View Full Version : Mitsky CloudSkater

Angel of Light
03-26-06, 01:44 PM
Since I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing here, I guess I will just put down a character and go from there. Please tell me if I am doing anything incorrectly.
Name: Mitsky Cloudskater
Alias: Mitsky
Race: Human
Age: 19
Apparent Age: 18-19
Gender: Female
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Lavender
Appearance: Long golden-brown hair falls in waves to her lower back, held out of her face by two red ribbons tied in bows. Lavender eyes set her face apart from being average, but it is still pretty. Her blouse and skirt are both lavender with a teal border, resembling a school uniform for the most part. She is fairly short, reaching five-feet three-inches tall, and petit.
Attitude/Personality: She has amnesia, but doesn't know it. Innocent and trusting until she is proven wrong, her mind has a habbit of making things seem worse than they are. A mistaken identity can set her on the defensive before she can stop herself.


Unassuming: Though she is pretty, she doesn’t look like much, so people generally leave her alone.

(Low) Staff: She knows how to not get herself killed with her own weapon, but don’t expect too much out of her. A few basic strikes and blocks are enough for her to get by at the moment.


(The number by each spell is how many posts it takes to recover her energybefore she can cast another spell. Zero means she is able to use magic next post, one means she has to wait one post before her energy is sufficiently recovered to cast another spell, etc...)

Alpha Class:

Create: (0) By focusing on an energy she barely knows, she is able to increase the size and shape of something by creating more of it. She must, however, have a base item to start with, because something can not be created from nothing. The change lasts a few hours, then the item reverts back to its original size and shape. Simple changes are the easiest, like a small block of wood growing out into a full-length woden staff for walking or fighting. It is not very straining to use this power, but she can only manage to gather the required focus about once per day no matter how hard she tries.

Light Class:

Luminos Discus: (2) She creates a one-foot diameter disc of light around each hand, then launches the discs at her enemy. The edge of each disc has an edge sharp enough to cut skin and clothes, but armor posess a problem. It can also be blocked by most normal means of blocking physical assaults.

History:(Yes, it's a terrible short history, but I'm going to keep it this way and add to it as I go.)
Mitsky’s history is not what one would call interesting. It is also short, covering only the nineteen years she has been alive. She was born to an average family in a small town not many people knew about. Completely oblivious to what would lay in store for her outside of the town, she left to see the world like most young adults did. Her limited knowledge of how to protect herself, coupled with the few spells she had learned, was enough to keep her safe for the most part. Brigands left her alone for richer targets and she knew enough to run away from the stronger monsters. She hasn't been gone very long, so she is still very inexperienced when it comes to adventuring, but she is willing to learn.

Inventory: Belt pouch with various materials including:
Two clear crystals approximately one-inch long and a quarter-inch wide
A small block of yew wood about the same size
A chipped piece of marble
A short length of string
Some bread and cheese
Some black leather material
Some black cloth the same material as her clothes
A small water skin
Various other bits and pieces of pretty stones she has found

03-26-06, 02:37 PM
Alright, first of all, you have too many spells, and I need you to have at most 4. Also, please do not put in skills/abilities you cannot use yet, instead, elude to their use in quests and your history.

I need you to limit the amount of times your spells can be used, because as of now they can be used an unlimited amount of times in threads. Check out other profiles to see what I mean.

Heal needs to be greatly limited, you need to define what wounds she can heal, and they need to be mostly small.

Fix those for now.

03-27-06, 04:06 PM
Look, I know you pmed me, but energy cannot be a factor unless you describe in detail how much energy she has. We have to lay all the cards out because as it stands you can PowerGame WAY too easy. So please desbcribe for me a system where energy could limit your abilities alot more. I know I'm asking alot, but we have to limit ourselves.

Angel of Light
03-28-06, 03:14 AM
Sorry about that, but I prefer to discuss these issues over PM's rather than in the threads. It is easier to work things out there in my opinion, and you don't have everyone seeing everything you type.

*Rant on*

The reason I said that I try for realism is because I can not (on my own) find ways to numerically limit my spells. The only exception to that is finishing spells, in which a single use is all that I allow myself. Since I currently have none of those, that isn't an issue now.

I wish I could find a link of some sort to demonstrate what I mean, but most of my good examples were wiped away when my main RP site went to VB3 from VB2. The only thing I can think of to demonstrate what I am talking about is this: Every time I cast a spell, it uses up a portion of the magical reserves that my character has. Because she is new, those reserves are small and she can not cast very many spells before she has to recover her strength. Each spell has many variables that determine how much energy she loses in each casting, but a formula to encompass them all would be incredibly complicated at best.

What I am saying, for the most part, is that I rely on fairness and realism to tell me when I can no longer cast spells. This is also why a rigid character sheet is not something I can enjoy writing up. Trying to put numbers on things in my eyes is like trying to say exactly how many reps I can do with a certain weight set. Some days, I may be feeling better and able to do more, other days I may be off and do fewer. In my eyes, it's the same with magic.

One day she may cast X spells. The next day, she is still recovering from over-exherting herself so she cannot cast as many. A few days later, she's feeling really good and can cast a few more than usual. I can't put numbers on things while maintaining freedom, realism, quality, and enjoyment.

She's a low level character, just starting out on a journey across the world. She is going to be VERY limited in what she can do at first. Pretty much the only way I can really explain what I mean is through an actual roleplay with you. That way, you could see what I mean first-hand.

Fairness to my fellow Roleplayers is pretty much the only defense I have. Powergaming isn't fun for anyone, and threads should be enjoyed. Playing a character without numeric limits like this one is currently set is always hard on the mods anywhere I go; I know that for a fact, but all I need is a chance to prove myself to you. If someone complains that my character is too powerful for her level, and you agree with them, I will have no reservations against spending the hours required to come up with numbers that would remedy the problem.

*rant off*

This is why I prefer PM's...

03-28-06, 07:39 AM
And I realize you don't like putting numbers on things. However, your 'small' may not be the 'small' I think about. Please, just give me some average amount of energy you have. Like you could heal a bruise and than launch two discs in a day. Something like that. I'm sorry, but I have to be anal about this. Realism and freedom can still be had when using numerical limits, because most of those are caused by lack of energy.

And, several of your spells need to be limited. Those discs are the strength of steel, and create could SO easily be powergamed. *I cannot let the changes be permenant. They'd have to wear off*

Angel of Light
03-28-06, 11:05 PM
While reading though other profiles (even level 0 and 1) I found a strange thing... there is practically no limit to how many skills someone is allowed as long as the character has no magic. I have always tended to go with the mage-type character, so limiting myself to a single heal and two spells would literally be suicide. She wouldn't be able to do anything against all the skill-heavy fighters out there, so I thought up something that might make it more fair.

Because a mage is more attuned with magic than the average adventurer, they should realistically be able to cast more spells. Following this logic, I came up with this: Mitsky has a certain amount of magic that she keeps built up in order to cast any spell. In order to cast, her energy must be full. Now, becasuse of what she is, her reserve is always filling. The number by each spell is the drain it takes on her reserve, numbers meaning how many of my posts I must go before she is able to cast another spell. It doesn't matter what type of spell it is; she doesn't have a seperate reserve for each type of magic.

Is this any better?

03-28-06, 11:17 PM
I suppose, just don't powergame, or you'll make my panda sad...


03-18-07, 06:56 PM
This character is unapproved as requested by the user.