice. In the man’s wake a sliver of darkness remained. Aram understood now.

He had to inform his master.


That had been a week ago.

Sorjax had not bothered returning to The Dark Omen. He knew that he had delivered his message the first time, and the whispers he had heard in the last few days assured him that the bubbling bartender had done exactly what Sorjax had asked him to do. That part of his mission was over with, simply a piece in a grander scheme.

At the moment he was in Lyridia sitting at an outside tavern hiding in the few shadows that were cast in the basking sun. He sipped his drink slowly watching those around him carefully. He had not seen what his opponents looked like, but word was that they would be here. Sorjax couldn't figure out why the first round was going to be fought in a bustling street, but that was just the way the tournament officials worked.

His head turned towards a conversation.

"It is the first day of the tournament, aren’t you competing in it?" A simple question, asked by a simple bar maid.

Yes... Sorjax had found the first of his opponents. He stood up to his full height and slammed his drink down. He pulled a knife from his sleeve and began walking towards his prey.

Masema was around here somewhere. But the older man was no fool. As soon as Sorjax threw his weapon he knew that Masema would come out from his hiding and join the battle.

This would be over quickly.

05-02-06, 01:08 PM
Mist had once risen from the abyss.

He had been gone a long time crossing into lands unknown and battling an enemy no one could ever imagine. It had been a battle for his life, their lives. He had nearly fallen on the battlefield

The Eyeless One.

Three times now he had escaped him. Three times they had battled. Flesh and steel clashing together in a dance of death. Three times they had failed to kill him. Three times they had watched him flee into the darkness, his laughter echoing in his wake.

There would not be a fourth.

The Eyeless One was once again on Lornius. He had always been here returning each year upon the opening of The LCC. He watched them, with those empty eyes. Every year he had watched them so carefully only to emerge at the very end.

Like fools they always gave chase, only to return with defeat.

Not this year. The Eyeless One was watching, but this time they were aware. They were ready and this time he would crumble.

Mist knew all these things as he perched on top of a building like a stone gargoyle. His eyes watching the oudoor tavern below him. He didn't bother looking at anyone but Sorjax. He sat there watching the man in the shadows. He waited for Sorjax to identify their opponents.

He didn't really care who they were.

Then Sorjax moved. He stood up and moved forward. Mist didn't move. He simpy waited. As soon as Sorjax attacked he would jump into the fray like a panther. He glanced around and saw that there was a balcony below him, which in turn would allow him to leap onto one of the canopies that lay in each corner of the outdoor area.

A knife appeared in his hand, and he waited.

05-14-06, 02:06 AM
The Forgotten defeat Faint of Fate due to activity.