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View Full Version : Premise -- Chapter 1

Sighter Tnailog
10-07-07, 11:54 PM
This is the basic idea behind Chapter One of the Featured Quest. Keep in mind that the events described here will not actually begin until a post from Peabody Polk, written as a news article, appears in this forum, on the Althanas News, and in other places around the site.

What the basic story idea will be is posted now so that you have a few weeks to discuss them among all your roleplaying buddies and decide how best you'd like to proceed. Also, posting the premise now will allow you time to discuss with the GMs of moderated storylines how you might like to interact with them, should you so desire.

So, here it is:


The necromancer that attacked Raiaera only five years prior to this, the same overlord who tried to overthrow the country in the legendary Wars of the Tap, has returned. Going by the name Xem'zûnd, the necromancer is now leading hordes of undead to assail the land of Raiaera.

Only this time, his power seems greater than before. He has powerful captains who know magic well and can raise their own armies. He seems to have developed the ability to raise the corpses not only of elves and men, but of dead animals and even trees. His forces seem unbeatable -- and they may well be.

You may fight against him, or you may join him. Or you may find your own way, looting the corpses of the fallen before they jerk to life to join Xem'zûnd's foul army. The question you may ask your friends in future ages will be this: where were you when Raiaera burned?


The Justice of the Ethereal Sway has declared King Iorlan Rathaxea I a usurper of power and an illegitimate ruler. Small nobles from the farms and hinterlands of Salvar have flocked to the Church's side, while a number of powerful nobles have flocked to the support of the King. The Cathedral in Knife's Edge stands besieged by Rathaxea's forces, but in the countryside the Church stands dominant.

Meanwhile, it seems that the King is successful in slowly killing off the leaders of the church, one by one. But are the assassinations truly the work of Salvar's throne, or is a darker force lurking behind the scenes?

To stand for faith or fight for a King -- or find another way altogether. These are among the many choices presented to those whose interest lies in the land where only a handful of weather mages hold the ice at bay.