View Full Version : Menagerie

10-03-07, 02:39 PM
Sir Steffan Von Spielburg is a good man, an honorable man, but an eccentric man.

As a Knight of the Watch, he's had the opportunity to indulge his hobby, the collection of strange beasts for his personal menagerie, an indulgence that, at first, worried townsfolk surrounding his home. In the years it has existed without incident however, many of the local townsfolk have become used to, and downright fond of the chance to see dangerous beasts up close without the fear of death or dismemberment.

That all changed last week with the arrival of a new beast, one unknown all across the Island of Scara Brae, and imported from the mainlands by special order of the knight. It held the shape of a wolf, though one with six legs, alternating bone-white and jet-black fur in patterns that seem intentionally made, and a disturbingly humanlike face with eyes that burned with anger at its imprisonment. It wasn't like anything Sir Steffan had ever seen before, or even heard of before - bizarre and strangely intelligent, it knew enough to feign abnormal weakness the entire period of its captivity, to feign being knocked out when it was drugged to be transported into the menagerie, and hearty enough to shake off the drugs that should have left an elephant lethargic. It broke from its handlers, sweeping them aside like toy soldiers, and fled into the forests.

Though shaken, no men died in the beast's initial escape. Its primary handler, a trapper named Savras, leapt into action, organizing the mercenaries hired to transport the beast into a war party, and left to track it down before it could escape into the wilds. The party was a dozen strong when they left, and Savras alone returned, himself bleeding from so many wounds it seemed he'd taken a bath in his own blood. Concerned more with the safety of his people than the reputation he stood to lose by allowing this... Situation to become known, Sir Steffan immediately sent messengers out, calling for hunters of every sort to recapture the beast if possible, or kill it if necessary.

Fortunately, the town of Spielburg lies in an isolated valley in the Windlacer Mountains, fortifications built to defend against marauding goblins at each exit of the Valley could also serve the purpose of keeping the beast contained in the wilds of Spielburg valley until it could be dealt with. With only a hundred or so square miles of territory in the entire valley, it wasn't a question of whether the beast could be trapped, but when.

And how many innocents would it kill before that happened?


(ooc: Open invitation for whoever is interested.)

06-13-09, 02:25 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.