View Full Version : Painful Lessons (closed)

10-02-07, 03:17 AM
It was a short walk from the Bazaar to the Citadel. I stood in the middle of the road looking up at the temple in something close to awe. I was surprisingly humbled by the mere sight of the place I had written other chars entering. Normally they got their ass kicked, but it was still a learning experience. I fingered my newly bought whips that now hung from my belt as I looked up at the orange robed monk that stood waiting at the entrance to the temple.

Girding my loins and gathering up my courage, I headed for the steps. I let out the breath I had been holding while I climbed the steps. The monk that stood there gave me a curious look. I shook my head and smiled slightly at him.

“I need to be trained. Nothing better than a fight where you can be injured to speed the learning process along.” I chuckled at the eyebrow raised at me and followed when he entered the building.

The flickering light of the torches in the walls took a moment to get use too. They gave the grey stonewalls of the hall the illusion of movement. I did not bother to count the doors and halls we passed. When the monk stopped I almost ran into him, apologizing I stepped to the side and looked at the door he gestured to.

“Your opponent will enter in a few minutes.” I looked at the monk.

“So you can talk. I thought you were mute or had taken a vow of silence or something. Nice meeting you, I’m sure the next time you see me I’ll probably be covered in bruises.” I paused right before I opened the door to envision the type of arena I would prefer to practice in.

Stepping into the dark doorway, I emerge out into a grassy field. Several fences littered the area, bottles and other items littered them. A light breeze blew through the sunny field, ruffling my hair. I headed for the grove of trees near by to place my pack by. Within the grove, I discovered a level stone floor about forty paces wide and long. Laying my pack, down in the ground I rummaged around for a hair band and my hairbrush. Quickly, I pulled my hair up in a high bouncy ponytail and put away the brush.

I loosened both whips from my belt once I got within what I thought the range of the whips should be. Carefully, I flicked one whip at a bottle resting on top of the fence. The end of the whip curled around the wood to the left of the bottle. Shaking my head, I stepped to the left and tried again. This time I failed to strike the top of the fence at all. My next try produced a nice cracking noise; I yelped and dropped the whip when the recoil caught me across the front of the thigh.

Grumbling I put away one of the whips, I figured if I couldn’t use one properly there was no way I could use both at the same time. I resolved to simply learn how to not catch myself with the whip until my opponent entered the room.

10-02-09, 03:34 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Citadel Archive forum.
